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Universal acclaim- based on 326 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 33 out of 326

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  1. Aug 14, 2013
    I love me some M.I.A. She is creative, and controversial, and a really good singer/rapper. Even though it isn't my favorite M.I.A. album, it is still up there.
  2. Mell
    Nov 4, 2005
    It's a unique album, great in the sense that its genre is unexplored by pop musicians.
  3. andpola
    Mar 26, 2005
    While the beats are insane, and this girl sure knows how to rock out. I think it's too political for it's own good. The saving grace about this is the songs are so hot you can listen to one and completly miss the undertones, but still enjoy the album.
  4. RasulS
    Apr 5, 2005
    I am HUGE music Fan - my music interests span from artists such as Ali Farka Toure to Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails and M.I.A.'s album is hot geniusness!! The music is paradoxical in a beautiful way (but doesn't that make the most interesting stuff?) Inititally the party aspect of her music hits you, then, if you feel the need to dig deeper, you can explore the complex issues I am HUGE music Fan - my music interests span from artists such as Ali Farka Toure to Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails and M.I.A.'s album is hot geniusness!! The music is paradoxical in a beautiful way (but doesn't that make the most interesting stuff?) Inititally the party aspect of her music hits you, then, if you feel the need to dig deeper, you can explore the complex issues of her politics as she spreads them acrross the landscape of here album. This all in turn creates a complex mosaic of good time partying and thought provoking polemics. What an album!! Definitely the sure shot of '05. Pull up the People Pull up the Poor. . . . !!! Rock on M.I.A. Expand
  5. matta
    Jun 6, 2005
    Doesn't quite live up to some of the buzz, and a lot of people probably won't really like the style, but it is way catchy and a genuinely fun album to listen to. Like a female version of Dizzee Rascal.
  6. AlG-P
    Jun 17, 2005
    very impressive debut built on hard baselines and a fresh approach to rapping. A great fusion of hip/hop, d'n'b, dancehall and garage.
  7. DanB.
    Jul 15, 2005
    I'll get tired of it eventually, I guess. But I can't stop listening to it now.
  8. Sep 16, 2010
    "Arular" is definitely a good album, but I have to wonder if the album needed all of the explicit language. The beats and the synths were enough to keep you dancing, there was really no need for F***, or S***. Key Tracks: "Galang" "Bucky Don Gun" and "Pull Up The People"
  9. Oct 2, 2011
    The guest CD from M.IA. brings us the roots she takes her magical beats from. This album is pure Africa, with bongos, drums, and sound effects that put us in the middle of a jungle, watching a tribe doing some sort of ritual for a special day. "Bucky Done Gun", "Bingo", "Sunshowers" e "Galang" are the best this album have, and it's not a minor thing, it's a great thing, starting theThe guest CD from M.IA. brings us the roots she takes her magical beats from. This album is pure Africa, with bongos, drums, and sound effects that put us in the middle of a jungle, watching a tribe doing some sort of ritual for a special day. "Bucky Done Gun", "Bingo", "Sunshowers" e "Galang" are the best this album have, and it's not a minor thing, it's a great thing, starting the beatiful carrer of the one the most intelligents singer that appeared this days. Expand
  10. Sep 10, 2016
    Well, I admit this was taking me like 11 years till I found this album, and gosh, it was such a mistake or maybe a good thing. You decide. I'm gonna go listen some more of this, cause it's f****n great!!
  11. Feb 26, 2022
    A rough ride through a peculiar war torn soundscape . Seemingly scattered as it is equally immaculately curated this testament of creativity didn't only push boundaries it inspired an inimitable post-rap rap that thrives in the marginal such as so called world music and hard edged industrial beats. Some songs are laced with an upbeat sensuality such as "10 dollar " which explores whatA rough ride through a peculiar war torn soundscape . Seemingly scattered as it is equally immaculately curated this testament of creativity didn't only push boundaries it inspired an inimitable post-rap rap that thrives in the marginal such as so called world music and hard edged industrial beats. Some songs are laced with an upbeat sensuality such as "10 dollar " which explores what money costs us through a story of prostitution (on kala she would return to this theme with greater costs in "20dollars). This album is essential listening due to how it challenges the listener and finds continuous ways to keep you intrested. You won't forget the first time you hear it . Expand
  12. Vaal
    Sep 9, 2005
    Not really melodic. This is for people who love electro/dance and drum & bass but not really for the hip-hop fans. I reckon it has something, but it's not extraordinary. It just feels different than the ordinary, but that doesn't necessarily means that it is good just for being alternative. Lyrics are okay, but her voice feels repetitive. Even though every song is different I Not really melodic. This is for people who love electro/dance and drum & bass but not really for the hip-hop fans. I reckon it has something, but it's not extraordinary. It just feels different than the ordinary, but that doesn't necessarily means that it is good just for being alternative. Lyrics are okay, but her voice feels repetitive. Even though every song is different I can't help but hearing the same. Expand
  13. vincentx
    May 16, 2005
    Nice enough, but nothing lasting, i'd say. Galang and Pull Up The People are pretty good, but Bucky Done Gone and 10 dollar are weak old-school electro. and her rapping is so-so...
  14. kent
    Feb 17, 2006
    If it weren't for the exotic backstory, this deceptively thin slice of subaltern commodification would have likely been whitewashed, so to speak. Obviously this story accounts for a large part of MIA's essence, but that essence is in turn unreflectively sublimated into a packaged aesthetic of rebel-fun for thousands of fickle gringo teenagers. It doesn't help that the If it weren't for the exotic backstory, this deceptively thin slice of subaltern commodification would have likely been whitewashed, so to speak. Obviously this story accounts for a large part of MIA's essence, but that essence is in turn unreflectively sublimated into a packaged aesthetic of rebel-fun for thousands of fickle gringo teenagers. It doesn't help that the "politics" are scattershot ramblings and partial snapshots a la "Global a Go-Go," but without Strummer's encompassing vision and compassion. Compare, for example: "Down at the bauxite mine/You get your own uniform/Have lunchtimes off/Take a monorail to your home" (Strummer), with: "He got Colgate on his teeth/And Reebok classics on his feet/At a factory he does Nike/And then he helps the family" (MIA). One transports you to a tropical perestroika with all the attendant monotony, while the other thinks the post-modern twitch of citing brand names amounts to revolutionary statement, and presumably attempts to acheive some irony about the infiltration of the public and private sphere, and the ultimate interchangability of said brands. Okay, but there is no image here (BYOSweatshop), no conjured sense of place, no real irony, just this reflex of attempting to appropriate corporate symbology while submitting to its strictures in every meaningful way. This is the worst thing about Arular: its affected wisdom. If this is the extent to which pop music can be intellectually engaging and politically engaged, then pop music is bouncing enthusiatically towards its own irrelevance. Taken as a mainstream dance album -- as incoherent and unnecessary as that genre's standards demand -- this is above average: thick, staccatto low-end blasts and hooks a'plenty. The production is big and detailed, if the beats are a bit repetitive . It just isn't a revolution: it's not smart enough. Expand
  15. W.Haas
    Dec 3, 2005
    Have to admit, its a fun album. But ever notice how the entire album sounds like 1 song?
  16. salomey
    Sep 3, 2005
    because of the positive reviews i tried to like it but i didn't really though it isn't bad
  17. aaronl
    Jun 23, 2005
    don't believe the indie hype machine. this is not "genius" or "revolutionary". it is at times an enjoyable record made by an attractive, charasmatic singer. however, she is not doing anything novel except for bringin dancehall into the indie circle using moderately political lyrics. it is good, but not nearly as good as the indie hipster hype machine wants you to believe.
  18. Oct 3, 2011
    One look at the cover and you know that this album isnâ
  19. ElkDog
    Apr 30, 2005
    Wow, this cd was so annoying. It has a lot of forgettable cheap sounding drum beats with this chick going lalala bakka bakka wicka pricka lacka lacka. I have no idea what the hell she's saying. Very annoying. I can't believe the rating it has on this site.
  20. GarielL.
    May 31, 2005
    After buying the singles for Galang and Sunshowers, I was excited for the full length. It turns out that the album is pretty blah. Those two tracks are on the album with what feels like a very small handfull of other tracks, few memorable. I would dig Bucky Done Gone, but I've got the Brazilian funk track they lift the whole beat from, and I just assume play that. I officially After buying the singles for Galang and Sunshowers, I was excited for the full length. It turns out that the album is pretty blah. Those two tracks are on the album with what feels like a very small handfull of other tracks, few memorable. I would dig Bucky Done Gone, but I've got the Brazilian funk track they lift the whole beat from, and I just assume play that. I officially stopped being a fan when I saw her live with Diplo DJing for her. Her back up singer held her up the whole time, and it seemed like she was just reciting the lyrics along to the CD. There was no charisma or spark. Even worse, after making us wait for three hours with no opening act, they just played the songs off Arular and left. I think this album was all she had in her. If you want some real talent from a British chick, check out Lady Sovereign. Expand
  21. MariP
    Jun 28, 2005
    'Galang' begins to get on my last nerve. SWITCH please, M.I.A...
  22. maxpower
    Jul 20, 2005
    it's too bad so many people buy this stuff. I like indie and electronic music but there are no standouts here. Only get this cd if you want to people to think you are cool or you like world music
  23. RayKay
    Aug 16, 2005
    this CD is horribly overrated. don't waste your time
  24. JamieS
    Jun 23, 2005
    doesnt really do very much new, doesnt really say anything of interest. merely average.
  25. JasonA
    Nov 5, 2005
    Ok, first off this album is horrible. I see that it was reviewed favorably on this site and ever where else. I know that N.E.R.D made minimalism in music popular ,but this is pathetic. Maybe where M.I.A is from this is great music,but I would hope not. I can say that there might be hope for future releases, but for right now M.I.A needs to stay that way until she adds a little more Ok, first off this album is horrible. I see that it was reviewed favorably on this site and ever where else. I know that N.E.R.D made minimalism in music popular ,but this is pathetic. Maybe where M.I.A is from this is great music,but I would hope not. I can say that there might be hope for future releases, but for right now M.I.A needs to stay that way until she adds a little more substance to her music. Expand
  26. PaquiL
    May 16, 2005
    Agh, so much promotion and such a dissapointing record. Charisma is not enough. "Power for the people" lyrics repeated in groups of four, absolutely forgettable. The best part is when it finishes (seriously, last minute is very good)
  27. mukesht
    Dec 11, 2005
    Lots of hype, mostly BS. Not a renegade at all, just a media manipulator. The stories of her childhood are mostly rubbish.
  28. DaveR
    May 8, 2005
    I do not understand the hype behind this crap. By any yardstick you use, it comes up short. Maybe if they'd actually review the music instead of some hipster revolutionary object of lust, hey, we'd be getting somewhere. I think only one song I even remotely dug. I'd rather hear a street preacher ranting over a broken 909.
  29. AaronS.
    Jul 10, 2005
    Incredibly overrated disc. Don't believe the hype on this one. I've tried it two times now and I just don't get it. Her vocal style is irritating beyond belief and there is simply nothing ground breaking about the record. 'Bucky Done Gone' has to be one of the worst songs of the year. Skip it.
  30. FIonaS
    Jul 30, 2006
    I'm sorry, but I don't get it. I can see she has lyrical talent, but besides that I'm kind of at a loss. I generally think of myself as an open-minded music listener, but this just does nothing but irritate me.
  31. JulianM
    Mar 23, 2005
    Boring - really lazy vocals put down over bad drum and bass. i loved the "Galang" single and had high hopes. i dare anyone to comapre the other songs to Galang and tell me tht they even come close to it on production, vocals, beats and danceability. The biggest disappointment in the past couple of years. Seriously "90"?, "100" wtf????
  32. MaxB
    Jun 24, 2005
    This album is not truly awful. Yet, it does not live up to the hype at all. People who love this album, I can only imagine they are tourists to the incredibly dense and rich scene that M.I.A. emerged from. How people can genuinely love this music is beyond me. The beats are tired, the politics are sophmoric (and unintelligible most of the time).Chalk it up to "exoticism" and if you really This album is not truly awful. Yet, it does not live up to the hype at all. People who love this album, I can only imagine they are tourists to the incredibly dense and rich scene that M.I.A. emerged from. How people can genuinely love this music is beyond me. The beats are tired, the politics are sophmoric (and unintelligible most of the time).Chalk it up to "exoticism" and if you really want to hear the future, work harder. Expand
  33. PaulPaul
    Apr 10, 2005
    So boring...
  34. macky
    Jan 9, 2006
    The Empreror has no clothes! Overhyped rubish. Noise yes, Music No.
  35. seamusm
    Feb 16, 2006
    Unlistenable rubbish.From an open-minded music fan.
  36. MR
    Feb 28, 2006
    I tried listening to the album and could not even get pass track #2. I just could not get anything going on with this album, what a mess. Is the label for real?
  37. BigDHADub
    Dec 26, 2007
    Seriously, if you want to be effective as a revolutionary...especially with music (which is not likely to happen unfortunately) have to make it simple. Dumb it down so that you're audience can relate, then as they get used to you grow more complex. From the beginning of this CD artists that I played it for were ignoring the message. But artist show talent and convince groups, Seriously, if you want to be effective as a revolutionary...especially with music (which is not likely to happen unfortunately) have to make it simple. Dumb it down so that you're audience can relate, then as they get used to you grow more complex. From the beginning of this CD artists that I played it for were ignoring the message. But artist show talent and convince groups, and CDs are I can't say that the message is not worthy to atleast a good amount of people. Expand
  38. DannyDoom
    Nov 25, 2005
    Forgive my not jumping on the bandwagon here, but, why doesn't anyone realize this album is complete garbage.
  39. Anonymous
    Sep 4, 2007
    Can anyone even understand what she is saying? I am shocked to see that so many people like this kind of music. And I use the term music lightly, because to me this is just random noises thrown together. If anyone listens to Dane Cook, then they will understand when I say that this is the kind of noise that makes you want to punch a baby.
  40. ivanv
    Jan 4, 2007
    awful, how is this getting good reviews. this sounds even worse than kevin federline. i know there a message and all but its awful. not music
  41. allisonk
    Apr 14, 2005
    this isn't good music. this is bullshit direct effect/trl/mtv dance music.
  42. Kay
    Jun 3, 2005
    it's is completely beyond all reasonable comprehension how anyone could actually enjoy this "music". the beats sound cheap and poorly recorded. there is no melody or real musicality to any of the tracks and i have know idea what she's talking about in any of these songs. honestly listening to this album while reading these reviews makes me feel like i'm in the twilight it's is completely beyond all reasonable comprehension how anyone could actually enjoy this "music". the beats sound cheap and poorly recorded. there is no melody or real musicality to any of the tracks and i have know idea what she's talking about in any of these songs. honestly listening to this album while reading these reviews makes me feel like i'm in the twilight zone. if i could rate it a negative number i would. Expand
  43. MattP
    Jun 5, 2005
    utter garbage. Not a single redeeming quality in this piece of overhyped, monotanous trash.
  44. Buck65
    Mar 22, 2005
    This album is not good and overrated. There are so many albums just like this and are for some reason rated differently.
  45. [Anonymous]
    Mar 23, 2005
    for someone who do not enjoy rap in general, listening to this album is a brain damaging experience, I wouldn't even call it music, what a piece of crap
  46. PatDaMan
    Jan 4, 2006
    The most overrated album in years. Every song sounds the same and when someone's music depends on the sampling of someone else's, it proves they are talentless. 100% junk.
  47. SamirN/A
    Aug 12, 2005
    No lyrical depth, or intelligence. On a album that prides itself in revolutionary discourse, this is unexceptable. Unusual sounds that heavily cite the experimentalism of Tom Waits (without the lyrical talent or coherence) and odd beats do not make this album unique. Regardless, uniqueness doesn't necessarily mean quality. The beats are more like noises and cheap samples, the lyrics No lyrical depth, or intelligence. On a album that prides itself in revolutionary discourse, this is unexceptable. Unusual sounds that heavily cite the experimentalism of Tom Waits (without the lyrical talent or coherence) and odd beats do not make this album unique. Regardless, uniqueness doesn't necessarily mean quality. The beats are more like noises and cheap samples, the lyrics are banal at best, and her voice has no range. Energy doesn't make up for talent. "Just because no one can understand how you speak, doesn't mean what you sayin' is deep." This album is trash. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Urb
    M.I.A.'s singsong cadence is both child-like and streetwise, perfectly mirroring the smiley-faced menace of the electro-informed palpitations behind her. [Mar 2005, p.113]
  2. Not for a moment does the violence seem vindictive, sadistic, or pleasurable. It's a fact of life to be triumphed over, with beats and tunelets stolen or remembered or willed into existence.
  3. Fortifying her monstrous singles "Galang" and "Sunshowers" with further molten munitions, Arular is primed for worldwide insurrection.