• Record Label: ADA
  • Release Date: Jun 18, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
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  1. Oct 20, 2013
    Full disclosure: I've been a fan of Hanson since 1997. i was not a teenager but in my 20s at the time. I enjoy most of their stuff, particularly their last album, "Shout it Out," but let's face it: these guys are not innovators. Two of the three brothers are in their 30s now, so I think we can conclude that they're not going to become artsy any time soon. But that's okay. They are whatFull disclosure: I've been a fan of Hanson since 1997. i was not a teenager but in my 20s at the time. I enjoy most of their stuff, particularly their last album, "Shout it Out," but let's face it: these guys are not innovators. Two of the three brothers are in their 30s now, so I think we can conclude that they're not going to become artsy any time soon. But that's okay. They are what they are, and that's excellent craftsmen of hooky songs, good singers, slightly-below-average instrumentalists. ((it's OK--the Beatles weren't great instrumentalists either.) Now...this album Anthem. I must say, it's OK, not great. I get what they were trying to do. Most songs have a hook that will sound great in a show, with the audience singing along or doing a call-and-repeat thing. But there's really nothing memorable about any of these songs, and they rely too heavily on rock cliches and basic chords. And unlike the last couple of albums, this one has the Isaac ballad, an adult-contempo, angsty plea for love that, when performed live, is the time when everyone gets up to get a beer. Isaac's voice, while technically good, is pretty standard and not unique. Anyway, nice try. I think I'll put on Shout It Out, which is...again, not innovative, but excellent. Collapse
  2. Jul 30, 2013
    Let's talk about Hanson. Since stepping into the indie scene about 10 years ago, these 3 young men have explored a wide emotional territory and managed to get their fans hearts further and further hooked on their words and melodies, and hook up some new ones along the way, such as myself.

    Anthem is the first album I've been expecting the release of as a Hanson fan, and man did it not
    Let's talk about Hanson. Since stepping into the indie scene about 10 years ago, these 3 young men have explored a wide emotional territory and managed to get their fans hearts further and further hooked on their words and melodies, and hook up some new ones along the way, such as myself.

    Anthem is the first album I've been expecting the release of as a Hanson fan, and man did it not disapoint me! There was an undeniable attraction since the very first time: with some of the tracks- such as Juliet, Tragic Symphony and the ever-soothing Tonight- it was love at first listen. However, most of the tracks- including my now absolute favorite, Already Home- took a while to fully sink in, but I never doubted that they would. There is just so much to process and appreciate, all those little details lyrically, instrumentally and harmony-wise that are always there to discover, and to me that's what makes this album, and Hanson's music in general, such an amazing, personal experience.
  3. Jun 23, 2013
    Hanson's last album was an homage to motown, so it's not really surprising that this one, called Anthem, borrows heavily from the anthem rock of the 1970s. You can still hear the motown sound, but with bits of Queen, U2, even Michael Jackson mixed in. It still sounds modern, though, and one track even reminds me of fun. There are very few songs here that I would skip over, and even thoseHanson's last album was an homage to motown, so it's not really surprising that this one, called Anthem, borrows heavily from the anthem rock of the 1970s. You can still hear the motown sound, but with bits of Queen, U2, even Michael Jackson mixed in. It still sounds modern, though, and one track even reminds me of fun. There are very few songs here that I would skip over, and even those will appeal to people who like more straight up pop. It's a much more "Hansony" album than Shout It Out, with more guitar, less horns and power ballads all over the place. Definitely worthy of the title Anthem! Expand
  4. Jun 19, 2013
    Hanson has been around for a while at this point, and each album they release is better than the last. Yet they will never get the credit they deserve as songwriters. With their new release, Anthem, the brothers have crafted a near perfect pop rock record from start to finish. The hooks are catchy, the energy is high and the production is just slick enough to keep it raw and personal.Hanson has been around for a while at this point, and each album they release is better than the last. Yet they will never get the credit they deserve as songwriters. With their new release, Anthem, the brothers have crafted a near perfect pop rock record from start to finish. The hooks are catchy, the energy is high and the production is just slick enough to keep it raw and personal. Their confidence is apparent, they aren't afraid to rock hard, and I would be surprised if a better pop album is released this year. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jul 8, 2013
    Unfortunately, their sixth studio album, Anthem, has neither the undeniably sweet earworms of their first effort nor much of the catchy soul-rock they’ve produced since.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Jun 19, 2013
    On funkified tracks like "Get The Girl Back," the brothers expand their reach, inviting horns, handclaps, and shout-along choruses to the party. [21 Jun 2013, p.68]
  3. Jun 19, 2013
    It’s fine enough, but it’s just not memorable in any real tangible way.