• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 629 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 49 out of 629
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  1. Aug 1, 2023
    Marina nos enseño con este album que aun tiene el talento y el sonido para ser una buena artista esperemos y pronto muchos la conozcan mas y pueda ser conocida
  2. Jul 30, 2023
    An amazing album with fantastic production and lyrics. A couple of songs kind of lagged behind the rest but overall it’s a well rounded album
  3. May 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O maior álbum do mundo. Falo sem medo. Aqui ela foi tão gigante. Falou sobre política, ansiedade, depressão, capitalismo, feminismo e diversos assuntos importantes pra nossa sociedade. Expand
  4. May 14, 2023
    Álbum saboroso, rico, lindo e inspirador traz à tona tudo de extraordinário e bom que leva ao belo, comprei e não consigo parar de ouvi-lo em todas as plataformas que baixei. MARINA A MELHOR
  5. Mar 23, 2023
    A wonderful experience all the way through with the first half making you want to dance and the second half making you want to sob all over your floor.
  6. Feb 16, 2023
    This record is a return to form for Marina as she casts away the previous era with reckless abandon and forges a new path forward, come hell or high water. There is something very daring about this record. It feels risky, but also completely authentic. Clearly, Marina does not care what you, I or anyone else thinks. Her vision comes through crystal clear here as she speaks on issues suchThis record is a return to form for Marina as she casts away the previous era with reckless abandon and forges a new path forward, come hell or high water. There is something very daring about this record. It feels risky, but also completely authentic. Clearly, Marina does not care what you, I or anyone else thinks. Her vision comes through crystal clear here as she speaks on issues such as climate change, feminism, America and spirituality. There is definitely a camp vibe to the first half of this album as the songs sound almost cartoony but still, there is an urgency and emotional gravity to her voice that shines through. Marina's greatest gift is her ability to emote, and we are gifted with some of her most personal songs on the back end of this album. The change in direction from talking about worldly issues to intensely personal ones is a tad confusing at first, but the transition is ultimately welcome as we are graced with two of her most beautiful ballads to date - "Flowers" and "Goodbye". It feels like she came at this record full force - throwing herself into it regardless of what the outcome might be. As a result, the songs sound full of life, conviction and energy. This may very well be one of her best, if not her best album to date. Expand
  7. Oct 4, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Marina perfectly fuses pop and rock, lively and sad, heartbreak and political themes, always wrapping everything with satire. Expand
  8. Sep 16, 2022
    This album is definitely a masterpiece!!! Marina's writing is so freaking good, especially when it comes to political songs. I love this album so much, one of my favorite albums in life.
  9. Aug 23, 2022
    Love this album all of her songs are master piece, she always bring us new awesome music
  10. Aug 21, 2022
    incredible album, Marina touching every edge of humanity's thoughts on the world and how we treat each other
  11. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is literally perfect. Marina has strong opinions about policial problemas that everybody should care about and she's not afraid of showing the world her opinion about patriarchy and what should be done about it!
  12. Aug 20, 2022
    this is WITHOUT A DOUBT the best album that Marina could have created and in all time, just being written and produced by herself makes it incredible and unique, I love it
  13. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac efficitur lacus. Vivamus gravida iaculis feugiat. Pellentesque sit amet efficitur eros. Nunc urna massa, varius ornare est in, tempor consectetur nisl. Proin et sodales magna, eu bibendum lacus. Nullam sit amet metus purus. Suspendisse et turpis id eros ullamcorper efficitur quis sed massa. Expand
  14. Aug 20, 2022
    El electro pop que Marina nos da en este álbum es maravilloso hablando de temas sociales que pocos artistas tocan, la producción es realmente maravillosa, todas las canciones tienen un mensaje bastante profundo, fue arriesgado pero le salió muy bien
  15. Jul 9, 2022
    Ancient Dreams In a Modern Land is a stunning return-to-form after losing footing with Love + Fear. An album of only 10 songs, all the songs are strong and solid; there are no bad tracks. Marina has no doubt stunned us like she always does with her last album released under a major record label.
  16. May 10, 2022
    Another pop bible written by the welsh god Marina. I truly love her and i think this is her best album since TFJ.
  17. Mar 22, 2022
    A gem from start to finish!
    An album that overflows with positive energy in 10 excellent tracks. With the beautiful voice of Marina and an exquisite production.
  18. Nov 27, 2021
    Marina is a queen and your art is so amazing and powerfull. I really love it!
  19. Nov 12, 2021
    Omg iconic, legendary, show-stopping. It blew me away. Marina’s best album.
  20. Jun 15, 2021
    She’s back and better than ever, this era is sampling her past eras and turning it into pop perfection!
  21. Oct 24, 2021
    Marina slayed throughout this album! The messages she's trying to send out, an even spread of energy, one of her best song intros yet, beautiful imagery on Flowers, this album is everything! 10/10!
  22. Oct 22, 2021
    literally so good like wtf marina came to slay and end and thats EXACTLY what she did!!
  23. Oct 22, 2021
    Muito inspiradora, amo todas as musicas, originais e TOTALMENTE NOVAS, acho que a marina pode ser uma artista muito grande no futuro
  24. Oct 2, 2021
    From the incredible beats of previous centuries to the beautiful piano ballads. Marina served rich production on her album and her voice is so angelic. What an experience!
  25. Jun 11, 2021
    The album shows a more confident marina, she came with blood in her eyes and is delivering her best in this work.
  26. Aug 20, 2021
    Obrigado MARINA por mais essa obra prima.
    Meses após seu lançamento, o album não sai do topo do meu Apple Music. Faixas como "Flowers" e "Pandora´s Box" 'envelheceram' como vinho. "New America" tem uma letra diferente de tudo que já ouvi em músicas pop, além de ter vocais e sonoridade excelentes. Os singles foram muito bem escolhidos, "Venus Fly Trap" além de ser maravilhosa em todos os
    Obrigado MARINA por mais essa obra prima.
    Meses após seu lançamento, o album não sai do topo do meu Apple Music. Faixas como "Flowers" e "Pandora´s Box" 'envelheceram' como vinho. "New America" tem uma letra diferente de tudo que já ouvi em músicas pop, além de ter vocais e sonoridade excelentes. Os singles foram muito bem escolhidos, "Venus Fly Trap" além de ser maravilhosa em todos os sentidos, ainda ganhou um videoclipe de alto padrão, revisitando as eras antigas da cantora e entregando tudo que os fãs queriam. Terminar o álbum com "Goodbye" foi um golpe baixo, que música linda!
    O álbum tem a cara da marina "The Family Jewels" e certamente foi um dos destaques de 2021.
  27. Aug 19, 2021
    Really good! Very well written and excelent melodies. Very similar to "The Family Jewels", at least I think it is. Love the way she creates her music and don't care about the numbers (even though she have the good ones). Thank you for the album, Marina! Love ya.
  28. Aug 19, 2021
    Marina returns with a mostly high energy politically infused album that talks about feminism, racism, white privilege, environmentalism, the shame-blame-fear-take away rights game, identity, hard work, the emotions of people, and the different world’s that exist within our own in its first chapter. The heaviness of the subject matter does not weigh these tracks down as they are perfectlyMarina returns with a mostly high energy politically infused album that talks about feminism, racism, white privilege, environmentalism, the shame-blame-fear-take away rights game, identity, hard work, the emotions of people, and the different world’s that exist within our own in its first chapter. The heaviness of the subject matter does not weigh these tracks down as they are perfectly produced, written, and sung. After exploring the political sphere, Marina turns inward and more personal for the album’s second and final chapter inspired by her breakup. This part explores the war inside her mind, the double-edged sword that is love, holding on to the pain, moving on, admitting to caring more about others than herself, staying true to yourself, and saying goodbye to your past self. Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - 10
    Venus Fly Trap - 9
    Man’s World - 10
    Purge the Poison - 10
    Highly Emotional People - 10 New America - 8
    Pandora’s Box - 9
    I Love You, But I Love Me More - 10
    Flowers - 10
    Goodbye -10 96/100 A
  29. Aug 19, 2021
    The album is incridible… i Love It. I leave a highlight for the following tracks that are my favorites
    The tittle track ADIAML, Purge The Poison and Venus Fly Trap.❤️ This Album is awesomeee.
    Love U Marina❤️
  30. Jun 11, 2021
    Gracias Dios por dame vida para presenciar uno de los mejores trabajos hechos por Dios mismo, amen
  31. Aug 14, 2021
    esse álbum mostra literalmente tudo o que a marina quis mostrar pra gente nos álbuns anteriores dela, ela é simplesmente perfeita escrevendo essas músicas e eu me sinto orgulhoso de ser fã dela
  32. Aug 11, 2021
    Muito bem produzido, vocais de tirar o folego, instrumentais envolventes! Uma verdadeira obra de arte.
  33. Aug 8, 2021
    nothing in this world could change her.
    marina did what she does best: compose. the album is very rich lyrically and I'm blown away. definitely one of her best works.
  34. Aug 3, 2021
    músicas divertidas com letras profundas e com significados, ela brinca com as palavras e entonação e isso deixa as músicas com mais emoção
  35. Aug 1, 2021
    Her best work since Froot!!!!

    Man's World, Highly Emotional People and New America are my favorite tracks
  36. Jun 11, 2021
    After 12 years in the industry, Marina hasn't lost her edge. ADIAML shows that even after all this year's, Marina kept her authenticity, uniqueness and it still thriving. Can't wait to hear what she have to offer in the future ❤
  37. Jul 30, 2021
    Uma junção dos álbuns froot mais o electra heart. É um álbum maduro, cheio de crítica e ao mesmo tempo dançante. Parabéns Marina
  38. Jul 30, 2021
    Es una gran álbum, las letras son buenas y la producción también. Su voz exquisita le aporta mucho. En general es muy completo.
  39. Jul 29, 2021
    Melhor maneira de reafirmar a identidade dela. Um ótimo sucessor do questionável L+F.
  40. Jul 28, 2021
    le quiero este álbum de marina y pienso que es uno de el mejor álbumes de su carrera.
  41. Jul 26, 2021
    incredible amazing brilliant we love marina she is the best artist of all time
  42. Jul 25, 2021
    So camp. So perfect. Not a single skip and 100% self written by Marina herself. The production is top tier and it is aging like a fine wine. My favorite songs are ADIAML, I Love You But I Love Me More and Flowers.
  43. Jul 25, 2021
    que arteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee su mejor album sin duda asies
  44. Jul 25, 2021
    prefect. amazing. beautiful. so good. like just ugh goooddddd it’s such a prefect album
  45. Jul 25, 2021
    Probably her best, most coherent album yet. She took the best parts of all her previous work and multiplied it by ten. Her lyrics never fail to leave me in awe, wether that be from laughing, crying or being lost in contemplation. She didn’t hold back with her sociopolitical imagery, and managed to perfectly intertwine it with intimate songs about heartbreak. There are no throw-away tracksProbably her best, most coherent album yet. She took the best parts of all her previous work and multiplied it by ten. Her lyrics never fail to leave me in awe, wether that be from laughing, crying or being lost in contemplation. She didn’t hold back with her sociopolitical imagery, and managed to perfectly intertwine it with intimate songs about heartbreak. There are no throw-away tracks and every song feels truly purposeful and has something to say. I don’t think I could’ve asked more from this album. It definitely feels like her most “Marina” album to date. Just. So. Good. Expand
  46. Jul 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ejfhqEIOADBHPUISGHEUIuhjdfsuiejhfuailsfwehfiohioahhhhhhhhhhwfilsdjuhusdjkhcuefhioerursofnhijf Expand
  47. Jul 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum sin ninguna cancion mala, lo amee, este álbum sin duda es el mejor de Marina, sin duda el mejor álbum del 2021 Expand
  48. Jul 23, 2021
    Llalalalalaa lalalala lalalal llalaaa lalalala lalaa
    Yo me llamo John soy súper fan y la amoooo
  49. Jun 13, 2021
    This album is great, not a single skip! My favourite tracks are Goodbye, Highly Emotional People and Venus Fly Trap.
  50. Jul 22, 2021
    Marina did a great job mixing her thoughts on social issues and how they have changed as well as the personal issues that she has gone through over the last few years.
  51. Jul 15, 2021
    Spectacular songwriting, visuals, voice... nothing out of the normal for Marina. Probably her best
  52. Jul 11, 2021
    Álbum of the teas, of course! Marina knows how to describe her pure feeling, still make good music and pass her feeling through it! That's the most impressive about her! She found her place and she lives by her passion
  53. Jul 10, 2021
    Marina’s fifth full-legnth record offers a sense of pretentiousness, it’s always a topic that she hovers around its surface, never diving deep and providing passion to its writing. Feels like an activist on acid that spitballs socio-political issues in a glittery production with a dash of pretentiousness.
  54. Jul 6, 2021
    Really Good. She's awesome. Her voice is awesome,the songs are awesome. Everything.
    Thank you MARINA.
  55. Jul 3, 2021
    Una obra de arte. Es un álbum sentimental, hace crítica de la sociedad patriarcal y capitalista mientras tiene un ritmo pop; cosas que solo Marina logra hacer
  56. Jun 25, 2021
    It may not be Marina’s best album, but it’s definitely amazing, I love all the lyrics. “Goodbye” is a masterpiece.
  57. Jun 25, 2021
    Such a well thoughtful and consciousness album with a lot of political references. Like someone commented before "you will be slapped on the face while dancing along". She's in her best.
  58. Jun 24, 2021
    Such a nice album. I loved it but i dont think its her best work, however each song brings something new and different and this is something i really appreciate. Marina did outdo herself with this album, singing about real things that are affecting our world, which are not talked about enough in music.
  59. Jun 21, 2021
    el mejor álbum de marina, estoy impresionado de las letras, su voz y la producción.
  60. Jun 21, 2021
    An absolutely skipless album. Every song is flawless. The single choices were great as well.
  61. Jun 20, 2021
    If you pick albums according to critics reviews and ratings, you always miss the real music and artists like Marina. She is so underrated.
  62. Jun 20, 2021
    Marina came back with a little bit of the best she put into each one of her first three albums, but still she made it sound brand new. Even though some lyrics sounded a little too cliche, even for Marina, it's one of her best albums, undoubtedly
  63. Jun 20, 2021
    I thank Marina very much for this record, her last one album was not my fave, but this GAVE ME LIFE. You did it! And will always do. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
  64. Jun 20, 2021
    A roller coaster of feelings. Phenomenal lyrics uniquely created by Marina.
  65. Jun 19, 2021
    the best album of 2021 definitely. the only rating it deserves is 10. marina is the best singer and songwriter of our time.
  66. Jun 18, 2021
    Sin dudarlo, uno de sus mejores álbumes. Bastante bien organizado en cuanto a las temáticas, pasando de denunciar los problemas del mundo en el que vivimos, a sus propios problemas personales. ¿Lo mejor? Los ecos a sus pasadas eras.
  67. Jun 17, 2021
    Superb album. Marina sings balled songs so beautifully. We love a ‘boss girl’ song which Marina gave us (VFT). This album is definitely a favourite. Remember to stream Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land! ;)
  68. Jun 17, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This álbum is so perfect, is a sentiment. Songs sentimentals and yours melodies so pretty Expand
  69. Jun 17, 2021
    The best Production and vocals
    Reinvented, innovative she is a genius I love this album
  70. Jun 17, 2021
    It's a perfect album very political which is something that we need right now at the time it feels very fresh and ancient at the same time production wise it's very wild and soft reflexive
  71. Jun 17, 2021
    i love every single song in this album. it's a masterpiece! ancient dreams already became my aoty 2021
  72. Jun 17, 2021
    this album is perfect melodies and amazing lyrics, an album that reminds a lot of The Family Jewels and Froot , this album is very very good
  73. Jun 15, 2021
    Marina has returned in a big way, with a very refreshing album full of fun songs and beautiful ballads, where her voice stands out the most. Songs like highly emotional people and venus fly trap stand out with creative and original production, as well as their lyrics. Definitely one of the best pop albums of this 2021
  74. Jun 16, 2021
    Uno de los mejores trabajos de Marina, el cual fue hecho en pandemia y hecho por 2 personas
    Gracias Marina por otra obra de arte
  75. Jun 16, 2021
    Marina regresa con su quinto álbum de estudio y nos brinda arte en toda la extensión de la palabra. Sin duda la lírica de Marina y su voz, acompañadas de la excelente producción de James Flannigan y Jennifer Decilveo nos dan el mejor álbum del año.
  76. Jun 16, 2021
    AOTY, Marina nos ha dado una obra maestra y de lo mejor de su discografía. La lírica, los ritmos y la producción sacan a relucir el talento que tiene la artista, toda su esencia está puesta en el álbum y merece tener aún más reconocimiento, simplemente una obra de arte.
  77. Jun 16, 2021
    Sin duda alguna el mejor álbum de Marina. La instrumentalización, las letras, la interpretación de Marina es sin duda espectacular. Me sorprendió muchisimo. Excelente trabajo, Marina.
  78. Jun 15, 2021
    This album is brilliant, amazing, unbelievable, epic, iconic, unforgettable, AN EXPERIENCE.
  79. Jun 15, 2021
    Marina giving us an album with meaningful lyrics and a mixture of both of her best eras, Froot and TFJ, this album is simply beautiful in every sense, from production, vocals, and lyrics. One of her best works so far!
  80. Jun 15, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  81. Jun 15, 2021
    Her best proyect since Froot, and it’s the proof that she still has a lot of good stuff to give us in the future.
  82. Jun 15, 2021
    Such a wonderful album. It's the first time MARINA has been so vulnerable in the maiing of an album. The sound is consistent throughout the album and really great lyrics overall.
  83. Jun 15, 2021
    Marina creó un álbum perfectamente balanceado, es increíble la capacidad que tiene de mostrarnos sus sentimientos de la manera más honesta posible. Sin duda es un disco que viene directamente de su alma y corazón, ya que, cada pieza habla lo piensa o siente. 10/10
  84. Jun 15, 2021
    Es mi primer era con ella, y me hace mucha ilusión. He escuchado sus anteriores albumes y son piezas de arte; este no es la excepción
    Es tan bueno, tanto liricamente como musicalmente; lleno de ritmos y melodias super buenas. Super recomendable!
  85. Jun 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so amazing, Marina put her soul into each of the new songs, in addition to saying that this album is hers, she wrote each of the songs! I love Marina Expand
  86. Jun 15, 2021
    This album must be one of the most unique sounding pieces of art I've ever heard!
  87. Jun 15, 2021
    this saved my day, I love you Marina, this is one of the best albums of your discography
  88. Jun 15, 2021
    From start to finish it's really an excellent album, I can't stop listening to it and I think it might even be MARINA's best album
  89. Jun 15, 2021
    increible album las baladas son lo mejor y purge the poison es de las mejores canciones del año
  90. Jun 15, 2021
    Es un álbum lleno de buenas líricas, además de un mensaje claro, con crítica social y espiritualismo
  91. Jun 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum no solo es de lo mejor del año si no de la carrera de marina,su evolución como cantante y crecimiento creativo sin dejar su esencia,lo tiene todo buena letras y buenos instrumentales Expand
  92. Jun 15, 2021
    the best marina album, letters and sounds reach the heart deserves the perfect 100 rating
  93. Jun 15, 2021
    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Marina you did an amazing job! Congratulations. My favorite one is ADIAML, ILYBILMM, New America and Goodbye ❤️ But all of them are impeccable
  94. Jun 15, 2021
    Um dos melhores da carreira, entregou uma mescla de tudo de majestoso que ela já fez durante a carreira com uma cara mais madura e uma produção refinada ao mesmo tempo nostálgica com os trabalhos anteriores.
  95. Jun 15, 2021
    You don't have to be like everybody else, you don't have to fit into norm, you are not here to conform!
  96. Jun 15, 2021
    Um ótimo álbum com um misto de críticas fortes e amor próprio. Marina entregou estética impecável em conjunto com sua sonoridade única, fundando uma espécie de fairy tale pop que nos faz viajar pelo mundo deste álbum enquanto entendemos os significados importantes de suas letras. Me arrisco a dizer que é o melhor álbum dela.
  97. Jun 15, 2021
    Marina continua a surpreender depois de anos como um dos nomes mais fortes do pop no quesito criativo. Letras políticas, conscientes, batidas energéticas e o vocal perfeito.
  98. Jun 15, 2021
    Such a return to form and I love every ounce of this album. From the beginning to end, her songwriting is just so immaculate. Highly Emotional People and Flowers are my absolute favorites, and even the singles released first sound so fresh.
  99. Jun 15, 2021
    i literally love every song from this album, and i think this is the only album that shows every marina’s feelings. she as an artist has always been near my heart, when i have bad or good days and when i listen to her i feel like something warm came to my heart. she deserves all the best, thank you marina xx

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. 60
    The music is pleasantly accessible, rather than daring.
  2. Jun 18, 2021
    At a brisk ten tracks, Ancient Dreams is a quick dose of what makes Marina great: heartfelt honesty from a fellow misfit consistently pushing the boundaries of pop.
  3. Jun 17, 2021
    Everything is delicate, but nothing is muted. This aesthetic certainly isn’t for everybody, but after her ambivalent pop experiments, Marina no longer needs her albums to be. It’s a beacon out for the highly emotional people of the world, of whom she clearly is one; it’s for her.