• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Feb 14, 2020
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  1. Feb 14, 2020
    My only complaint for this Bieber album is that everything. sounds. the. same. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of Justin particularly? Or maybe it's not the music I listen to? But everything on this album is a repeat of the previous tracks! I have some praises for the album: Forever is pretty good, Yummy grew on me strongly because of its production, and Come Around Me and Changes is aMy only complaint for this Bieber album is that everything. sounds. the. same. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of Justin particularly? Or maybe it's not the music I listen to? But everything on this album is a repeat of the previous tracks! I have some praises for the album: Forever is pretty good, Yummy grew on me strongly because of its production, and Come Around Me and Changes is a highlight! But Mr. Bieber needs to work with some other producers if he really wants to continue dominating the pop world WITH good music. He can do way better. I'll be here for that new album. Expand
  2. Feb 14, 2020
    I listened album twice but didn’t enjoy it. It’s a boring album. If you want to listen good album you can listen to “Icarus Falls” by ZAYN
  3. Jun 9, 2020
    I like Justin's music, but this is kinda generic, being really honest. That album is really away from Purpose, which is a well produced album.
  4. Feb 14, 2020
    Ritmos repetitivos, la mayoría de letras sin sentido, cero innovador, Justin pudo lograr algo mejor. Aún así disfrutaré algunas canciones.
  5. Feb 14, 2020
    Após cinco anos de seu dançante e contagiante álbum Purpose, Bieber retorna em ritmo mais lento. Intitulado "Changes", o quinto álbum do Canadense tenta mudanças trazendo batidas que flertam com o trap e vocais afinados. O cantor enquadra Changes no estilo r&bieber propondo a quem ouve uma expectativa ao estilo.

    Os acertos ficam por conta das faixas "Habitual" e "Get Me", que fazem jus ao
    Após cinco anos de seu dançante e contagiante álbum Purpose, Bieber retorna em ritmo mais lento. Intitulado "Changes", o quinto álbum do Canadense tenta mudanças trazendo batidas que flertam com o trap e vocais afinados. O cantor enquadra Changes no estilo r&bieber propondo a quem ouve uma expectativa ao estilo.

    Os acertos ficam por conta das faixas "Habitual" e "Get Me", que fazem jus ao estilo proposto e seguem uma inteligente linha exploratória musical do cantor, com pano de fundo bem construído e química de acertos nos vocais. Mesmo na ausência de melismas, a linha mais romântica do álbum não decepciona, "All Around Me", "E.T.A" e "Confirmation", trazem um instrumental simples e bem enquadrado com os agudos elevados a excelência pelo cantor, e por fim "That's What Love Is" que passa pela mesma construção das músicas anteriores demonstrando influência de cantores noventista do estilo. Embora tudo isso, o álbum perde força com, "Forever" "Intentions" "Running Over", "Second Emotion" todas em colaboração, que despencam sobre o trap contemporâneo, que em sub-graves não apresentam o tempero necessário para elevar o quinto trabalho do cantor.

    O retorno da estrela global que detinha alta expectativa sofreu um banho de água fria, muito em função de sua tentativa de emplacar hits como em seu último álbum.

    Bieber tenta monstrar seu amadurecimento direcionando cem por cento de cada faixas a sua esposa, com letras românticas e que revelam seu incontestável amor a senhora Bieber. Entretanto, a repetição do início ao fim do mesmo tópico acaba limitando o álbum à nichos que estejam na mesma situação do cantor o que para alguns pode se tornar repetitivo.

    Há preciosidade em Changes, mas no meio de tanto "mais do mesmo", você terá que separar as jóias do álbum em uma playlist se quiser ter uma boa bieber experience.
  6. Feb 15, 2020
    I started seeing red flags the moment they started pushing Yummy as the lead single . I thought this was supposed to be a heartfelt dedication towards his wife but all I hear is "sex,sex,sex" but in different ways .Some of his tracks lack the passion needed to deliver the art(Habitual) .The albums is average at best.
  7. Feb 21, 2020
    O álbum todo é muito repetitivo, todas as músicas parecem que tem a mesma batida, não tem novidade nem vocal e nem musical, a única música que se diferencia das outras é "Yummy", não é um álbum que me deixe eufórica é nem feliz de escutar
  8. Mar 2, 2020
    Its a fully R&B influeced album that it has in general great producing team behind it. The beats are on point and the rythm is catchy in many occasions. Now , for Biebers voice it is very good. He sounds perfect and his vocals are amazing. But the problem with this album is that has a very sweetener sound. All the songs are about love and his romance with his wife. There are not so manyIts a fully R&B influeced album that it has in general great producing team behind it. The beats are on point and the rythm is catchy in many occasions. Now , for Biebers voice it is very good. He sounds perfect and his vocals are amazing. But the problem with this album is that has a very sweetener sound. All the songs are about love and his romance with his wife. There are not so many people that can identify with these songs. Especially the more young fans that JB has. It is monotonic and boring some time.
    After all these years you expect from Bieber to show in his music all the struggles he had in the past 2-3 years and meanwhile the found of happiness with his marriage and all this stuff. You expect feelings , passion , pain in the music. Songs that gonna make history. And not necessary hits. Instead of this we hear a full happy Justin talk about his romance all over again.
    Last point i have to mark is that JB has changed his style in 2020 to a more slow and smoother sound , more balads, more low tempo. No hits in the album. Not a song that will make a significant difference. We were used from Biebs to break every single record with his hits. Thats not gonna happen now and its not bad. Just we have to adapt to his new style. He expresss his shelf better that way so just move on and lets enjoy the new chapter... Anyways i dont think that Justin will not make hits anymore. He will team up with some big name or he will release a single out of nowhere and its gonna break records for the radios..
    Overall , i think that its not a bad album. Its a nice album that you can hear while chilling. JB didnt fail. Just didnt make the difference. He had the chance to create a masterpeace , but he chose the safe way. A way that can easily keep him in the spotlightand make his career more sustainable. Good album capable of bringing him some awards and records but not something special. Keep it up BIEBS!!.
  9. Apr 3, 2021
    changes is compared to other justin bieber albums definitely not his best work, but it's not bad either. It has some beautiful songs, like Confirmation, All Around Me. ETA or Habitual, but also some songs i don't like that much, Get Me, Yummy, Running Over. Half of the songs are definitely worth listening!
  10. Sep 3, 2020
    In the first songs, the melody is nice to hear, but when the 4 song passes, the whole album starts to feel the same. Bieber failed to mature as an artist, vague lyrics and generic beat, it is by far one of the worst jobs of 2020. Good luck next time.
  11. Dec 3, 2020
    Maybe it would be a great album if we want to choose the ringtone for our phone.
  12. Feb 15, 2020
    This album lacks the killer voice and arrangement layers from the previous album. Nor does he has the raw talent in beginning of his career. Now, the dance is in slow motion. The most minimalist production confirms that all this softness is an aesthetic option, not pure lack of desire.
  13. Feb 14, 2020
    The album is good for his fans but for the common people is boring, he uses the same trap beat over and over in the album, there are exceptions of course. The songs feel like they never develop and are hard to identify the structures of the songs, makes me feel the songs never have a chorus, making them weak, easy to lost and to get bored.
    I think there is no grow since Purpose, the album
    The album is good for his fans but for the common people is boring, he uses the same trap beat over and over in the album, there are exceptions of course. The songs feel like they never develop and are hard to identify the structures of the songs, makes me feel the songs never have a chorus, making them weak, easy to lost and to get bored.
    I think there is no grow since Purpose, the album with he won my respect and admiration but Changes is definitely not what I was expecting from him. The production is flawless and his voice as always on point.
  14. Feb 15, 2020
    Después de 5 años regresa la estrella Pop, pero con un álbum muy turbio que pareciera que estuviese partido en 2, la primera parte y la segunda son muy monótonas y no hubo mucha innovación por parte de Bieber, un esperado regreso que terminó siendo una gran decepción, un Álbum que prometía pero no, una lástima, le falta reinventarse para seguir adelante si no seguirá estancado
  15. Feb 20, 2020
    ele já fez álbuns melhores que isso, realmente esperava mais, porém me decepcionei
  16. Feb 14, 2020
    His best work so far!!! Not a single song is a skip. Also he chosed the best day to release it since the album is about love!!
  17. Feb 16, 2020
    not that good.. this comeback was not it. ringtones, literally ringtones..
  18. Feb 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album was just average. Nothing great. Best track was Yummy which is sad. I was expecting quite a bit after a long layoff and was really disappointed. Expand
  19. Feb 16, 2020
    Es un álbum básico y repetitivo, con un concepto que no termina de concretar este disco. Tiene tracks que se salvan pero en su mayoría es decepcionante si tomamos en cuenta el trabajo discográfico antecesor. La lírica en su mayoría va dedicada hacia una persona lo que hace un álbum un tanto aburrido.
  20. Feb 18, 2020
    Some of the songs are bops! but compared to all of his other albums this one is poor. a lot of the songs sound the same, and are very repetitive.
  21. Apr 27, 2020
    sorry Justin, i didn´t even want to be here saying bad things about this album, but i know that if you see these comments you´ll want to make you´re music even better. you have a such a good voice, if someone says that you voice isn´t rare, they´re lying, you have potential and we believe in you. i won´t say anything else, but i know you can do so much better than this. as a fan andsorry Justin, i didn´t even want to be here saying bad things about this album, but i know that if you see these comments you´ll want to make you´re music even better. you have a such a good voice, if someone says that you voice isn´t rare, they´re lying, you have potential and we believe in you. i won´t say anything else, but i know you can do so much better than this. as a fan and someone who believes in your talent as a singer i´ll give you 5 and i hope you never come back with something like this again. anyway, congratulations. Expand
  22. Jun 30, 2020
    An unnecessarily long album, 16 songs that talk about how he is in love and his married life is quite disappointing, even more after a while without hearing from him except for his scandals. I think the only thing remarkable about this album is that Bieber has come a change for the better and the vocal ability of Bieber.
  23. Jul 24, 2020
    in my opinion, this album has some good songs like '"Forever'', "Get me" and "Intentions". But the lead single was a awful choice. Is a shallow song with some cringe moments. But I believe that Justin will release something better next time, because he is capable
  24. Sep 1, 2020
    Changes sounds like an "unsolved pop", I don't know if it's a pop / rock, a pop / electronic or if it's just a soft pop.
    Even so, "Changes" is a reasonably good album where you get some cohesive and some less so. The songs also look like sisters since the sounds are the same.
    After 5 years after his last album, I hoped that "Changes" could be one of the best in the artist's career, but I
    Changes sounds like an "unsolved pop", I don't know if it's a pop / rock, a pop / electronic or if it's just a soft pop.
    Even so, "Changes" is a reasonably good album where you get some cohesive and some less so. The songs also look like sisters since the sounds are the same.
    After 5 years after his last album, I hoped that "Changes" could be one of the best in the artist's career, but I think Justin Bieber's fifth studio album left something to be desired.
  25. Jun 29, 2021
    Worst Bieber album, all songs sound the same and production was like a ringtone, Yummy is the best one even when it received lots of hate online.
  26. Feb 16, 2020
    It was average to me. It sounded like I was listening to the same song over, and over again. There were definitely a couple of highlights as they gave a fresh feel to the album, but again, it felt repetitive, and uninspired.
  27. Feb 14, 2020
    A promising album, but Bieber don't make a extraordinary job, the album is really confuse and tiring.
    The beginning is so good, but after 4 tracks, this become so wearing to listen.
    The "Yummy" remix is so unnecessary, I think that is just to remember how much worst that song is
    So, 4 is only for the producers hard work.
  28. Feb 14, 2020
    all musics sound the same, boring, his voice is one of the best things in the album.
  29. Feb 14, 2020
    This album is mediocre. For a body of work we waited 5 years for, it's nothing special. Lyrically it's one of his worst, and most of the songs sound the same. There are a few good songs. Not amazing, but good. It feels as if he was rushed to put out something, and came up with something quite generic.
  30. Feb 16, 2020
    so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad and terrible and omg really bad idk why he realizes this **** terrible album
  31. Feb 16, 2020
    Justin Bieber has unquestionably been one of the biggest pop stars of this generation. Ruling the 2010s, the Canadian singer has come back to the musical scene after a long hiatus which he took advantage of to marry his fellow wife Hailey. After telling the world Bieber suffers of Lyme disease, had hard-to-deal with drug addictions and promised to change his terrible teenage behaviour, weJustin Bieber has unquestionably been one of the biggest pop stars of this generation. Ruling the 2010s, the Canadian singer has come back to the musical scene after a long hiatus which he took advantage of to marry his fellow wife Hailey. After telling the world Bieber suffers of Lyme disease, had hard-to-deal with drug addictions and promised to change his terrible teenage behaviour, we all expected a touching album filled with emotional songs that perhaps would say sorry to some people for his past mistakes, expose the exploitation he suffered stepping into the music scene being so young etc. The wise always say: don't expect anything good thus you'll be able to omit deceptions. Well, apply this lesson to this album.
    "Changes" is a 50-minute long love letter to his wife. Almost too long for her. There's no other message in the album besides this one. The songs in it sound all the same from track 1 to track 17. Bieber has always relied on amazing an production in order to hide the lack of artistry he has. Don't get me wrong, I do not hate this artist, I just focus on the product he intends to sell us. Thus, Bieber has decided to come back to the game with a non-catchy album that feels like doesn't have bridges nor choruses.
    In conclusion, this album has been a terrible move for his carrier. It feels like Bieber hasn't even tried to make a good hip-hop/pop album like he used to do. So many things to be inspired by and he's only focusing on the most common and writing this cringy too extensive love letter?
    "Changes" is definitely a retrogression in his career coming from such an amazing project that "Purpose" (2015) was.
  32. Apr 12, 2021
    A simple album with repetitive melodies, getting to boring, honestly his previous works stand out more, especially "Purpose"
  33. Feb 14, 2020
    all the songs have the same background beat, it's as if they were too lazy to innovate. they just played a rap beat and changed the lyrics ... at least his voice is still impeccable
  34. Feb 22, 2020
    im not trynna tear him down or do anything against him but honestly this album aint it. every song has similar beat, i personally find it boring the first few listen. not so catchy compare to his previous album. and his team is too rush for this era, i do think this album need more time to be perfectly complete.
  35. Feb 15, 2020
    The album doesn't bring much surprise musically, except for JB's vocal improvement. Most of the songs just sound commercialized and even vulgar. Justin could've done better than this.
  36. Feb 15, 2020
    Creativity and originality were things that weren’t present in this album, just basic.
  37. Feb 14, 2020
    Boring! expected better. Such a shame, cause I really likr his older stuff!!!
  38. Feb 14, 2020
    As you can see, I gave it a 4
    You may wonder why...
    It's Because that this album is just one dimensional, the lyrics sounds like it's written by a primary school student who fall in love for the first time.
    The instrumentals are just OK, nothing special but carried this album from this messy presentation.
    It's called Changes, but did something actually change in Justin's style or content? No!
  39. Feb 14, 2020
    The whole album is soooooo repetitive, every song sounds unfinished, and exactly the same. Every song literally sounds identical, except mixed differently, and if it’s not that every other song sounds like a continuation of the last one. Very rudimentary, and basic, it has a very 2009/10 vibe with the pop / R&B hybrid that we saw in “My world 2.0.” In conclusion, its 2020, not 2010. HeThe whole album is soooooo repetitive, every song sounds unfinished, and exactly the same. Every song literally sounds identical, except mixed differently, and if it’s not that every other song sounds like a continuation of the last one. Very rudimentary, and basic, it has a very 2009/10 vibe with the pop / R&B hybrid that we saw in “My world 2.0.” In conclusion, its 2020, not 2010. He needs to upgrade his artistry, because at this point he has like backtracked as an artist. Expand
  40. Feb 15, 2020
    After years of anticipation this project is really underwhelming.. Generic stale lyrics.
  41. Feb 15, 2020
    Justin is nothing like the wine, he's just getting worse with the time, it isn't a bad album but it's not what we all expect for him
  42. Feb 17, 2020
    The songs sound the same. It even when viral on Twitter . Of someone pressing on each song back to back and starting beat is literally the same
  43. Mar 6, 2020
    I dont know what happened here. "Yummy" is absolutely atrocious. I really like intentions and forever, they stood out alot
  44. Apr 19, 2020
    This album was an extreme disappointment for me. As someone who was such a big fan of his last album, after a five year break I was so ready for this album and it turned out to be extremely underwhelming.

    This style of music and the cringey lyrics feel so disingenious to Justin. It doesn't feel natural. It feels very awkward and forced coming from him. Additionally, this entire album
    This album was an extreme disappointment for me. As someone who was such a big fan of his last album, after a five year break I was so ready for this album and it turned out to be extremely underwhelming.

    This style of music and the cringey lyrics feel so disingenious to Justin. It doesn't feel natural. It feels very awkward and forced coming from him. Additionally, this entire album feels like such a lazy attempt. After such a long break I would expect something with more depth and artistry. Most of the songs sound very generic. Even the best songs on the album don't really stand out for me. It's pretty bad when the best song on the album is "Yummy" (I'm sorry i know it's objectively bad, but its just undeniably catchy). For such a talented, male vocalist, this album doesn't really let his voice shine at all.

    Although this album was definitely a miss for me, I will call it a fluke and still be waiting here for Justin's next release which will hopefully be better.
  45. Aug 28, 2020
    There are 2 or 3 of bops on the album but the overall songwriting seems lazy and can't convince me, sadly the production seems a little to generic and doesn't make up for the weaker lyrics
  46. Aug 29, 2020
    Though this album is made mostly as homage to his wife, Justin's album did not deliver. While some tracks are catchy such as Intentions, others are eerily similar with each other and are given cheap productions. This did not make my toes curl at all.
  47. Sep 14, 2020
    With the first single of this album Justin bieber tell us "This is a weird album", Yummy is too repetitive and too lazy. The album is not bad is too lazy. Justin can have an album and can make it the best album of the year, but this is not the case.
  48. Nov 28, 2020
    No me gusta Justin por que para mi esta sobre valorado además de las polémicas que ha tenido además sobre todo tratar mal a sus fans para mi eso es un falta de respeto para sus fan
  49. Nov 30, 2020
    a weak album with children's lyrics and lazy rhythms, lacking creativity and aspiration. it looks like an album that was made in a month just to earn a little money to live the year.
  50. Mar 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. While Justin is a great vocalist and the album was a sweet ode to his wife, the album fell flat very quickly. The narratives felt very repetitive . Some songs felt very underwritten or poorly written.A lot of the hip hop production was not creative at all for someone who has access to great producers.Some of the collaborations are great and his vocals are really good . Quavo and Kehlani contribute to the album with great guest features. The album was far too long for what it was offering and it ended up feeling really repetitive. There are some highlights on songs like Intentions, Available, Take it Out On Me and Habitual. i hope he can do better next time because he has everything going for him. Expand
  51. Mar 20, 2021
    Bad enough. It's like listening to one looped song for 48 minutes. It is better not to listen to anything except "Intention". Probably Bieber's worst album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Feb 28, 2020
    While Bieber's voice still sounds like that of a mid- to late-teen, singing seems to come more naturally to him, and his falsetto pleas are neither bitter nor entitled, strictly genuine and adult.
  2. Feb 18, 2020
    It’s a record in total lust and fealty to Hailey; you’ll probably want to duck out to use the bathroom halfway through.
  3. Feb 18, 2020
    Artists can certainly grow up and mature without losing their edge or creative spark. Changes, however, is ultimately a transitional record that finds Bieber navigating how to reconcile adulthood with pop stardom—and discovering that, at least in his case, this merger is a tricky one.