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  1. Nov 13, 2013
    Artistic value- 1 out of 10
    Shocking value- 8 out of 10
    Originality- 3 out of 10
    Audience response- 2 out of 10
    Fashion faux pas- 10 out of 10
    Message conveyed- NONE!
  2. Nov 13, 2013
    I followed Gaga's career, I have all their albums and remixes. But I have to be honest with this their new album, repeats past formulas and she copy styles of other artists, Giorgio Moroder, Madonna, Skrillex, and more. Do not bring anything new, Gaga should make a spiritual retreat, off drugs and make an honest work to herself and to her fans.
  3. Nov 13, 2013
    Simply put this album is a mess, i couldn't find the "art" of it ,its just a pretentious title for an album with just normal music ,i would've given a 1 if the title was different
  4. Nov 13, 2013
    To be honest, I just bought 3 songs separately on iTunes.
    My favorite is Artpop the title track. Quite disappointing if you ask me. Nothing compares her 1st album. Certainly not the album of the millennium.
  5. Nov 13, 2013
    Waste, spoil, filth, manure, impurity, excrement, dirt, summarizes what gaga did in this work. No where to hold this grotesque Album. Gaga wanted to cover the entire mainstream of the time and got lost along the way.
  6. Nov 13, 2013
    Uno de los peores discos que he escuchado en años. Malas letras, malas melodias. Lady Gaga deberia esforzarse mas en componer, en lugar de intentar estar en la prensa. Le hace falta un poco de humildad. Canciones realmente terribles, da la impresión de saber hacia donde ir. Cada disco es peor que el anterior, pero este es vergonzoso. ¡Lady Gaga devuélveme el dinero!
  7. Nov 13, 2013
    I gave it a 1 because sometimes my foot tapped in spite of itself. Otherwise I've heard it all before. A monkey in silk is a monkey no less. She and her little monsters can dress her sound up as much as they want but at the end of the day it's just the same (if not worse) than the stuff Katy and Miley and Britney are doing. And thats the most disappointing part.
  8. Nov 12, 2013
    I gave it a few points because there are a handful of songs that qualify as "pop" and are decent... though probably just good, not great. I generally like GaGa as an entertainer, but this album is a disappointment and definitely doesn't live up to the name in my opinion. It's overproduced, and the lyrics are uninteresting and not shocking. GaGa's voice could be replaced with just aboutI gave it a few points because there are a handful of songs that qualify as "pop" and are decent... though probably just good, not great. I generally like GaGa as an entertainer, but this album is a disappointment and definitely doesn't live up to the name in my opinion. It's overproduced, and the lyrics are uninteresting and not shocking. GaGa's voice could be replaced with just about anyone's on most of the tracks and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Sadly, GaGa hasn't lived up to her own hype on this one. Maybe on her next album, she'll return to her roots--a voice & lyrics-driven album. Expand
  9. Nov 12, 2013
    More like ARTPOOP. Pretentious, misleading, poorly completed piece of ear pain.I heard it more than 3 times and every time sounded worse than the previous. Her low sales are actually a sign of her failed career that has yet to take the last piece of fame she holds.
  10. Nov 12, 2013
    You are doing something quite wrong when you go from having one of the most acclaimed and successful pop records like The Fame Monster was, to something like ARTPOP. This record is highly overproduced and sounds dated, it seems like she has no aim to evolve, she's stuck with cheap EDM music beats.

    Lady Gaga's lyrics have never been a highlight, however stupid lyrics can get a pass if
    You are doing something quite wrong when you go from having one of the most acclaimed and successful pop records like The Fame Monster was, to something like ARTPOP. This record is highly overproduced and sounds dated, it seems like she has no aim to evolve, she's stuck with cheap EDM music beats.

    Lady Gaga's lyrics have never been a highlight, however stupid lyrics can get a pass if the production and execution of the song is good overall. Not the case this time, the only song that can approach these qualifications is Do What U Want. The rest is overproduced, oversung, oversexualized and poorly executed.

    Let's talk about Gaga's pretentiousness. Wasn't this labeled as the new Thriller by someone in her team? Well, someone should hit that guy's head. The tittle not only is pretentious is also cringeworthy. I wonder if this is really what Gaga's conceive as art mixing with pop culture or she just got lost in the process, as per usual. This is more like Gaga singing about how much she likes to get praised, and talking about meaningless stuff, something she has been doing since record number one. Fame, money, sex, love. How innovative, does she still have something different to offer, besides her obnoxious, ridiculous and desperate costumes? If we take ARTPOP as the answer for this question, is a big no.

    Funny thing, some people thought Born This Way was Gaga's lowest point. What a way to hit the wall.
  11. Nov 12, 2013
    Another album, another year but same old garbage !

    Lady Gaga came to a fork in the road with this album. She'd built up this image as a some kind of uber-artiste, but her musical output has always been a bit pedestrian, a fact almost everyone agrees to, including her biggest delusional fans. With this Artpoop album, she could have proved herself a credible musician, or she could
    Another album, another year but same old garbage !

    Lady Gaga came to a fork in the road with this album. She'd built up this image as a some kind of uber-artiste, but her musical output has always been a bit pedestrian, a fact almost everyone agrees to, including her biggest delusional fans. With this Artpoop album, she could have proved herself a credible musician, or she could continue to do the same old thing. She's not only chosen the latter path, she has also lost her ability to construct a decent pop song. It's all gone up her nose because she is too egoistic with fame and ratings. Universal Music should ask her leave Twitter and let music speaks for itself.The album is too over HYPED. It's her 'Look At Me' album. Now I begin to understand why Katy Perry's new single outsold her. Simple fun pop song nothing self-absorbed with ugly makeup to make her point. US Billboard Hot 100 is full of stories just like Lady Gaga's songs.

    Last but not least, Billboard should be ashamed for including her discounted sales in her 1st week sales.

    Sad era we live in...
  12. Nov 12, 2013
    Probably the dumbest album ever recorded, this should win an award for most cringe worthy lyrics ever. This album also lacks originality, Aura is Judas part 2, Venus is another sad attempt at recreating Bad Romance and so on.
  13. Nov 12, 2013
    This is what you can call a mess of an album. Two years in the making and this is what they came up with? Repetitive mess, chaotic beats, bad lyrics and there you have it. And I used to like her before. Such a shame indeed. I guess with this album she can only expect some more cancelled tours in the future.
  14. Nov 12, 2013
    Artpop is as scatty as Lady Gagas wardrobe yet far less interesting it simply fails to resonate.

    Highlight for me is the Gaga penned Venus (i love Zombie Zombie)

    There are many contenders for the lowlight- but ill go for Donatella one of the worst concepts for a song ive ever heard.
  15. Nov 12, 2013
    The worst album released this year and one of the worst this decade. I gave it 0 because it really deserved nothing more. It's trash and she's ruining pop music.
  16. Nov 12, 2013
    Álbum fraco, triste ver o quanto ela decaiu musicalmente, este não chega aos pés do The Fame Monster ou do Born This Way, ela definitivamente perdeu meu respeito com esse álbum genérico e enjoativo, mas não faz muita diferença de álbuns de cantoras como Rihanna e Katy Perry, serve como um divertimento sem compromisso.
  17. Nov 11, 2013
    Well to begin with this is an awful album since day 0. By now it is a very commonplace to know Stefani aka LG has a recurrent tendency to recicle or copy without any restrictions the work of other to make her own, nevertheless this time she made sure to let us know she was using other people's creations deliberately, why? afraid? conformism? both? who cares, the final product stinks bigWell to begin with this is an awful album since day 0. By now it is a very commonplace to know Stefani aka LG has a recurrent tendency to recicle or copy without any restrictions the work of other to make her own, nevertheless this time she made sure to let us know she was using other people's creations deliberately, why? afraid? conformism? both? who cares, the final product stinks big time. This is not only her worse delivery since BTW but an awful creation and recreation of other people's works with no purpose at all, just giving generic sounds on top of generic lyrics. Definately not worth even the 99 cents they ask you to pay for this piece of rubbish. Expand
  18. Nov 11, 2013
    This is not even close to as good as her last album, all I hear is noise and autotune, the girl just does not have it anymore and that is sad since her last album was pretty good
  19. Nov 11, 2013
    This album is terrible. I have all the previous albums AND went to both concerts and have to express my sincere apologies to the credit card for purchasing this contrite and terribly noisy album. Putting the word 'art' in the title doesn't mean you can take the world for granted. There are 3 (hence 3/10) okay songs but even those are very average and lacking much depth. Poor gaga isThis album is terrible. I have all the previous albums AND went to both concerts and have to express my sincere apologies to the credit card for purchasing this contrite and terribly noisy album. Putting the word 'art' in the title doesn't mean you can take the world for granted. There are 3 (hence 3/10) okay songs but even those are very average and lacking much depth. Poor gaga is struggling under the weight of her own fame and ego...has to wear Versace and confesses she is a drug head...have pity on her...the main themes of the album. Expand
  20. Nov 11, 2013
    The good songs are outweighed by the bad and the lyrics are badly written and mostly meaningless attempts at the avant-garde. This is her worst album; Gaga has been going downhill since The Fame Monster.
  21. Nov 11, 2013
    I loved born this way but sorry Gaga this album is just junk. Gaga looks more like reality TV then a singer and I think reality TV is killing real music.
  22. Nov 11, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. IS THE WORST ALBUM I HEAR IN MY LIFE!!, The lyrics and the chorus is very repetitive, is disgusting for all the gay people!! Lady Gaga needs re conciliate whit Madonna, because her album is horrible, Do not buy this album, and if you love Lady Gaga, please, goint to see in the concerts and BUY her tickets. The album is bad, but if her tour is a flop RIP Lady Gaga. Expand
  23. Nov 11, 2013
    SO MANY THINGS wrong with this album. It's way too bloated and I had a bit of a headache towards the end. Dope is incredibly disappointing. Could have been really good if it weren't for the "I love you more than dope" line. horrible.

    Easily explained she was a corporate, manufactured pop product from the beginning. The early years only look decent because all the right people
    SO MANY THINGS wrong with this album. It's way too bloated and I had a bit of a headache towards the end. Dope is incredibly disappointing. Could have been really good if it weren't for the "I love you more than dope" line. horrible.

    Easily explained she was a corporate, manufactured pop product from the beginning. The early years only look decent because all the right people (LaurieAnne Gibson, Troy Carter, etc.) were pulling her strings. Now that everyone has jumped ship, and she's on her own, she's being revealed for the utter crap she ALWAYS was.

    "ArtPop" Gaga herself is really just the prime example of how utterly dead our culture is.

    Bought out and sold by corporations... easily fooled with stupid costumes and crazy antics... devoid of any soul, meaning, perspective... re-hash and cheapen the past and sell it to those who don't know any better... BUT marketed to us as "ART" or "I struggled, I'm the real deal", etc... And far too many have been dumbed down to actually buy into it.

    Sad statement on our state of culture...esp. when the actual 'real deal' is still wiping the floor with all of them 30+ years on but people have been brain-washed to dismiss her because she's "old"
  24. Nov 11, 2013
    By far her worst album to date, sounds just like her "Born this way" album, no artistic growth or creativity and don't get me started on the basic pre- school lyrics and the over produced vocals. Simply the worst album of the Millennium, I want my money back.
  25. Nov 11, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I cannot feel art,just full of hype, grandstanding,I am sick of that.ArtPop is a recycled garbage, from a person, who need to be mainstream all the time. I'm sad for that behavior from Gaga but if you listen to the album there is a few good songs on that Expand
  26. Nov 11, 2013
    A 90 min electropop song, this album is worthless I can't even stand it, all the songs sound exactly the same outside from Gypsy wich is the only decent stuff there, if this is really Lady Gaga best work then it sucks HARD.
  27. Nov 11, 2013
    I'm so disappointed. This album is disjointed with atrocious lyrics and the same style and production of her previous records, most notably the Born This Way album. The songs sound messy and unfinished, her "operatic" style vocals are cringeworthy and it's just too much of nothing. I'm not sure what has happened to Gaga but whatever it is, I hope she takes a step back and stops takingI'm so disappointed. This album is disjointed with atrocious lyrics and the same style and production of her previous records, most notably the Born This Way album. The songs sound messy and unfinished, her "operatic" style vocals are cringeworthy and it's just too much of nothing. I'm not sure what has happened to Gaga but whatever it is, I hope she takes a step back and stops taking herself so seriously that it clouds her artistic judgement with embarrassing songs like Venus and Swine. North a big fan of Applause and that turned out to be the best song on the album and that is really quite shocking when she mentioned this would be the album "of the Millenium." That, it is not. Maybe not even the album of the week. Can't even get through the whole thing... Expand
  28. Nov 11, 2013
    This album contains no music contains noise, for speakers that will revoluncionar pop, this is truly ridiculous, an album completely despicable and without any support. I would take a minor note but I can not!
  29. Nov 11, 2013
    There is no focus here, no art (good art anyway)...there aren't even any remotely good songs this time. This is one of the worst albums that a major (formerly major now) pop star has ever made. I wouldn't normally give anything such a low rating, but this really is embarrassing and awful.
  30. Nov 11, 2013
    Gaga thinks she makes art. Poor Gaga. That's definitely not art. She used to be awesome, but now she's so boring. Please Gaga, don't be a boring singer, you can be more than this. This is definitely her worst album. Try again "wannabe" Madonna!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 7, 2014
    The melodies here are fine, they do a job, but nothing backs up Gag's Warholian rhetoric or scales the barmy heights of Bad Romance. [Jan 2014, p.116]
  2. 60
    While it’s stronger than the messy ‘Born This Way’, Artpop feels little more culture-quaking than a good collection of fun, silly, well-crafted pop songs.
  3. Nov 22, 2013
    This is two albums in a row now that were basically a bit boring, and she needs to sort it out soonish please.