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Universal acclaim- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 74
  2. Negative: 7 out of 74

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  1. BenjaminBunny
    Sep 1, 2004
    Sometimes thinking is not a bad thing.
  2. [Anonymous]
    Jan 5, 2005
    pretentious gimmick
  3. JackM
    Dec 3, 2004
    AWFUL. AWFUL. AWFUL. Pretentious crap... there isn't a single full song and the lyrics are nonsensical. This is utter garbage designed to make stupid people who buy into it feel smart.
  4. JanD
    Aug 10, 2004
    Combining Dante and Joyce with in between a quick counsel with william S and Frank Z. Not for the majority of dunces on our planet.
  5. LawrenceP
    Aug 1, 2004
    Maybe the most exciting music of the year. Very good.
  6. du&sku
    Sep 30, 2004
    Blueberry Boat is a challenging rough draft of a better record. It's the music equivalent of a 3 hour home-made student movie by a couple of bright, idealistic college kids. When it works, it's more inspired and more compelling than just about any other music made this year. It's clear why the album opens with the 1-2-3 punch of "Quay Cur", "Straight Street", and "Blueberry Blueberry Boat is a challenging rough draft of a better record. It's the music equivalent of a 3 hour home-made student movie by a couple of bright, idealistic college kids. When it works, it's more inspired and more compelling than just about any other music made this year. It's clear why the album opens with the 1-2-3 punch of "Quay Cur", "Straight Street", and "Blueberry Boat"; not only are these the three tracks on the record that most resemble actual songs , they have received their best hooks and their most inspired sonic explorations. Comparatively, the rest goes downhill, as the band devolves into random idea mode, making the tracks resemble medleys more than songs. The tracks get less great ideas, the sonic experimentations get less interesting, and they rely on random-note guitar solos to fill a lot of the empty space. "I Lost My Dog" and "Chief Inspector Blancheflower" liven the latter album a bit, but overall, the group could have standed to shed a few of their lesser ideas and had a more cherishable listening experience. Expand
  7. MichaelT
    Jan 20, 2005
    Easily my favorite album. If you're a fan of experimental stuff, this is album is for you. Pretentious? Hardly. It's called moving music into another direction. Innovation. "Blueberry Boat" is not your normal rock album. The lyrics are very light hearted and sounds are extremely enjoyable. I don't know if you can call this "rock". Simply for the reason that "Blueberry Boat" Easily my favorite album. If you're a fan of experimental stuff, this is album is for you. Pretentious? Hardly. It's called moving music into another direction. Innovation. "Blueberry Boat" is not your normal rock album. The lyrics are very light hearted and sounds are extremely enjoyable. I don't know if you can call this "rock". Simply for the reason that "Blueberry Boat" infuses many different genres into a single excellent album. Expand
  8. BenW
    Jun 20, 2005
    An album that you may be unsure of at first, but with repeat listenings, you'll discover how beautiful and intricate it truly is. One of the best albums to be released in a long while.
  9. JamesS
    Nov 23, 2004
    No, Blueberry Boat is not "...disjointed, ...unintelligible, ...unlistenable, ...unbearable" and whatever else has been thrown at it by criticism patently impatient by half. And above all it is not self-indulgent. Rather The Fiery Furnaces second effort is exhilarating, breathtaking, complex, musically intelligent and most of all courageous. It is unsurprising critics who have The Strokes No, Blueberry Boat is not "...disjointed, ...unintelligible, ...unlistenable, ...unbearable" and whatever else has been thrown at it by criticism patently impatient by half. And above all it is not self-indulgent. Rather The Fiery Furnaces second effort is exhilarating, breathtaking, complex, musically intelligent and most of all courageous. It is unsurprising critics who have The Strokes pedestrian second effort in the best of lists of 2003 wouldn't and couldn't have the attention span to cope with this. The best album of 2004 - in a year for awesome releases. Expand
  10. deebee
    Jul 14, 2004
    intriguing, complex, ultimately cool
  11. AdamX
    Jul 17, 2004
    challenging, provocative, catchy, funny... awesome, just awesome
  12. kaythis
    Jul 20, 2004
    this is too f***ing weird! simply! i don't hope this is the direction of rock, it sounds more like watching children films.
  13. ACE!
    Aug 4, 2004
    I hate to fall in line here, but this is a spectacular album. Even at first listen, its disorienting qualities were great, and even after multiple listens and increased familiarity, it still manages to stay interesting and evocative. Up there with Liars and Animal Collective for release of the year.
  14. EbokW
    Aug 6, 2004
    i respect this and all, but listening to it was a massive chore and overall its waaay too self indulgent and artsy to ever actually be enjoyable. i need a song to stick to one thing to a degree in order for me to enjoy it and this ENTIRE ALBUM never does. thats 117 minutes of never ending change!!! its Tommy for the ADD generation and Indie kidz needing yet another reason to feel superior.
  15. GaryD
    Oct 24, 2005
    Perhaps the worst "critically-acclaimed" album ever. EVER!Pitchfork: you deserve a good beating for making me listen to this drivel!
  16. CameronW
    Dec 9, 2005
    This album gets better with every listen, and if you're able to invest the time I'd say anyone could love this album (I mean, if you're willing to and you like the general sound of it). Definitely my favourite of 2004!
  17. HarryR
    Mar 4, 2005
    It's a sad day when ambition and winsomeness is regarded as "difficult" or "pretentious". I can't remember the last time I listened to a record that flat out knocked me on my ass like this one did. A masterpiece.
  18. NicholasB
    Mar 6, 2005
    The critic at Spin magazine that called this record joyless needs to either give me his job or get off the ritalin. How blind can you be? This is the most fun and joyous record of 2004.
  19. PepeI
    May 9, 2005
    I just love it, when it doesnt' produce me a headache
  20. JackS
    Jul 8, 2005
    I'm sure the critics of the popular, widely circulated publications like NME, The Guardian and Rolling Stone, Blender, Spin felt their livelyhood threatened when this shining gem of an album landed on their collective desks. It's not a challenging record at all. It's just good music, pure and simple. For the first time in ages, the music and the words actually reflect each I'm sure the critics of the popular, widely circulated publications like NME, The Guardian and Rolling Stone, Blender, Spin felt their livelyhood threatened when this shining gem of an album landed on their collective desks. It's not a challenging record at all. It's just good music, pure and simple. For the first time in ages, the music and the words actually reflect each other. Listen to the singer search for her dog and as she goes from place to place the music itself changes to suit the lyrics, gospel finish for when she finds her dog(god), the rushing everchanging sound mirroring the dash about town perfectly. And that's just the start, every song coincides with it's narration completely. When a singing about a child with ADD, the back up vocals are high pitched and almost taunting, while the guitar spasms back and forth like a kid who cannot learn would in a seat. A song that rallies against technology assaults the senses with an overwhelming bombardment of synths threateing to destroy the singer in it's competition for the listener's attention. Granted it requires a person to put the lyrics to the music for the whole, I can assure you, it's worth the two braincells it requires. Expand
  21. IanC
    Sep 25, 2005
    What might discourage listeners whose interest "Blueberry Boat" has sparked is that they think it's going to be impenetrable and only admired conceptually by its praisers, but this could not be further from the case. If you're not interested in 50+ of the best-crafted song sections of all-time, though, then stay far, far away from this record. As to it being impossibly What might discourage listeners whose interest "Blueberry Boat" has sparked is that they think it's going to be impenetrable and only admired conceptually by its praisers, but this could not be further from the case. If you're not interested in 50+ of the best-crafted song sections of all-time, though, then stay far, far away from this record. As to it being impossibly challenging -- if a 14-year-old can get it, so can you. Expand
  22. DavidV
    Jul 21, 2007
    Not an easy album to listen to at first, but very rewarding and very good from start to finish. My personal favorites: Quay Cur, Blueberrry Boat, Chris Michaels, I Lost My Dog and Bird Brain.
  23. brianm
    Oct 1, 2004
    how is this the best album of 2004? it doesn't even have an actual song
  24. JoeyS
    Dec 24, 2004
    my favorite of the year...takes you away to another world. something for everyone, it's a rock epic.
  25. EddieT
    Oct 8, 2004
    This is unquestionably my favorite album of the year so far. Like Lambchop's "Is a Woman" in 2002, I despised it at first and banished it from my CD player. Six weeks later I was stopping work to remember the words when they are talking to each other in "Chief Inspector Blancheflower." Look: my point is that everything is really, really catchy and memorable and fun once you make a This is unquestionably my favorite album of the year so far. Like Lambchop's "Is a Woman" in 2002, I despised it at first and banished it from my CD player. Six weeks later I was stopping work to remember the words when they are talking to each other in "Chief Inspector Blancheflower." Look: my point is that everything is really, really catchy and memorable and fun once you make a small effort with it. It is a grower. Expand
  26. shizp
    Jul 20, 2004
    Filled with oddball lyrics, vocals, and instrumentation. Unique, good stuff.
  27. BradM.
    Jul 29, 2004
    I can understand why people are a bit confused by this cd. It's definately a challenging listen. But once you get used to the songs and learn to wrap your head around each one, you'll start to appreciate them. You'll suddenly be impressed by the care that went into crafting these sound adventures. The Fiery Furnaces don't throw you into their sea without a compass. I can understand why people are a bit confused by this cd. It's definately a challenging listen. But once you get used to the songs and learn to wrap your head around each one, you'll start to appreciate them. You'll suddenly be impressed by the care that went into crafting these sound adventures. The Fiery Furnaces don't throw you into their sea without a compass. Throughout the long songs, they return to certain harmonies and its really fun to hear a slight variation of a melody return after seven or eight minutes. This music is invigorating. For example, Quay Cur opens with spacey, pumping bass sounds leads into a child-like sing song verse from Eleanor and then it suddenly explodes into a high flying blues explosion (who needs jon spencer, well actually, jon spencer is great regardless). The best part of this cd is that you never know what's coming. That's scary at first but after you give yourself over to this album you'll start to find yourself getting sick of songs that follow the tired verse-chorus-verse-bigger chorus-bridge-soft verse-huge chorus scheme (I'll label this scheme the Jon Bovi structure, or maybe The Calling would be more appropriate). Ok, on to the lyrics. The lyrics to this album are like an antidote to anyone who would call this a pretentious project. "A lubi, a loger, alousal?," these people aren't taking themselves too seriously. They aren't singing about the Russian revolution or global warming, they are having fun and being playful. There is a magical, childlike atmosphere that is created by their lyrics which is really pleasing and, I might say, really unique. I mean who else is making lyrics like this? It takes more balls to write a line like "a logi, a loger, a lousi" or whatever than any of the macho/sleaze lines from the Velvet Revolver album. In conclusion, I know people are scared of this album. They think its self-indulgent, that its pitchfork's spoiled, favorite child, but this is so far from the truth. Please just listen to it and give it time. If your favorite album track is "I lost my dog" (which isn't to say that isn't a great song) then the rest of this might not be your cup of tea. But, for the rest of us, I urge you to take a sip, one sip and you will be addicted. Expand
  28. TomS
    Aug 30, 2004
    INACCESSABLE?!?!?! ok I can understand that...if all you listen to is top 40 music. Honestly, in my opinion, without TRYING TO SOUND SUPERIOR, this is one of the easiest albums to listen to that's come out for a while. It's a hell of a lot more accessable than franz ferdinand. I love them and all, they're album just plain only has one good song on it. but anyways, off the INACCESSABLE?!?!?! ok I can understand that...if all you listen to is top 40 music. Honestly, in my opinion, without TRYING TO SOUND SUPERIOR, this is one of the easiest albums to listen to that's come out for a while. It's a hell of a lot more accessable than franz ferdinand. I love them and all, they're album just plain only has one good song on it. but anyways, off the tangent... this album is amazing, and if you don;t get it, well then, go play sports or something. Expand
  29. AnthonyN
    Aug 5, 2004
    Absolutely astonishing. If you find this music too weird or can't appreciate its brillance, stick to your mainstream, radio rubbish.
  30. DrunkenMaster
    Sep 2, 2004
    Beautiful chaos! This CD is the musical equivalent of Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" other words, it is so f**king brilliant that few will "get it". This is NOT rock n roll and the constructions that make up the bulk of the disc barely qualify as songs in the traditional sense. Although there are many catchy riffs and choruses hidden in the time changes, dont expect anything Beautiful chaos! This CD is the musical equivalent of Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake" other words, it is so f**king brilliant that few will "get it". This is NOT rock n roll and the constructions that make up the bulk of the disc barely qualify as songs in the traditional sense. Although there are many catchy riffs and choruses hidden in the time changes, dont expect anything familiar. If you enjoy using your brain, this CD is for you. If you listen to Clear Channel Moozik, go buy the new Blink182: it wont make think. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 34
  2. Negative: 3 out of 34
  1. This is a big, sprawling, difficult but rewarding album, from a band whose reach exceeds its grasp, but only by a little.
  2. Under The Radar
    This is pop music, filtered through the minds, hands and voices of two artists whose vision reaches beyond the bounds of the form. [#7]
  3. Blueberry Boat is a frustrating, niggling, great idea of a record.