• Record Label: KGLW
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 30
  2. Negative: 1 out of 30
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  1. Jun 22, 2021
    King Gizzard are back with their most melodic and easy to reach album. Stu acuite/space voice remember me a lot Kevin Parker. Yours, Shanghai, Catching Smoke & 2.02 Killer Year best track so far.
  2. Jun 20, 2021
    Notable Tracks

    > Yours
    > Shanghai
    > 2.02 Killer Year
    > Butterfly 3000

    Again, good, but I think they should concentrate on a stronger set of songs, instead of that much material.
  3. Jun 16, 2021
    Gigwise 9/10!!

  4. Jun 15, 2021
    King Gizzard clearly decided to hone their skills on this one to create something with general appeal, and it is really well done. As different as it is it's far from unexpected from such prolific creators. I wouldn't be surprised if they hit every major genre before they call it quits. But they're not doing it just to say they did- they're doing it to bring their own spin to it, and youKing Gizzard clearly decided to hone their skills on this one to create something with general appeal, and it is really well done. As different as it is it's far from unexpected from such prolific creators. I wouldn't be surprised if they hit every major genre before they call it quits. But they're not doing it just to say they did- they're doing it to bring their own spin to it, and you can tell they're clearly having fun breaking down all the doors and creating- with a feeling they have deep roots in whatever they're doing. And their goal of making a fun album? It's one of the most fun albums I've heard all year. They're slowly acquiring the notoriety of legends... maybe they already are. Expand
  5. Jun 14, 2021
    Very unexpected to see the Gizz Kings do an all electronic song.

    Sounds if you combine Paper Mache Dream Balloon with Polygondwanaland
  6. Jun 13, 2021
    First masterwork since polygondwanaland. Sounds a lot like McCartney/McCartney II at times. That’s a good thing. Melodic. Brimming with ideas. Confident. Beautiful. Fun. It’s a brilliant record.
  7. Jun 13, 2021
    Unlike anything they’ve produced thus far — which is saying something given their dense discography — King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard continues to innovate in ways that can appeal to fans of any musical genre. A truly perfect summer album in every sense of the word. If this album doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will.
  8. Jun 12, 2021
    Beautiful. Honest. Refreshing.

    Butterfly 3000, King Gizzard's 17th studio album is a beautiful piece and is consistently warm and uplifting throughout. This album feels like a complete detox from reality - Life may not be perfect and there are so many worries that plague us every day, but we need to take a step back and appreciate the beauty in life and allow ourselves to be happy.
    Beautiful. Honest. Refreshing.

    Butterfly 3000, King Gizzard's 17th studio album is a beautiful piece and is consistently warm and uplifting throughout.

    This album feels like a complete detox from reality - Life may not be perfect and there are so many worries that plague us every day, but we need to take a step back and appreciate the beauty in life and allow ourselves to be happy.

    The songs that stand out to me the most are Blue Morpho, Interior People and Catching Smoke - but to say they stand out is bit misleading because of the absolute consistency of quality in the album from start to finish.

    This arpeggiated, psych dream-pop album is amazing and yet another major innovation in the bands genre-bending portfolio.
  9. Jun 11, 2021
    I've always liked King Gizzard, and I would be lying if I said I hated this album. I think it's pretty great, and it has its moments, but for me where I kind of lost the groove was how hard it was to differentiate one track from another. Sure, they are great, but I was expecting more "wow" moments where they just let themselves go and offer us something crazy.

    If anything, this album
    I've always liked King Gizzard, and I would be lying if I said I hated this album. I think it's pretty great, and it has its moments, but for me where I kind of lost the groove was how hard it was to differentiate one track from another. Sure, they are great, but I was expecting more "wow" moments where they just let themselves go and offer us something crazy.

    If anything, this album feels like what the band could have been expected to move towards if they never made nonagon infinity and kept going the path they had taken with "Paper Mache Dream Balloon", the instrumental and vocals are really reminiscent of that era.

    Overall, I would give this album an 8/10. I will definitely listen to this album again, but some tracks just don't stand out to me. Also, the album cover looks very bad zoomed out on digital platforms, with the huge white lines at the top/bottom. You can barely make what is on it

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Mojo
    Jun 23, 2021
    All coalesces, near-inexplicably, as yet another excellent album. [Aug 2021, p.80]
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 22, 2021
    Preaching positivity, the woozy dream-pop melodies flutter and float on the air like the butterfly the record takes its name from. [Summer 2021, p.80]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 18, 2021
    Purists who flinched when Tame Impala began to morph into a hairier Da¢ Punk may be similarly nonplussed by the sextet’s turn toward blissed-out dance-rock, but everyone else will have a lot of fun. [Aug 2021, p.28]