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Generally favorable reviews- based on 190 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 50 out of 190
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  1. Feb 11, 2022
    The decisive rapper with a flair for vocal experiments is back with his greatest return to form yet. He doesn't try to change up his style (how could you when you are this unique already)instead he hones it in producing a streamlined impressive release. It was enjoyable without being annoying,generic and forgettable unlike his singles(see:lifestyle)favourites:halftime, barter 6
  2. Jun 16, 2021
    8/10 Production, but mid flow and no lyrics at all. Not a bad project but for sure one of the most overrated albums in rap history
  3. Jun 6, 2016
    I'll admit that Young Thug tried his best with his unusual style of rapping on the Barter 6. A few songs on this mixtape had great potential. Young Thug's mentor Birdman actually tried to get somewhere with his bars on "Constantly Hating" and "Knocked Off".

    Despite the efforts put into this mixtape, the rivalry with legendary rapper Lil Wayne is the pet peeve that I still have with
    I'll admit that Young Thug tried his best with his unusual style of rapping on the Barter 6. A few songs on this mixtape had great potential. Young Thug's mentor Birdman actually tried to get somewhere with his bars on "Constantly Hating" and "Knocked Off".

    Despite the efforts put into this mixtape, the rivalry with legendary rapper Lil Wayne is the pet peeve that I still have with Thugga. Thugga was pretty insensitive about at-first naming his project "Tha Carter VI" when Birdman (for some unnecessary and stupid reason) has not even released Lil Wayne's long-awaited and hopefully to-die-for album "Tha Carter V".
  4. Apr 24, 2015
    The production and originality would merit this record a 9/10, but the lyrics and vocals would put this as a 3/10. We'll meet halfway for the most overrated/underrated record of the year.
  5. Apr 24, 2015
    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    giving this album a BNM its a irony....
    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album... giving this album a BNM its a irony.... Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    giving this album a BNM its a irony....

    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    giving this album a BNM its a irony....
    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    giving this album a BNM its a irony....
    Average album. Rhyme so simply, worst worst, horryfiyng beats., didnot like anything of this album...
    giving this album a BNM its a irony....

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jul 14, 2015
    It's cotton candy hip-hop that's enjoyable to consume but has no real substance.
  2. Jun 24, 2015
    The rapping isn’t the problem, it’s his singing and eccentric sounds that leaves me with Van Gogh thoughts.
  3. Jun 22, 2015
    Producers Wheezy and London on da Track handle most the beats on this freaky and fantastic release.