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  1. Oct 13, 2021
    Love every song. Thank you Burton and Fear Factory for so many great albums.
  2. Jul 7, 2021
    I'm a fan of aggressive industrial metal, so when I heard that Fear Factory released a new album, it made me excited. The album starts strong, with brutal vocals singing pessimistic views on technology, which is something that the group is known for, along with heavy guitar riffs and excellent drumming. So far, it sounds like a good start; however, in terms of keeping the listener'sI'm a fan of aggressive industrial metal, so when I heard that Fear Factory released a new album, it made me excited. The album starts strong, with brutal vocals singing pessimistic views on technology, which is something that the group is known for, along with heavy guitar riffs and excellent drumming. So far, it sounds like a good start; however, in terms of keeping the listener's attention for the rest of the album, not really. The album kind of repeats the same sentiment that the group "hates technology!" and that "they have their third eye open! They can see through the lies!" which is not really a bad thing if done right. However, in this case, the album kind of sounds like a broken record for 50 minutes, lyrically and musically speaking. To summarize what I said, the album starts strong but ends pretty weakly, and because of that, I don't have much to say about this album.

    Overall score: 6.7/10

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 22, 2021
    Aggression Continuum sounds as it should, like the next last word in extreme metal futurism. [Jul 2021, p.80]
  2. Jun 22, 2021
    It may not be the triumphant return fans had hoped for, but it's not a desperate gasp for one last breath either. It's somewhere in between — a bittersweet last hurrah. Demanufacture from 1995 will always be the rusted jewel in Fear Factory's scrap metal crown, but Aggression Continuum is a worthy final program before an inevitable systems reboot.
  3. Jun 22, 2021
    This incarnation of Fear Factory is bowing out with a tense, aggressive and satisfying final act. There are exactly zero signs of them adopting fresh approaches, but dissing them for this is like criticising chocolate for continuing to taste chocolatey.