• Record Label: G-Unit
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 2 out of 23

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  1. gaz
    Mar 29, 2007
    the best
  2. JohnJ
    Apr 11, 2007
    Great solid bangin album. "lose my mind" is probably the best track in my own opinion.
  3. fond
    Apr 4, 2007
    buck rules
  4. ZacR
    Apr 8, 2007
    This is the best album of the year. As a DJ i must say it covers all the bases a badass CD needs. Everyone should have this album.
  5. wilD.r.e.y
    Apr 18, 2007
    I think buck the world is one of the best album outter now , its really strong , and better then Banks album cuz Banks seems like to fall off now.
  6. youngj
    Apr 8, 2007
    hot album hot tracks. Real lyrics
  7. mohitd
    Mar 29, 2007
    this is hotttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Feb 6, 2012
    Classic Banger. Even though buck doesnt have money for a new album. Ill still be bumpin this album until the next. young buck was good with G-unit i wanna see a real album without G-Unit To see his advance lyrics
  9. D
    Mar 28, 2007
    He's only real rapper in G-Unit.
  10. Mike
    Mar 29, 2007
    I won't give this one a 10 because I don't believe in perfect albums or perfect anything for that matter. However, this album is better than Lil Wayne's Tha Carter II, T.I.'s King, and Young Jeezy's The Inspiration, and it's just as good as Game's Doctor's Advocate, if not better. The production is better than Straight Outta Cashville, and Buck I won't give this one a 10 because I don't believe in perfect albums or perfect anything for that matter. However, this album is better than Lil Wayne's Tha Carter II, T.I.'s King, and Young Jeezy's The Inspiration, and it's just as good as Game's Doctor's Advocate, if not better. The production is better than Straight Outta Cashville, and Buck actually shows growth as a lyricist since his debut album. To me, it's probably the best southern rap album since Young Jeezy's Thug Motivation 101. Expand
  11. BrannonM
    Apr 2, 2007
    It's alright, more listenable the second time around for me. Get buck is a classic track to me, everything else is alright. G-unit needs to change it's formula if they don't want to fall off completly.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. [A] well-built and surprisingly diverse album.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    G-Unit's strongest LP in recent memory. [30 Mar 2007, p.75]
  3. Even when he's rapping to or about the ladies, Buck hits hard on this potent work.