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Universal acclaim- based on 269 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 8 out of 269

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  1. CelineS.
    Mar 8, 2003
    BEST CD IN THE UNIVERSE. Most poetic lyrics u'd ever hear. Anthony is a genius. all those people who say they rn't good... listen to it once more.
  2. Anonymous
    Nov 6, 2003
    This is a great CD! I think it is one of their best albums; it is almost as good as Californication. With excellent songs, like By the Way and the Zeypher song, and other great songs, including Can't Stop and Dosed, this is a must-buy CD.
  3. BunsAnonymous
    May 25, 2005
    An excellent album full of super chili's songs
  4. CenaniM
    Jan 13, 2003
    I'd say this is one of their best albums!I would say that some of their songs on here are slow but the others make up for that.
  5. QMasta
    Oct 3, 2003
    Some people don't like the change of sound but they're missing the point, it's uncommon to find a band who are creative enough to produce such diverse sounds and completely pull it off. Luv it!!
  6. AJW.
    Apr 2, 2006
    Wow, simply the greatest album in the world ever, until maybe Stadium Arcadium.
  7. JosepherW
    May 1, 2006
    I am pretty much sick that people are not giving this cd 100, this album is insanly good, and if you havn't herd it you don't know what your missing.
  8. TomB
    May 8, 2006
    Simply gorgeous!! I love this album!
  9. [Anonymous]
    Oct 18, 2002
    its sooooooooo cool
  10. Sam
    Jul 12, 2002
    I luv it.
  11. MichaelE.
    Aug 2, 2002
    Granted this isn't perfect, with a few songs that just kind of sound awkward, but this is still far and away the Peppers' best album. Their most consistent, and without the dullness of some of the 'Californication' material.
  12. VanessaP
    Aug 5, 2004
    strange and beautiful everything music sholud be.
  13. C.D.
    May 26, 2005
    Great Album! One of their best!
  14. patd
    Dec 2, 2007
    Great Album
  15. ChrisR.
    Oct 6, 2007
    SAVAGE TOAST gave it a4: fuck u all who think this album is incredible. any no name shit can right songs like these. i can rhyme just as well as rhcp Don't know the difference between right and write though, moron. Some of the best music this side of the 21st century. I wish they didn't make that shitty Stadium Arcadium album right after this one though.
  16. JoshH
    Sep 25, 2002
    The greatest album I have ever listened to. Definitely worth a 10
  17. JeremyD
    Dec 17, 2004
    This is one of the best album's ever. The reason I love the chili peppers so much is because of their diversity. They write so many different styles of music it's awesome. This is not one of those albums where you only listen to a few tracks. I love every single song on this record! It rocks! Buy it to support this awesome band!
  18. patd
    Apr 16, 2005
    Great Album
  19. NatalieP
    Nov 27, 2006
    -what Joesepher W said is so true- By the Way is their best album...itthe lyrics and the melodies are beautiful. the whole album is absolutely perfect . They make music like no modern rock artist can touch. Everyone should be required to listen to this album. And to that guy who said anyone can write like them, you're just jealous because you will never play or write like them- they -what Joesepher W said is so true- By the Way is their best album...itthe lyrics and the melodies are beautiful. the whole album is absolutely perfect . They make music like no modern rock artist can touch. Everyone should be required to listen to this album. And to that guy who said anyone can write like them, you're just jealous because you will never play or write like them- they are too talented and complex for someone like you to understand. Expand
  20. Dec 29, 2010
    By the Way is a great album, with nothing to boot. The Chili Peppers utilized instruments and melodies that are uncharacteristic to their usual music, but they managed to get the record done perfectly. Highly recommend it.
  21. cbm
    Aug 2, 2011
    By the Way represents a different direction for the Red Hot Chili Peppers compared to Californication. By the Way us is very melodic with beautifully composed songs, my personal favorites being Don't Forget Me and Venice Queen.
  22. Jun 21, 2012
    By the way is an absolute classic, it's a really, really good album. Out of the albums of red hot chili peppers I've heard, which are: One hot minute, Californication, By the way, Greatest hits, Stadium arcadium and I'm with you (I really want to listen to Blood sugar sex magik and the 80's albums!), this is the second worst one, the worst being: One hot minute. One hot minute is like aBy the way is an absolute classic, it's a really, really good album. Out of the albums of red hot chili peppers I've heard, which are: One hot minute, Californication, By the way, Greatest hits, Stadium arcadium and I'm with you (I really want to listen to Blood sugar sex magik and the 80's albums!), this is the second worst one, the worst being: One hot minute. One hot minute is like a 8.5/9 out of ten. I love Red hot chili peppers, they're my favorite band ever! My personal favorite songs of this album are: This is the place, By the way, On mercury and Venice queen. And my least favorite song of the album is: Dosed. Expand
  23. Mar 2, 2014
    This is the album that introduced me to the Chilis' and I adore it for that. Although when I discovered their other work, I was surprised to see just how different this album is in comparison. They are a hugely diverse band and I love all their work but the melodic nature and beautifully chilled guitar melodies of this album fit my style perfectly being a laid back guy. This is their bestThis is the album that introduced me to the Chilis' and I adore it for that. Although when I discovered their other work, I was surprised to see just how different this album is in comparison. They are a hugely diverse band and I love all their work but the melodic nature and beautifully chilled guitar melodies of this album fit my style perfectly being a laid back guy. This is their best work in my opinion and its well worth a listen. Expand
  24. Apr 15, 2021
    My 2nd favourite Red Hot Chili Peppers album, right after Californication and my favourite album of the 21st century. The combination of Kiedis' angelic voice, Frusciante's piercing guitar and also angelic harmonies, Flea's melodic basslines and Chad Smith's powerful drumming touch my heart every time. A perfect record that sends me right down to 2002-2003.
  25. Oct 5, 2016
    The song starts with a slow soft vocal this shows that the artist can show a calm side but then the change is amazing it goes from being calm to what you would expect from a rock song. The song then follows with loud drums and heavy guitar but still throws out amazing vocal skill. You can hear the artist’s musical intent. I personally think the artist keeps to their style of slow music andThe song starts with a slow soft vocal this shows that the artist can show a calm side but then the change is amazing it goes from being calm to what you would expect from a rock song. The song then follows with loud drums and heavy guitar but still throws out amazing vocal skill. You can hear the artist’s musical intent. I personally think the artist keeps to their style of slow music and amazing vocals it’s not a big budget song and you can tell by how pure rock and griping the song is. Expand
  26. Oct 3, 2017
    Pleasant melodies that accompany the rhythm of sweet instrumental arrangements attest to the virtues of the most sentimental work of Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  27. Jun 6, 2020
    While it didn't top its predecessor in Californication, By The Way is about as good of a follow up as it gets and a nearly flawless album in its own right. At 16 tracks and over 68 minutes, this is a doozy of an album to get through, but there isn't a single bad song on here. The title track is a very fun and energetic song that makes for a great intro. "Universally Speaking" initiallyWhile it didn't top its predecessor in Californication, By The Way is about as good of a follow up as it gets and a nearly flawless album in its own right. At 16 tracks and over 68 minutes, this is a doozy of an album to get through, but there isn't a single bad song on here. The title track is a very fun and energetic song that makes for a great intro. "Universally Speaking" initially bored me, but over time I began to see its beauty. I can't find enough good things to say about "This Is The Place". It's in my top 5 favorite songs by the band, and one of their all-time most underrated. Yet another fantastically written tune about Kiedis' experience with drugs, including the death of Hillel Slovak, with a great vocal performance as well. "Dosed", "Don't Forget Me", and "The Zephyr Song" all make for absolutely wonderful listens. I'm sure everyone and their mother has heard the song "Can't Stop", which at this point just might be my least favorite on the whole album. While I wouldn't say I dislike it by any means, it's very overrated. "I Could Die For You" is yet another sweet tune, and "Midnight" was a favorite of mine growing up. "Throw Away Your Television" kind of sticks out like a sore thumb on this album sound-wise, but its grown on me. "Cabron" is okay, a little silly sounding but I don't take serious issue with it. The songs "Tear", "On Mercury", "Minor Thing", and "Warm Tape" make for a nice streak. I wouldn't count any of them among the Chili Peppers all-time best songs, but they are still very enjoyable to listen to. However, the crown jewel of the album comes in its epic closer "Venice Queen". This is once again in my top 5 favorite songs by the band, probably top 3. The song has three parts, from its slow-paced first two verses to its fast paced bridge, finishing out with amazing acoustic guitar work from John Frusciante. Overall, this album flows incredibly smoothly, and is a great album to mellow out to while still being plenty engaging. Don't sleep on this one- it is easily one of the Chili Peppers finest works. Expand
  28. Dracool
    Jul 23, 2002
    This is a very great album, I listen to it almost every day, the songs keep haunting you. I like the style of this album, more melodic and with some unpepperish instruments.
  29. DanielG.
    Jun 28, 2006
    very good
  30. MichelB.
    Jul 10, 2002
    Less rock than CALIFORNIFICATION, more pop/ballad. I really like this album, you can listen to it all night and not be bothered/bored at all. Good work RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS! I really like your music, keep up good work!
  31. MitchW.
    Jul 10, 2002
    Rick Rubin did an excellent job producing this cd. What I like about By The Way that wasn't on Californication was the very diverse music. Not only the style of it, but also the speeds and sounds of each song. Also, the guitar is much better than on Californication. Overall, a great cd and a must-buy.
  32. HaakonH.
    Aug 5, 2002
    While I like thier funk rock music and wish this album had a bit more I can't deny that this is an very good CD.
  33. zacko
    Jul 29, 2003
    im a big peppers fan, and this was a new twist to what i expected, but i really liked thier new style
  34. SNIKON
    Oct 1, 2004
    I think listeners should not expect "blood sugar" from this album, that was over 10 years ago! A band changes over time and I can tell you now most critics would be complaining if they stayed with the same sounds over these years. This record is a move in the right direction, just look at their peers these days... ... still looking, thats because their peers (and most other ageing bands) I think listeners should not expect "blood sugar" from this album, that was over 10 years ago! A band changes over time and I can tell you now most critics would be complaining if they stayed with the same sounds over these years. This record is a move in the right direction, just look at their peers these days... ... still looking, thats because their peers (and most other ageing bands) didn't age well and tried to stay with the same sound (look at the Rolling Stones)... these guys are heading in a new direction, and even if the sound might be better or worse, its a better direction than going no where... For the record, this album is excellent and deserves full due credit. Expand
  35. camdenl
    May 8, 2006
    badass album
  36. kieferh
    Jul 15, 2006
    savage what's up with you and all of your pessimistic, derogatory comments...i'd like to see you seriously make any album of some sorty, let alone play an instrument. Anyway back to the criteria of the moment--i believe this album represent symplistic riffs and tunes that only the red hot's could pull off...a very blissfully, mellow, and delicious album one could bask in savage what's up with you and all of your pessimistic, derogatory comments...i'd like to see you seriously make any album of some sorty, let alone play an instrument. Anyway back to the criteria of the moment--i believe this album represent symplistic riffs and tunes that only the red hot's could pull off...a very blissfully, mellow, and delicious album one could bask in with it's subtle and deep embraces Expand
  37. MaxPower
    Nov 29, 2002
    An almost perfect album. The Zepher Song and Dosed are quite brilliant. Just better than Californication, an ecievement in itself.
  38. iskateboard
    Jul 23, 2002
    the first time i heard this cd i thought the rhcp had finally lost it, but now that ive listened to the cd alot im starting to like it more and more. nothing will ever be as good as blood sugar sex magik and the other albums, but its still good.
  39. Dec 30, 2013
    The best thing in this album is the variety, if you listen to midnight and then don't forget me and it's like you're on a different album. In the most of the songs the guitar riffs are pretty simple but they're original and beautiful.
  40. Aug 20, 2016
    I loved nearly every song on this album. Great melodies, great vocals, guitar, bass and drums. Everything clicked on this album for me! This album is tied as my third favorite album from them after, Californication and Stadium Arcadium.
  41. Jan 6, 2017
    This album from the Chili Peppers expresses their more modern rock direction of music. By The Way although shows many directions of music such as funk, modern rock, alternative and kind of pop on tracks like The Zephyr Song. The album opens with the explosive title track By The Way, the song goes from melodic and slow, then blasts off into funk madness with Anthony rapping the lyrics. TheThis album from the Chili Peppers expresses their more modern rock direction of music. By The Way although shows many directions of music such as funk, modern rock, alternative and kind of pop on tracks like The Zephyr Song. The album opens with the explosive title track By The Way, the song goes from melodic and slow, then blasts off into funk madness with Anthony rapping the lyrics. The next track is the alternative track Universally Speaking which has a funky sound throughout but is melodic at the same time. The next track is the dramatic song This Is The Place is a turn in the beginning of the album but is a very good song for being kind of depressing. The rest of the album includes hits like The Zephyr Song, Can't Stop and Dosed and Venice Queen. Other than the hits, there are very good tracks on the album like On Mercury, Minor Thing, Throw Away Your Television and Cabron. This album shows a very good direction for the Chili Peppers into the new millennium and it did so because 4 years later they released Stadium Arcadium which was a critically acclaimed double album . Expand
  42. Aug 17, 2021
    Just as good as Californication for me. Very nice guitarwork, John Frusciante sure is one of the greatest guitarists, on this album and especially live. The whole band really sounded like they had fun on this album and that's all i can say, a really fine record!
  43. ChrisP.
    Aug 3, 2002
    very smooth and melodic feel - solid followup to Californication
  44. sweeta
    Mar 22, 2006
    Good, but it doesn't capture the magical funk rock experience of Blood Sex Sugar Magik.
  45. VidM.
    Aug 13, 2007
    Good stuff.
  46. Oct 22, 2010
    It's very mellow. That might be what annoys a lot of people about it, because the Chili Peppers have always been about the funk. It's also a little monotonous at times but there really are some great songs here if you're willing to listen in a way you haven't before. The lyrics don't make sense, but who cares about that? It's a chill-out album. "Venice Queen" is my personal favorite,It's very mellow. That might be what annoys a lot of people about it, because the Chili Peppers have always been about the funk. It's also a little monotonous at times but there really are some great songs here if you're willing to listen in a way you haven't before. The lyrics don't make sense, but who cares about that? It's a chill-out album. "Venice Queen" is my personal favorite, followed by "Can't Stop" and the title track. Great stuff. Expand
  47. j30
    Aug 15, 2011
    Really good album, probably their most underrated. The first show I ever went to was on this tour, it was their performance in Park City, Utah. Amazing
  48. Apr 23, 2012
    Many will disagree but I feel this is RHCP strongest overall album. While it's all high quality, over two thirds of it is outstanding, especially the first half of the album. As usual for the band, the record is too long by several tracks but in this case that doesn't take too much from the album. I don't think they've really come near to this level with the records they've put out since.
  49. Dec 9, 2011
    The perfect example of the basic, unchanging Red Hot Chili Peppers we all know and love. The only reason that it's not on a 9 out of 10 is the fact that it's a step down in quality from Californication. Some of the songs on the album however are complete classics. It's just a shame they didn't really try anything too complicated or away from the norm.
  50. Jul 16, 2020
    An Excellent Chili Pepper album that showed us beautiful instrumentals and vocals. I recommend this album, alongside “Californication” and “Blood Sugar Sex Magik.” I did not skip throughout the 16 tracks. All of these tracks are beautifully composed and produced. My favorite and recommended tracks are, “By The Way,” “This Is The Place,” “The Zephyr Song,” “Can’t Stop,” “Throw Away YourAn Excellent Chili Pepper album that showed us beautiful instrumentals and vocals. I recommend this album, alongside “Californication” and “Blood Sugar Sex Magik.” I did not skip throughout the 16 tracks. All of these tracks are beautifully composed and produced. My favorite and recommended tracks are, “By The Way,” “This Is The Place,” “The Zephyr Song,” “Can’t Stop,” “Throw Away Your Television,” and “C****n.” 8/10 Expand
  51. PatrickB
    Nov 26, 2006
    A good album which I think is criticised simply because the Chilis' other albums are better.
  52. FreddyT
    Apr 27, 2005
    The last 5 songs suck (although "Venice Queen" has it's moments), and "Zephyr Song" and "Midnight" are also pretty weak. A bit dissapointing for a band like the Chili Peppers.
  53. Sep 8, 2011
    Yes, I agree. Some songs, especially on the first part of the album, sound like a side B of californication. However, the second half of the album has some great songs like "TEAR", "Cabron" or the first 2 mins of "Venice Queen". As Californication had a 9 I will give this record a 7 out of 10.
  54. Apr 11, 2020
    By the Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers: 6.50

    By the Way: 1 :) Universally Speaking: 1 :) This Is the Place: 0.75 Dosed: 1 Don’t Forget Me: 0.5 The Zephyr Song: 0.75 Can’t Stop: 1 :) I Could Die for You: 0.5 Midnight: 0.75 Throw Away Your Television: 1 :) Cabron: 1 :) Tear: 0.75 On Mercury: 0.75 Minor Thing: 1 :) Warm Tape: 0.5 Venice Queen: 0.75 Runaway: 0.75 The Bicycle
    By the Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers: 6.50

    By the Way: 1 :)
    Universally Speaking: 1 :)
    This Is the Place: 0.75
    Dosed: 1
    Don’t Forget Me: 0.5
    The Zephyr Song: 0.75
    Can’t Stop: 1 :)
    I Could Die for You: 0.5
    Midnight: 0.75
    Throw Away Your Television: 1 :)
    Cabron: 1 :)
    Tear: 0.75
    On Mercury: 0.75
    Minor Thing: 1 :)
    Warm Tape: 0.5
    Venice Queen: 0.75
    Runaway: 0.75
    The Bicycle Song: 0.75

    14.5/18 ~ .806 -> 6.50

    By the Way is the eighth album released by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and its music goes in a different direction than previous RHCP releases. The music is usually slower and less energetic, though it is still pretty good in its own unique way. Before listening to this album, I had heard and loved By the Way and Can’t Stop, but I was unfamiliar with the other songs, which is probably why I expected a more upbeat album. I wish I could say more about this album but what I had was more than 5000 characters, so I had to cut out the individual song commentary. In general, I was a little disappointed with By the Way, even though this album receives the second highest score I have given a RHCP album. Most of its songs lack the energy and musicality that made me fall in love with RHCP in the first place, though this new type of music that this group presents is by no means bad, it’s just not quite as good as some of their other material. The guitar playing was top notch here and the vocal sounds were much improved, even if the hip hop/rap was mostly gone in By the Way. I have heard a few songs from Stadium Arcadium, RHCP’s next album, and loved them, so I’m excited to listen to this next album. As for By the Way, Red Hot Chili Peppers fans will for sure like at least a couple songs in here, but most may be happier in Blood Sugar Sex Magyk territory. Highlights: By the Way, Universally Speaking, Dosed, Can’t Stop, Throw Away Your Television, Cabron, and Minor Thing.
  55. LivVid
    Apr 11, 2003
    sounds like the B-sides to Californication. has some great songs but overall, i think it's weak. Californication and BLOOD SUGAR... were WAY better.
  56. JasonJ.
    Jul 10, 2002
    The new direction the Chili Peppers has taken has thoroughly dissapointed me. Instead of highlighting thier good points they have decided to send forth an album of very melodic stuff. Unfortunately Kiedis' vocals just dont hold up under the spotlight of this type of music. Lets go back to the funk rock days that put the backing band on center stage.
  57. johns
    Mar 18, 2004
    I think they have turned into more of a slow, pop band. I liked the harder stuff. They are my fav band but this was a dissapointment.
  58. johns
    Mar 18, 2004
    I think they have turned into more of a slow, pop band. I liked the harder stuff. They are my fav band but this was a dissapointment.
  59. Oct 21, 2012
    As with any Chili Peppers album, you're guaranteed a few slammin' tracks, but overall, a lack of vigor and RHCP personality are unfortunately quite clear here.
  60. tilenb.
    Jul 23, 2002
    the worst album they ever made. even worse than californication, which is hard to imagine...
  61. ChrisB
    Jun 3, 2004
    It has been heartbreaking to watch my favourite band gradually turn into a boring uninspired pop band. I never thought it would happen to a band that had seemed to have so much creative talent musically and lyrically on the fantastic 'BloodSugarSexMagik'. Californication was OK, but this record is just laughable. I mean listen to the lyrics: "Skin that flick she's such a It has been heartbreaking to watch my favourite band gradually turn into a boring uninspired pop band. I never thought it would happen to a band that had seemed to have so much creative talent musically and lyrically on the fantastic 'BloodSugarSexMagik'. Californication was OK, but this record is just laughable. I mean listen to the lyrics: "Skin that flick she's such a little DJ??" I mean come on. Bad. Very bad. Don't buy this album Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 3 out of 21
  1. By The Way inevitably suffers for its familiarity: Had it followed 1995's so-so One Hot Minute instead of Californication, it would qualify as a revelation instead of a worthy retread.
  2. Underpinned throughout by the kind of melancholic edge discovered on radio friendly ode to smack 'Under The Bridge', and punctuated by a spontaneous, back-to-basics feel, it's an album that sees the Chilis revitalised.
  3. Spit-shine production, passionless instrumentation, (extremely) laid back grooves and laughably awful lyrics all conspire to do this once explosive band in.