• Record Label: EMI
  • Release Date: Jun 1, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17

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  1. TKirk
    Jun 1, 2004
    The sound provides something missing from today's generic pop fluff and "alternative" or rock crap. I found it tight and extremely listenable...
  2. JeffreyB
    Feb 24, 2006
    I LOVE this CD!! I am not a huge Hole fan and I bought this based on one track I heard on DMX. This is one of the strongest freshman albums I've heard in the past five years. The songs are catchy, great hooks, cool melody lines, the vocals are strong and the playing is tight. I admittedly don't pay much attention to the lyrics so they may be a bit trite or silly, but the music I LOVE this CD!! I am not a huge Hole fan and I bought this based on one track I heard on DMX. This is one of the strongest freshman albums I've heard in the past five years. The songs are catchy, great hooks, cool melody lines, the vocals are strong and the playing is tight. I admittedly don't pay much attention to the lyrics so they may be a bit trite or silly, but the music ROCKS! I'm listening to it right now... ;-) Expand
  3. Apr 19, 2011
    all albums pwn.she is amazing
    Makes me proud to be canadian.

    i think everyone needs some melissa in there life
    she is probley one of they coolest women let alone person out there.
    i hope to one day see OOOM live one day in my hometown.
  4. wackyman
    May 25, 2004
    nothing groundbreaking here really but just good music to listen to sometimes you don't need more than that
  5. MattM
    Jun 2, 2004
    Gripping, entrancing, and ultimately sensational, Melissa Auf der Maur's solo self-titled debut is a breath of fresh air in a music scene that is so muddled with mediocrity. While the former Hole bass player's vocal prowess is not as riveting as, say, Courtney Love's, but the music here is just as good as anything on the latter's "America's Sweetheart." "Auf Der Gripping, entrancing, and ultimately sensational, Melissa Auf der Maur's solo self-titled debut is a breath of fresh air in a music scene that is so muddled with mediocrity. While the former Hole bass player's vocal prowess is not as riveting as, say, Courtney Love's, but the music here is just as good as anything on the latter's "America's Sweetheart." "Auf Der Maur" is a record to treasure - one of the best albums of 2004. Expand
  6. NunoL
    Jun 24, 2005
    Very Good
  7. Aug 27, 2010
    Pounding modern rock airwaves, Auf der Maur's debut solo album sets the bar for a new style of alternative rock and leaves Courtney Love's solo attempt in the back of the que. Heavy but beautiful, raw but well-cooked, MAdM invites you in and you'd be a fool to miss it!
  8. rolandv
    Jul 26, 2004
    Lots of guitars (of course), kick-ass drums, wacky lyrics - good old fashioned turn it up music.
  9. [Anonymous]
    Mar 27, 2006
    A competent but inconsistent platter of Alternative rock. Melissa has some talent, but she can't match her mentors, and it comes in somewhat inconsistent bursts. Still, the album offers a decent bunch of hard rocking gems and can be enjoyed, all of them accented with a female edginess that redeems even the most mediocre tracks. An easy album to like, but because of its flaws, hard to love.
  10. Jun 29, 2020
    Melissa Auf der Maur, of Hole and Smashing Pumpkins fame really packs a punch with her first solo album. Though musically this record is quite strong, lyrically MAdM suffers a bit. Best tracks: Followed the Waves, Skin Receiver, Lightning is My Girl, Te Goƻter (on the Canadian version).

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    The album's monolithic sound... feels dated and drab. [4 June 2004, p.80]
  2. She never finds a way to distinguish one track from the next, or from the output of just about any '90s alt-rock also-ran.
  3. 80
    Though Auf Der Maur has run off with their blueprint and built it as seen, there’s raw passion and no little class here; Corgan and Love must be rueing their luck.