• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2014
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 391 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 391

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  1. Apr 18, 2015
    I do not understand the hype around this album. The production is very drab and boring. The Vocals are so quiet that u can barely hear them. Only thing holding this album up are the lyrics,
  2. Jan 30, 2015
    I have to disagree with most of these reviews. Were we listening to the same album?! Yes I can see that this was crafted by a master musician. Yes I liked Brown Sugar, and I LOVED Voodoo... But I always had the sense that I was to be disappointed with this one. Too much time taken = overproduction. The songs are over-edited and overworked. They are arty, yes, but at the expense of theI have to disagree with most of these reviews. Were we listening to the same album?! Yes I can see that this was crafted by a master musician. Yes I liked Brown Sugar, and I LOVED Voodoo... But I always had the sense that I was to be disappointed with this one. Too much time taken = overproduction. The songs are over-edited and overworked. They are arty, yes, but at the expense of the music. Only one track got my head nodding, Sugah Daddy - which was the most like a Voodoo experience. The rest ranged from the dull, the classic soul-funk but nothing outstanding, to the downright unlistenable such as 'prayer'.
    It seems like people have so much invested in this album -the reverence of D'Angelo's talent - the long wait - to just admit what it is.. A rambling jam which never quite gets there. Reminiscent of Prince when he began to make very weird albums for the sake of artistry. So to sum up - an interesting musical piece, with real skill on show, can't argue with that - but will I listen to it a lot? no. Do I 'like' it? Not really. It's all just a little too opaque to understand. But maybe this failing is my own.
  3. Jan 8, 2015
    First, D'Angelo has made sublime music...just not with this album. I firmly believe that Voodoo is the most complete and important funk-soul collections of music of its time. It's predecessor, Brown Sugar, was a slightly a more bashful, but nearly as fantastic set of funk-in-your-soul musical gifts. With deep respect for many of the reviewers of Black Messiah, I am simply not moved byFirst, D'Angelo has made sublime music...just not with this album. I firmly believe that Voodoo is the most complete and important funk-soul collections of music of its time. It's predecessor, Brown Sugar, was a slightly a more bashful, but nearly as fantastic set of funk-in-your-soul musical gifts. With deep respect for many of the reviewers of Black Messiah, I am simply not moved by the music contained therein.

    The themes examined in Black Messiah are deep and richly performed. However, I find missing the enchanting melodies that D'Angelo so supremely gave us in his previous offerings. Dare I consider he's temporarily lost his muse--because that's what it sounds like. To my ear, most of the songs on Black Messiah are incomplete, over-produced musical thoughts. The depth of the sound's texture on Black Messiah is so thick and obtuse that I wonder if it's true purpose is to hide the lack of song. Again, allow me to be clear: I view D'Angelo as one of the great musicians of our time. From my vantage he need not make a single further offering to establish himself in the pantheon of our most important musicians. However, it almost seems as though Black Messiah is a collection of musical doodles D'Angelo has played with for years, and that he was moved by current political events to present a musical statement to the world. By all means, there is plenty in today's landscape on which to comment. However, I simply must respectfully disagree that Black Messiah ought to be revered in the same way as D'Angelo's earlier creations.
  4. Dec 23, 2014
    Yep this album is not that good at all but he has done it again,yeah right!!! most reviews here are done by people who do not know what good music is......i give it a 4 for the effort

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 30
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 30
  3. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Jan 13, 2015
    Black Messiah is an incredible album, and an essential addition to D'Angelo's discography.
  2. 80
    Notwithstanding the occasional foray into jazz and blues, Black Messiah is much the same blend of miasmic boudoir soul, bare-bones funk and liberation songs that characterised his 2000 milestone, Voodoo.
  3. Jan 5, 2015
    Black Messiah was crafted painstakingly, that’s evident, but it never sounds labored over. It sounds loose, on fire, and huge, like a truly Christian sermon.