• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
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  1. Jun 7, 2023
    Such a great album with some entertaining switches in style. I was a huge fan of the first half of the album, it seemed to lose a bit of steam towards the end.
  2. Apr 5, 2023
    Josh Tillman's latest album under the Father John Misty name is a unique and rewarding turn into big-band music and jazz. However, it still implements his usual folk sound into the mix. Tillman's lyrics are still interesting and hypnotize you into listening more. I enjoyed the album, but I found his other albums to be better and they hold my attention longer. My favorite songs are "Chloe",Josh Tillman's latest album under the Father John Misty name is a unique and rewarding turn into big-band music and jazz. However, it still implements his usual folk sound into the mix. Tillman's lyrics are still interesting and hypnotize you into listening more. I enjoyed the album, but I found his other albums to be better and they hold my attention longer. My favorite songs are "Chloe", "Funny Girl", and "The Next 20th Century". Expand
  3. Jul 21, 2022
    Several references to jazz, to the 30s; everything seems to fit into the Great Gatsby. FTM has made us forget the imprint of God's Favorite Customer to make this his most polished work, although I would have liked to hear more songs from the same group as "Chloë" or "Olvidado (Otro Momento)".

    fav tracks: "Olvidado (Otro Momento)", "Funny Girl", "Only a Fool", "Buddy's Rendezvous" &
    Several references to jazz, to the 30s; everything seems to fit into the Great Gatsby. FTM has made us forget the imprint of God's Favorite Customer to make this his most polished work, although I would have liked to hear more songs from the same group as "Chloë" or "Olvidado (Otro Momento)".

    fav tracks: "Olvidado (Otro Momento)", "Funny Girl", "Only a Fool", "Buddy's Rendezvous" & "Kiss Me (I Loved You)"
    KEY-TRACK: "Chloë"
  4. Jul 17, 2022
    Mr Tilman mixes things up once again, this time with backing instrumentation that give this album a 1920's vibe to his unmistakable delivery. I have to applaud the imagination shown here. The songs are good if not necessarily his most gripping. Father John Misty albums are full of hooks and melodies but if a song doesn't have a strong one, I find he struggles to pull it off on oh so cleverMr Tilman mixes things up once again, this time with backing instrumentation that give this album a 1920's vibe to his unmistakable delivery. I have to applaud the imagination shown here. The songs are good if not necessarily his most gripping. Father John Misty albums are full of hooks and melodies but if a song doesn't have a strong one, I find he struggles to pull it off on oh so clever lyrics alone. "Chloe..." changes this. Many of the tracks are understated and only a couple really hit you with any real immediacy. Still, the songs remain there in my mind some time after listening. I still prefer his more traditional indie folk rock albums but only just. After repeated listens, this is a much stronger album than I initially thought. Expand
  5. Apr 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not as good as God’s Favorite Customer. It’s a little less listenable. Still very solid. Expand
  6. Apr 8, 2022
    Almost every track contains homage to a different musical style; it's wonderfully virtuosic and a delight to listen to the album from start to finish. Layered in with that playfulness is a more optimistic and healed Father John Misty, retaining a sense of irony and armageddon while never quite diving to the cynical depths of Pure Comedy.
  7. Apr 8, 2022
    I love this album. It’s such a bold artistic progression to make this old Hollywood/50s swing type of album while retaining what we love about FJM - clever, full, and wholly distinct songwriting. (Plus one folk song and another absolute banger that sounds right off of Pure Comedy.)
  8. Apr 8, 2022
    Another tour-de-force record from Father John Misty, following up the introspective (and excellent) God's Favorite Customer with this less introspective, and lushly produced album which shifts through many different styles including tin-pan alley, orchestral pop and bossa nova. Q4 and the closer The Next 20th Century are two of his greatest tunes. FJM rarely disappoints (although I didn'tAnother tour-de-force record from Father John Misty, following up the introspective (and excellent) God's Favorite Customer with this less introspective, and lushly produced album which shifts through many different styles including tin-pan alley, orchestral pop and bossa nova. Q4 and the closer The Next 20th Century are two of his greatest tunes. FJM rarely disappoints (although I didn't love Pure Comedy) and still remains one of the most interesting and innovative songwriters of this century so far. Each new album release is a bit of an event. Expand
  9. Apr 8, 2022
    Sad to see its score not very high because of stupid critics like Slant. Tillman’s albums does not need to be as political as Pure Comedy to be as good, he can take on such artistic endeavors and still create great work. This album has some of his best instrumentals yet, they sweetly add up to the albums overall narrative, it’s one of his best.
  10. Apr 8, 2022
    Charming and easy listen after Father's depressive albums. More honest, hopeful and wise, I guess.
    Cinematic but less pretentious. 20th Century's old fashined tunes are kinda relevant to Tillman's personality and I don't feel like I'm just being agitated or entertained. And humour here starts to resemble Remarque's, not just trolling memes as it used to be most of the time.
    The album
    Charming and easy listen after Father's depressive albums. More honest, hopeful and wise, I guess.
    Cinematic but less pretentious. 20th Century's old fashined tunes are kinda relevant to Tillman's personality and I don't feel like I'm just being agitated or entertained. And humour here starts to resemble Remarque's, not just trolling memes as it used to be most of the time.
    The album isn't Dylan's Blonde like Chloe tries to look like but this really may be his best work.
    9.5 out of 10.

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Apr 12, 2022
    With Erickson’s arrangements augmenting his tales at every beat, they become immersive emotional explorations. Not every entry is gripping, and their mileage will depend on how much time you’re willing to settle in and let them wash over you, but overall it’s an impressively graceful skip into a new era for the songwriter.
  2. Apr 12, 2022
    It's opulent and immaculately composed but lacks the strong perspective that's usually central to FJM's work.
  3. Apr 11, 2022
    He’s elusive even in the midst of taking on a new musical persona that seems high-concept. But it’s that combination of intriguing opacity and occasional open-heartedness — and his twin inclinations between deep philosophizing and deadpan comedy — that give “Chloë” the oddball breadth to be one of the best albums of the year.