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Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 1 out of 13
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  1. May 23, 2012
    By far their best release since The Black Sheep release. This is heads and tails above their last release, Born Into This. The songs are tight. The rhythm section is the best yet. I can finally stop wishing Jamie Stewart and Matt Sorum would return. The band has gelled. The production which was highly miscast on the last release has found a perfect mix of Billy's guitar and Ian'sBy far their best release since The Black Sheep release. This is heads and tails above their last release, Born Into This. The songs are tight. The rhythm section is the best yet. I can finally stop wishing Jamie Stewart and Matt Sorum would return. The band has gelled. The production which was highly miscast on the last release has found a perfect mix of Billy's guitar and Ian's howl. This cd has taken bits from every release and made an almost perfect cd. It's 14 songs for a casual fan and 10 new songs for a die-hard as 4 were released a while back. But you can see where the 4 produced by Chris Goss were darker and more industrial sounding. Bob Rock took over and made them stick and sound current and relevant. My only complaint is 1 too many slower tracks and 1 too few faster track. That's it. Otherwise I think this is the cd we have all been waiting for. Forget Van Halen reworking old throw aways. Forget Metallica trying to find themselves. Forget Aerosmith and their hired gun written formula cheese fest crap. This is a cd meant to be played loud. It definitely rocks. Expand
  2. May 23, 2012
    A band that remains relevant and rockin'. Astbury genuinely has something to say, as usual. Duffy still has the muscle but they both need to find some killer choruses as they have done so many times before. Don't get me wrong, this album is a serious, dark, brooding behemoth that will keep you moving but I just wish that the next time they let rip and have some FUN.
  3. Jun 26, 2012
    This album completely surprised me -- I didn't think The Cult still had this level of music left in them after several disappointing albums. This album takes me back to the early days of The Cult and that is a very good thing. Classic riffs and Ian's voice sounds as strong as it has in many years -- maybe for their next album they should call Rick Rubin. Bob Rock certainly did wondersThis album completely surprised me -- I didn't think The Cult still had this level of music left in them after several disappointing albums. This album takes me back to the early days of The Cult and that is a very good thing. Classic riffs and Ian's voice sounds as strong as it has in many years -- maybe for their next album they should call Rick Rubin. Bob Rock certainly did wonders for their classic sound. Expand
  4. Dec 28, 2012
    This album should be on every top 10 list of 2012. I hope the band gets notoriety because they crafted a masterpiece and their best album yet. Much thanks to production and the vocals and backing vocals. An album for any fan of rock music.
  5. May 22, 2012
    Good but not as great as either Sonic Temple or even their last album, Beyond Good and Evil. It really does bring back the 80's Cult sound but the songs themselves aren't that memorable, beyond one or two of them. That doesn't make it bad but there's nothing here that competes with some of their classic hits like She Sells Sanctuary and Fire Woman. Most notable song, IMO, is WIldernessGood but not as great as either Sonic Temple or even their last album, Beyond Good and Evil. It really does bring back the 80's Cult sound but the songs themselves aren't that memorable, beyond one or two of them. That doesn't make it bad but there's nothing here that competes with some of their classic hits like She Sells Sanctuary and Fire Woman. Most notable song, IMO, is WIlderness Now. It's a haunting melody whose lyrics will creep you out as you hear them. Good album from a band we haven't heard from in awhile but it's not going to turn heads, especially in today's music age. Expand
  6. Jun 29, 2012
    Utterly brilliant return to form. Classic cult sound brought bang up to date. Rock at its very best. Standout tracks for me are:

    Honey From a Knife
    Elemental Light
    The Wolf
    For The Animals
    Every Man and Woman is a Star

    Elemental Light is on permanent repeat in the car. Very cinematic.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Mojo
    Jul 18, 2012
    There are comeback and then there's the new Cult album opener. [Jun 2012, p.88]
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 20, 2012
    Choice of Weapon is absurd, brilliant and stupidly good fun. [Jun 2012, p.100]
  3. Kerrang!
    Jun 19, 2012
    It's a stunning return to form from a band whose best years, until now, had looked to be behind them. [26 May 2012, p.54]