• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jan 12, 2018
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  1. Jan 13, 2018
    This is one of the best albums I've heard in a very long time. The lyrics to each song has something special, she makes you feel her lyrics. For the first time i found an album where I can't find my favorite song because every song is really good.
  2. Jan 13, 2018
    'CAMILA' is great for a first solo career album. With each track I was surprised more, Camila Cabello definitely exceeded my expectations. The songs matched perfectly with her remarkable voice, and all have the potential to become hits.
  3. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila is wonderful as much as singer and songwriter, this album is proof of that.
  4. Jan 13, 2018
    INCREDIBLE! the album contains everything, music to cry, to dance, to reflect...incredible lyrics and better melodies still, surely one of the best albums I've ever heard
  5. Jan 13, 2018
    um dos melhores,não da para pular nenhuma faixa,uma surpresa agradavel o camila.AMEI.
  6. Jan 13, 2018
    This is one of the bestest album I've heard so far. Every song of this album is just flawless.
  7. Jan 13, 2018
    the album CAMILA is simply fantastic. I can not stop listening to him. The songs that are part of it have a certain magic, which leads to all who listen to float. Makes us lighter. It makes us happy. WONDERFUL, it's the right word to describe it.
  8. Jan 13, 2018
    Tá perfeito esse álbum, os brasileiros estão surtando com cada música e com essa obra de arte que é o CAMILA.
  9. Jan 13, 2018
    Lyrically the best pop album in such a long time. It is like 10 songs out of Cabello's diary. Not only does it have the hits, but also the deep cuts. Already a runner for AOTY on the Grammy's
  10. Jan 13, 2018
    The album CAMILA is simply perfect, with its precious and precise vocals, exalting its talent, is an album that goes from the emotive one there is a dancing pop. incredible h The album CAMILA is simply perfect, with its precious and precise vocals, exalting its talent, is an album that goes from the emotive one there is a dancing pop. incredible. The best.
  11. Jan 13, 2018
    Um dos melhores albuns que ja escutei em toda minha vida e o mais incrível é que esse é seu primero album, então nem posso imaginar o quão incrível vai ser seu crescimente musicalmente de agora para frente.
  12. Jan 13, 2018
    Camila Cabello demonstrou mostrar sua raízes latinas nesse debut incível, nota 10. Mal posso esperar para ouvir o próximo.
  13. Jan 13, 2018
    One of my favorite debut album! The songs had a blend of pop - latin vibe that didn't sound forced she really found her own style in this album!

  14. Jan 14, 2018
    wooow este álbum es hermoso, no se puede escoger una sola canción, todas tiene lo suyo un ritmo que contagia, que no te permiten dejar de escucharlas, esta chica sin duda tiene mucho talento que mostrar
  15. Jan 14, 2018
    "CAMILA" is the definition for dedication, quality and personality. Such a good album I've heard since it launched, literally. Through the songs we can feel everything passed by her, from the desire to want to roll to the floor with She Loves Control until she cries a lot with Conseuqences. I love this album, it's my baby.
  16. Jan 14, 2018
    there isn't a song on this incredible album that you will want to skip because they're all just so good and phenomenal in all ways - lyrically, vocally and production wise. it's very addicting and you will want to listen to it over and over once you're done. defintiely worth a (or more) listen!!
  17. Jan 14, 2018
    the feeling that pervades every song is unexplainable !! incredible, beautiful, intimate, perfect.
    to see that she gave it all and that there is a lot of our camila there. very proud !! love you
  18. Jan 14, 2018
    6 letters:::::::::::::::::: L E G E N D. Thanks for this album, Cuban Fairy
  19. Jan 14, 2018
    She has grown so much and in such an incredible way! It's wonderful to be able to listen to the artistic evolution of Camila in an album with so much quality.
  20. Jan 14, 2018
    This is one of the best albums I've heard so far. Camila worked hard for this album and it's amazing. Every song on this album is perfect. I feel honored to be a fan of this incredible artist!
  21. Jan 14, 2018
    this is a bible full of anthems, that´s the tea, camila is a amazing singer with a unique voice and a first class composer
  22. Jan 14, 2018
    “CAMILA” é um álbum incrível com músicas que tocam a alma e fazem a quem ouve sentir toda emoção que ela sentiu.
  23. Jan 14, 2018
    This album is definitely the best. Camila's vocals and production are perfect! I'm so proud of Camila!
  24. Jan 15, 2018
    It's wonderful. The vocals, the songs...something real, different. And a good production!
  25. Jan 14, 2018
    very well written and produced, amazing album, amazing debut, pop excellence.
  26. Jan 14, 2018
    This is one of the bestest album...
    She served vocals, lyrics, instruments, background vocals and everything else. Queen.
  27. Jan 14, 2018
    Miss Cabello comes to stay, she did an excellent work, no bad songs. She also co-write in EVERY song in this album.
    A powerful debut for an amazing and integral artist.
  28. Jan 15, 2018
    CAMILA is a real masterpiece. Every single song is a whole story with a diferent rythm, in like a new world which opens in front of your eyes. Her voice, the lyrics, the sounds, the adlibs, all is perfect in all the songs. Couldn't be more perfect.
  29. Jan 14, 2018
    Brillant! This album is amazing, It's just perfect, all the songs are good!!
  30. Jan 14, 2018
    A good album, but the production on the entire album except Havana and she loves control makes me feel bored and irritating
  31. Jan 14, 2018
    By far one of the best debut albums I have ever encountered 'CAMILA' is the definition of quality over quantity
  32. Jan 14, 2018
    Camila has worked hard for this album and it is amazing. Every single song of this album is just flawless.
  33. Jan 14, 2018
    Her voice sounds perfect in every single song and the lyrics just touch your soul. It feels like she’s telling her story through every track
  34. Jan 14, 2018
    This albums shows how much she has grown as a soloist artist, i'm entirely surprised of how much she has grown thru this year, her album is already #1 in more than 100 countries, also her vocals, every song shows her vocal ability and the deep lyric, oh my god the deep lyric the best part of the album, all of this album is literally GENUINELY MAGIC AND ASTOUNDING, i'm so proud
  35. Jan 14, 2018
    An album with totally original songs and full of love. Already my favorite album in the world!
  36. Jan 14, 2018
    É um album gostoso de ouvir. O Ponto alto são os vocais tão únicos da intérprete e as letras. A produção é boa mas faz as musicas soarem repetitivas se tornando o pecado do album, mas no geral é bom, principalmente, para uma artista que está começando.
  37. Jan 14, 2018
    'CAMILA' É Realmente um excelente álbum de estréia, envolvente com belas letras sem falar nos vocais de Camila potentes e confiante.
  38. Jan 14, 2018
    congratulations CAMILA BY CAMILA CABELLO this dope, magnificent, superb, splendid, marvelous debut albumshe just released, it is a blessing in my ears and other people who are blessed with your music.
    definitely worth a listen!
  39. Jan 14, 2018
    camila cabello’s new album is GOLDEN like i’m obsessed. i’m really suggesting camila cabello’s self titled album “Camila” . The album is seriously such a work of art. All the songs are lyrically her own and you could tell she put her heart into it . 10/10 . you won’t regret listening to it , I promise.
  40. Jan 15, 2018
    Can i be honest? In a lot of years that i'm around i have never heared someone be so damn 'various' in a 10 track album, this album contains so much quality when it comes to lyrics, production or even the voice of the singer herself, the voice can be smooth and powerful at the same DAMN TIME!!! A lot of debuts of now big artist are usually weak when it comes to everything in general butCan i be honest? In a lot of years that i'm around i have never heared someone be so damn 'various' in a 10 track album, this album contains so much quality when it comes to lyrics, production or even the voice of the singer herself, the voice can be smooth and powerful at the same DAMN TIME!!! A lot of debuts of now big artist are usually weak when it comes to everything in general but this one...WOW, i'm amazed worth the time. Expand
  41. Jan 15, 2018
    For most people who don't know Camila Cabello, this album is an unexpected debut for an up and coming pop star. It's not desperately trying to create or re-create hit singles to try to make it, rather than that, she delivered a very concise ad surprisingly confident array of songs that are just full of personality and honesty and have this uniqueness to them, all while still hitting allFor most people who don't know Camila Cabello, this album is an unexpected debut for an up and coming pop star. It's not desperately trying to create or re-create hit singles to try to make it, rather than that, she delivered a very concise ad surprisingly confident array of songs that are just full of personality and honesty and have this uniqueness to them, all while still hitting all the right criteria for a commercially successful song and album. Somehow this artist managed to land exactly on the fine line between making an album that feels personal and honest and intimate, and an album that is just plain enjoyable, different and feels like everything we have been craving to hear on the radio. Camila is a breath of fresh air and I would recommend it to everyone, because it is worth your time and money and you will 100% not regret it. Expand
  42. Jan 15, 2018
    'CAMILA' is the definition of quality and perfection. EVERY single song have vocals, melodious and lyrics is so perfect.
  43. Jan 15, 2018
    Camila is actually a really catchy, thoughtful and pulling album. Immediately in the first song her vocals made my head blow up especially during the pre-chorus, and for the whole album her voice is seriously shining. Every now and then the album stops to just be energetic and have fun like the song "Havana", but then there are also songs like "Consequences" and "I Have Questions" that areCamila is actually a really catchy, thoughtful and pulling album. Immediately in the first song her vocals made my head blow up especially during the pre-chorus, and for the whole album her voice is seriously shining. Every now and then the album stops to just be energetic and have fun like the song "Havana", but then there are also songs like "Consequences" and "I Have Questions" that are more emotional and tell an actual story and have a more sad and slower tune in the background. Expand
  44. Jan 15, 2018
    One of the best albums I've ever listened to. I'm not even being biased being a fan of her since 5H, but this album is so well-rounded and perfectly shows her artistry and incredible vocals. I'm so proud of her and how she showed everyone, especially those who said she would fail, that she can do it. She did it. My top 3 favorites are 'In The Dark', 'Something's Gotta Give', and 'Into It'.
  45. Jan 15, 2018
    saved my whole year, life and everything. she loves control its MY jam dude, i love it
  46. Mar 1, 2018
    Camila brings to her new album a good sonority, i truly belive she is the future of pop!
  47. Jan 15, 2018
    "CAMILA" is a phenomenal debut album, that shows incredible vocals, meaningful lyrics and a beautiful production. This album is pop perfection, not one single song is bad!
  48. Jan 15, 2018
    The tracks are all incredibly diverse and showcase her songwriting prowess and her wide vocal range. All the songs wonderfully express her personality and the depth of her emotions.
  49. Jan 15, 2018
    Rarely when I listen to an album do I listen to it full through. I'm just a nit picky person when it comes to my music.
  50. Jan 16, 2018
    'CAMILA' is probably one of the best debut album I've ever listened to, Stunning vocals and amazing lyrics. The album as a whole is a layered affair it has a mix of up-tempo song, acoustics, and ballads. It's refreshing from the usual music that is being put out today!
  51. Jan 16, 2018
    I feel attacked by this freaking masterpiece. Vocals, ad libs, melodies, harmonies and holy lyrics.
    Definetley 10/10 and grammy worthy. I cant get enough of her. Camila never dissapoints.
  52. Jan 16, 2018
    It's her first album and she did it, wool. It's a wonderful album. I'm impressed, not that I underestimate her. Cabello has a vision for the music so good, this girl is still going to do a lot.
  53. Jan 16, 2018
    "Camila" is the best debut album I have heard in a long time. It's shattering records and that is well deserved. I was skeptical when the first (scrapped) sia written single "Crying in the Club" was released because it seemed that she was hungry for a hit but this album does everything except follow in its footsteps. This album is incredibly raw and filled with drive and emotion. This"Camila" is the best debut album I have heard in a long time. It's shattering records and that is well deserved. I was skeptical when the first (scrapped) sia written single "Crying in the Club" was released because it seemed that she was hungry for a hit but this album does everything except follow in its footsteps. This album is incredibly raw and filled with drive and emotion. This cohesive project deserves great success and I can't wait to see where she's going next. Expand
  54. Jan 22, 2018
    When delivering your first album, you must have at least one or two guaranteed hits. While 'CAMILA' fails to match another 'Havana' it is the most interesting emotional roller coaster a debutant like Miss Cabello can give. 'Never be the same', 'Consequences', 'Into it' the best cuts off the album.
  55. Jan 26, 2018
    This album has been on repeat for me since it came out! She outdid what I thought she could! For this being her debut album, it exceeded every expectation. She has come so far both lyrically and vocally. I couldn't be more proud of what she has achieved.
  56. Jan 29, 2018
    Fantastic debut, great sonic style, great up-tempo songs and surprisingly good Ballard's as well. Would've been even better of fleshed out a bit in places.
  57. Jan 30, 2018
    I'm so proud of Camila, it's a amazing album. it really was worth waiting for CAMILA
  58. Jan 30, 2018
    I LOVE CAMILA CABELLO. Definitely this album is wonderful, the songs are great, she did.
  59. Jan 31, 2018
    ''CAMILA'' is an incredible album. It shows all the feeling and maturity on the part of Camila Cabello, in several songs I can identify with the story and I think that when she made this album, besides telling her feelings to the world, she wanted us to be able to identify ourselves through her music , and she succeeded. I cry listening to some songs from the album, I listen to other''CAMILA'' is an incredible album. It shows all the feeling and maturity on the part of Camila Cabello, in several songs I can identify with the story and I think that when she made this album, besides telling her feelings to the world, she wanted us to be able to identify ourselves through her music , and she succeeded. I cry listening to some songs from the album, I listen to other songs, I have moments of reflection. It really is a wonderful album, and it is only a small sample of what Camila can offer us, she will have a bright future! She is a GREAT star, pure talent! Expand
  60. Feb 3, 2018
    Esse álbum é muito bom, Camila realmente me surpreendeu com seu álbum de estreia, masterpiece.
  61. Feb 2, 2018
    Camila's vocals are so good and lovely, I love this album, It really was worth waiting for this album.
  62. Feb 5, 2018
  63. Feb 5, 2018
    Album full of bops! Everysong is single worthy, but i think She Loves Control/In The Dark/Into It should be the next single after Havana and Never Be The Same
  64. Feb 8, 2018
    This album is wonderful, I'm very proud of Camila, it was worth the wait. Camila's voice is so sweet, the melodies are beautiful, great work.
  65. Feb 8, 2018
    Camila has the soul of a solo artist !
    The album is amazing since the first track and remains perfect until the end of it.
  66. Feb 10, 2018
    CAMILA is consistent from beginning and literally the end, is melancholy and destructive with their discrete ballads while explicit, CAMILA is sensational and transpired shape artist and what she went through for this album is finally and thankfully revealed to the world.
  67. Mar 12, 2018
    This is a great pop album. It's short, with a minimal number of filler tracks (Something's Gotta Give, In the Dark). it's got the requisite bangers (Havana, Never Be the Same, She Loves Control), and some really touching ballads (All These Years, Consequences). The ballads are a particular standout for me. Camila is one of the few pop stars that comes off as a legitimately sympatheticThis is a great pop album. It's short, with a minimal number of filler tracks (Something's Gotta Give, In the Dark). it's got the requisite bangers (Havana, Never Be the Same, She Loves Control), and some really touching ballads (All These Years, Consequences). The ballads are a particular standout for me. Camila is one of the few pop stars that comes off as a legitimately sympathetic person, and her vocal performances are sincere and polished without being too perfect--great example is on Consequences ("steady place to let down my my defenseeeees"... "and I lost so much more than my senses"). I love her vocal performance on this song. The way she transitions from falsetto to her more natural alto is thrilling... she isn't afraid to let the natural grit and coarseness of her voice shine. This is in contrast to the unending breathiness of so many of her pop vocalist contemporaries. It's a nice, if subtle contrast to the current vocal zeitgeist.

    The songwriting is pretty consistently good for the genre. Havana is of course a smash, and Young Jeffery does a great job incorporating some interesting flows and his unique timbre is a good pairing with Camila's voice. The ballads are fantastic. Overall the songwriting is pretty traditional, but nonetheless very effective. There is a good, consistent tension between buildup and release, and the chord progressions feel inspired even though they are nothing new. The hooks are sticky as hell. The instrumentation is rather par for the course, but nevertheless effective.

    Super excited to see where CC takes her art next. I think paired with the right songwriters, she has wonderful potential.
  68. Apr 9, 2018
    It's certainly an excellent album the best of the genre in a long time, it's amazing to see the evolution of Camila Cabello, all the songs are great, "She Loves Control" and "Something Gotta Give" deserve to be singles.
  69. Apr 10, 2018
    Confesso que sempre gostei dela, mas o álbum me surpreendeu. Completamente diferente do que esperava, sincero e cheio de música de qualidade. Vai longe.
  70. Dec 21, 2018
    Camila had her big challenge of facing her solo career and in that first huge album. The choice of single was partially commercial and are the worst of the album in exceptions! The album lacks a technique and its due involvement of Camila in some productions, but this did not disappoint and I expect much more of the next album!
  71. Jun 22, 2018
    "CAMILA" uno de los mejores Álbumes de este año, sin duda un buen Debut para Camila Cabello como Solista, este Álbum tiene cosas muy bien planeadas, su fuerte son las letras, así como el álbum te cuenta una historia a lo largo de sus pitas. también el setlist esta bien formado comenzado con Never Be The Same una Canción donde Camila te demuestra todo y mas. "All These Years" es un"CAMILA" uno de los mejores Álbumes de este año, sin duda un buen Debut para Camila Cabello como Solista, este Álbum tiene cosas muy bien planeadas, su fuerte son las letras, así como el álbum te cuenta una historia a lo largo de sus pitas. también el setlist esta bien formado comenzado con Never Be The Same una Canción donde Camila te demuestra todo y mas. "All These Years" es un claro mensaje de como se siente al re-encontrarse con alguien de su pasado. al continuar te encuentras con ritmos Latinos que te dan ganas de bailar como "She Loves Control", "Havana" o "Inside Out", Canciones como "Consequences", "Real Friends" "Something's Gotta Give" ella te expresa como se siente después de que amores y amistades las destrozaran, y Luego acaba con "Into It" una cancion muy picara donde le expresa que quiere hacer con su nuevo amor después de haberlo conocido "In The Dark" Expand
  72. Sep 29, 2018
    A very strong album with every track contributing something different. Camila's vocals make this an instant success, and each and every song is a work of art. The album was a little short, however, and has room for more songs to create even more of an affect.
  73. Aug 13, 2018
    a great album and an incredible beginning of career, I do not skip any track because all are great, THE BEST OF 2018 TO THE MOMENT.
  74. Aug 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. um otimo album com vocais impecaveis e musicas que contagiam e te fazemem viajar, sem duvida MERECEDOR DE UM GRAMMY e após esse álbum vemos que Camila pode se tornar a proxima estrela pop. Expand
  75. Oct 3, 2018
    "CAMILA" Es un buen trabajo, un buen disco debut para una Artista Pop. Pero hasta ahí, nuestra ex-integrante de 5H aún debe encontrar su estilo, ya que si bien su trabajo es totalmente influenciado por ritmos latinos, en un punto si tienes buen oido te daras cuenta del desastre que hay en varias canciones, oh más bien la similitud distorsionada que hay entre varias canciones entre sí"CAMILA" Es un buen trabajo, un buen disco debut para una Artista Pop. Pero hasta ahí, nuestra ex-integrante de 5H aún debe encontrar su estilo, ya que si bien su trabajo es totalmente influenciado por ritmos latinos, en un punto si tienes buen oido te daras cuenta del desastre que hay en varias canciones, oh más bien la similitud distorsionada que hay entre varias canciones entre sí (omitiendo el hecho del parecido con canciones en general de otros artistas). Sin embargo contiene mediana/buena producción y el poder de Camila Cabello para trasmitir mensaje o darle vibra a la canción. Top 5 (sin orden) 1. Something's Gotta Give 2. Havana 3. Real Friends 4. In The Dark. *GRAVE error no incluir Crying In The Club y I Have Questions, serían 2 canciones que contribuirán mucho más, pero bueno.* Calificación final 8.4 Expand
  76. Aug 29, 2020
  77. Jan 1, 2019
    I love it, it has been almost a year but it is still perfect, i can't wait for her new album.
  78. Aug 30, 2019
    Maravilloso, sin duda alguna, este álbum es muy cautivador y bondadoso con los sonidos brindados ni que hablar de la letra, sumamente genuina y delirante.
  79. May 6, 2019
    1. Never Be The Dame (8/10)
    Uma boa balada, aceitável, sem muito potencial, porém uma boa faixa, abre bem o album
    2. All These Tears (8/10) Essa música é ótima, segunda melhor faixa do album, baladinha gostosa e interessante 3. She Loves Control (8/10) Essa música daria um ótimo singles, segue um pouco a vibe de Havana, com certeza teria um bom desempenho comercial, é muito boa e
    1. Never Be The Dame (8/10)
    Uma boa balada, aceitável, sem muito potencial, porém uma boa faixa, abre bem o album

    2. All These Tears (8/10)
    Essa música é ótima, segunda melhor faixa do album, baladinha gostosa e interessante

    3. She Loves Control (8/10)
    Essa música daria um ótimo singles, segue um pouco a vibe de Havana, com certeza teria um bom desempenho comercial, é muito boa e contagiante

    4. Havana feat. Young Thug (9/10)
    Essa é a minha favorita, amo essa farofa gostosa, é uma boa música pop, dançante e divertida

    5. Inside Out (3/10)
    Essa com certeza é a pior faixa do album, música horrível! Refrão repetitivo e desinteressante, realmente péssima e descartável

    6. Consequences (8/10)
    Outra ótima balada, mostrando que as baladas são um dos maiores pontos altos desse album

    7. Real Friends (7/10)
    É uma faixa decente, mais ao mesmo tempo muito comum, bem parada, não é grandes coisas, um pouco descartável também

    8. Something's Gotta Give (5/10)
    Essa é de longe a faixa mais sem graça do album, a pior balada, sem graça, desinteressante, totalmente descartável

    9. In The Dark (4/10)
    Música péssima, os vocais são irritantes, uma das piores

    10. Into It (7/10)
    Legalzinha, divertidinha, mas nada demais

    Não podemos esperar um grande album da Camila logo no seu debut solo, ela está começando, poucos são os artistas que lançam grandes albuns logo no começo de sua carreira. Este album é acima da média, foi montado de uma maneira fabricada, mas foi bem montado, ele é coeso e coerente, um album pop que dá pra ouvir de vez em quando e até gostar, torço pra que Camila cresça artisticamente.
  80. Dec 7, 2019
    One of the most polished debut bodies of work that I’ve heard in a while. She’s grown so much since her time in fifth harmony. This is a body of work that shows her potential as an artist. The best tracks are Into it, real friends, something’s gotta give, and never be the same.
  81. Jul 6, 2019
    all the songs leave their mark, lyrics that make you cry and dance in the best moments
  82. Aug 15, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muito bom, excelentes músicas e que retrata muito sobre ela, admirável e todas mereciam ser single Expand
  83. Dec 6, 2019
    álbum leve, mas mesmo assim profundo em bons momentos, um pop não clichê com boas referências latinas!
  84. Aug 31, 2019
    This album is so incredibly wonderful. Instead of going with generic pop songs she chose to put songs with actual meaning and feelings. It’s her debut album and she could’ve chosen to go the “safe route” but no she is constantly surprising us.
  85. Sep 1, 2019
    best tracks: never be the same, all these years, into it, havana, in the dark
  86. Sep 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. PERFEITA. NÃO ERRA NUNCA

  87. Dec 6, 2019
    Perfeito sem defeitos, um debut digno, composições muito boa, essa pegada latina caiu muito bem.
  88. Sep 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Si the best álbum in the world, because they hace emotions, feellings and allí the posibble Expand
  89. Oct 28, 2019
    Truly one of the most RAW and HONEST albums from 2018. Although the production seems of lesser quality than the music she is producing right now, she still delivered solid vocals. The lyrics are on (in my opinion) the level of Taylor Swift. I don't know how to explain it, but she sounds the way the lyrics feel, from just the raw emotion in her unique voice when shes singing a ballad orTruly one of the most RAW and HONEST albums from 2018. Although the production seems of lesser quality than the music she is producing right now, she still delivered solid vocals. The lyrics are on (in my opinion) the level of Taylor Swift. I don't know how to explain it, but she sounds the way the lyrics feel, from just the raw emotion in her unique voice when shes singing a ballad or from a fun, happy, poppy tone when shes singing pop songs like Havana or She Loves Control. Every song she is on she delivers, you can tell shes singing from experience and that she personally had a hand in crafting every song she puts out. Definitely in my top 5 albums of 2018! Expand
  90. Nov 28, 2019
    Best album!!!!!!!! I love camila and this is só good !!!!!
    Camila u love you
  91. Dec 3, 2019
    This album was the best album i have ever heard in pretty much my whole live and i think everyone should look up to her and check her other music
  92. Dec 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is one of the best album released. The songs touch to my hearts and convey my feelings. Expand
  93. Dec 3, 2019
    Great album, no skip on this, vocals out of the world. Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  94. Dec 3, 2019
    It’s a journey and if you pay close enough it tells a really interesting story about growth. It’s a pop album but it reminds me a lot of early Taylor Swift in the storytelling way of the lyrics. If it doesn’t sell to you on the first listen look the performances, Camila Cabello make a good song 100000% better when she sings it live!
  95. Dec 4, 2019
    If i had to describe this using one word i'd say masterpiece. Full of emotions and melodies that will take you to another world. Can't wait for her second album Romance, that will definetely overcome my expectations!!!
  96. Dec 3, 2019
    Amazing debut álbum, the songs are so good and her voice is unique, in the dark deserved to be a single
  97. Dec 3, 2019
    This album is wonderful, full of amazing songs and songs full of emotion!!!
  98. Dec 8, 2019
    Her music is amazing Camila Cabello is my favorite person in the whole world.
  99. Dec 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muito bom. Melhor debute de uma ex-gg. Qualidade e talento não faltam. Camila lendário Expand
  100. Dec 10, 2019
    álbum debut cheio de músicas perfeitas!! o único defeito desse álbum é ter apenas 10 músicas

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Oct 5, 2018
    Living between two cultures can be alienating, but Camila Cabello packages her experience as a Cuban-American seamlessly into pure pop perfection.
  2. Apr 5, 2018
    “Never Be the Same” proves that Cabello doesn’t need a mammoth voice. The love-is-a-drug lyric she’s singing is dumb, but she sells it so joyfully that you don’t even notice, and its wonderfully breathy, high-register hook ensures “Havana” won’t be her last solo hit.
  3. 80
    While Cabello stands out on the more fiery tracks, she also shines in subtlety.