• Record Label: Harvest
  • Release Date: Sep 11, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
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  1. Sep 2, 2015
    There’s enough fun here to justify Anthems’ existence, which really is a lot to say for an album that for so long seemed like it would never exist. If it acts as a one-off return for fans, it’s an amiable, if un-revelatory set.
  2. Sep 4, 2015
    It’s a mostly successful and far more mature record; it just has to be seen as a more grown-up Anthems for Doomed Youth rather than the anthems from doomed youth that they previously brought.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 31, 2015
    Anthems For Doomed Youth has plenty of reminders of why people fell in love with The Libertines in the first place.... For better or worse, the habit of both spinning and dwelling upon their own mythology remains too. [Oct 2015, p.112]
  4. Sep 11, 2015
    Musically there’s nothing new here, though Anthems For Doomed Youth feels particularly sanitised, especially compared to the freewheeling, ragged approach that gave The Libertines’ first two albums such charm.
  5. Sep 15, 2015
    Now even Gary Powell’s drums can’t give these sodden valentines the right kick.... The best Anthems recall a time when Doherty and Barât could still tickle each other.
  6. 40
    While the music has the spindly, junkie-skeletal manner of earlier releases. But the way that songs relentlessly mythologise their past is frankly wearisome at this late stage.
  7. 60
    If the solutions offered are sometimes better than expected, they’re also, frequently, tentative and tired.
  8. 45
    Anthems never quite lets itself be business as usual; the sound is cleaner, but not polished to a sheen. The anger is still there, but it’s tempered a bit--only a couple of tracks (including the aptly named "Fury of Chonburi") really pick up the pace to a recognisably Libertine degree. Lyrically, though, every facet of the band’s existence is dissected.
  9. 40
    Even with Pete Doherty clean, and their songcraft to the fore, Anthems for Doomed Youth has the unmistakable tang of opportunity squandered.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 42
  2. Negative: 2 out of 42
  1. Sep 11, 2015
    Brilliant album. Absolutely loved it. Although it is a little more polished and ballad-centered than their old stuff, its still a great albumBrilliant album. Absolutely loved it. Although it is a little more polished and ballad-centered than their old stuff, its still a great album and very catchy. Full Review »
  2. Mar 5, 2016
    Their debut, "Up the Bracket" somehow managed to bottle lightning, capturing the bands untamed energy as they exploded onto the scene. AmidTheir debut, "Up the Bracket" somehow managed to bottle lightning, capturing the bands untamed energy as they exploded onto the scene. Amid complete implosion, The Libertines somehow managed to salvage enough material to produce an excellent self titled follow up but by the time it was released, the band was pretty much already dead. The spark caught on and caused a wildfire but burned itself out as quickly as it came. A number of solo efforts and side projects emanated from the wreckage of the band and even during the successful 2010 reunion shows, a third album never looked likely. Yet here we have it, album number 3 from The Libertines. As a fan from their original era I remembered the band with fondness but had little appetite for a new album in 2015. Still, I got my hands on copy for old times sake. The results, while unspectacular, are definitely pleasing. There are a handful of belters on show, opener "Barbarians", lead single "Gunga Din", "Your My Waterloo", "Belly of the Beast", "Heart of the Matter" are all tracks you can see remaining in the bands live shows going forward. On the other side of things, there are also a few forgettable items. "Fame and Fortune" should never have gotten near the final cut of the album while "Glasgow Coma Scale Blues" and "Fury of Chonburi", two tracks that come along later in the album just sound like the band are trying to force their early day sound into a modern setting. All in all "Anthems for Doomed Youth" is a success and most original Libs fans should enjoy it well enough. Full Review »
  3. Sep 16, 2015
    If 'Anthems for Doomed Youth' had come out a year or two after their self-titled second album it would not have seemed out of place; the bandIf 'Anthems for Doomed Youth' had come out a year or two after their self-titled second album it would not have seemed out of place; the band have continued their accomplished sound and chemistry into this record and it has really blown me away.
    Time seems to have had no effect on the Libertines whatsoever and their songs still boast the self-unaware swagger and carelessness as before, but with an added maturity. Songs like 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' and 'Fury of Chonburi' do recall their previous album, but I feel this isn't the point of this new record, as time has been marching on and the band have changed as people and as musicians.
    The album carries a delightful momentum even through the slower songs like 'You're my Waterloo' and 'The Milkman's Horse' which makes for an enjoyable listen from start to finish. It's clear to see the increased involvement of the rhythm section in not only arrangement, but also composition; the bass and drums are more together and crisp than they've ever been, and there is a light-hearted element in the music that makes it feel like a proper Libertines album - which it is.
    At the best of times it recalls familiar pictures of London and various recollections over a backdrop of an inspired band, but at the worst of times it leaves the listener wanting more, as if some songs aren't quite finished yet.
    There is a sense that the album was recorded very quickly, and it's possible that some compromises were made in order to throw some tracks in without meticulous work. However, that's not always necessary as even though some songs can seem recycled or formulaic at times, it is clear that there is more to come whether you're listening for the first time or imagining what the band will sound like in a few years after your tenth listen.
    In all, I'm so happy that this was the album they released at this time, it could have turned out completely different and naff, but the Libertines have definitely pulled off their comeback album in predictable style while still surprising the listener with their seemingly undying energy and pool of ideas that they are so clearly eager to show us all.
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