• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2007
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Universal acclaim- based on 974 Ratings

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  1. ManuelV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Well, it could be worse.
  2. nute
    Nov 3, 2007
    Hmm. never liked britney b4, but some of these songs are, i grudgingly admit, quite brilliant, and very avant garde. 'piece of me' is better and more futuristic than a lot of electronic bands (Digitilism, Underworld, etc.) which was a shock. And the song Freakshow is nearly as good as SXYLV, Lava Lava, or D.A.N.C.E. Also, reading the New York Times reveiw, I'm suprised Hmm. never liked britney b4, but some of these songs are, i grudgingly admit, quite brilliant, and very avant garde. 'piece of me' is better and more futuristic than a lot of electronic bands (Digitilism, Underworld, etc.) which was a shock. And the song Freakshow is nearly as good as SXYLV, Lava Lava, or D.A.N.C.E. Also, reading the New York Times reveiw, I'm suprised metacritic counts it as only a 40, when reads more like a 75 to me, especially with quotes like this: "That doesn Expand
  3. Britney'sV.
    Nov 3, 2007
    Some of my best work y'all!
  4. windsor-
    Nov 2, 2007
    Not bad. Is a album for dance and clubbing times.
  5. TonnyA.
    Nov 2, 2007
    I loooove it!! it's Brittie's Best Job so Far!!! it's Danceable, catchy, Grown Up, and Sexy!! 3 words : Hot as Ice!!!
  6. claire
    Nov 2, 2007
    Don't know what those losers who gave her a low score are listening to, this album rocks! You go girl
  7. CarlL.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Please forget all the Britney you see all over E!. She may lead a weird life, but don't they all? I could care less about any artists personal life. If they make good music...I am happy. If you continually trash someone you are no saint either. This CD is probably one of the best pop albums ever. Whoever is responsible for it. It may take me a year to get over it. Maybe then I will Please forget all the Britney you see all over E!. She may lead a weird life, but don't they all? I could care less about any artists personal life. If they make good music...I am happy. If you continually trash someone you are no saint either. This CD is probably one of the best pop albums ever. Whoever is responsible for it. It may take me a year to get over it. Maybe then I will stop listening to it. No, probably not! People take other people's lives way too seriously these days. I just need good music. So, thank you, Britney, Danja, Bloodshy & Avant, etc.!!! Expand
  8. sarahb.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Amazing. You might not like her actions but she knows how to make catchy tunes to sell albums. i need poppy dance music in my life - there is too much negativity in the world.
  9. ClintM
    Nov 2, 2007
    buck the naysayers ... the album is choc full of songs to shake your @$$ to and beats to bob your head to. I mean, seriously, if I only bought music from artists whose personal lives I related to, I wouldn't own more than a handful of albums! the songs are well crafted for anyone w/an ear for ELECTRO-POP/DANCE music. and I'm one of those people!
  10. DavieB.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who unlike many of her contemporaries is unable to evolve with the times and change her imiage as well as her musical style to show any maturity or creativty. THose people who bought her music years ago have grown up, so why cant she? Many pop artist have been able to change and evolve with the times and still stay relevent and poplular while showing great depth, but it seems that spears (or should i say the people who controle her or tell her what to do) wish not to take a risk and stick to the same formula she used when she was 17 (Low browl radio friendly sexuality that boarders more on cheap back alley prositition then it does on true sex appeal, easy to digest none complicated dance beats, and simple verse chorus verse song structure, all in a simple 4 minute or less radio format) The use of auto tuner on this record is sickening, it just goes to show how many in the music industry use the studio not as a tool to enhance the artist and the music but as a crutch to support them and hide their all to evident flaws. This is all to visible in her inability to perform her own music on stage (let alone fake it) Since when was it more important to dance then sing in the context of populat music? Is her music that shallow that people go to the shows to see crappy dancing (if she was a good dancer she wouldnt need coreographers to tell her every sigle move to make on stage) rather then listen to the music. She is nothing but a little doll that record exucutives hope to wind up and play so they can try to save their failing industry. The 90's are over and so is this farce that has been sold to us as something resemballing talent. Spears needs to stick to what she is good at, being tabloid fauder Expand
  11. CaesarC.
    Nov 2, 2007
    Great album, Britney improved her music since In The Zone.
  12. Colr.
    Nov 2, 2007
    really awesome album - sexy, dancy, well produced - brits best - love the attitude and energy.
  13. JensO.
    Nov 1, 2007
    This album is abfab! Highlights: Gimme More, Piece of Me, Radar, Get Nacked.
  14. DamionR.
    Nov 1, 2007
    People have to put aside absolutely everything that is going on in Britney's life and just focus on her music right now, as it is the only thing that matters and the only thing that people have the right to make their business and critique...and her new album, "Blackout," is the best album Spears has put out to date. Her debut was cute from beginning to end, and the subsequent albums People have to put aside absolutely everything that is going on in Britney's life and just focus on her music right now, as it is the only thing that matters and the only thing that people have the right to make their business and critique...and her new album, "Blackout," is the best album Spears has put out to date. Her debut was cute from beginning to end, and the subsequent albums have produced some of the best pop singles of the last ten years, but were filled with filler. "Blackout" is her first album that is filler-free and every track is strong. From the excellent comeback single "Gimme More" (which would be doing better if people would stop playing personal tabloid and just enjoy it for what it is), to the brilliant "Piece of Me," the Gwen-Stefnesque "Toy Soldier" to one of her best recordings to date, "Heaven on Earth." Britney, I wish you all the best with your stuff, but professionally, you're return is welcomed with open arms. Masterful. Expand
  15. LyleG.
    Nov 1, 2007
    She is a horrible human being and a rotten musical artist. Jessica Simpson has more integrity and soul!
  16. kd
    Nov 1, 2007
    This isn't a bad pop album. It definitely beats the latest by the likes of Rihanna and Gwen Stefani, but doesn't have the continuity and enjoyability of Madonna or Nelly Furtado.
  17. raps.
    Nov 1, 2007
    if Ailleen Wournos that psycho woman made an album this is what it would sound like, its completely demented. the sound of someone thats lost their mind. im giving it a ten for its level of insanity.
  18. gabriel!
    Nov 1, 2007
    her best album yet.
  19. [Anonymous]
    Nov 1, 2007
    This Album Simply Sucks
  20. NoelL.
    Nov 1, 2007
    Very well made. i didn't expect such a good album after all that happened to her recently. nice record - from the beginning to the end
  21. charlesc.
    Nov 1, 2007
    absolute and complete garbage. Britney has no talent at all, whatever talent she USED to have evidently disinigrated into an abusive talentless alcholic partying awful mother who cant sing, cant dance and cant keep a man.If u see this cd in stores THROW IT ON THE GROUND AND STEP ON IT...you may be saving someone from 60 mins of dookey.
  22. HilliaryD.
    Nov 1, 2007
    um, it's Britney Spears...she's been a complete joke for years.
  23. whits
    Nov 1, 2007
    brilliant electro pop. girl gonna WORK.
  24. Clint
    Nov 1, 2007
    are you kidding? people think that this is her greatest album ever?!! do not waste your money on this trash, and i'm not talking about her personal life. the music is boring, monotonous, stupid and annoying. britney fans should go back and listen to her other cds, when she was in control of her life, and tell the difference.
  25. DH
    Nov 1, 2007
    I think it's great! Fun and consistent. Love the album cover. The whole album has energy. Everybody lighten up.
  26. ChrisNYC
    Nov 1, 2007
    Britney is back!!!!....The album gives awesome dance tracks from start to finsih......say what you will about her personal life, but let the music speak for itself......and it delivers, time and again!
  27. CK
    Nov 1, 2007
    Don't want to endorse her right now, but she definitely put out a great pop album. Lots of fun.
  28. angelm.
    Nov 1, 2007
    this is a very good album, fresh, pop, dance, maybe is no the best of britney but i love it
  29. DavieB.
    Nov 1, 2007
    Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who Its just sad, it is a true statement on the current condition of the music industry. A record can be sold not on the merrit of its music but rather on how much tabloid covers the artist (if you can even call her that) is on. The reason people have bought this album is curriosity and nothing more, there is no depth to her music. Spears is a dinasuar and a hold over from the 90's who unlike many of her contemporaries is unable to evolve with the times and change her imiage as well as her musical style to show any maturity or creativty. THose people who bought her music years ago have grown up, so why cant she? Many pop artist have been able to change and evolve with the times and still stay relevent and poplular while showing great depth, but it seems that spears (or should i say the people who controle her or tell her what to do) wish not to take a risk and stick to the same formula she used when she was 17 (Low browl radio friendly sexuality that boarders more on cheap back alley prositition then it does on true sex appeal, easy to digest none complicated dance beats, and simple verse chorus verse song structure, all in a simple 4 minute or less radio format) The use of auto tuner on this record is sickening, it just goes to show how many in the music industry use the studio not as a tool to enhance the artist and the music but as a crutch to support them and hide their all to evident flaws. This is all to visible in her inability to perform her own music on stage (let alone fake it) Since when was it more important to dance then sing in the context of populat music? Is her music that shallow that people go to the shows to see crappy dancing (if she was a good dancer she wouldnt need coreographers to tell her every sigle move to make on stage) rather then listen to the music. She is nothing but a little doll that record exucutives hope to wind up and play so they can try to save their failing industry. The 90's are over and so is this farce that has been sold to us as something resemballing talent. Spears needs to stick to what she is good at, being tabloid fauder Expand
  30. HeatherR
    Nov 1, 2007
    This CD is my far her best yet, not only does every song have an extremely catchy beat but it reflects so much on her life. I think she did a wonderful job with this anyone who disagrees obviously does not like that genre of music or is being too critical, yes she has made some bad decisions put that behind you, this was a great move on her part!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. The biggest failure of these songs, and the most confusing thing about this album, are the melodies.
  2. Poetry it's not. Still, there is something delightfully escapist about Blackout, a perfectly serviceable dance album abundant in the kind of bouncy electro elements that buttressed her hottest hits.
  3. For every hot, of-the-moment track, though, there's something like the nonsensical 'Hot As Ice,' which was co-penned by the thoroughly talentless T-Pain and might have worked two albums ago but just sounds retrograde here.