• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 425 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 33 out of 425
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  1. Jun 14, 2017
    The moment when you listen to the first song, "WILD", it's when you begin to feel the emotions. Simple but effective, clear message, fun and exciting.
    "BITE" is my favorite. Troye doesn't totally explain us what's the song about, he uses metaphors to make us think about it. The beat and the production are amazing, they make it one of the best songs on the album.
    "FOOLS" and "THE QUIET"
    The moment when you listen to the first song, "WILD", it's when you begin to feel the emotions. Simple but effective, clear message, fun and exciting.
    "BITE" is my favorite. Troye doesn't totally explain us what's the song about, he uses metaphors to make us think about it. The beat and the production are amazing, they make it one of the best songs on the album.
    "FOOLS" and "THE QUIET" are about typical discussions or problems in a relationship, but he manages to say it all with beautiful lyrics and some killer chorus. May leave you thinking about it.
    "YOUTH" is actually a song that I would like to sing driving in the middle of the night, with the windows open and the person I love sitting next to me. Gives you hope and this crazy-teenager-lovers feel.
    "COOL" hits like fresh air. So classy and mysterious.
    "HEAVEN" is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Troye makes us ask ourselves this hard questions, "will I get to Heaven? will I live happily after all even if I'm so different?", Betty Who angelical voice gives me chills and it works so good in the song.
    "LOST BOY" and "TOO GOOD" are the smashing hits, with the lyrics, the beat (guitar part on TOO GOOD it's just awesome) and the aptitude.
    "SUBURBIA" represents the childhood memories, those moments where everything was pure and greatness, playing on the park and cocking with mummy, but at the same time, nostalgia and pain, the bitterness of growing up and leaving it all.
    Last but not least, "for him.", modern love letter, so cute and gets to make you fluffy on the inside
    One last thing. Just don't be a hater. A YouTuber can be also a musician, a writer o a movie star, if he/she really wants to. This is one of the best DEBUT albums I've heard, I don't want you to think this way if you don't want because everyone has their own opinion, but it's undeniable that the album is good and doesn't deserve a freaking ZERO.
  2. Jul 9, 2018
    It is difficult to find fault with Blue Neighbourhood because it does what it does so well.
  3. Jan 19, 2016
    E valeu MUITO à pena esperar. Cada música possui sua prória essência, sua própria carga, e ecada carga é despejada sobre nós quando a próxima faixa chega. É um dos discos que eu vou ouvir sem enjoar por um longo tempo.
  4. Jan 15, 2016
    A fantastic full-length release from a unique artist who we have all watched develop over the years. Blue Neighbourhood brings a fresh and inviting electronic pop sound with a diverse assortment of tracks, ranging from the optimistic tone of "Youth" to the pensive duet that is "Heaven". What makes this album remarkable is the honesty and maturity of the lyrics. Each song tells a personalA fantastic full-length release from a unique artist who we have all watched develop over the years. Blue Neighbourhood brings a fresh and inviting electronic pop sound with a diverse assortment of tracks, ranging from the optimistic tone of "Youth" to the pensive duet that is "Heaven". What makes this album remarkable is the honesty and maturity of the lyrics. Each song tells a personal and meaningful story that listeners may find inspiring or be able to identify with emotionally. Bringing together a stellar cast of writers and producers, Troye's first studio album is definitely a strong introduction to what he has in store for us in the future. Expand
  5. Jan 15, 2016
    O album é otimo, Troye é um artista totalmente diferente desses atuais, o garoto mal chegou e ja tem haters, com argumentos de que ele só e famoso agora por ser gay, tipo ????, gente vamos parar de drama e vamos ouvir a musica.
  6. Jan 16, 2016
    Um dos melhores álbuns de 2015 sem dúvidas, posso ouvir todo álbum o dia inteiro por dias que não irei enjoar, sem contar que me identifico com maioria das músicas, é ótimo ter um artista LGBT que irá se expressar contando experiencias que você se identifica, e o melhor de tudo, é bom ter um artista verdadeiro nessa indústria que escreve realmente o que já viveu e consegue manter umaUm dos melhores álbuns de 2015 sem dúvidas, posso ouvir todo álbum o dia inteiro por dias que não irei enjoar, sem contar que me identifico com maioria das músicas, é ótimo ter um artista LGBT que irá se expressar contando experiencias que você se identifica, e o melhor de tudo, é bom ter um artista verdadeiro nessa indústria que escreve realmente o que já viveu e consegue manter uma qualidade excelente nas músicas Expand
  7. Jun 1, 2017
    Uno de los mejores discos que he escuchado, desde la primera hasta la ultima canción es un viaje de sensaciones impresionantes, los sonidos tres transportan y la melancólica voz de Troye no te suelta hasta el final de álbum.
  8. May 1, 2016
  9. Jan 16, 2016
    Sem dúvidas o melhor álbum de 2015 Troye mostra seus trabalhos de uma forma inexplicável nesse álbum , esse é o nascimento de uma nova estrela no mundo Pop. Parabéns Troye Sivan. Que venha o TS2!!
  10. Feb 4, 2016
    Simplesmente fantástico... um dos melhores álbuns de 2015, amei a escolha de Youth como primeiro Single, mas ainda quero que ele escolha Blue também, antes de fechar a divulgação do álbum.
  11. Feb 27, 2016
    O álbum está maravilhoso, parabéns Troye e equipe. Musicas perfeitas e bem produzidas, um dos melhores trabalhos do ano passado e é interessante que cada musica tenha um diferencial uma das outras e funcionam muito bem juntas
  12. Jan 30, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum incrível, todas as músicas são ótimas e o mais importante é que o Troye participou de TODO o processo de criação do álbum e foi totalmente sincero. Impossível não sentir alguma coisa com faixas como "FOOLS" e "TALK ME DOWN". Expand
  13. Feb 29, 2016
    All the songs, lyrics, compositions, sounds and production, are perfect, when I listened to WILD, I think that was the moment when I said that whole album is going to be... Thanks Troye Sivan
  14. Jan 16, 2016
    A super good album. Anyways, Troye started recently at Music Industry but he already have haters.. it's ridiculous. But well, the album is Perfect, WILD EP contains good songs and HEAVEN, COOL and for him. are my favourite at the album.
  15. Jan 17, 2016
    I cri everytiem. But 8/8. Yaasssss you so goood. Awesome stuff! I think his music is really touching and stuff. Great album!!! tl;dr: troye is da best
  16. Jan 25, 2016
    This album is amazing from start to finish. It's probably the best music that I've heard. WILD was really an awesome EP but I never thought the full album would be any better, but it was. Troye's voice is really unique, you will always know that it's him when you hear a song. The lyrics are uncommon but really relatable, personally I found myself listening to EASE and relate to every word.This album is amazing from start to finish. It's probably the best music that I've heard. WILD was really an awesome EP but I never thought the full album would be any better, but it was. Troye's voice is really unique, you will always know that it's him when you hear a song. The lyrics are uncommon but really relatable, personally I found myself listening to EASE and relate to every word. TALK ME DOWN is really sweet and I think it's the best track in the album with FOOLS. I also loved the collabs, especially Alex Hope in BLUE and Broods in EASE.

    Overall the album has a unique sound; Troye is doing music like no one in the pop industry and it's really showing that he is not just some youtuber trying to do music, he actually does what he loves and he does it amazingly, not trying to have massive success and doing what everyone else is doing already. 10/10 any day.
  17. Jan 28, 2016
    A highlight of the album is the Australian rapper featured love song “for him.” The chorus demonstrates a new set of vocals of Sivan’s youthful energy, singing in purposeful overly sweet tones with the lyrics “Sickeningly sweet like honey / Don’t need money / All I need is you.” It’s the track that has more than enough potential to dominate the radio.

    Going back to his roots, Sivan
    A highlight of the album is the Australian rapper featured love song “for him.” The chorus demonstrates a new set of vocals of Sivan’s youthful energy, singing in purposeful overly sweet tones with the lyrics “Sickeningly sweet like honey / Don’t need money / All I need is you.” It’s the track that has more than enough potential to dominate the radio.

    Going back to his roots, Sivan sings of the suburban life he desperately misses in the melodious “Suburbia” track. “Have you heard me on the radio / Did you turn it up? / On your blown-out stereo in suburbia?” The chorus accompanies soft drum machines and violins dub stepped to bring in a nostalgic feeling reminiscent of Lana Del Rey herself.

    “TOO GOOD” and “BITE” fluctuate between being sensual and emotionally redundant. Production wise “BITE” is the overall superior between the two. The track tells the story of Sivan’s first experience in a gay club, while “TOO GOOD” sounds like the aftermath of a one night stand or friends with benefits arrangement. Each romanticized the terrifying feeling of new experiences. “BITE” pulls it off while “TOO GOOD” delivers a slow burn before ultimately puttering out in an anti-climatic string of violins.

    “COOL” gets lost in it’s twin track “YOUTH.” Both start in with cut and dry lyrics, a crescendo bridge, before the chorus and heavily edited beats come in. “YOUTH” triumphs with its background repetitive shouts along with the chorus, pulled from the first single “WILD,” while “COOL” loses it’s momentum and listens like a filler between ballads “TALK ME DOWN” and “HEAVEN.” It paints the perfect picture of being rich, pretty, and vulnerable. It’s a sweet-sounding and slowed down version of “Happy Little Pill,” which put Sivan on the map, but loses it’s way.

    It’s easy while listening to “Blue Neighborhood” to forget that Sivan is a mere twenty years old and still has much more time to grow as an artist. “LOST BOY” and “BLUE” set the album in Grammy worthy territory, with superb production and melodic, haunting lyrics.

    Blue Neighbourhood isn’t lacking in relatable content, nor original lyrics. It’s a concrete debut in it’s purest form: where the lyrics and production fall in place to the point where one listen isn’t nearly enough; even by the third or fourth listen, you’ll still be pulling out lyrical gems that sparks the replay button.
  18. Jan 28, 2016
    This album is so good, TOO GOOD it makes want to roll half-naked around my house with my stereo blasting all the songs so loud that the neighbours will have to go to another town.
  19. Jan 28, 2016
    The first three tracks of the album, “WILD,” “FOOLS” and “EASE,” all are originally from WILD. They are a fantastic introduction to the album, as it is designed to be a continuation of some of the topics he touched on in the EP. “WILD” introduces the “blue neighborhood” by explaining how desperately he wants to escape its mundane and pressuring atmosphere for a love no one there is willingThe first three tracks of the album, “WILD,” “FOOLS” and “EASE,” all are originally from WILD. They are a fantastic introduction to the album, as it is designed to be a continuation of some of the topics he touched on in the EP. “WILD” introduces the “blue neighborhood” by explaining how desperately he wants to escape its mundane and pressuring atmosphere for a love no one there is willing to understand.

    The first new song is “TALK ME DOWN,” which Sivan released as a single weeks before the album dropped. In perfect harmony with his already distinct musical style, the track is a piece that gets you way too in touch with your feelings. Sivan honestly sings this echoing song about desiring physical affection from a male lover, which is incredibly refreshing. As Joy Roden from News Corp Australia puts it, Sivan is “fearless and honest in a way most pop stars aren’t. … Which includes not shying away from pronouns.” This is further exhibited by later album track, “for him.,” an upbeat piece about needing someone, featuring Australian rapper Allday.

    The next champion of the album is “YOUTH,” also released as a single before the album dropped. The instrumental of this song is like lace — smooth on the surface but intricate in its layers. When the drums drop against the synthesizer at the end of the chorus, it will be nearly impossible to sit still. Besides, there’s no greater song to dance around like a fool to than a song about being young and wild.

    “HEAVEN” is a heartbreaking song about Sivan being gay and not knowing if he’ll ever really be accepted for it. With a harmonizing feature by Betty Who, the song resonates in a chamber-choir style that shakes you emotionally. The chorus is meant to summarize one of Sivan’s greatest struggles of coming out in a Jewish household. As he says in the YouTube snippet previewing the song, he contemplated, “If there is a God, does that God hate me? If there is a heaven, am I ever going to make it to heaven? … If there is a heaven, and I can’t be myself up there, maybe I don’t want heaven.”

    The chorus goes, “Without losing a piece of me/ How do I get to heaven?/ Without changing a part of me/ How do I get to heaven?/ All my time is wasted./ Feeling like my heart’s mistaken, oh./ So if I’m losing a piece of me/ Maybe I don’t want heaven?” In his soft voice, these lyrics feel almost as though he’s just thinking out loud in a moment of deep reflection, making them some of the most touching of the album.

    The greatest contributor to the album’s concept is “SUBURBIA,” a haunting piece about a basic and boring “blue neighborhood” where nothing new seems to happen, even though there are countless stories sitting inside the homes, the cars and the people. This song and “LOST BOY” are the only two from the album that Sivan wrote completely on his own, making for incredibly raw and honest pieces straight from his heart and soul. “SUBURBIA” is a phenomenal conclusion to the album, offering closure on this “blue neighbourhood” we’ve just walked through alongside Sivan and his angelic voice.

    At this point, there is very little that adorably awkward Sivan can do wrong. His debut studio album is a holistic piece of art that creates an atmosphere of disharmony and dissatisfaction like nothing before it. His rapid production is promising for his big fans, as he’s likely to release more music soon. If this guy’s talent wasn’t already undeniable, Blue Neighbourhood is about to change that.
  20. Feb 15, 2016
    Blue Neighbourhood é um álbum cheio de emoções, e garante o entretenimento do ouvinte. Melhores músicas: "EASE", "HEAVEN", "THE QUIET" E "BITE". Perfeito!
  21. Jun 24, 2016
    Blue Neighbourhood is an extraordinary and fantastic album. The lyrics are amazing, production is excellent. My favourite lines - 
    "WithoutBlue Neighbourhood is an extraordinary and fantastic album. The lyrics are amazing, production is excellent. My favourite lines - 
    "Without losing a piece of me  How do I get to heaven?  Without changing a part of me  How do I get to heaven?  All
    Blue Neighbourhood is an extraordinary and fantastic album. The lyrics are amazing, production is excellent. My favourite lines - 
    "WithoutBlue Neighbourhood is an extraordinary and fantastic album. The lyrics are amazing, production is excellent. My favourite lines - 
    "Without losing a piece of me 
    How do I get to heaven? 
    Without changing a part of me 
    How do I get to heaven? 
    All my time is wasted 
    Feeling like my heart's mistaken, oh 
    So if I'm losing a piece of me 
    Maybe I don't want heaven?" 

    Favourite tracks - Talk Me Down, Fools, Wild, Youth, Heaven, Suburbia
  22. Jun 6, 2016
    [ENGLISH] I love so much this album. I think this album says us a lot of things of Troye's life and the life of persons in the LGBT community. Listen to this album, it surprise you.

    [ESPAÑOL] Me encanta mucho este álbum, pienso que nos dice muchas cosas acerca de la vida de Troye y de las personas en la comunidad LGBT. Deben escuchar este álbum, los sorprenderá.
  23. Aug 23, 2016
    'Blue Neighbourhood' is one of the greatest albums 2015 had to offer. Lyrically, the album is a masterpiece; emotional, deep, relatable. The astonishing lyrics when accompanied by Sivan's voice makes the listening experience extremely enjoyable. All 16 tracks offer a different vibe lyrically and musically and Sivan's vocal range is extremely pleasing to the ears.
  24. Oct 23, 2016
    Há quem não goste de Troye Sivan e o que mais vejo recentemente são críticas a ele, porém acompanho o trabalho do mesmo desde o primeiro EP e vejo que ele evoluiu bastante com este álbum e todas as faixas são ótimas. A sonoridade e a voz dele sempre me chamou atenção e faz com que eu peça mais conteúdo dele a cada dia, pra mim esse foi um dos melhores albuns de 2015 e espero que eleHá quem não goste de Troye Sivan e o que mais vejo recentemente são críticas a ele, porém acompanho o trabalho do mesmo desde o primeiro EP e vejo que ele evoluiu bastante com este álbum e todas as faixas são ótimas. A sonoridade e a voz dele sempre me chamou atenção e faz com que eu peça mais conteúdo dele a cada dia, pra mim esse foi um dos melhores albuns de 2015 e espero que ele continue trabalhando nele. Expand
  25. Nov 27, 2016
    My favorite album so far... This is a very good album to me, it have many songs that have special messages that make me fall in love with it. And i can't believe this is his debut, he is so talented i hope he will be more famous in future.
  26. Sep 3, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece, one of the best albums ever. The lyrics are excepcional, it just makes me wanna dance and cry at the same time, i love it so much and it’s very important to me, Troye is very talented!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jan 14, 2016
    It is difficult to find fault with Blue Neighbourhood--it does what it does so well.
  2. Jan 14, 2016
    It's exciting to hear someone so young and confident on the cusp of greatness.
  3. Jan 14, 2016
    Blue Neighbourhood features soft-touch synths and booming drum machines worthy of the next Lorde or Taylor Swift record.