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Generally favorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
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  1. Mar 14, 2014
    Xiu Xiu's latest album, Angel Guts: Red Classroom, is an impressively radical shift in direction. While I loved Always, even more so than Dear God I Hate Myself and **** Patrol, it is fascinating to hear the occasionally suicidal Jamie Stewart wrestle with the intrinsic desire to live and love, ever since romanticized notions of death have been shattered by the invasive gesture of aXiu Xiu's latest album, Angel Guts: Red Classroom, is an impressively radical shift in direction. While I loved Always, even more so than Dear God I Hate Myself and **** Patrol, it is fascinating to hear the occasionally suicidal Jamie Stewart wrestle with the intrinsic desire to live and love, ever since romanticized notions of death have been shattered by the invasive gesture of a mugging in the dark that left him fearing for his life, and appropriately enraged in the following moments of reflection. An extremely raw and heavy exploration of intangible emotions, implicitly catatonic in juxtaposition to the fast pace layering of droning, hammering beats, pulsing synths, and achingly catchy choruses and crescendos... Angel Guts may be difficult to listen to at first, but its assembly of viciously addicting anthems such as Stupid in the Dark and Black Dick make it quite the memorable experience. Expand
  2. Apr 23, 2014
    This is by far their most crazy, freakish and downright bizarre record so far. I really can't help but feel overwhelmed by most of the tracks here, which leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. A handful of the tracks on here are really good though, Stupid in the Dark and Black Dick are good examples. Overall it was pretty good at times, but lightly bad at others.
  3. Dec 28, 2015
    Botanica de Los Angeles is the most beautiful song of 2014. Xiu Xiu delivers an incredible album full of fantastic and terrifying music- I'd put it up there as one of their best works.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. May 5, 2014
    As intense and as self-questioning as ever, Angel Guts: Red Classroom is the sound of an artist getting back to his best.
  2. Apr 1, 2014
    Angel Guts: Red Classroom proves Xiu Xiu can still make impressively intimidating music--even if their real strengths arguably lie elsewhere.
  3. Feb 28, 2014
    With this latest (and perhaps last) album, it’s still true to say that Xiu Xiu haven’t delivered a wholly complete work, but then it probably wouldn’t be a Xiu Xiu record if it was.