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Universal acclaim- based on 600 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 36 out of 600
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  1. Apr 22, 2023
    a very precious album to me, sometimes music gives you so much emotion that it's hard to be anything else for a while and this what this album is to me. incredibly sincere and full of sorrow, but with such light and hopeful melodies too, it breaks my heart and molds it back again
  2. Aug 15, 2022
    I found a lack of energy and some tracks are a tough to listen to, maybe one day I'll understand whats so great but great albums come together with a moment that can't be reproduced, this feels like Sufjan could put a few more albums out like this in his lifetime however another album like Illinois, I doubt as that was some kind of miracle.
  3. May 23, 2022
    A perfectly crafted album using a minimal set of tools and the result can't be put into words. Magnificent from the very first chord to the last word. The concept of the album is so crystal clear that you may visualize Sufjan's sorrow without knowing he's still coming to terms with his grief.
  4. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  5. Nov 14, 2021
    A beautiful album to float away in to. The amazing lyrics work very well with the cold, sad and calm instrumentals. The best thing about this album is the way Sufjan can put you in a time and place and make you feel the things he sings about.
  6. Nov 7, 2021
    This is my favorite album to date, the atmospheric tone throughout the album is immaculate
  7. Sep 17, 2021
    This album is magical. It will surely bring you to a rain forest. It feels like I live in a treehouse.
  8. Jul 25, 2021
    one of the greatest ablums in 2015,The album is so beautiful and sad, and though it's a tribute to his mother, Sufjan has not been Mired in endless grief, he finds something more hopeful, and in a gentle chant, all the memories sparkle again, condensed for a moment into eternity.
  9. Jan 31, 2021
    This album is emotional exhaustion. It explores the human condition through it's darkest lense:death. It uses loss as a muse and tries to reconcile through it guilt,resentments, wrongs, promises,loves, hopes,realities. Everything we wake for or go to sleep to avoid . This is a eulogy to everything you wish u had. The entire album from the scrapbook coverart of his parents to theThis album is emotional exhaustion. It explores the human condition through it's darkest lense:death. It uses loss as a muse and tries to reconcile through it guilt,resentments, wrongs, promises,loves, hopes,realities. Everything we wake for or go to sleep to avoid . This is a eulogy to everything you wish u had. The entire album from the scrapbook coverart of his parents to the information we know about his parents love story make this album so much more than music. The delivery is just as raw. He goes away from the electronic decadence of his previous release "age of Adz" or the complexity of the abandoned 50 states project. In this record he just lets out his feelings and lets them carry the weight of the song. From the regret of"should've known better " or loathing of "all of me wants all of you" to the grief of "blue bucket of gold". This is truly great manifesto on death. I will never forget it even though i won't repeat it much due to the emotional exertion. Favourites:all of me wants all of you, the only thing,death with dignity &no shade in the shadow of the cross Expand
  10. Jan 23, 2021
    This is a hauntingly beautiful and intimate experience, although it might be a little too monotone for someone who's not into it. It also always finds a way to elevate its worse tracks.
  11. Dec 23, 2020
    Sufjan Stevens has a special place in my heart. This album feels like "Home". I can see myself in my 70's crying my eyes out to a vinyl copy of this piece of art.
  12. Apr 21, 2020
    An amazing and revolutionary álbum in Sufjan’s Career . An excellent sound to discover what’s behind the author, Sufjan proves why is one of the most important artists of the century
  13. Dec 26, 2019
    Beautifully penetrating record. Sufjan's hushed vocal delivery and hazy production style make the perfect atmosphere for some of Stevens most crushing and poetic lyrics of his career.
  14. Nov 13, 2019
    One of the best albums I've ever listened to.

    Should I mention 1 favorite song: Fourth of July
  15. Jul 19, 2019
    Truly remarkable. Thats all i have to say. He captured the essence of losing someone so perfectly.
  16. Mar 11, 2019
    Carrie & Lowell is dense but sweet and melodious. Death's lyric theme is submerse in nice and well constructed melodies.
  17. Sep 24, 2018
    I'm not crying, you're crying! Seriously, what a fantastic album that completely gets you inside the head of Sufjan and, understand just who these people were to him. I wish it didn't mellow out as it when along but, it was still fantastic.
  18. Jul 11, 2018
    Sufjan Stevens is a GENIUS. His music is freaking awesome, it's great for chilling out, our favorite tracks are:
    - Death with Dignity
    - The only thing
    - Should have known better.
  19. May 3, 2018
    One of the most raw and beautifully haunting album's out there. Sufjan Stevens created a masterpiece, truely one of his greatest works
  20. Oct 31, 2017
    I tend to think of myself as pretty hardened when listening to music. A good movie might elicit a few tears from me from time to time, but music rarely does. This one hit me like a dump trunk.

    Listening to this album is akin to watching the "Baby Mine" scene from Dumbo on repeat for 45 minutes straight. It's emotionally trying to get through songs like "Fourth of July," particularly if
    I tend to think of myself as pretty hardened when listening to music. A good movie might elicit a few tears from me from time to time, but music rarely does. This one hit me like a dump trunk.

    Listening to this album is akin to watching the "Baby Mine" scene from Dumbo on repeat for 45 minutes straight. It's emotionally trying to get through songs like "Fourth of July," particularly if you have an ill or passed mother. His love and longing for "the spirit of his silence" is clear in every song, even when singing about her frequent missteps, and that makes it all the more poignant.

    Quite a departure from albums like Illinois, with its minimalist production, dreamy instrumentals, and Sufjan's signature soft voice, this album has been boiled down to just the essence of emotional catharsis. It's beautiful. Grab the tissues.
  21. Sep 22, 2017
    This album is extremely good.

    I have to put 150 characters in the review. So i'll write it again:

    This album is a gem. You should listen to it - 150
  22. May 4, 2017
    I thought this was a tremendously moving piece of work that told a beautiful, sad story in a very straight forward way. Very powerful, highly recommended.
  23. Apr 21, 2017
    It's honest and it's raw, but beautiful nonetheless. Though it may seem minimalist, it's that same quality that makes the album work. Sufjan did good, so good that that you feel what he feels and not a lot of artists can't do that, he's sincere that way. It's weird how this has an identical rating as Illinois, because I prefer this, it's more real and earthy. Last thing, he's a poet and aIt's honest and it's raw, but beautiful nonetheless. Though it may seem minimalist, it's that same quality that makes the album work. Sufjan did good, so good that that you feel what he feels and not a lot of artists can't do that, he's sincere that way. It's weird how this has an identical rating as Illinois, because I prefer this, it's more real and earthy. Last thing, he's a poet and a unnoticed guitar hero. Expand
  24. Apr 5, 2017
    Carrie and Lowell displays some of Sufjan's most intimate emotions. His songwriting is creative, deep, and on a level that musicians seldom come close to meeting. This is the perfect album for a dark and rainy night, and will provoke some of the most unique feelings that any album has to offer.
  25. Feb 1, 2017
    This record is simply the best indie record of the decade. Very few albums come close to Carrie & Lowell, not only in the beauty of the songs and instrumentals, but in the emotional content. You can hear Sufjan's Soul and his sadness over his mother's death as each song progresses. The background of Sufjan's bedroom air conditioner whirring brings a humanity to it that the lyrics andThis record is simply the best indie record of the decade. Very few albums come close to Carrie & Lowell, not only in the beauty of the songs and instrumentals, but in the emotional content. You can hear Sufjan's Soul and his sadness over his mother's death as each song progresses. The background of Sufjan's bedroom air conditioner whirring brings a humanity to it that the lyrics and content already amply provide, and perfect an otherwise instrumentally phenomenal album. Overall, Carrie and Lowell is Sufjan Stevens' best record, by quite a margin. I'd highly recommend listening to this album several times, even if it doesn't "Click" with you, for the first time. Expand
  26. Jan 30, 2017
    This is Sufjan's best album which says a lot considering his vast and acclaimed discography. But with this album, we're not seeing a new form of Sufjan like we typically do with every new album he puts out. We're getting his story that he's built his career around only this time... that's it. He's not incorporating his story into some greater artistic theme, he's just telling his story. IThis is Sufjan's best album which says a lot considering his vast and acclaimed discography. But with this album, we're not seeing a new form of Sufjan like we typically do with every new album he puts out. We're getting his story that he's built his career around only this time... that's it. He's not incorporating his story into some greater artistic theme, he's just telling his story. I dare anyone not to cry while listening to this record as he recalls his schizophrenic, alcoholic mother who abandoned him as a child and her death. This is a record that will, without a doubt, be remembered for decades. Expand
  27. Nov 26, 2016
    This is my introduction to Sufjan Stevens. I knew nothing about him but the reviews for "Carrie & Lowell" were too good to ignore. Now I have been burnt by trusting reviews before but decided I'd go out and buy this album without having heard a single note from it. I can't say I've been surprised that the record is pretty decent as all the reviews told me this in advance. Considering theThis is my introduction to Sufjan Stevens. I knew nothing about him but the reviews for "Carrie & Lowell" were too good to ignore. Now I have been burnt by trusting reviews before but decided I'd go out and buy this album without having heard a single note from it. I can't say I've been surprised that the record is pretty decent as all the reviews told me this in advance. Considering the album focuses almost exclusively on the songwriting and the production is minimal by todays standards, Sufjan Stevens really puts together a really good collections of tracks. Musically, it's predominently beautifully finger picked guitars layered with dreamy vibes and floaty vocals. Really interesting listening for a such a basic setup. I've not yet listened to this intently while reading and studying the lyrics, this is something I plan to do when I have more time, but even just listening casually, it's full of intriguing lyrics. I still haven't listened to any of his other albums as I'm still getting into this one. I'm not sure it it's quite as amazing as the reviewers have suggested but its definitely well worth repeated listens and is highly enjoyable. Expand
  28. Jul 3, 2016
    Perhaps the most devastating, haunting, beautiful, reflective and profound collection of poetry that has ever been recorded; Carrie & Lowell is nothing short of perfect.
  29. Mar 31, 2016
    Beautiful, beautiful music. Lyrics are depressing while still remaining hopeful, the simple instrumentation matching along with it perfectly. Tear jerking moments throughout as Sufjan rips his heart out of his chest, sets it on fire (but like a peaceful fire), stomps on the ashes, and a single rose emerges from what remains.

    Fave Tracks: Death With Dignity, Should Have Known Better, The
    Beautiful, beautiful music. Lyrics are depressing while still remaining hopeful, the simple instrumentation matching along with it perfectly. Tear jerking moments throughout as Sufjan rips his heart out of his chest, sets it on fire (but like a peaceful fire), stomps on the ashes, and a single rose emerges from what remains.

    Fave Tracks: Death With Dignity, Should Have Known Better, The Only Thing, No Shade in The Shadow of The Cross, Blue Bucket of Gold
  30. Mar 14, 2016
    For many reasons, this was my favorite album of 2015, and of the last decade. Sufjan turns his lyrical talent inwards to create a truly empathetic album. We share in his pain, but also a sense of hope. When I saw him perform live he joked with the audience that they gave him support, while he in turn shared his misery. I think the support goes both ways.
  31. Mar 12, 2016
    Sufjan Stevens's music is a gift to mankind.............................................................................................................
  32. Jan 15, 2016
    What a record. The third track and eight track, though incredibly vague with its lyrics, still break my heart when I listen to them now. Sufjan has such vivid memories of things that probably happened long ago.

  33. Jan 8, 2016
    Sufjan sounds wonderfully poignant and inspired on this album. One of the best things I've heard all year. If you're a Sufjan or folk music/indie music fan this is definitely for you. Good music. :)
  34. Dec 29, 2015
    I have a Mom, and damn it all to hell this thing made me feel so sad. I love my mom and im gonna miss her when she is gone, this album has inspired me to always be their for my family and to treat my mother with as much respect as possible, cause I don't know how much longer she is gonna be around for, and Id hate her to die thinking that i hated her.

    Love u mom.
  35. Dec 24, 2015
    I cannot stop listening to this album. It has deep lyrics which put you in a bind emotionally and makes you feel the story of Sufjan. Each song takes you through multiple emotions. Beautiful album.
  36. Dec 3, 2015
    This was the first Sufjan Stevens project I have ever listened to and I loved it. At first it was a little hard for me to get into being a big hip hop fan but after a few listens I really grew to enjoy this album. Stevens has taken a very calm and quiet approach to every song on this project. But it is very soothing to listen to.
  37. Sep 28, 2015
    To me this is one of the most beautiful albums of all time, one of few to bring me to tears, and it's sure deepness never stops, not until the relief of the end where you only want to indulge yourself in the pure misery of it all over again
  38. Sep 23, 2015
    One of my favorite albums of all time. Absolutely brilliant.

    Lemon yoghurt, remember I pulled at your shirt
    I dropped the ashtray on the floor
    I just wanted to be near you
  39. Sep 14, 2015
    Simply the best. His heart is stripped down, laid, bear for all to see. Downright melancholy, yet uplifting and hopeful at the same time. Tears will be shed.
  40. Aug 23, 2015
    This album reminds me of his Illinoise song 'Casimir Pulaski Day.' And that is why I will likely listen to it some more! Sufjan should do some more music. I know that might be an awkward thing for him to make happen as he's already got music coming out of every orifice, but I trust him and think he'll be able to work it out
  41. Aug 12, 2015
    this album really shows how music can be as simple and good as well.They catered only a couple of guitars and a simple production. Also stressed the teamatica album. as sufjan struggle with various stages of depression after the death of his mother and eventually suoera all in hopes of finding treasure to replace it.
  42. Aug 2, 2015
    Sufjan manages to create a beautifully cohesive and resolute album on such somber issues. His lyricism is deeply personal, poignant and earnest. Through simplistic, guitar-picked, folk songs he is able to encapsulate the grief, anger, desperation, loneliness and confusion one experiences when losing someone close. By far Sufjan's most honest, engaging and grounded works.
  43. Ith
    Jun 9, 2015
    Probably my favorite album of all time. So beautiful and powerful. Sufjan is a master, he can take these horrible expiriences and make them into something depressing yet beautiful

    Thank you Sufjan, thank you.
  44. May 30, 2015
    This album is the most lyrically beautiful album you may ever hear. It's not for everyone in that most of these songs differ from Age Of Adz, Illinois, and Seven Swans. Its more of polished and matured version of Seven Swans, but its easily the most heartwrenching. This album is for the pessimistic. It shows the stage in Steven's life where he or someone he loved suffered from drugThis album is the most lyrically beautiful album you may ever hear. It's not for everyone in that most of these songs differ from Age Of Adz, Illinois, and Seven Swans. Its more of polished and matured version of Seven Swans, but its easily the most heartwrenching. This album is for the pessimistic. It shows the stage in Steven's life where he or someone he loved suffered from drug addiction, alcoholism, and depression. The best track in my opinion would be "The Only Thing". Just totally captivating stuff. If you can't relate to his tracks, then you have never felt pain. You'll cry and expect the pain to end, but it doesnt. He opens his chest for 44 minutes and that's the most beautiful thing an artist could do.

    Suggested Tracks:
    -Death With Dignity
    -Should've Known Better
    -Fourth of July
    -The Only Thing
    -No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross
    -John My Beloved
  45. May 25, 2015
    It tells an extremely sad story, which is only made more impactful by it being so personal to the singer. The emotions bleed through from the the lyrics into the music and soft vocals. it can be a bit heavy at times, but is a masterfully put together and performed album if not a little slow for people who are not used to Sufjan Steven's style
  46. May 19, 2015
    The best album of Sufjan Stevens so far.His emotional lyrics and his beautiful music goes together. I love all his tracks but if a gun is pointed at my head and if I had to choose I would choose "The only thing".
  47. May 18, 2015
    Who hurt this guy? Where were these demons born?

    Nobody will have these questions when hearing Carrie & Lowell, an album of unrelenting sorrow. Nearly every song make it impossible to even grin without fighting back any tears. "Everything I feel returns to you somehow" His only reason may only seem as pointless as the point of avoiding ignorance in the first place. If he were to
    Who hurt this guy? Where were these demons born?

    Nobody will have these questions when hearing Carrie & Lowell, an album of unrelenting sorrow. Nearly every song make it impossible to even grin without fighting back any tears.

    "Everything I feel returns to you somehow"

    His only reason may only seem as pointless as the point of avoiding ignorance in the first place. If he were to really tear his eyes out, he would sing about more than just the blindness.
  48. May 13, 2015
    With "Carrie & Lowell", Sufjan Stevens has released his greatest record thus far. Plain and simple, this is truly an album for the ages.

    This isn't your typical "depressing" record with sappy songs regarding grief or heartbreak. It doesn't make any desperate attempts to claw at your heartstrings; in fact, it almost seems like it's running away from the audience at points, acutely aware
    With "Carrie & Lowell", Sufjan Stevens has released his greatest record thus far. Plain and simple, this is truly an album for the ages.

    This isn't your typical "depressing" record with sappy songs regarding grief or heartbreak. It doesn't make any desperate attempts to claw at your heartstrings; in fact, it almost seems like it's running away from the audience at points, acutely aware of its unsettling vulnerability. There are moments on this album where the songs unexpectedly break into ethereal instrumental sections, made up of gorgeously layered synths and multiple vocal tracks. For some, these tiny instrumental reprieves may conjure up visions of church hymns or choral orchestrations, or perhaps impressionistic paintings showcasing streams of soft light shining through thick, dark barriers of clouds. When these instrumental "interruptions" occur, it induces a sense of uncertainty regarding the music itself; was the music doing what it meant to do? Was it being too honest or too emotional? Was it simply so fatiguing for Sufjan that he couldn't perpetuate the songs any farther? Who knows. Fortunately, these moments of instrumental prominence don't unforgivably disrupt the record. In fact, these musical escapes authentically contribute to the overall moods surrounding the album, which could, very basically, be described as sparsely haunting or as beautifully destructive.

    Some of the greatest moments in musical history possess poignantly dichotomous kinds of atmospheres, and "Carrie & Lowell" is no exception. The subject matter on this album is at times abysmally dark, resting in the deepest caverns of Sufjan's psyche. FYI, in short, this album was inspired by the death of Sufjan's somewhat estranged mother, and he has said that composing this record functioned as a coping mechanism for him, a cathartic and unabashed expression of his profound (some would say disturbing or downright frightening) grief and depression, and the aftermath of his psychological trauma.

    He sings about many intensely personal topics, including suicidal thoughts, the detrimental effects his mother's death and subsequent melancholia had on his relationships and his perspective on life, specific childhood memories recalling brief times when he was emotionally and physically close to his mother, etc. This album is a brutally honest illustration of a person's excruciating emotional torture and how they attempt to cope. Despite the heavily serious and deeply intense, complex source material, the actual music here is strikingly simplistic and genuinely beautiful in its placidity.

    Made up primarily of acoustic guitar, piano, harmonized layers of Sufjan's voice, precisely-utilized synthesizers/electronics, and Sufjan's quietly devastating lead vocals, this album exudes an earnest singer-songwriter/folk influence, reminiscent of the late Elliott Smith and the less mature but similarly talented Conor Oberst. The music is light and feathery, comprised of gentle wisps and ephemeral bliss. The vocal performance here is understated and restrained, full of impeccably refined melodies that are often heart-wrenching and candidly contemplative. There's no belting or gravely howling here - just Sufjan's subtly expressive whisper, which just so happens to be consistently on pitch and pleasingly professional. With enough empathy being employed, one can begin to hear a visceral, deathly tone in his voice, one of painfully constricted heartbreak and utter hopelessness.

    On the outstanding opening track, "Death With Dignity", there's a line where Sufjan's voice smoothly ascends as he exclaims, "your apparition passes through me", referring to his mother's ghost. The statement, musically, is as pretty as they come, but its lyrics speak of a scene that one would expect to see in a horror film. Such is the brilliant nature of "Carrie & Lowell": with every evocatively crushing lyrical statement or idea, there's an equally touching and heavenly musical accompaniment. The product of this convergence is a deceptively powerful and intimate collection of cryptically lyrical songs, masterfully skeletal in their construction, impressively effortless and convincing in their execution, as well as eerily entrancing and soothingly rustic in their sonic aesthetic. This is a tragically elegant behemoth of an album. I strongly recommend it to anyone who appreciates musical beauty and/or artfully creative ventures. Beware, however - this can be a very emotionally draining listen. As another FYI, this album is going to be a grower for many people. You may not be affected or stunned right away, as it can take some time to really connect with the material here. However, when it clicks for you, you'll be blown away by this music. I know I was.

    Favorite tracks: Death With Dignity, All Of Me Wants All Of You, Eugene, Fourth of July, The Only Thing
    All of the songs are FANTASTIC, but if I had to pick favorites, these would make the cut.

  49. May 10, 2015
    I really like this album. It's a nice album. You should listen to this album. Then you should cry. I cry. I cry like a little baby. Is this 150 characters yet?
  50. May 7, 2015
    Incredible, amazing in his tenderness. Sufjan sings slowly but sings right, obviously right. This album is the real masterpiece of 2015, even more than 'To Pimp a Butterfly'.
  51. May 5, 2015
    One word: Beautiful. Sufjan Stevens is really a great storyteller, and here the story is him, his life, his emotions. Carrie & Lowell, reminds you of one of my favorite Sufjan albums, Seven Swans, the only difference? Here he really opens up, obvioulsy with excellent harmonies and arrangements that only his voice could give life to.
  52. Apr 30, 2015
    Motoflu couldn't have said it better...WOW
    This one is a masterpiece but as others have warned, you feel his pain. I always considered Illinois his best and songs like John Wayne Gacy, Jr. stay with me forevere. On Carrie & Lowell the whole album stays with you.
  53. Apr 30, 2015
    Beautiful and piercing. This is a comprehensive album; there are no loose ends. The same skill Stevens displayed in Age of Adz, this time filtered through Seven Swans minimalism. Masterpiece is the term that comes to mind.
  54. Apr 29, 2015
    What’s more confusing than death? When Carrie dies in 2012, she leaves an unconventional child confused. Sufjan Stevens was never able to choose one genre, or even one instrument, yet it’s the combinations of his multiple skills that keeps his latest heart-breaking album on this advanced technical level. He was able to gather some of the most intimate moments he shared with his mother andWhat’s more confusing than death? When Carrie dies in 2012, she leaves an unconventional child confused. Sufjan Stevens was never able to choose one genre, or even one instrument, yet it’s the combinations of his multiple skills that keeps his latest heart-breaking album on this advanced technical level. He was able to gather some of the most intimate moments he shared with his mother and rendered a superb tribute not only to her beloved friend slash mother but also to true love. The kind of love that leaves milestones and clichés behind and elevates the small quiet insignificant moments. It’s a travel through time with some beautiful memories and some darker moments that always celebrate humanity and authenticity. Even if he sometimes sound tied to his indie folk roots, that doesn't mean he doesn't make it his best album to date and that alone means a lot. One of the best album of 2015.

    Best track – “No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross”
    Exact score: 9.2
  55. Apr 21, 2015
    A deeply sad, yet tender and moving look at mortality in the vein of Sun Kil Moon's masterpiece, Benji. Stevens presents a humble, soft-spoken persona, one willing to allow his audience an intimate tour of his childhood, family-life, and fatalist notions. Composed with a lo-fi, yet honed production that incorporates welcome elements of electronic textures, Carrie & Lowell can be a tadA deeply sad, yet tender and moving look at mortality in the vein of Sun Kil Moon's masterpiece, Benji. Stevens presents a humble, soft-spoken persona, one willing to allow his audience an intimate tour of his childhood, family-life, and fatalist notions. Composed with a lo-fi, yet honed production that incorporates welcome elements of electronic textures, Carrie & Lowell can be a tad pretentious, but is so overwhelming at times, it's easy to embrace on full terms. Expand
  56. Apr 21, 2015
    One of the saddest and most beautiful pieces of music to come out recently. He makes you feel exactly what he's going through. The music compliments the lyrics perfectly. Simple, tragic, and beautiful.
  57. Apr 13, 2015
    I am a huge fan and have been for about 10 years, but I really feel this is his best work, and for me, that is saying a lot, Illinoise and Michigan have been on heavy rotation on almost every playlist I have made in the past 10 years. It's an incredible album. I'm really in awe of it, and the show seems equally incredible. Bravo Sufjan.
  58. Apr 11, 2015
    The most heart wrenching and devastatingly beautiful album I've ever listened to. I have been an avid Sufjan fan since Michigan and have enjoyed all of his works but this, this is on another level. It is so deeply personal yet I'm able to apply every song to my own circumstances of loss (the death of my father) and longing and feel both sympathy and empathy. It resonates to my very coreThe most heart wrenching and devastatingly beautiful album I've ever listened to. I have been an avid Sufjan fan since Michigan and have enjoyed all of his works but this, this is on another level. It is so deeply personal yet I'm able to apply every song to my own circumstances of loss (the death of my father) and longing and feel both sympathy and empathy. It resonates to my very core and brings out deep emotions that I often lock away - the very essence of catharsis. Expand
  59. Apr 11, 2015
    While my enjoyment of this album was not immediate, after several listens I began to better appreciate the subtleties that make this album truly great. Sufjan has delved into darker, more emotional territory on Carrie & Lowell, and it works splendidly. It isn't my favorite album of his, but it reinforces his important presence in modern music after an absence of nearly five years. One ofWhile my enjoyment of this album was not immediate, after several listens I began to better appreciate the subtleties that make this album truly great. Sufjan has delved into darker, more emotional territory on Carrie & Lowell, and it works splendidly. It isn't my favorite album of his, but it reinforces his important presence in modern music after an absence of nearly five years. One of the best albums released this year so far. I highly recommend it. Expand
  60. Apr 4, 2015
    It took me a bit to warm up to this album, but now I really like it. The lyrics are incredibly dark, but the music is soft, simple, and beautiful. It's a nice combination that makes for a very thoughtful and introspective album. It's completely unpretentious, but it's the sort of album that's crafted so well you don't fully realize how good it is until it's over and you're left justIt took me a bit to warm up to this album, but now I really like it. The lyrics are incredibly dark, but the music is soft, simple, and beautiful. It's a nice combination that makes for a very thoughtful and introspective album. It's completely unpretentious, but it's the sort of album that's crafted so well you don't fully realize how good it is until it's over and you're left just sitting there wanting to play it again. It's hard to pick a standout track since they're all pretty strong. Expand
  61. Apr 4, 2015
    I have dabbled in Sufjan Stevens' various works over the years, and have always enjoyed his music. However, this album is on another level. It is one of those albums that must be listened to several times, beginning to end, with complete attention to lyrics. It's one of the best of the year.
  62. Apr 4, 2015
    Sometimes we get caught up in the progression of an artist that we expect big and bold and transformative things, but this isn't an attempt to recreate any magic from past albums. It's not an attempt for perfection, it's more of an attempt to cope with the toughest parts of loss and tragedy while trying to balance some of the uplifting themes that's buoyed him from such heartbreak in theSometimes we get caught up in the progression of an artist that we expect big and bold and transformative things, but this isn't an attempt to recreate any magic from past albums. It's not an attempt for perfection, it's more of an attempt to cope with the toughest parts of loss and tragedy while trying to balance some of the uplifting themes that's buoyed him from such heartbreak in the past. It's dark, it's twisted, haunting, but yet the beauty comes from the sort of catharsis from the tracks. It's subdued and perhaps stripped down, but it wouldn't fit any other way. That's what makes it a special album. It leaves you understanding the pain he's gone through and that's one of the most powerful things an artist can do. Like he said, "This is not my art project. This is my life." Expand
  63. Apr 3, 2015
    Quiet, disquieting, intensely personal, more intensely resonant. For me, there are similarities to last year's Benji (Sun Kil Moon) and that is very good.
  64. Apr 2, 2015
    This album reminds me of "Illinois," but the sound and writing on this album is even more immediate, urgent yet peaceful, loving, cathartic, and more spiritual than anything Sufjan Stevens has written before. ...The sound of a wise talented young American man -- but one who still has questions. Who knows, maybe like Stephen Foster, people will be playing and singing his songs in theThis album reminds me of "Illinois," but the sound and writing on this album is even more immediate, urgent yet peaceful, loving, cathartic, and more spiritual than anything Sufjan Stevens has written before. ...The sound of a wise talented young American man -- but one who still has questions. Who knows, maybe like Stephen Foster, people will be playing and singing his songs in the decades and centuries to come. Expand
  65. Apr 2, 2015
    This is more than an album. It's an exhaustion of emotion. It's reconciliation, it's guilt, it's vulnerable. Sufjan captures what it means to lose all you wish you had. He lays everything out for the listener and never misses a beat.
  66. Apr 1, 2015
    Once you know the background to this album, there is nothing that can be written that won't sound clichéd or gushing.

    Carrie & Lowell should come with a health warning.
  67. Apr 1, 2015
    Sufjan Stevens first proper album since the Age of Adz is heartbreaking look at his relationship with his late estranged mother. This is perhaps Sufjan's most personal record and it's his his most complete work.
  68. Mar 31, 2015
    Beautiful. Devastating. Endlessly replayable. Incredibly personal. Unforgettable lyrics and melodies. I didn't think music could make me cry anymore. I was wrong.
  69. Mar 31, 2015
    A brutally honest portrayal of death and life and what it means to let go. Carrie & Lowell's lyrics are honest and frank while the music is beautiful and subtle. Truly a masterpiece and one of the best albums of the year so far.
  70. Mar 31, 2015
    The most structurally perfect album I've ever heard. Every song is flawless, and the journey Sufjan takes you on, while difficult, is ever so rewarding.
  71. Mar 31, 2015
    I found a lack of energy and some tracks are a tough to listen to, maybe one day I'll understand whats so great but great albums come together with a moment that can't be reproduced, this feels like Sufjan could put a few more albums out like this in his lifetime however another album like Illinois, I doubt as that was some kind of miracle.
  72. Mar 31, 2015
    Sufjan Stevens has created his most powerful album yet. Carrie and Lowell reveal much about him. It is not as complex musically as some of his other stuff but he is able to achieve something even greater here than his other albums. Sufjan has really made a masterpiece.
  73. Mar 31, 2015
    Another great, emotional album for Stevens. Great storytelling, subtle tone and calm music. Had to listen to it a few times to get the full gist of the entire album. And I love it.
  74. Mar 31, 2015
    These songs brought me to places I never thought I could go with music. Sufjan Steven here is a true artist - heavenly humanizing his pain through his accords and poetry. I hope some more people can see this album the way I did. If we all could, I think we would all be grateful to Steven. I certainly am.
  75. Mar 31, 2015
    There are no read-between-the-lines songs in here. They are all quite direct and sincere and you feel like diving in his mourning, singing along the guitar/piano-driven tracks. Sufjan suffers like a normal human being who has just lost his mother. And this is actually sweet. But he writes about it like everything else around him is dead, too, thus leaving you without hope. And the mostThere are no read-between-the-lines songs in here. They are all quite direct and sincere and you feel like diving in his mourning, singing along the guitar/piano-driven tracks. Sufjan suffers like a normal human being who has just lost his mother. And this is actually sweet. But he writes about it like everything else around him is dead, too, thus leaving you without hope. And the most weird thing of all? He makes you feel nice about it with his melodies, just because he is that kind of guy· he can transform his dark lyrics and sad chords into some kind of redemption. For him and for you, too.
    Read the whole review here:
  76. Mar 31, 2015
    At every point, this album delights. It's not an easy listen, by any means, and Stevens' has evidently laid his thoughts and desperations completely bare here. Whilst the music is delightful, and very evocative, it's job is to complinent the stunning lyrical work across the eleven tracks. That's where the real drive of this record is. I'll admit: I cried several times (Fourth of July isAt every point, this album delights. It's not an easy listen, by any means, and Stevens' has evidently laid his thoughts and desperations completely bare here. Whilst the music is delightful, and very evocative, it's job is to complinent the stunning lyrical work across the eleven tracks. That's where the real drive of this record is. I'll admit: I cried several times (Fourth of July is particularly hard to listen to, even knowing where it's building to). Sufjan's best since illinois, but also his quietest. You've got to give it your undivided attention. In any other year, unquestionably a contender for best album. But this year, it has some tough competition. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 40 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 40
  2. Negative: 0 out of 40
  1. The impeccable music Stevens has created gives shape to the chaos of his emotions.
  2. Under The Radar
    Apr 16, 2015
    As always, Stevens' precise details makes his songs ring through with truth. [Apr - May 2015, p.87]
  3. Magnet
    Apr 15, 2015
    The bona-fide masterpiece that Stevens' career has culminated in, and likely the one that will come to define his career. [No. 119, p.58]