• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 12, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 80 out of 98
  2. Negative: 8 out of 98
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  1. May 13, 2015
    Incredibly detailed, layered and generally stellar production from Pharrell, with Snoop sounding rejuvenated and truly invested in these tracks. This album is the definition of cohesion, each track effortlessly flow into the next and always grabs the listeners attention with the rhythms and melodies. The lyrical content may be repetitive from Snoop, but the writing is by no means bad.Incredibly detailed, layered and generally stellar production from Pharrell, with Snoop sounding rejuvenated and truly invested in these tracks. This album is the definition of cohesion, each track effortlessly flow into the next and always grabs the listeners attention with the rhythms and melodies. The lyrical content may be repetitive from Snoop, but the writing is by no means bad. These tracks all have memorable lines and choruses that accompany the production and succeed in evoking smiles and chuckles from the listener. The features are used to enhance a record, acting almost as an instrument themselves such as the legendary Stevie Wonder on the track 1 "California Roll" a highlight of the album. This album doesn't have fillers weighing down the album's run time and it's Snoops best album since 'R & G (Rhythm & Gangsta): The Masterpiece' which also features stand-out moments between Pharrell and Snoop. I understand that many won't feel this rating but I'm basing this on the musicality of the production, memorable lyrics and how entertaining it was for me. I definitely recommend this to anyone reading this, just don't go into this project expecting Snoop to be spitting 16s as the album's whole concept is Snoop and Pharrell reviving 60s and 70s funk, an interesting concept even before listening to the record and even better once you press play. Expand
  2. May 22, 2015
    Talk about G-Funk. Nate Dogg just got dethroned. This album is a non-stop Funk ride, and I can't help but tap my feet when listening to it. Almost all the songs would go great at a party, or cruising down the street in your SIX-FO.
  3. Jun 22, 2015
    This album is perfect for just jamming the whole album through. As a long-time fan of Snoop and G-funk & Rap as well as Funk and R&B, I couldn't have asked for more from the Dogg. A great album.
  4. Oct 13, 2015
    Very good album produced by Pharrell with great melodies, a new style of music coming from snoop, but all songs very similar to each other, but, Its always good try new stuff
  5. May 12, 2015
    BUSH is a very good album, even without Snoop Dogg rapping but Pharrell really does a great job helping with this album I love the musical guests and I just love the mellow sounds
    ESSENTIALS: Peaches and Cream, Edibles, and California Roll
  6. May 15, 2015
    This album is sonically amazing, pharrell produced his ass off on this album, if you go into this close minded you wont enjoy it at all. At 10 songs each song flows perfectly into each other creating a great listening experience
  7. May 25, 2015
    I've liked snoop dogg for years and watched him change and grow as an artist. I've noticed snoop raps and croons on alot of his rap albums and he's got the skills. But this album caught me by surprise. I love the super laid back snoop singing over those smooth jazz tracks... Great music to just kick back and chill to. To me this is a breath of fresh air. Also special shout out to snoopsI've liked snoop dogg for years and watched him change and grow as an artist. I've noticed snoop raps and croons on alot of his rap albums and he's got the skills. But this album caught me by surprise. I love the super laid back snoop singing over those smooth jazz tracks... Great music to just kick back and chill to. To me this is a breath of fresh air. Also special shout out to snoops last effort "reincarnated" snoop lion, that was really good as well in a different way. Expand
  8. Aug 12, 2016
    Hey, Snoop and Pharrell did an album! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should be familiar with Pharrell’s recent catalog (Happy, Blurred Lines, Get Lucky, et al), so just sprinkle some Snoop on a few of those type of tracks, and that’s what we have here. Cookout music! They kept it short and sweet with just 10 songs. They’ve created the perfect backdrop for a Summer time,Hey, Snoop and Pharrell did an album! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should be familiar with Pharrell’s recent catalog (Happy, Blurred Lines, Get Lucky, et al), so just sprinkle some Snoop on a few of those type of tracks, and that’s what we have here. Cookout music! They kept it short and sweet with just 10 songs. They’ve created the perfect backdrop for a Summer time, backyard, 30 & up, grown folks set (line dancing, linen outfits, closed-toe sandals & Hennessey included). The opening song features Stevie on the harmonica & background vocals (yesss!!!), and the rest of guest appearances work as well (see Uncle Charlie, T.I., Ross, Duckworth & Gwen Stefani). Play this while getting dressed for, on the way to, during, or on the way back from the party. Expand
  9. May 21, 2015
    You can put this on and listen to the whole thing without one complaint, and that's a credit to the production team. The album goes through several styles, mostly staying within the trend of something that you'd expect to find from at least 15 years ago, instead taking you to a pre-Kanye, fuzzy hat clad, pigtail-braids era, West Coast scene where Snoop was undeniably king.

    One of the
    You can put this on and listen to the whole thing without one complaint, and that's a credit to the production team. The album goes through several styles, mostly staying within the trend of something that you'd expect to find from at least 15 years ago, instead taking you to a pre-Kanye, fuzzy hat clad, pigtail-braids era, West Coast scene where Snoop was undeniably king.

    One of the buzzwords to describe this album is "retrofuture", but it is more retro- than -future. This album is nostalgia for Snoop's heyday and it rarely makes an attempt at covering up its agedness, if you don't count the inclusion of Kendrick Lamar on the last track. It sorely misses the late 90s/early 00s and would surely have fit better if it came out then.

    It isn't groundbreaking, creative, or even new, but it can provide some enjoyment, and is reassuring to Snoop fans that he hasn't given up on hip hop just yet.
  10. Jun 15, 2015
    Solid effort from the big boss dogg! Great production from Pharrell gives it a unique sound that bends the hip hop genre in ways that we have never seen. Only knocks are that the sound/content stays pretty much the same all the way through and though his credentials as an MC are untouchable, he can't really sing too well. Nonetheless, there is great vibe to the music, and considering thatSolid effort from the big boss dogg! Great production from Pharrell gives it a unique sound that bends the hip hop genre in ways that we have never seen. Only knocks are that the sound/content stays pretty much the same all the way through and though his credentials as an MC are untouchable, he can't really sing too well. Nonetheless, there is great vibe to the music, and considering that this is the same dude that came in the game as a gangsta rapper, the fact that he barely rapped on this project at all and it is still enjoyable marks a great example of artist growth. Expand
  11. Jun 13, 2015
    Yes, the songs are all similar. Yes, Snoop got lazy and so did Pharell. But that doesn't mean the songs are bad. They're all extremely listenable. There are plenty of great funk influences to be found hidden amongst Pharell's layered production. Snoop flows through each track like a puff of smoke, and some of the features are particularly good. I wish they did more with Stevie Wonder, butYes, the songs are all similar. Yes, Snoop got lazy and so did Pharell. But that doesn't mean the songs are bad. They're all extremely listenable. There are plenty of great funk influences to be found hidden amongst Pharell's layered production. Snoop flows through each track like a puff of smoke, and some of the features are particularly good. I wish they did more with Stevie Wonder, but what he did do was ground "California Roll" in an element of soul. Personal favourite on here has to be "This City" - the lyrics aren't out-of-this-world but the instrumental is by far the best you'll find on the entire album. Expand
  12. Jan 13, 2016
    This album is so groovy, so funky , certainly gets you up on your feet to dance your ass off. Snoop Dogg is a living legend and besides his stoner persona he has offered a lot to the black sound

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. The Source
    Aug 4, 2015
    While the rappers who also contribute to the album aren't out of place, the journey you take with Snoop and Pharrell feels a bit over capacity with their addition. [Jun-Jul 2015, p.88]
  2. Jun 11, 2015
    All in all, Bush is another consistent release from Snoop to add to his portfolio, with enough freshness to still be spinning his name in the clubs.
  3. Q Magazine
    May 29, 2015
    William's slick pop-R&B effectively smothers Snoop's signature drawl. [Jul 2015, p.113]