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Generally favorable reviews- based on 105 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 85 out of 105
  2. Negative: 12 out of 105
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  1. Sep 24, 2018
    Chris is a flawless collection of songs. I'm already quite sure it will be my favourite album of the year.
  2. Sep 21, 2018
    The funky beats and heavy vocal range of Héloïse turn this album into a beautiful, dancey trackway
    pushing boundaries of sexuality, gender roles and self doubt.
  3. Sep 24, 2018
    Everything from the upbeat 80s throwback production to the honest and sincere lyricism makes this album a wonderful and outstanding must-listen. This excellent work of art is definitely one of the accolades of 2018. Travail bien fait, Héloïse! Cet album est magnifique et spectaculaire!
  4. Dec 11, 2019
    Chris is an amazing album, more than a year after its release I still enjoy it more and more.
    Everything from the production to the lyrics to the melodies and Christine's voice is great.
    It is, to me, the best album released in 2018. Thank you Chris.
  5. Sep 21, 2018
    This album is perfect in every way. Best tracks: Goya Soda, Feel so good, Doesn't matter & Le G
  6. Sep 19, 2019
    It's been one year since this magnificent album was released, but I still listen to its songs repeatedly like it is the first and the last album in my whole life!
    Although Héloïse's style has changed dramatically in a rather masculine way (the result of it is just in front of you), she managed to save all the important features of her previous alter ego named Christine which looked more
    It's been one year since this magnificent album was released, but I still listen to its songs repeatedly like it is the first and the last album in my whole life!
    Although Héloïse's style has changed dramatically in a rather masculine way (the result of it is just in front of you), she managed to save all the important features of her previous alter ego named Christine which looked more feminine. Especially the chemistry between the gender characteristics is expressed in the songs themselves. The vocal structure mostly combines both tenderness and passion, light and dark, yin and yang.
    I am glad to hear the strong influence of Michael Jackson in this enchanting album as well. It becomes obvious after listening to the debut studio album of Christine named "Chaleur Humaine" and then comparing it with "Chris". The second album absorbed much more energy: the principle "less desperate piano sounds - more funky melodies" is appropriate for the renewed Christine because they symbolize Héloïse's own personality become stronger step by step and then taken its absolute form.
    The fact that Christine and the Queens released all the songs both in English and French was beyond my wildest dreams. Some songs, such as Girlfriend, 5 dollars and Goya Soda are best performed in English, at the same time La Marcheuse, Le G, Follarse and Comme si on s'aimait are unforgettably gorgeous when they sound in French. The rest of the songs are perfect in both versions. In general, tastes differ and every person can choose which version can impress them most, but the fact is Christine is undeniably good at expressing her own feelings when she is singing in French as it is her mother tongue. Anyway, English texts of her songs also play the great role in her creative work because she is eager to send the message to the whole world. This message is simple and complicated at a time but it matters to all of us without exception - "just love yourself and what you love to do, being and acting just the way you are, gaining confidence and not caring the gossip other people spread".
    My verdict is: Chris definitely deserves being famous because it would be useful for everyone to find out the sincerity the album holds - not many albums nowadays contain all the naked truth about their authors.
  7. Nov 26, 2018
    Héloïse Letissier brought back in time and found herself in 90's pop era. When she embraced reality, she also embraced her new persona for being stronger (but still, as a human being). Fierce and dominant, demented, and ultimately transformed her into Chris.
  8. Sep 22, 2018
    Another magnificent album by the French artist. "Chris" offers the best of both worlds, with deep ballads similar to her debut album "Christine and the Queens" and refreshing 80s synth-pop songs to dance along to, this album definitely belongs to the best of this year.

    Best tracks: The walker (La marcheuse), Goya Soda, Feel So Good and Make some sense.
  9. Sep 27, 2018
    Em geral, "Chris" é um ótimo álbum funk e pop. Heloise Letissier é uma cantora fantástica e a sua voz funciona perfeitamente com o álbum e com a sua vibe envolvente.
  10. Apr 29, 2019
    Christine present a solid 12-track album, each song with a distinguished sound but cohesive when presented along the other tracks. The production, melodies and Christine's particular pronunciation elevates the material to a must-listen alternative pop album.
  11. Mar 30, 2023
    Playful and vibrant. This energetic second album departs from the largely melancholic energy which fuels Chaleur Humaine. Wonderful vocals and lyricism as always.
  12. Oct 30, 2018
    Quite overrated. It's fun, it's pop. Not experimental, not adventurous. Most definitely not original.
  13. Dec 6, 2021
    fantastic songs: the melody of 5 Dollars is perfectly poised between sweetness and melancholy; What’s-Her-Face frames a lyric about self-loathing with an ominous cloud of electronics; Damn (What Must a Woman Do?) conjures a crowded dancefloor at 4am so effectively you can virtually feel the perspiration dripping from the ceiling. It is an album about pop music as much as any of the otherfantastic songs: the melody of 5 Dollars is perfectly poised between sweetness and melancholy; What’s-Her-Face frames a lyric about self-loathing with an ominous cloud of electronics; Damn (What Must a Woman Do?) conjures a crowded dancefloor at 4am so effectively you can virtually feel the perspiration dripping from the ceiling. It is an album about pop music as much as any of the other topics it addresses. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Dec 11, 2018
    Her dance-pop and funky synth-pop easily parallels the intrigue of her brawny lyrics and though she may feel frustration from the record’s narrative being solely steered towards her pansexuality, new short hairdo or the record’s relevant themes in the wake of #MeToo, let it be known that this is one of the finest pop works of the year.
  2. Oct 11, 2018
    The best songs on Chris are the outliers, the ones that are either fully intellectually-engaging or completely poppy. The songs in the middle, that plainly try to balance between the two, only underwhelm because of how common they feel.
  3. Oct 3, 2018
    The album spills over with Letissier's confidence and individuality, something she felt wasn't the case during early writing sessions with Mark Ronson and Damon Albarn, so they were cast aside.