• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 634 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 48 out of 634
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  1. May 12, 2023
    O melhor álbum do Paramore. Passear pela musicalidade dos anos 70/80 foi um acerto e tanto. As canção se conectam e oferece uma experiência única e inesquecível ao ouvinte. Fica ainda melhor quando se ouve mais de uma vez. ❤️✨
  2. Mar 2, 2023
    Interesting melodies, great lyrics and I think it serves as an interesting alt to 'traditional' pop
  3. Feb 10, 2023
    Fresco y nostálgico al mismo tiempo. Sin llegar a ser empalagoso y con canciones que son memorables. Letras maduras y sonido producido exitosamente.
  4. May 16, 2022
    Hayley decided to slay me once again in 2017. This album was the only emo album worth ANY value that came out between 2010-2019. If you have slept on this album, it is time to wake up and breathe in the Paramore cope.
  5. Jan 4, 2022
    Proves how Paramore can make any style of music sound good and how versatile they can be in sound and meaning.
  6. Dec 27, 2021
    I had never identified so much with an album like this before. Each song speaks exactly what anyone could go through at any given time in their lives. These are not songs that talk about drugs, sex or fortunes... They are songs that talk about fear, love, joy, sadness. They did a fantastic job with this album.
  7. Oct 8, 2021
    This album helped me during some hard times, the lyrics are straightforward and relatable, and the production is really well done. one of the best albums of the year, in my opinion.
  8. May 21, 2021
  9. Nov 28, 2020
    I hate it when people say that they changed their style so much. WELL OF COURSE THEY DID. They are in their late 20s, they have matured and so has their music. I think it's a great and brilliant album, the lyrics are on point and listening to all of the tracks with a nice pair of headphones is a life changing experience.
  10. May 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Paramore's latest album manages to be their most heart-felt and emotional that it can make you dance in the tunes of depression, pessimism, sadness and nihilism.

    Their best album right now.
  11. May 7, 2020
    This new sound is so catchy and shiny, it reminds me of the 80s, I love this band.
  12. May 7, 2020
    A great album. They did 80s pop-rock perfectly this album I love every song. One of my favorite albums ever.
  13. May 4, 2020
    perfeito, coeso, todas as músicas se encaixam como se fossem uma pra outra. lindas letras
  14. Feb 7, 2020
    The best thing in this album are the lyrics, for anyone with mental health issues, it's quite relatable
  15. Jan 9, 2020
    A masterpiece! Truly a piece of art! Paramore manages to reappear with a new sound
  16. Dec 19, 2019
    After Laughter provides raw lyrics but at the same time keeping a popular vibe. One of the things that amazed me the most is how Paramore managed to fit deep lyrics into funky beats and made it work so well. It’s a one of a kind album!
  17. Sep 16, 2019
    the whole album is a depression set to an 80's pop backing. such a dramatic turn sonically, however the lyrics still have a Paramore edge to them. its clear that the album was not made for profit, or to appeal to a wider audience because of how meaningful every song was.

    its lovely to see their evolution through the years, showing that they kick ass, no matter the genre. All of the
    the whole album is a depression set to an 80's pop backing. such a dramatic turn sonically, however the lyrics still have a Paramore edge to them. its clear that the album was not made for profit, or to appeal to a wider audience because of how meaningful every song was.

    its lovely to see their evolution through the years, showing that they kick ass, no matter the genre.

    All of the Paramore purists, proclaiming the album as inferior to their old music because it doesn't sound the same need to come off their high horse because at the end of the day, it isn't as different to old Paramore as many claim it to be.
  18. Aug 29, 2019
    Paramore certainly changed their sound to pop much more gracefully than most bands tend to do. And that’s probably because the band sounds like they're not doing it just for the money. The album is written pretty well, too. Some of the middle songs do stick out as kind of unnecessary, and I think No Friend doesn’t even deserve a spot on the album. Still, a full-on pop album that I can getParamore certainly changed their sound to pop much more gracefully than most bands tend to do. And that’s probably because the band sounds like they're not doing it just for the money. The album is written pretty well, too. Some of the middle songs do stick out as kind of unnecessary, and I think No Friend doesn’t even deserve a spot on the album. Still, a full-on pop album that I can get behind. Not something that happens every day.
    Favourites: Idle Worship, Rose-Coloured Boy
    Least Favourites: No Friend, Told You So
  19. May 24, 2019
    um dos melhores albuns que eu ja ouvi na vida, o Paramore mudou sim seu estilo mas foi por situaçoes intensas da banda e acabaram fazendo o melhor trabalho deles, as letras sao fortes e maravilhosas! 10/10
  20. May 20, 2019
    This album is pure art. I love old Paramore AND new Paramore and that's really something. They could reinvent themselves without moving into a bad direction and imitate everyone else.
  21. Apr 12, 2019
    Here's the deal. I remember hating the self-titled album because of it's poppy sound. And at the time it was my reason for hating it, yet here we are me giving a 10 to their most poppy album. When you look at as a whole, this is the most authentic Paramore has been on all of their albums. They're not sugar coating anything on this album and they did it for them, and this album has done soHere's the deal. I remember hating the self-titled album because of it's poppy sound. And at the time it was my reason for hating it, yet here we are me giving a 10 to their most poppy album. When you look at as a whole, this is the most authentic Paramore has been on all of their albums. They're not sugar coating anything on this album and they did it for them, and this album has done so much for so many people. It is okay to not be okay. Now when I look back on the self-titled album, I don't dislike it for the sound, I dislike it for the inauthenticity and pretending that everything was okay when this album clearly states that it was not okay. This album is real and it's beautiful. Expand
  22. Mar 25, 2019
    Album of the millennium. A band that never gets old and will always touch the heart of the listeners
  23. Feb 28, 2019
    My favourite Paramore album. It is such a drastic change but it's a very-welcome one. Their music is much different than their previous albums and feels like it's the last part of a great evolution. Not only the music is great but the lyrics are too. While music can be viewed as happy-go-lucky type of music, the lyrics are depressing and really sells the whole theme of the album. I love it.
  24. Feb 19, 2019
    o melhor álbum da carreira sem dúvidas, Pool é uma das melhores músicas da carreira. Rose-Colored Boy um ato grandioso do new wave e bem, o resto nem se fala. 10/10
  25. Oct 7, 2018
    Este álbum realmente reflete o comportamento da atual música pop. "After Laughter" ostenta um conjunto mais sombrio de letras disfarçadas pelos sons estridentes da nostalgia dos anos 70 e 80. Em termos de som, não é o que os fãs estavam à espera de Paramore, mas a banda não se importou em modernizar.
  26. May 31, 2018
    Paramore did it again!!!!.

    The sound change, but the talent and great melodies still, and i can say loved all paramore albums that After Laughter is one of best of the band.

    Highlight Tracks:

    Hard Times
    Fake Happy
    Tell me how
    Rose colored Boy
  27. May 8, 2018
    I'm not really into Pop music, I got into Paramore based on their rock days, but if more Pop music was like this then I definitely would be. This is the album they almost teased with the self titled in 2013, all pretense of rock now gone, they've fully embraced their new sound and are aguably better than ever. After Laughter is catchy and accessible with an upbeat retro twist, but moreI'm not really into Pop music, I got into Paramore based on their rock days, but if more Pop music was like this then I definitely would be. This is the album they almost teased with the self titled in 2013, all pretense of rock now gone, they've fully embraced their new sound and are aguably better than ever. After Laughter is catchy and accessible with an upbeat retro twist, but more importantly it's held up by strong meaningful lyrics and a darker undertone.

    May as well embrace the new sound because Paramore certainly have
  28. May 2, 2018
    The closest thing to a perfect album I've heard in a long time. Paramore hits every message, every theme, every note perfectly and with audio-bombast. I've listened to this album repeatedly since the day it was released and have not gotten tired of it one bit.
  29. Apr 11, 2018
    I hated how different this album sounded at first but I think it's my fav Paramore album now.
  30. Mar 30, 2018
    After Laughter is more mature and solid than the Self-Titled Album. Colourful, danceable and therapeutic. The logical continuation of the new sound they explored in the previous album.
  31. Mar 22, 2018
    Another great album by Paramore, a new solid album, by a new sound direction, Paramore prove that even with a change in their sound, their continue doing solid album.

    Paramore always have good musicians, but i give the credit of success and talent of Paramore to Hayley Williams.
  32. Mar 10, 2018
    Not really my style of music but this album does succeed in doing a lot of things right. Hard Times, Forgiveness, Caught in the Middle are good tracks and the album is pretty catchy and hooky but not only that but a lot of the songs are quite meaningful (which can't be said for a lot of pop music) and depressing, despite the upbeat musicality of the songs.
  33. Jan 8, 2018
    Acá escribirán su review, deben ser mas de 75 caracteres. Es un album genial que la verdad es muy bueno.
  34. Jan 8, 2018
    They're best album i love how different each album sound hopefully they'll continue to make great music in the future
  35. Jan 4, 2018
    A smooth & catchy synthpop, disco-like album that infused with Hayley William’s undeniably unique & powerful punky voice. It coated with fun, bright, upbeat, kinda playful pop instrumentations, yet in the core, they use those conventions to explore darker things like anxiety, loss, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. It tastes like mixed feelings, a bit chaotic, but that’s exactly theA smooth & catchy synthpop, disco-like album that infused with Hayley William’s undeniably unique & powerful punky voice. It coated with fun, bright, upbeat, kinda playful pop instrumentations, yet in the core, they use those conventions to explore darker things like anxiety, loss, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. It tastes like mixed feelings, a bit chaotic, but that’s exactly the beauty of it. Expand
  36. Nov 30, 2017
    The retro sound works really well with Hayley's voice. The ballads on the track are the most captivating and memorable. Best Tracks: Pool, 26, Tell Me How and Rose-coloured Boy.
  37. Nov 26, 2017
    This album is a masterpiece! Every song on here is gorgeously phenomenal! (Other than No Friend. No one stands that song, but it doesn't stain the perfection of this album). It's not the typical Paramore album, which can be good or bad depending on what you want to hear from a Paramore album. This whole album is super happy and poppy sounding. However, pay attention to the lyrics. This isThis album is a masterpiece! Every song on here is gorgeously phenomenal! (Other than No Friend. No one stands that song, but it doesn't stain the perfection of this album). It's not the typical Paramore album, which can be good or bad depending on what you want to hear from a Paramore album. This whole album is super happy and poppy sounding. However, pay attention to the lyrics. This is a perfect representation of what Hayley and Taylor felt in their depression. They seemed so happy and full of life, but on the inside they were broken. Expand
  38. Nov 10, 2017
    As músicas do Paramore sempre falam comigo, e com esse álbum não foi diferente. Parece que sempre que preciso o Paramore chega na hora certa, como um amigo antigo sem apas na língua. Minha música favorita dessa obra-prima é Caught in the middle que além de uma música é um estado de espírito.
  39. Nov 5, 2017
    This is def my least favorite Paramore album but don't take that as a bad thing this albums is still a 9/10 for me. Hard times has some annoying parts to it, I hate the chorus of Rose Color Boy and No Friend is Paramore Worst song other then those three flaws every other song and aspect of this album is flawless. the Lyrics are flawless, vocals are flawless, instrumentation is flawless,This is def my least favorite Paramore album but don't take that as a bad thing this albums is still a 9/10 for me. Hard times has some annoying parts to it, I hate the chorus of Rose Color Boy and No Friend is Paramore Worst song other then those three flaws every other song and aspect of this album is flawless. the Lyrics are flawless, vocals are flawless, instrumentation is flawless, production is flawless. Its just Paramore's only album that has flaws on it. still a brilliant amazing life changing album it just has a couple of tiny flaws and no other paramore album has flaws on it so thats why its my least favorite. def one of my favorite albums of 2017. Paramore is one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time. Expand
  40. Oct 24, 2017
    This album is very funky and a new sound for Paramore. I am very happy that they experimented with this sound because I find it to be perfect for them, and very new to them too!
  41. Oct 10, 2017
    The pop-punk Brat-ish sound of earlier albums is stripped away in favour of slight sell-out mainstream pop ... however when it’s pop this slickly produced, such a change in direction is easy to forgive. Paramore step into a new, refreshed era with After Laughter and I can’t discredit such gems as Hard Times and Fake Happy. Singer Hayley Williams has probably never sounded better either.The pop-punk Brat-ish sound of earlier albums is stripped away in favour of slight sell-out mainstream pop ... however when it’s pop this slickly produced, such a change in direction is easy to forgive. Paramore step into a new, refreshed era with After Laughter and I can’t discredit such gems as Hard Times and Fake Happy. Singer Hayley Williams has probably never sounded better either. If ever an album will attract a new audience whilst not entirely alienating old fans, this is it. Expand
  42. Oct 7, 2017
    One of best Albums of 2017, Great tracks a superb follow up to the great Self titled Paramore album,

    Hard Times is a anthem of synth-pop & New Wave. Fake happy, Pool & Grudges Rose-colored-boy & Caught in the middle are great pop rock songs.

    Forgiveness, 26 & Tell Me How are beautiful ballads

    Told you so & Idle worship are very cool songs
  43. Aug 30, 2017
    Difícil me expressar quando o assunto é paramore. Só queria falar que estou extremamente feliz pelo resultado desse álbum, e o quanto ele é significativo pra mim e com certeza mais ainda para os membros da banda que quase chegou ao fim. A mudança está longe de ser um problema pra mim, isso foi o que tornou as faixas tão especiais. As letras estão maravilhosas, muito consistente com o que aDifícil me expressar quando o assunto é paramore. Só queria falar que estou extremamente feliz pelo resultado desse álbum, e o quanto ele é significativo pra mim e com certeza mais ainda para os membros da banda que quase chegou ao fim. A mudança está longe de ser um problema pra mim, isso foi o que tornou as faixas tão especiais. As letras estão maravilhosas, muito consistente com o que a banda é hoje. Não vou negar que me identifico de alguma forma com quase todas as letras, adorei o conceito do álbum. Já é um dos meus favoritos da vida. Expand
  44. Aug 11, 2017
    "After Laughter" shows how versatile the band has become through its evolution. They have created an album that is fun, fruity and vibrant, but it's also about heart beak, moving on and moving forward. The contrast between the production and the lyrics makes this album seem witty and humorous, but deep down, there is a lot more emotion than what lies on the surface.
  45. Aug 8, 2017
    It may not kick the door down with as much force as their previous efforts, in-fact it'd be more likely to dance through it, but nonetheless After Laughter glistens with a feeling of freedom from a turmoituous few years for the band. Deeply personal as ever and still with enough sing along hits to suffice, it is a pleasant, if inessential entry into the bands catalogue.
  46. Jul 31, 2017
    The guys from Paramore in the new album moved a little from the old style. In my opinion, it turned out they are not bad at all. In each song the lyrics are charming, has some reason to think. This I always liked. Properly staging the songs in the playlist makes the album competently built. My Top-3 favorite songs from the album: Hard Times, Told You So and Pool.
    On a hundred-point scale,
    The guys from Paramore in the new album moved a little from the old style. In my opinion, it turned out they are not bad at all. In each song the lyrics are charming, has some reason to think. This I always liked. Properly staging the songs in the playlist makes the album competently built. My Top-3 favorite songs from the album: Hard Times, Told You So and Pool.
    On a hundred-point scale, my score for the new album Paramore is 74 points. On a ten-point scale is 7.
  47. Jul 30, 2017
    Now I wasn't a HUGE paramore fan back in the mid 2000's. I liked RIOT because it spoke to the pre-teen me quite well... (And I also had a crush on Hayley Williams). But I click with the follow up between their self-titled album or brand new eyes. This album, is the best album they've released in the history or their discography.

    To state the obvious for anyone that has listened to this
    Now I wasn't a HUGE paramore fan back in the mid 2000's. I liked RIOT because it spoke to the pre-teen me quite well... (And I also had a crush on Hayley Williams). But I click with the follow up between their self-titled album or brand new eyes. This album, is the best album they've released in the history or their discography.

    To state the obvious for anyone that has listened to this album, you'll figure out there's quite a polar opposite between the melody/instruments and the lyrics. The melody in these songs are quite cheerful and happy, giving a dance/pop rock sound to them. Meanwhile the lyrics have a much more self-loathing, anxious, depressing side to them, which I think sets the name of this record quite well "after laughter".
  48. Jul 25, 2017
    Excelente album y el sonido de este tambien, orgulloso de esta banda. Canciones como Hard Times, Rose-Colored Boy, Fake Happy y Forgiveness capturan la esencia y el tema principal de este album.
  49. Jul 5, 2017
    What a fantastic surprise it was to see my teenage years guilty pleasure evolve into this fantastic pop act. Upbeat melody and meaningful lyrics are a fantastic combination that show just how much Paramore has evolved as a band. This pelasure is no longer guilty, i think this album has a stable place in my top5 of 2017.
  50. Jun 30, 2017
    i love how the lyrics address so many important issues. I feel like mental health issues and suicidal thoughts are often ignored in music and it's amazing to see them represented in masterfully written lyrics and masked behind upbeat instrumentation. Collapse
  51. Jun 23, 2017
    Such a meaningful and beautiful album. It's exploration of dark themes like depression and failed relationships is outstanding the upbeat instrumentation masked them in an unique way. Love the new wave vibes too
  52. Jun 21, 2017
    grammys best rock album 2018!!!! grammys best rock album 2018!!!! grammys best rock album 2018!!!! grammys best rock album 2018!!!!grammys best rock album 2018!!!!grammys best rock album 2018!!!! grammys best rock album 2018!!!! grammys best rock album 2018!!!!
  53. Jun 19, 2017
    Admiro la evolución musical de la banda, este álbum ha logrado un mezcla perfecta entre el tropical/synth-pop y el rock-alternativo. Cada canción es muy distinta de la otra, y los ritmos son excelentes. Paramore ha logrado cambiar de género musical totalmente y lo ha hecho muy bien.
  54. Jun 17, 2017
    Definitely one of the albums of the year. A huge growth compared to their self-titled. Each track (except the last two) are both lyrically interesting yet simple enough to just have a dance. Standouts include: Rose Coloured Boy, Hard Times & Pool.
  55. Jun 14, 2017
    Not like these are the most mindblowing songs in the universe but there's wonderful singing all over the record, and that's probably everything you need.
  56. Jun 13, 2017
    Paramore's best record to date. As a 10+ year fan, this is everything I could've possibly wanted from Paramore. After Laughter picks up right where self titled left off in terms of style and instrumentation, with a bit of an extra 80's new wave kick. The lyrics presented on this record are some of Hayley's darkest, laid out beneath synthy/funky beats that are instant classics.
  57. Jun 7, 2017
    Amazing! The evolution is visible and this is very good for the band. I hope they keep evolving like this. It's a perfect combination of pop and rock, with influences from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for this paramore!
  58. Jun 5, 2017
    The sign of a great artist/group - growth. On After laughter Paramore displays a maturity and confidence which comes through life experience. Hailey is an amazing singer and with After Laughter she marries great and complex music with life's struggles. Pool and Grudges are just two of the many standout tracks.
    I dare you to listen to the album three times in a row without falling in
    The sign of a great artist/group - growth. On After laughter Paramore displays a maturity and confidence which comes through life experience. Hailey is an amazing singer and with After Laughter she marries great and complex music with life's struggles. Pool and Grudges are just two of the many standout tracks.
    I dare you to listen to the album three times in a row without falling in love. Amazing job.
    I dare you to listen to this album three times in a row without falling in love with it.
  59. Jun 5, 2017
    “Now this is doing something new the correct way.”

    I’ll be honest I’ve never been a huge Paramore fan, I’ve heard the album ‘RIOT!’ years ago and didn’t really bother to listen any more of their music (most likely busy with My Chemical Romance). Seeing the album art for the first time before listening to the first single “Hard Times” i knew i was going to enjoy it, the way it was bubbly
    “Now this is doing something new the correct way.”

    I’ll be honest I’ve never been a huge Paramore fan, I’ve heard the album ‘RIOT!’ years ago and didn’t really bother to listen any more of their music (most likely busy with My Chemical Romance). Seeing the album art for the first time before listening to the first single “Hard Times” i knew i was going to enjoy it, the way it was bubbly and very 80s made me expect it to be this wonderful and fun synth-pop (which i was correct!).
    Paramore has always been a band in the 2000s that had mostly emo fans and now it’s 2017 most of them are either grown up or fans that are still young are into more 80s aesthetic themes. It was a perfect reason and timing for them to change their style and evolve as some band stuck in the 2000s to the hottest band this year.

    The two singles “Hard Times” and “Told You So” are tracks that introduce the album their new style, which I love the decision of picking these two and getting this theme out there than waiting for the singles to play later on the album. Other great tracks on here is “Forgiveness” (which reminds me of Pink Floyd's “Wish You Were Here” somehow) and “Idle Worship” which is about how you shouldn’t idle celebrities and artists but instead love yourself. (“Remember how we used to like ourselves?”)

    Although this album is poppy with fun happy instrumentals, the lyrics behind them are so nicely written about depression, being fake happy and many important struggles that their fans who find life hard will easily relate to.

    I have nothing against this record except that the last few tracks are forgettable and for some reason the vocals in “No Friend” are as quiet as a mouse. Overall you should NOT SLEEP ON THIS.

    Good: Idle Worship, Pool | Least: No Friend
  60. Jun 4, 2017
    Toda la confianza de esta producción está depositada en la voz de Hayley Williams: cuando funciona es un bonito álbum pop; cuando no, es un álbum que se esfuerza de más, muy fácil de olvidar.
  61. May 31, 2017
    undeniably genius. each song has so many layers underneath its production and songwriting. the entire album sticks to one vibe and perfectly fits together. Also, showcasing fun tunes with sad lyrics made it even better. Williams and York pulled off their best album to date. This is exactly how bands should evolve. if you go deep into it, you'll notice that the album isn't that genericundeniably genius. each song has so many layers underneath its production and songwriting. the entire album sticks to one vibe and perfectly fits together. Also, showcasing fun tunes with sad lyrics made it even better. Williams and York pulled off their best album to date. This is exactly how bands should evolve. if you go deep into it, you'll notice that the album isn't that generic after all since most songs are not radio-friendly and do not fit the pop (popular) genre these days. All the best to paramore, I hope they keep on evolving more and more and people actually appreciate their artistry, including the academy. Expand
  62. May 23, 2017
    After Laughter features a mature and reinvented Paramore. Although I miss pop punk from early albums and the wonderful influence of Jeremy Davis on Self-Titled tracks, After Laughter is a great job and proves that Paramore is always able to surprise us (positively).
  63. May 20, 2017
    Even if the messages and meanings are straightforward and basic, it's difficult not to enjoy an album as tuneful, spirited, and jovial as this. My Score: 141/180 (Solid) = 7.8/10
  64. May 17, 2017
    so free and mature.. it's like cake, one beautiful and tasteful cake.
    The guitars of the new songs are absolutely stunning and lyrics is deep and pure poetry.
    Great band, great musicians
  65. May 16, 2017
    Meaningful pop with amazing lyrics and stellar vocals. No Friend confuses me a little but it's something different compared to the rest of the album so I appreciate it. Pool and Idle Worship are my favorites.
  66. May 15, 2017
    Mi album favorito de paramore será su self-titled. Este es su album más experimental hasta el momento. El resultado fue algo bastante bueno, me gustó y mucho. Canciones como Pool y Fake Happy son tan geniales.
  67. MPB
    May 14, 2017
    Most likely the best Paramore record to date, 'After Laughter' doesn't feature the classic punk and emo sound the band is famous for. It's the 80s and new wave sounds that elevate this record to new heights and allows Paramore to make great dance music with depressing meaningful lyrics.
  68. May 14, 2017
    i absolutely love this. the production is sharp, the songs are all varied and cover so many different styles and rythms; it's never a choir to listen it beginning to end multiple times. it's funny how joyful the melodies are in contrast to the extremely dark and sad lyrics in almost all of the songs. "Pool" and "Rose-Colored Boy" are personnal favorites. it's so good to have Paramore backi absolutely love this. the production is sharp, the songs are all varied and cover so many different styles and rythms; it's never a choir to listen it beginning to end multiple times. it's funny how joyful the melodies are in contrast to the extremely dark and sad lyrics in almost all of the songs. "Pool" and "Rose-Colored Boy" are personnal favorites. it's so good to have Paramore back and to see how much they have evolved. I just hope all the members get better from the issues they adressed here so we can keep getting amazing art from them in the near future, hopefully with lyrics saying that things are in peace at their hearts. Expand
  69. May 14, 2017
    I like the way how they transitioned into a pop band, but still kept some rock elements in their music. If you live long enough as a band to release five albums, there's two choices. Holding onto the sounding you had when you started, or letting your music to evolve with you, as you're becoming more mature and starting to be interested in other things. There is nothing wrong with beingI like the way how they transitioned into a pop band, but still kept some rock elements in their music. If you live long enough as a band to release five albums, there's two choices. Holding onto the sounding you had when you started, or letting your music to evolve with you, as you're becoming more mature and starting to be interested in other things. There is nothing wrong with being pop, if you make music with passion, with authenticity. Paramore has dropped one of most authentic albums of the year, with incredibly catchy songs, intelligent lyrics, and the chance to smuggle some really valuable music into the pop radio stations. Expand
  70. May 14, 2017
    I never loved a change of style more like Paramore's. This album speaks to you and if you listen closely, you'll know it's not a 'happy pop' album. The instrumentals are amazing, this band keeps giving us masterpieces. And the lyrics are just beautiful and real, it's glad to see them not ignored.
  71. May 14, 2017
    I think that the best song it's hard times but.... I liked rose colored boy, caught in the middle, 26 and fake happy but the rest are a little bit weak. It's in mi opinion, by far, the worst work from Paramore.
  72. May 13, 2017
    Honestly, there isn't a Paramore record in their discography that I don't absolutely love and incredibly relate to, and 'After Laughter' is no different. The fifth effort sits perfectly, and is quite the nice addition to the band's catalog. Hayley's vocals are back (Oh, how much I've missed her voice) and more on point than ever, with lyrics addressing important aspects in lifeHonestly, there isn't a Paramore record in their discography that I don't absolutely love and incredibly relate to, and 'After Laughter' is no different. The fifth effort sits perfectly, and is quite the nice addition to the band's catalog. Hayley's vocals are back (Oh, how much I've missed her voice) and more on point than ever, with lyrics addressing important aspects in life (depression, forgiveness, growing old, hope, etc). Sonically, it is poppier than their previous releases, but it suits them a lot, seeing how the chords and lyrics and synths are smooth and effortless. In addition, the sonic evolution from opener 'Hard Times' to closer 'Tell Me How' is very impressive. 'No Friend' is a peculiar track that shoud be analyzed word by word. The absolute highlights are 'Rose-Colored Boy', 'Pool', and 'Fake Happy' (whose intro is very reminiscent of the interludes on their last self-titled album). For a record that was so close to being unwritten and given up on, 'After Laughter' is excellent. Expand
  73. May 13, 2017
  74. May 13, 2017
    After Laughter is something different from what we have used to from Paramore and no one had expected something like this. A great vibe from the 80s and 90s with great songs EXPECT NO FRIEND. Literally, I did not like this song at all. It's not exactly a song they just talking and that "track" should not exist in such a great album.
  75. May 13, 2017
    I think so much about the album style, my conclusion is: Paramore still a great band, and now doing a beautiful and mature sound. All 12 tracks are so catch an addictive.
  76. May 13, 2017
    This album really breaks through what rut current pop music is in at the moment. After Laughter sports a darker set of lyrics disguised by the fluttery sounds of 70's 80's nostalgia found in every corner of every track. It may not be what Paramore's long time fans expect from them in terms of sound, but it is utterly shamefully Paramore, and that's what shines here.
  77. May 12, 2017
    Believe me - if you're hesitant on listening to this album, you need to. You can't approach this album with expectations but with an open mind. After a 4 year gap since their last album, After Laughter is delivered to the world with both a much shorter but honest track list, and refreshing vibe. This band honestly ditched any trace of their "punk-rock" sound, that they became known for,Believe me - if you're hesitant on listening to this album, you need to. You can't approach this album with expectations but with an open mind. After a 4 year gap since their last album, After Laughter is delivered to the world with both a much shorter but honest track list, and refreshing vibe. This band honestly ditched any trace of their "punk-rock" sound, that they became known for, and fully embraced the pop sound they were steering towards since their self-titled record, or honestly since the beginning. They laced simple yet deep, relatable lyrics with '80 synths that'd make the listener want to dance and cry at the same time. From expressing tiring battles against hard times, moments of uncertainty, and the strangest song to ever be placed on a Paramore record ("No Friend"); this album proves that Paramore can't be stomped on.

    This band never fails to surprise me.

    Some highlights: "Rose-Colored Boy", "Told You So", "Fake Happy", "Idle Worship", "Tell Me How"
  78. May 12, 2017
    Amazing album. The songs are catchy and bright sounding but the lyrics are darker and it's just an awesome mix. Hayley's vocals fit the material very well and Taylor York shines brighter than ever. Zac was a little underused but it's just great to have him back in the band. 10/10 Paramore does it again.

    Standout tracks: Hard Times, Told You So, Fake Happy, Pool, Idle Worship
  79. May 12, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is great! All of these songs are catchy!
    The song 26 is amazing the string section is excellent, and not over the top amazing nuanced sound.
    Credits to Taylor York he wrote some amazing stuff with this album.
  80. May 12, 2017
    Best album from Paramore, so emotional. I relate so much to the lyrics, you can feel the lyrics, I'm speechless. I'm so proud of them. Paramore is still a band
  81. May 12, 2017
    (68/100) Fresh and different. The new album from the band that has been reinventing itself for good on each of their albums has arrived, and more relaxed than ever. This album has a 80's style very well used, with very good and varied lyrics, where you can find songs with a sad tone like "Fake Happy", and happier ones like "Hard Times", but each one of them having a history. What you get(68/100) Fresh and different. The new album from the band that has been reinventing itself for good on each of their albums has arrived, and more relaxed than ever. This album has a 80's style very well used, with very good and varied lyrics, where you can find songs with a sad tone like "Fake Happy", and happier ones like "Hard Times", but each one of them having a history. What you get to feel in the last songs is a tone a bit repetitive, but at any time of the album you get bored. In this album, Paramore dared to do what he did on his self-titled album, which is to play with sounds, but this time in a more perfected way, making the experience of listening to this album something very enjoyable and fun, that makes you love all the songs. Expand
  82. May 12, 2017
    Paramore is grown uo and they alredy found themselfs in a most sensitive and 80s era. Williams is impressive with the emotional lyrics and powerfull lyrics. They also explored the new sound in a really mature way.
  83. May 12, 2017
    I am so surprised at their consistency after so many years. The album is cohesive, its productions are strong and the writing is still sharp. a new wave gem.
  84. May 12, 2017
    low-key, no pressure, just hang with me and my weather


    meu deus eu qeuria chegar no ouvido da hayley e falar assim calma vai ficar tudo bem
  85. May 12, 2017
    Paramore's new album is perfect, the lyrics are perfect, the melody, everything. I just loved it.
    One of their best albums so far. I hope they stay that way. Amen Hayley, Amen Taylor, Amen Zac, Amen Paramore.
  86. May 12, 2017
    i love how the lyrics address so many important issues. I feel like mental health issues and suicidal thoughts are often ignored in music and it's amazing to see them represented in masterfully written lyrics and masked behind upbeat instrumentation.
  87. May 12, 2017
    An undeniably hooky record that strays from its grunge-rock roots and finds the band in a place where they’ve found the fun in their craft once again.
  88. May 12, 2017
    The best album ever released by Paramore. The songs have realistic lyrics and the 80's inspired melody is great. Hard Times, Told You So, Fake Happy, Rose-Colored Boy, Idle Workship, Forgiveness and Tell Me How are my favorites
  89. May 12, 2017
    Undeniably catchy, all songs cleverly written and cleverly produced, the most consistent Paramore record to date. Also, Zac Farro's back! And Hayley and Taylor are amazing as always.
  90. May 12, 2017
    simply genious. the sound of this album is so good and kinda nostalgic, i love it so much. the album aura is bright and amazing, definetly my favorite. paramore slay.
  91. May 12, 2017
    The album is truly surprising. The 80s and 90s influences are all over it, harmonized, loud and humorized. Lyrics so down with up-beats made magic happen here. I don't know about big magazines, but this totally deserves a 80+ rate.

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 11, 2017
    An album that’s ultimately OK with not being OK, it’s for that reason alone that it may just be perfect.
  2. Jun 19, 2017
    This album is a brave, bold-faced exorcism. While the wounds may still be fresh, the healing has finally begun.
  3. May 19, 2017
    Williams has managed to get out from under the pressure of having to be the perma-grinning frontwoman, and the emotional uncertainty that’s exposed is fascinating. Musically, meanwhile, this is as free as they’ve ever sounded. Again: Paramore have always been a pop band. They’ve just never been this proud of it.