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Generally favorable reviews- based on 272 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 46 out of 272
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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    Dramatic strings and high crescendos,Angel's most sophisticated record is almost her best. It's melancholy but also very optimistic and nostalgic. Not consistent enough to be a perfect album, but strong enough to be an excellent album.
  2. Oct 9, 2021
    7.7 user score ; a true crime to humanity I regret coming on here to innocently check what the critics think of my favourite albums.
  3. Aug 22, 2021
  4. Apr 28, 2021
    This album honestly gets better with every listen. The string arrangements bring Angel to a place musically she's never been--beautifully lush and grandiose but also quiet and haunting, truly a sonic masterpiece. Easily the best album of her career. 10/10.
  5. Apr 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A masterwork of an album that only gets better with age. i can never get tired of the instrumentation, the theatrical strings, synths and atmospheric guitar and piano tracks alike. Angel's lyrics and vocals reached a new peak on this album too, nerve-wrackingly powerful in their soul-baring beauty. All Mirrors is a world unto itself, and I believe it will stand the test of time as one of Olsen's very best. Expand
  6. Jul 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. Expand
  7. Jun 18, 2020
    I have to say I was ever so slightly disappointed by this. I get that it's a change in direction and it's a big leap in terms of ambition and scale. This is all fine but I believe the songs on "My Woman", put simple were just stronger. The folk edge, the magnetic emotion and the mystery of Angel Olsen has been replaced with orchestras and synths. As a microcosm, compare a standout trackI have to say I was ever so slightly disappointed by this. I get that it's a change in direction and it's a big leap in terms of ambition and scale. This is all fine but I believe the songs on "My Woman", put simple were just stronger. The folk edge, the magnetic emotion and the mystery of Angel Olsen has been replaced with orchestras and synths. As a microcosm, compare a standout track from her last 3 albums. You have the title track "All Mirrors", "Shut Up Kiss Me" and **** It's like a different artist. This can be a good thing and "All Mirrors" is a different album. I still like it and perhaps in time it may grow further on me but initially at least, I'm struggling to fall in love with this one in the ways I usually do with Angel Olsen albums. Expand
  8. Apr 1, 2020
    Arteeeeeeeee es un álbum bueno lleno de sonidos espectaculares, más la voz de angel, un muy disco la verdad es de mis favoritos
  9. Mar 19, 2020
    A true masterpiece of an album. All the production and instrumentals are on point. The vocals are mesmerizing and tremendously beautiful. It was the first album I heard from Angel Olsen, but it got me excited to hear her previous projects. In my personal opinion, "All Mirrors" is one of the best albums ever made! Congratulations, miss Angel!
  10. Oct 5, 2019
    Burn Your Fire no Witness ainda é o melhor álbum da Angel Olsen, mas este álbum é bom, e f*da-se o Fantano.
  11. Dec 26, 2019
    A pretty nice listen, I like the direction she's headed as an artist but I think she still has some room to grow within this sound she's developing.
  12. Dec 19, 2019
    It's fantastic how cohesive and well structured this album is, and Olsen divinely guide us in a travel through her feelings, from the strong single Lark to one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in years, Change, which is for me the most special discover of the year.
  13. Dec 7, 2019
    Tremendous songwriting and singing, backed by a band that serves the songs oh so well. Ms. Olsen is not afraid to take risks, and they pay off in one of the very best albums of the year. Heartache and love lost is a universal theme that drives a ton of great songs. What Angel Olsen achieves that only the best artists can deliver is to mesh pain and strength in ways that never fall prey toTremendous songwriting and singing, backed by a band that serves the songs oh so well. Ms. Olsen is not afraid to take risks, and they pay off in one of the very best albums of the year. Heartache and love lost is a universal theme that drives a ton of great songs. What Angel Olsen achieves that only the best artists can deliver is to mesh pain and strength in ways that never fall prey to self-pity. The sorrow is surpassed by her resilience and power. Make no mistake, this is more than a stellar album. This is the work of superior artist who is not done getting better. I was so knocked out by this album that I attended her Chicago concert. She delivered live on stage with a memorable evening of high caliber music. Ms. Olsen is the real deal. Expand
  14. Oct 17, 2019
    On All Mirrors, the woodsy, echoing folk-rock of Wolf Alice meets sharp, stringed instrumentals, gritty mid-90s punk, and 1960’s melodic tendencies to form a dreamy and captivating listen — a perfect “cloudy-day, stay-in, pour some tea” LP. There’s hints of The Beatles, Grimes, and Hole, but with these influences channeled through her own voice, Angel Olsen has created a truly uniqueOn All Mirrors, the woodsy, echoing folk-rock of Wolf Alice meets sharp, stringed instrumentals, gritty mid-90s punk, and 1960’s melodic tendencies to form a dreamy and captivating listen — a perfect “cloudy-day, stay-in, pour some tea” LP. There’s hints of The Beatles, Grimes, and Hole, but with these influences channeled through her own voice, Angel Olsen has created a truly unique record and truly unique statement that is one of 2019’s strongest musical offerings. Expand
  15. Oct 13, 2019
    A truly masterpiece. Angel Olsen pulled out one of the best albums of my life. I tend to do walks in parks to listen new albums and when Tonight played tears start falling fro my eyes while the Autumn leaves were falling, pushed by the wind. It was truly a magic moment to me.
    We tend to relate more when the music mimics our momentary feelings and maybe that's way it moved me to much. The
    A truly masterpiece. Angel Olsen pulled out one of the best albums of my life. I tend to do walks in parks to listen new albums and when Tonight played tears start falling fro my eyes while the Autumn leaves were falling, pushed by the wind. It was truly a magic moment to me.
    We tend to relate more when the music mimics our momentary feelings and maybe that's way it moved me to much. The strings are magnificent, coming forward and backward on each music to give space to words and sentiments, making it a moment between Rock and Classic (it was a moment that remembered me of Homogenic from Bjork, the way two different spaced mixed so well in a rare moment).
    I've read some of the negative comments and I was shocked in seeing so many people hating the album. For me, it's her best yet and I'm profoundly in love.
  16. Oct 10, 2019
    What an extraordinarily beautiful album. I came to Angel Olson through her fantastic Shut Up, Kiss Me (thanks iTunes for recommending her to me) but I found "My Woman" to be better than the sum of its parts. The first half was excellent but it kind of lost me when the second half of the album kicked in.

    What Angel Olson (and her producer John Congleton, Ben Babbitt and Jherek Bischoff)
    What an extraordinarily beautiful album. I came to Angel Olson through her fantastic Shut Up, Kiss Me (thanks iTunes for recommending her to me) but I found "My Woman" to be better than the sum of its parts. The first half was excellent but it kind of lost me when the second half of the album kicked in.

    What Angel Olson (and her producer John Congleton, Ben Babbitt and Jherek Bischoff) have created here is other-worldly. From the way the songs are structured, to the mature lyrics that appeal to the more literate of us, to the sublime symphonic orchestrations and strings and then finally to the synths that can revive a failing heart, Angel Olsen is now my most favorite person on this very planet.

    Personally, after having this album on repeat for a week, they have created an aural experience that will soon move out of the realms of masterpiece and into legendary status to join the only other 6 albums that occupy this list for me:-

    1. Vespertine (Björk)
    2. Have You In My Wilderness (Julia Holter)
    3. All Mirrors (Angel Olsen)
    4. Vulnicura (Björk)
    5. In Rainbows (Radiohead)
    6. About U / Saves the World (MUNA)
    7. Chris (Christine and the Queens)

    Well done Angel, you are now in an elite group of musicians I keep a very close eye on and whose new music I anticipate with the thrall of a young child on the night before Christmas and who I will spare no expense to see perform live

    All things considered, this has been an incredibly strong decade for really good music. While i have no doubts that Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and Katy Perry deserve their place in popular music, their jams are just not for me but I can appreciate that they tailor to a certain segment that fawns and adores them. If you want to find me. This is where I am at.

    Personal favorites : Lark, All Mirrors, Tonight, Chance, New Lovers Casette (although the entire album is fantastic as there are no real misfires on this one).

    i have to shout out to "Tonight" though. That song with its violin's, viola's and cello's brings me to tears near the end much like the synths and electronic strings in Björk's "Family" from Vulnicura (which for me personally is her best song).
  17. Oct 8, 2019
    This is my new favorite thing in the entire universe. So soft and sweet, yet at times so demanding and powerful. Angel Olsen is an artist to keep an eye out for.
  18. Oct 8, 2019
    This is an absolute masterpiece and the best album to come out in at least two years. Taylor Swift has the saddest fan base in music.
  19. Oct 6, 2019
    After her critically acclaimed 4th Album 'My Women' I was curious what direction she would go for with the follow up LP.

    All Mirrors shows a side of Olsen all sets of music lovers can appreciate. A well balanced album with pop roots but still manages to capture the audience with the nostalgic arrangements and her vocal delivery. The production on this LP is amazing. The synth leads and
    After her critically acclaimed 4th Album 'My Women' I was curious what direction she would go for with the follow up LP.

    All Mirrors shows a side of Olsen all sets of music lovers can appreciate. A well balanced album with pop roots but still manages to capture the audience with the nostalgic arrangements and her vocal delivery.

    The production on this LP is amazing.
    The synth leads and the layering of vocals in union with the arrangements really set a dark ambience on the record.

    Olsen always finds a way to reinvent herself and this record is one example of that.

    a bold and powerful record
  20. Oct 5, 2019
    Complete masterpiece. Cohesive, ripe and delicate. The best album of her career.
  21. Oct 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Some of the best production on a record i’ve heard in a long time. Her vocal skill has improved immensely as well ! Her best record by far. Expand
  22. Oct 5, 2019
    One of the albums of the year for sure. Angel is a masterful songwriter who brings something fresh to the table with every album. She expands upon her wistful sound even further on her fourth full-length, bringing baroque pop vibes to the foreground. Tracks like "Spring" and "What It Is" prove that she can evoke influences such as The Beach Boys and Sparks and whip them up into somethingOne of the albums of the year for sure. Angel is a masterful songwriter who brings something fresh to the table with every album. She expands upon her wistful sound even further on her fourth full-length, bringing baroque pop vibes to the foreground. Tracks like "Spring" and "What It Is" prove that she can evoke influences such as The Beach Boys and Sparks and whip them up into something magical, with excellent lyricism to boot. This once more proves that Angel Olsen is one of the most important songwriters of this era.

    On a separate note, why are people giving this album such a low score? She doesn't deserve this low of a user score, I'm very confused...
  23. Oct 5, 2019
    If immature stans could stop hijacking this album's user score for petty reasons, that would be great. Anyway: this is Angel Olsen's best and richest record so far. Such a beautiful expansion of her characteristic style, the strings are splendid. Deserves all the praise it's been getting.
  24. Oct 5, 2019
    Not consistent enough to be a perfect album, but strong enough to be an excellent album. Angel Olsen isn't Adele rip-off, or someone who'll top the charts. She is unique, super talented and more so she just made this album better than most of the mainstream, even better than any of her catalog. All Mirrors is a pure indie pop gem with slight, inconsiderable amount of dullness.
  25. Oct 5, 2019
    Near perfection. She's pushing herself musically and the results are haunting and beautiful.
  26. Oct 4, 2019
    This is a baptism of love and emotions. Just the string arrangement itself will blow your mind and make all your “idols” ashamed of making generic pop fillers. Grow up kids, it’s time to learn to accept love and appreciate the art, enough for the spelling game.
  27. Oct 4, 2019
    A Masterpiece, Album Of The Year, This Is Art and Magnific excellent music, total
  28. irs
    Oct 4, 2019
    Fantastic album! Angel Olsen definitely shoot high for this one and it really went paid off! The strings arrangements and synths all over the album came really great with the great sadness that inspired the songs, while also not losing Olsen's original folk sound form her previous albums. AOTY to me for sure!
  29. Oct 4, 2019
    Estou em êxtase, depois de Norman **** Rockwell esse álbum me fez delirar.
  30. Oct 4, 2019
    Favorite album of the year so far! Brilliant and deeply emotional. Angel has evolved her sound in ways I couldn't have imagined!
  31. Oct 4, 2019
    Perfeito, apenas isso. Um álbum com letras incríveis pensadas nos mínimos detalhes.
  32. Oct 4, 2019
    Amazing! The best album of the year!!! Extremely emotional, complex and poetic! Angel Olsen always perfect!
  33. Oct 4, 2019
    Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande combined don't have the talent that exists in Angel Olsen's pinky toe
  34. Oct 4, 2019
    Perfección, del track 1 al 11 angel nos brinda un álbum acogedor, melancólico y misterioso, me alegro mucho que sigan lanzando discos así en una era en donde el mainstream y auto-tune es más importante que un verdadero talento
  35. Oct 4, 2019
    Really an amazing album, stands right up there with My Woman. The people tanking the score aren't even trying to hide that their reviews are not constructive at all. Middle school marching band with shouts and moans? Does anyone really hear that? If Metacritic scores really mean that much to you, it must really hurt to see Taylor Swift fail to break out of that 78-80 range...
  36. Oct 4, 2019
    It's quite an incredible pop album in my opinion. Certainly one that stands out for me this year as well as at least getting into the top 50 albums of the decade for sure. Absolutely enamored by it. Great job, Angel!
  37. Oct 4, 2019
    how can this have only 5,9 in the user score? this website is full of little kids who only listen to taylor swift. no wonder why she said "hey kids spelling is fun " lmao
  38. Oct 4, 2019
    Her best album yet. This woman is doing incredible and unique things. This new album
    Is no exception.
  39. Oct 4, 2019
    Seems that some Ariana stans are pressed here for giving the lowest score to this absolute masterpiece. Get a life and some taste I guess
  40. Oct 4, 2019
    One of the best albums this year. Beautiful, lush musical backdrops and absorbing lyricism that’s always changing itself up.
  41. Oct 4, 2019
    Say hello to the album of the year! No point in crying Swifties and Arianators, your low ratings will not affect in anything! Stop thinking that your favorites are better than the rest of the world.
  42. Oct 4, 2019
    Her best record yet! The production is sublime and her voice sounds better than ever.
  43. Oct 4, 2019
    her best album yet. maybe if y’all actually listened to the album you’d think twice about giving it a 0. stay pressed swifties
  44. Oct 4, 2019
    Seriously? People are ripping on this album and comparing it to Lover by TS? Get the **** out. Stop talking about who has “the” album of the year and realize all of these artists are in completely different fields. So if you don’t like this go listen to Lover and drink your cotton candy-blended drinks. Now if you want to listen to one of the most innovative artists of our time, stay here!Seriously? People are ripping on this album and comparing it to Lover by TS? Get the **** out. Stop talking about who has “the” album of the year and realize all of these artists are in completely different fields. So if you don’t like this go listen to Lover and drink your cotton candy-blended drinks. Now if you want to listen to one of the most innovative artists of our time, stay here! This album is cool! Elusive and instrumentally experimental! Takes you somewhere else. Between this and Lana’s album, this has been an amazing season for albums, in my opinion. Expand
  45. Oct 4, 2019
    A masterpiece that doesn't deserve this hateful and surreal reviews from generic popstars fandoms. This is a well-crafted pop album that stands as the best of Olsen's career and one of the best of the year along with Titanic Rising and NFR!
  46. Oct 4, 2019
    this album is great, sad how “stans” of other artists are mad because this is getting a high score, grow up.
  47. Oct 4, 2019
    Wow. This album is so amazing. The strings are a beautiful addition. I loved all the songs and I have nothing but great things to say about it! I’ve started to try and make my own music and Angel is one of the very few artists I look up too! Her lyrics are truly amazing and I hope to be a great artist and songwriter like her one day! Can’t wait to see her in December!
  48. Oct 4, 2019
    Pretty shameful to see the swifties rating this masterpiece with a zero only because their fave can't do something like this
  49. Oct 4, 2019
    If you’re intentionally tanking this album’s score, grow up. Taylor, Ariana, or whoever your “fave” is would be horrified to learn you’re using their name to tear down other women.
  50. Oct 4, 2019
    Beautifully made. I thought it would be difficult to surpass My Woman, but I think she just might have.
  51. Oct 4, 2019
    A masterpiece, album of the year contender, the arrangements and her vocals are other worldly
  52. Oct 4, 2019
    here, angel olsen proves that she is an icon indie musician on this decade. for me, this is the continuation of my woman, a powerful and cohesive record with simple lyrics but they really are
    strong, raw and even ambiguous. the mix of the album accompanies this in points of being even scary, that perfectly embodies the album. maybe this is the album of the year.
  53. Oct 4, 2019
    To be honest, this album is the first one I’ve ever heard from her discography. But I’m so impressed with lyrics and especially music production. Can’t find words to describe how much this record impressed me and it’s just a pure pleasure to listen. Big shout out to Pitchfork for introducing me to this magical women!

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Oct 29, 2019
    Olsen, her arrangers and producer (The Paper Chase‘s John Congleton) have created an album that simply bulges with perfection and timeless songs.
  2. Oct 15, 2019
    Olsen has created an undeniable stunner that should go down as one of the strongest folk albums of the year.
  3. Oct 15, 2019
    All Mirrors belongs in the canon of essential break-up albums, but more Exile in Guyville than Rumours or Blue. ... The resulting instrumentation is impressively cohesive and resoundingly huge.