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Universal acclaim- based on 448 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 18 out of 448
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  1. Aug 4, 2023
    "Awaken, My Love!" de Childish Gambino é uma obra-prima musical que encanta e desafia as expectativas. Abandonando o hip-hop e se entregando ao funk e ao soul dos anos 70, Glover nos guia por uma viagem única. Sua versatilidade vocal, letras profundas e arranjos fazem deste álbum uma experiência inesquecível. Com músicas como "Redbone" e "Terrified", Glover prova ser um artista corajoso e"Awaken, My Love!" de Childish Gambino é uma obra-prima musical que encanta e desafia as expectativas. Abandonando o hip-hop e se entregando ao funk e ao soul dos anos 70, Glover nos guia por uma viagem única. Sua versatilidade vocal, letras profundas e arranjos fazem deste álbum uma experiência inesquecível. Com músicas como "Redbone" e "Terrified", Glover prova ser um artista corajoso e talentoso, merecendo sem dúvida a nota 9, por sua inovação, originalidade e paixão que transbordam em cada faixa deste album. Expand
  2. Jun 13, 2023
    The vast majority of the songs are good, they are like to be quiet at night, but it also has very skip songs
  3. Mar 6, 2023
    If my father had produced music and he doesn't make me an album like this, I hope he would have given me up for adoption in any way, what a beautiful sentiment.
  4. Jan 31, 2023
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  5. Aug 23, 2022
    "Awaken my love" brings a feeling of something known but reinvented, the experience brought by childish gambino on this album is something unique and very pleasant to experience. "Awaken my love" isn't for everyone, it comes with some strong social criticism that reflects on the image of America at the time it was composed in a sequence of introspective songs. Finally we have a great"Awaken my love" brings a feeling of something known but reinvented, the experience brought by childish gambino on this album is something unique and very pleasant to experience. "Awaken my love" isn't for everyone, it comes with some strong social criticism that reflects on the image of America at the time it was composed in a sequence of introspective songs. Finally we have a great album that revives funk and soul music in its most interesting forms, for R&B lovers it's a full plate. Expand
  6. Mar 28, 2022
    Childish Gambino is absolutely amazing. He's super talented and showed his versatility by making a solid album without rapping at all. I'm not a fan of the track "California", it's the one true skip on this album in my opinion, but tracks like "Me and Your Mama", "Terrified", and his most popular song as of right now, "Redbone" make up for it.
  7. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  8. Nov 21, 2021
    Definitivamente las mejores composiciones musicales que ha hecho Glover en toda su carrera, obra maestra

    Definitely the best musical compositions Glover has ever made in all of his carrer, a masterpiece
  9. Apr 14, 2021
    I love this album a lot, the emotional potency of it is without a doubt there and I find this an especially great "night" album, as signaled by the cover and the laid back style of many of the tracks here.

    It doesn't come without it's flaws though, although I enjoy every track on here to some degree, there are just some decisions that were made that I just don't understand, for example,
    I love this album a lot, the emotional potency of it is without a doubt there and I find this an especially great "night" album, as signaled by the cover and the laid back style of many of the tracks here.

    It doesn't come without it's flaws though, although I enjoy every track on here to some degree, there are just some decisions that were made that I just don't understand, for example, the track "Riot" which is one of the most energetic tracks on here just ending abruptly with a simple fade out, I don't understand this choice at all and if it was extended it's very likely this would've been one of my favorite tracks on the record. The track "The Night Me and Your Mama Met" is a pleasant interlude to my favorite track on the record, Stand Tall, but it's not much more than that, in fact it seems like filler more than anything else and I think the album would've done fine without it, or if the vocals played a larger role within it. The track I have something negative to say about is "California", yeah, it's infamous, and everybody knows why, like what the hell are these vocals? I enjoy the instrument and lyrical content but with all the vocal ranges presented on this album, this was the last place I would've wanted it to go.

    That's it for all the negatives on this album, I love this thing, a lot. It was one of the first R&B/soul records I've listened to and has inspired me to go in deeper to R&B and similar genres. My favorite tracks on this thing are "Me and Your Mama", which never fails to give me chills at the amazing beat drop, "Boogieman", which I don't know why, but feels like a predecessor to "Redbone", "Terrified", which is a simple but beautiful and mysterious track, the vocals at the end of this thing might be one of my favorite moments of the album. And "Stand Tall", an absolutely amazing multi-phased track that is so good, each segment of this thing can easily be it's own song, but yet it all ties together into a single ambitious track, the flute segment is one of the most beautiful things I've heard out of music before, and words cannot describe the sensation I feel when listening to it.

    Great, great, great album.
  10. Apr 8, 2021
    Glover's best work yet. He's not afraid to experiment and push the boundaries.

  11. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  12. Jan 17, 2021
    An album that really picks up in the second half and isn’t afraid to experiment.
  13. Dec 31, 2020
    Awaken, My Love! Is a departure from hip hop by Childish Gambino and explore funky waves, with great results. Atmosphere is awesome, production is on fire and Childish demonstrate to be on fire on funky sounds. Length and replaybility is not simple, due to a lot of songs that has a duration of six minutes.
  14. Nov 9, 2020
    This album features 11 tracks, all equally psychedelic and experimental. Each instrumental feels like you are floating boundless with no cares or problems holding you down. The album covers the unbelievable love you hold for your children and that breaking a romantic relationship cannot affect the love you have for your children. This album also covers the problems in a relationshipThis album features 11 tracks, all equally psychedelic and experimental. Each instrumental feels like you are floating boundless with no cares or problems holding you down. The album covers the unbelievable love you hold for your children and that breaking a romantic relationship cannot affect the love you have for your children. This album also covers the problems in a relationship leading to a loss of love. Very few misses, great album. Expand
  15. May 29, 2020
    It's not for everyone, but it's safe to say that Donald Glover and Ludwig Göransson's "Awaken, My Love!" is a modern masterpiece. This is one of those rare albums that transports the listener to a different world. Childish Gambino has seen a surge in artistry, and with a more mature outlook and iconic influences, his music deserves a chance from everyone now that he's found his voice.
  16. Nov 2, 2019
    Some of the shorter songs fall flat, but this was a pleasant surprise and I'm excited for Childish Gambino to explore.
  17. Aug 17, 2019
    One of my favorite albums period. Fantastic from start to finish. Donald's singing is incredible here.

    Best Tracks: The Night Me and Your Mama Met, Redbone, Terrified, Me and Your Mama, Baby Boy, Zombies, Stand Tall, Have Some Love, Boogieman, California.
    Worst Tracks: Riot.
  18. Jan 12, 2019
    If 808s & Heartbreak was done the right way...
    I wasn't too impressed by this at first, but I think it might be accurate to say I'm mildly blown away by this. It's not a revolutionary album, but it doesn't have to be and it isn't trying to be. It's very good though and isn't crutched by Redbone by any means.
  19. Dec 3, 2018
    Donald Glover steps away from being a rap star to take a risk and release a soulful project. The production is top tier, and Glover reinvents himself and maintains a unique sound.
  20. Jul 21, 2018
    One of the most essential funk / r&b albums of the past decade. One of the best albums of either 2016 or 2017 and a must listen for Redbone alone, nevermind all the other jems on this project. Worked really well at the start of "GET OUT" too.
  21. Apr 24, 2018
    If California wasn't on the album, he may well have a 10 from me but that song is terribly unavoidable. Aside form that, this album sees him take risks that are rare from an artist who has only made rap albums. A departure like this hasn't been seen since Kanye went from Graduation to 808s and Heartbreak and it's beautiful. Perfect balance on song subjects between love, race, and a varietyIf California wasn't on the album, he may well have a 10 from me but that song is terribly unavoidable. Aside form that, this album sees him take risks that are rare from an artist who has only made rap albums. A departure like this hasn't been seen since Kanye went from Graduation to 808s and Heartbreak and it's beautiful. Perfect balance on song subjects between love, race, and a variety of issues. I can hear strong D'angelo influences even though it's not on the same level. Expand
  22. Dec 25, 2017
    The perfect example that taking risks, being creative, and being smart can lead to greatness. The production is right up my alley. The warm bassline on California makes you dance, the rapid drums on Riot make you want to...y'know, the huge thick synths at the end of Stand Tall are epic and pretty, the insanely catchy chorus on Have Some Love is infectious. These are all amazing but theyThe perfect example that taking risks, being creative, and being smart can lead to greatness. The production is right up my alley. The warm bassline on California makes you dance, the rapid drums on Riot make you want to...y'know, the huge thick synths at the end of Stand Tall are epic and pretty, the insanely catchy chorus on Have Some Love is infectious. These are all amazing but they don't even compare to the PERFECT opener that is Me And Your Mama. That song is so freaking incredible i literally have no words. Easily Gambino's best album, without a doubt. Expand
  23. Oct 23, 2017
    Going back old school but in it's own, very unique way. I felt this voodoo vibe that remind me of (great master of guitar and vocal) Jimmy Hendrix...and that could be enough for a huge compliment. My favorite album of 2016.
  24. Jul 18, 2017
    good album............................................................................................................................................................
  25. May 2, 2017
    At first, I was disgusted and hated this album, but over the course of a few weeks, I decided to try to listen to it and by god was I surprised at how good it actually was. Its funky rhythms and 70s aesthetic make it sound so... nostalgic and head-bobbingly good at the same time. Not many albums can do that nowadays, ya know. While others might disagree with me because of Glover's previousAt first, I was disgusted and hated this album, but over the course of a few weeks, I decided to try to listen to it and by god was I surprised at how good it actually was. Its funky rhythms and 70s aesthetic make it sound so... nostalgic and head-bobbingly good at the same time. Not many albums can do that nowadays, ya know. While others might disagree with me because of Glover's previous works as a rapper, you can't deny that it sounds at least decent enough for a second, third or maybe fourth listen. I respect Donald for going in this direction and trying something new and respect him even further for making something as good as Awaken, My Love.

    Please, give this album a listen.
  26. Apr 16, 2017
    Gambino has made some great hip hop but this is unlike anything I've heard before. RNB? Soul? All I know is that it is an incredible grower. I appreciate albums that I can listen to from beginning to end.
  27. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is a bold statement from Donald Glover and a huge departure from his days of being a poor man's Chance the Rapper. The vocals are outstanding across the album, particularly on 'Terrified' and 'Redbone' which are both highlights. However the album simply lacks consistency, it shows signs of genius but songs like 'California' and 'Zombies' lack the quality of other songs likeThis album is a bold statement from Donald Glover and a huge departure from his days of being a poor man's Chance the Rapper. The vocals are outstanding across the album, particularly on 'Terrified' and 'Redbone' which are both highlights. However the album simply lacks consistency, it shows signs of genius but songs like 'California' and 'Zombies' lack the quality of other songs like those previously mentioned. Overall an exciting project with sparks of quality, but lacking in overall consistency. Expand
  28. Apr 15, 2017
    Ive never been a big Gambino fan. but this album is creative, unique, and very chilling. A relaxing soul infused funk fest with some sweet vocals, I would say this is my favorite Childish album.
  29. Mar 29, 2017
    One of the only Donald's that I love. The songs are funky and "out into space" as I like to say. The cover of the album does creep me out a ton though, so...Uh...Yeah...9/10.
  30. Mar 11, 2017
    This is by far one of if not the best Gambino album yet, his vocals are insane, songs I wouldn't usually like California I am in love with and just the amount of effort put into this is amazing. However, the reason this album doesn't get a higher rating is because a lot of the songs seem to be fillers to makes the album last longer.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jan 6, 2017
    Charming, incredibly soulful and emotionally charged, this record introduces us to a whole new, golden side of Donald Glover--and should elevate him to a new level of stardom.
  2. Jan 3, 2017
    The album transpires without so much as a lyrical couplet--exchanging raps for electromagnetic soul and fluorescent funk--and will ultimately be remembered for its experimentation over its execution.
  3. Mojo
    Dec 20, 2016
    This radiantly executed effort is also, curiously, Childish Gambino's most anonymous. [Feb 2017, p.92]]