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Mixed or average reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 4 out of 12
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  1. Apr 27, 2021
    Based purely on Steinman's songs, the score would be much higher. What lets it down - as other reviews say - is Meat's singing. Quite often - even in the star track "Going all the way" - he's an octave below where you think he should be. I guess it's age and life and all the vocal excesses catching up with him, but it makes him sound like someone joining in on a pub karaoke where the songBased purely on Steinman's songs, the score would be much higher. What lets it down - as other reviews say - is Meat's singing. Quite often - even in the star track "Going all the way" - he's an octave below where you think he should be. I guess it's age and life and all the vocal excesses catching up with him, but it makes him sound like someone joining in on a pub karaoke where the song is too high so they sing it lower. Just doesn't sound right. That said, it's the closest we'll get to hearing Meat and the old gang perform these songs so it's a collector or super fans piece. If it's the voice you want then stick to the older records. Expand
  2. Oct 13, 2017
    I also have to completely agree with ZorroAK. Pretty much everything he said applies to me. I Have been a huge ML/Steinman fan since '93 when I first heard Rock'n'Roll Dreams Come Through (surprisingly not Anything For Love,). I was ten. It was love at first sight and yes, when I got older, my preferences moved somewhere different genres but Meat/Steinman is always my go to music. But thisI also have to completely agree with ZorroAK. Pretty much everything he said applies to me. I Have been a huge ML/Steinman fan since '93 when I first heard Rock'n'Roll Dreams Come Through (surprisingly not Anything For Love,). I was ten. It was love at first sight and yes, when I got older, my preferences moved somewhere different genres but Meat/Steinman is always my go to music. But this album, as sad I am to say it, should have never existed. Meat's voice has been done for a decade now (at least). I would love him to just retire, he set the bar too high already but the voice that I loved is gone. I truly wished he had realized it as well. Also, the production without Steinman or Rundgren is definitely more miss than hit...
    P.S.: I'm pretty sure this album was not made for money, I cannot imagine both Meat and Jim are lacking in that area. It's just friends getting back together and doing something for their fans but unfortunately, it backfired. At least for me. I'll 5 out of 10 only for, well, more Steinman songs being out there.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 7, 2016
    Braver Than We Are knows its audience and plays to it perfectly.
  2. Sep 23, 2016
    Braver Than We Are may have its flaws--it's too staid and self-conscious, for one--but Steinman never found a better interpreter for his songs than Meat Loaf, and Meat Loaf never sounds more like himself than he does when singing Steinman, and that's why the album works.
  3. Sep 20, 2016
    Braver Than We Are isn't Bat Out of Hell (but what else is?) and it isn't even Bat Out of Hell II, but it's a hell of a lot better than the Steinman-unapproved Bat Out of Hell III. These are the types of songs Meat Loaf is meant to be singing, written by the only man able to fully harness his unique talents for the greater good.