• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Jul 20, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 147 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 91 out of 147
  2. Negative: 50 out of 147

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  1. DanF.
    Sep 4, 2007
  2. Amory
    Jan 20, 2005
    Well, all i have to say is that shes one of the BIGGEST posers in the music industry today.I hate how she "tries to be different" and how she thinks shes "punk". Shes just another "wanna-be". HAHA. Her idols are Alanis Morrissette..Joan Jett...and Fiona Apple?! HAHA. I hate her guts and her music. Stop complaining, Ashlee, and get over yourself!kkthx
  3. DeniseL
    Jan 5, 2005
    Ashlee Simpson is just another cookie cutter made to be a pop star like so many before her. She can't sing to save her life. Although she is a beautiful girl her talent borders on little to none. Unlike Britney Spears she is also in serious need of dancing lessons. I honestly don't know what she thinks she is doing while flailing her arms around looking like she is having some Ashlee Simpson is just another cookie cutter made to be a pop star like so many before her. She can't sing to save her life. Although she is a beautiful girl her talent borders on little to none. Unlike Britney Spears she is also in serious need of dancing lessons. I honestly don't know what she thinks she is doing while flailing her arms around looking like she is having some sort of fit or seizure! When there are so many truly talented people out there struggling to get noticed I wonder why Ashlee was given this opportunity.... can anybody say riding on her sister Jessica's coattails? Expand
  4. Metallika
    Feb 27, 2005
    She SUCKS big time!!!!!..she can't sing!!!..I hate her crappy voice...her music's a piece of trash..her music is terrible,,,.and her reality show makes me SICK!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH MUSIC THIS DAYS????!!!!!!
  5. myrah
    Nov 1, 2004
    SUCKS BIG TIME, be glad your sister is famous, otherwise your music would have never made it
  6. KMarcus
    Sep 10, 2004
    No, I didn't buy this piece of crap album, there was no need to even second-guess Ashlee's potential after I heard the single that plagues the airways. But this is what I expect from teen-pop music, dull and lifeless. Seriously, what makes this album good? Lyrics? Yah, if the point is to mush out meaningless and witless rhymes. Or how about the music? Boy was that an interesting No, I didn't buy this piece of crap album, there was no need to even second-guess Ashlee's potential after I heard the single that plagues the airways. But this is what I expect from teen-pop music, dull and lifeless. Seriously, what makes this album good? Lyrics? Yah, if the point is to mush out meaningless and witless rhymes. Or how about the music? Boy was that an interesting way to play the C chord! No, this CD is the rule of thumb in most pop music, make music that will sell quickly and vanish even faster. The record companies just want to make money off horrible music that teen boys and s will spend their allowance on. It is the music industry, hundreds of great bands will play in obscurity while one that truly has little vocal ability gets a platinum CD. Ahh well, at least Coldplay and Radiohead get some recognition. Otherwise I might really be ed. Expand
  7. lisaj
    Sep 10, 2004
    how do you name your cd "autobiography", and hire people to write the songs for you?
  8. ThomasEdison
    Sep 3, 2004
    Listen, I invented the light bulb, so listen to me. The album sucks. A note to other reviewers, if you dont like the album, please dont list other groups that suck even worse. Remember, Light Bulbs, hehe, where would you be without them!
  9. bruce
    Feb 21, 2005
    she can't sing
  10. JordanE
    Feb 28, 2005
    Shes a talenless fraud who got into the buisness only because of her older sister. Im not surprised that the media, for the most part, supports her. Theres enough people in this world who are blind/retarded enough to buy this garbage so the "industry" will make more money.
  11. LarryC
    Feb 3, 2005
    She does not have a voice like her sister. She says she doesn't want to ride her sisters coat tails, but that is what she is doing. Her voice sucks and she would never had made it if it weren't for her sister!
  12. AmandaG
    Feb 4, 2005
    Ashlee Simpson sucks! She has NO talent and shes a complete FAKE!! She got caught being a fake piece of s*** singer on SNL then to top that off she got booed during the half time orange bowl!! I listened to that half time show and she sounds AWFUL!! She needs to be banned from the music business. ASHLEE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. dawn
    Mar 7, 2005
    i think she sucks. everything about her sucks. her looks, her music, her ways.. and her feet are ugly! did you see them? if you just saw her feet, you would think they were feet of a 80 year old woman. i dont know why people thinks she is so great. the only thing good about her is that she has big boobs.
  14. Nina
    Oct 7, 2004
    I am so sick of this crap pop being labeled as rock when it's nothing more than Avril Lavigne and Hillary Duff put together in a sickening excuse for an album. Newsflash! Coloring your hair brown and having a decent background band doesn't make you rock. All this is is another manufactured pop record being constantly shoved in our faces. The saddest part is that her voice sucks I am so sick of this crap pop being labeled as rock when it's nothing more than Avril Lavigne and Hillary Duff put together in a sickening excuse for an album. Newsflash! Coloring your hair brown and having a decent background band doesn't make you rock. All this is is another manufactured pop record being constantly shoved in our faces. The saddest part is that her voice sucks as much as her tired lyrics. How this chick has made it is anyone's guess (other than the obvious nepotism). Expand
  15. MandyR
    Jul 28, 2004
    Avril wanna-be. Proves that having talent isn't a prerequisite for getting an album contract...as long as you have a famous sister.
  16. zacko
    Aug 12, 2004
    i hate her music! she has absolutely no talent and doesnt write any of her own music. the only reason she is known is becuase of her sister. they are both idiots. at least jessica can sing! ashley cannot sing at ALL. Her music defines the word CRAP
  17. AnnaJ
    Aug 12, 2004
    I cannot find it in my heart to give her a 0 as my score but only because she is so young. She is obviously sucking her fame from her sister. Vocals do not run in the family this time. Her range is terrible, her writing ability is nonexistant considering she hired a team of song writers to help her with her "autobiography". Its a shame that many of the younger generation think this is I cannot find it in my heart to give her a 0 as my score but only because she is so young. She is obviously sucking her fame from her sister. Vocals do not run in the family this time. Her range is terrible, her writing ability is nonexistant considering she hired a team of song writers to help her with her "autobiography". Its a shame that many of the younger generation think this is good music, God help our future! Expand
  18. Becki
    Aug 19, 2004
    I haven't heard Ashlee Simpson's CD, but I've heard her single "Pieces of Me" on the radio, and I'd like to know this- WHY is she so popular?! Her music is average at best, she has almost no vocal range, and I hear that she doesn't even write her own songs.
  19. brian
    Aug 2, 2004
    ok jessica simpson is not famous for being a singer. she is famous for being an idiot. not singing. famous for getting BBQ sauce all over her face and not knowing what buffalo wings were. not singing. and her sister is LESS TALENTED THAN THAT. if you bought this, please understand that your taste and mind have been bought and sold by MTV. my elderly neighbor could probably move a million ok jessica simpson is not famous for being a singer. she is famous for being an idiot. not singing. famous for getting BBQ sauce all over her face and not knowing what buffalo wings were. not singing. and her sister is LESS TALENTED THAN THAT. if you bought this, please understand that your taste and mind have been bought and sold by MTV. my elderly neighbor could probably move a million units if you put her on some stupid TV show and shoved her up the nation's ass 17 hours a day. this is prefabricated talentless crap at its worst, period. Expand
  20. carat.
    Sep 10, 2004
    am i the only person that realizes this chick is only famous because of her sister?? if it weren't for jessica, ashlee would be a no one from no where. this cd sucks, mostly because she can't sing. her voice sounds like a cat thats being sacrificed. listen to me kids, any idiot can get a record deal now a days, it does NOT take talent. can you believe they give ignoramouses like am i the only person that realizes this chick is only famous because of her sister?? if it weren't for jessica, ashlee would be a no one from no where. this cd sucks, mostly because she can't sing. her voice sounds like a cat thats being sacrificed. listen to me kids, any idiot can get a record deal now a days, it does NOT take talent. can you believe they give ignoramouses like the simpsons, (the sisters, not the cartoon) and britney spears money to make an album?? Expand
  21. Mystical
    Jan 1, 2005
    wow ashlee simpson...i can't even begin to tell you how much i think she sucks. yeah, maybe her album might be good if she actually knew how to SING, but i guess thats not really a requirement anymore. she also doesn't compare to avril at all. at least avril knows how to play instruments and actually writes her own material. her voice doesn't sound like a dying cat.
  22. JackieR
    Jan 14, 2005
    Ashlee Simpson is a horrible singer!! I cannot believe she actually made an album she has no talent whatsoever. She sounds even worse when shes singing live oh my God the horror!! Who the heck told her she can sing cause she seriously sucks and her saying that they didnt boo her at the Orange Bowl but at the whole performance..whatever!! Shes in serious denial and doesnt realize her lack Ashlee Simpson is a horrible singer!! I cannot believe she actually made an album she has no talent whatsoever. She sounds even worse when shes singing live oh my God the horror!! Who the heck told her she can sing cause she seriously sucks and her saying that they didnt boo her at the Orange Bowl but at the whole performance..whatever!! Shes in serious denial and doesnt realize her lack of talent. Amazingly she has sold like over 2 million albums!! who the hell bought her album! probably dumb people that dont know what talent is when they see one. Expand
  23. JeffL
    Jan 25, 2005
    Technology, in the modern recording studio can make anyone, i mean ANYONE sound good. That's why the CD doesn't sound horrible. But the fact remains that she is probably the worst singer that I have ever seen perform on a platform like SNL. Don't worry though Ashlee, I heard William Hung wanted to do a duo with you!!!
  24. scottp
    Jan 5, 2005
    I am sorry, this girl CANNOT sing. Her Orange Bowl appearance (not too mention her SNL episode), were horrible. I was embarassed for her, she was getting booed by the whole stadium. It sounded as though someone was strangling a cow or something. Truly embarassed for her. Her MTV show needs to be cancelled also, I don't think anyone really cares what she's doing.
  25. valeries
    Jan 5, 2005
    this whole album sucks and so does ashlee simpson-get off the airways already-go get a job at mcdonalds or as a secretary-it is disgusting how anyone can try to make it as a singer.
  26. pete
    Jan 5, 2005
    she sucks!!! totally manufactured crap because she is Jessica's sister. Her voice is crap!!! Why do we have to see her on TV all of the time. If they keep on promoting this type of music we're in trouble.......!!!
  27. AstridE
    Jan 6, 2005
    I'm sorry, but ashlee simpson just sucks so bad and its obvious from all her "live" perfomances that she just does not know how to sing at all. "Zero talent" are the words that best describe her. Those and "hook nose from hell."
  28. CarltonB
    Jan 6, 2005
    I cannot stand her. Not only is she an awful singer she is also the biggest phoney I have ever seen in my life. She's also a really bad actress. Seriously she should just stop already. Seriously. Quit wasting my time when i could be listening to real talent. Like her sister.
  29. HarrisH
    Feb 14, 2005
    I just don't get it. She gets booed of stage , got caught for lip synching on SNL , is a shadow of her sister in terms of vocal talents and she STILL CONTINUES? The selection of songs in her album are mundane and yet is able to sell loads of copies? At least William Hung knows he's a joke but this..
  30. bree
    Feb 21, 2005
    its awful

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Chock-full of catchy songs.
  2. Blender
    There isn't a song on her debut that doesn't paint in huge strokes. [Sep 2004, p.143]
  3. She sounds like she’s adopting characters and singing their songs, rather than her own. And, for a record with the name Autobiography, it seems like no bigger criticism could be leveled.