• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: May 24, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 4 out of 24
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  1. May 27, 2019
    excellent!! N e lo pierdan. merece la pena la revisión de estos clásicos por Morrissey
  2. Jun 10, 2019
    YASSS! come true the house down baby, it' a cover album but honey it's amazing
  3. Feb 6, 2023
    Wish Morrissey would cover every song. One of the best vocalists and he proves it here with his rich voice accompanying every song to perfection.
  4. May 28, 2019
    Es un gran álbum que logra generar una nostalgia de los años 60-70 aún en aquellas personas que ni siquiera nacíamos entonces.

    Lo bueno: musicalmente se nota una madurez tanto en la producción, arreglos y en la voz de Moz. Las canciones tienen mucha más textura e invitan a imaginar y sentir. Es un LP que se debe escuchar como los de antes: de corrido. Lo malo: En esta ocasión no
    Es un gran álbum que logra generar una nostalgia de los años 60-70 aún en aquellas personas que ni siquiera nacíamos entonces.

    Lo bueno: musicalmente se nota una madurez tanto en la producción, arreglos y en la voz de Moz. Las canciones tienen mucha más textura e invitan a imaginar y sentir. Es un LP que se debe escuchar como los de antes: de corrido.

    Lo malo: En esta ocasión no podremos contar con las fantásticas, inteligentes ni incisivas letras de Moz, pero, en su lugar, contamos con tributo tras tributo a reconocidos (y otros, no tanto) cantautores. Morrissey deja ver trazas de sí mismo en estas melodías y las honra al mantenerlas vivas y actualizarlas, respetando su esencia.

    Lo peor: es toda la oleada de odio hacia Morrissey, y en consecuencia, este album, a causa de un pin. Una vez más, el trabajo de un genio musical será manchado por agendas políticas que poco o nada saben de arte.
  5. May 26, 2019
    What an enjoyable insight in to Morrissey’s mind. The song selection is perfect, just the right mix of well known songs verses somewhat obscure. Wedding Bell Blues gets a pretty straightforward rendering that Morrissey keeps light. Loneliness Remembers keeps Dionne Warwick’s version alive within Morrissey’s vocal delivery. The production is at times heavy but it helps the album maintain aWhat an enjoyable insight in to Morrissey’s mind. The song selection is perfect, just the right mix of well known songs verses somewhat obscure. Wedding Bell Blues gets a pretty straightforward rendering that Morrissey keeps light. Loneliness Remembers keeps Dionne Warwick’s version alive within Morrissey’s vocal delivery. The production is at times heavy but it helps the album maintain a 60’s theme through a spin of the entire album. Really it’s what I’ve been hoping for from Morrissey for the last ten years. Nice job Moz. Expand
  6. Feb 4, 2020
    Great album, light and such good sounded, enjoy instrumentals and voice. I recommend to listen it on sunny day when you can just seat and chill with good music, headphones and couple drinks. Cheers every one!
  7. Apr 28, 2023
    The sad revelation with this album is that it's not been the Joe Chiccarelli production mostly to blame for the dismal Morrissey albums on either side of this release. It's been Morrissey's lyrics. Here--with other songwriters' lyrics--Morrissey and Joe have made a very fine album, devoid of the whinging and lazy lyricism of M's own recent works.

    Morrissey's latest personally-penned
    The sad revelation with this album is that it's not been the Joe Chiccarelli production mostly to blame for the dismal Morrissey albums on either side of this release. It's been Morrissey's lyrics. Here--with other songwriters' lyrics--Morrissey and Joe have made a very fine album, devoid of the whinging and lazy lyricism of M's own recent works.

    Morrissey's latest personally-penned output has fallen into one or both of two sad categories: 1. songs whose full-sentence titles are also their first lines and 2. songs that have a couple brief lines of verse before jumping to underwhelming choruses. Since Morrissey had no hand in writing these songs, they generally suffer from neither of these issues.

    "Loneliness Remembers What Happiness Forgets" is the only Morrissey-esque song title in the bunch, but even that song is far punchier than most Moz output after the splendid Years Of Refusal.

    Generally, Morrissey's vocals and the arrangements have improved the songs--as has usually been the case with the myriad other covers he's created over his long career.

    With this much historical music inspiration behind him--and his own canon of terrific songs--I'm disappointed at how lackluster his own recent songs have been. This collection of covers is a satisfying consolation.

    Check out the lyrics of the proposed opener for M's newest album which has no label backing:

    "So sad for me, for us
    So sad for the universe
    So sad for me, for us
    So sad for the universe

    So sad for me, for us
    So sad for the universe
    So sad for me, for us
    So sad for the universe

    He said the best thing you can do is be yourself
    The best thing you can do is just be yourself
    The best thing you can do is be yourself
    The best thing you can do is just be yourself"

    Repetitious nonsense. :-(
  8. May 26, 2019
    É um trabalho 'ok'. Instrumentalmente falando é bem bonito, em certos momentos os arranjos são simples e objetivos, em outros momentos são imponentes e dão um ótimo peso às faixas que precisam (Some Say I Got Devil ilustra bem). Mas ainda assim fiquei incomodado com um certo jeito "karaokê" de bar que este álbum traz, pessoalmente não me agradou. Os arranjos levam este álbum "nas costas"É um trabalho 'ok'. Instrumentalmente falando é bem bonito, em certos momentos os arranjos são simples e objetivos, em outros momentos são imponentes e dão um ótimo peso às faixas que precisam (Some Say I Got Devil ilustra bem). Mas ainda assim fiquei incomodado com um certo jeito "karaokê" de bar que este álbum traz, pessoalmente não me agradou. Os arranjos levam este álbum "nas costas" por grande parte do tempo. "ok" é uma definição adequada. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 14, 2019
    There's nothing transformative enough to make this more than a placeholder and plenty that is kitsch. [Summer 2019, p.112]
  2. May 30, 2019
    If a great cover version should reveal new dimensions in both song and singer, then this album is filled with them.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    May 30, 2019
    A competently executed, if indulgent. [Jul 2019, p.85]