• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 8, 2002
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 11 out of 25

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  1. Dec 23, 2021
    This is indeed a great album! 20 years after its release, I am still going back to it!
    She is indeed a great singer, a shame she never got properly recognized for it.
  2. Oct 14, 2011
    why you so mean??? This is a beautiful album every songs are so great and you can relate to. You can even feel what she means and you'll understand every word she was singing... I can say it is a wonderful album and it's on my top list. I can't wait for her next album. :)

    PS: Jennifer Love Hewitt is a great singer and have beautiful range of voice... :)
  3. NickV
    May 27, 2006
    How can anyone not like this album? OK, around the middle, the songs tend to sound the same. But if you extract each one out of its context (this album), you have a good song each time. Of those middle selections "Rock the Roll" is excellent. Arrangements are outstanding, with a tasty touch of timely rap. (And I don't even like rap!) The album starts off with what should have been 2 How can anyone not like this album? OK, around the middle, the songs tend to sound the same. But if you extract each one out of its context (this album), you have a good song each time. Of those middle selections "Rock the Roll" is excellent. Arrangements are outstanding, with a tasty touch of timely rap. (And I don't even like rap!) The album starts off with what should have been 2 rather powerful hit singles. (No song here hit the Billboard Hot 100). Then you have the ever beautiful "You", which shows that Jennifer has versatility in her singing, and can pull off any style or genre with equal effectiveness. Let's get this straight right now - THIS GIRL CAN SING! She has a God-given talent no doubt, and it's so obvious by listening to her albums that she works hard on it. She doesn't dog it at anytime. She gives it her all in each song! Now to the end of the album. "Avenue of the Stars" is one of the most brilliant, most outstanding songs I've ever heard in my life. Fantastic (and complicated) melody, going off in different directions yet all working so incredibly well synergistically. This should have been a hit, and go to #1 and stay there for 20 weeks! POWERFUL song! Can't get tired of it. The album ends with our lovely JLH paying tribute to one of her all-time favorite singers Janis Joplin. Janis herself had taken this Kris Kristofferson penned classic to #1 in 1971. Sadly it was a posthumous hit for her. Jennifer's interpretation of this classic takes a different direction yet stays loyal to the original hit version. She even does a brief Janis impression at the end of the song where theres laughter from her & the people there watching this performance. In fact, the laughter that you hear her do at the end of each of the last two songs are alone worth the money for this CD. To sum it all up, there is nothing but 'heart', passion, & dedication in this album. Jennifer Love Hewitt, thank you for this great album. This album should be in everybody's collection! Expand
  4. johng
    Mar 23, 2005
    This is good relaxing music to listen to and tap your feet
  5. KrisP
    Feb 27, 2005
    I remember before buying Jennifer's album I listened to the first single "Barenaked" a few times before buying and felt like, "you know, this has great promise to it. I have a hunch that if this single's that good then when the album comes out I'll be in for a treat." The single didn't steer me wrong. This a good, solid, complete album. When I say complete I mean that I remember before buying Jennifer's album I listened to the first single "Barenaked" a few times before buying and felt like, "you know, this has great promise to it. I have a hunch that if this single's that good then when the album comes out I'll be in for a treat." The single didn't steer me wrong. This a good, solid, complete album. When I say complete I mean that every song is a good song that's fun to listen to and if were released as a single would likely be a hit. I love this album. I listen to it often and enjoy it every time I do. This is a CD I'm always going to treasure in my collection. I just wish more people would give it a chance. There's my two cents. Great album! Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 3 out of 6
  1. Q Magazine
    Admittedly, her FM-friendly singalongs aren't rocket science, just fantastically effective. [May 2003, p.109]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Amounts to nothing more than a party of five million bland cliches. [11 Oct 2002, p.82]
  3. 30
    Hewitt's problem on BareNaked, ironically, is that she lacks "it." Whatever magnetism she carries on screen, whatever eye-candy poise she possesses; it all comes off as vanilla in her music.