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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 102 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 102
  2. Negative: 67 out of 102
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. May 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. He has a rich body and face, but no voice and lyrics, he dedicated a few to him every day thinking he's on my att: a gay who loves him. I hope it stays that rich Expand
  3. Dec 21, 2022
    Mommy and Daddy "paid" the way for this one to "make it" big and that shows on this album. Another pretentious rich rapper wannabe.
  4. Nov 21, 2022
    Less than mediocre tracklist and weak performance from Jack Harlow. Overall, a boring and unfulfilling album.
  5. Sep 20, 2022
    The supposedly more "personal" nature of "Come Home the Kids Miss You" ultimately does little to endear Harlow to listeners [and frequently even has the opposite effect], with odd production choices that leave many beats feeling curiously threadbare, groanworthy lyrics loaded up with casual misogyny and shallow bragging, and the rapper's lifeless delivery of limp flows frequently provingThe supposedly more "personal" nature of "Come Home the Kids Miss You" ultimately does little to endear Harlow to listeners [and frequently even has the opposite effect], with odd production choices that leave many beats feeling curiously threadbare, groanworthy lyrics loaded up with casual misogyny and shallow bragging, and the rapper's lifeless delivery of limp flows frequently proving puzzling, cringe-inducing and/or downright boring above all else. Expand
  6. Sep 5, 2022
    It is bland and the hype this had was amazing but it is so disappointing I expected better
  7. Aug 29, 2022
    Un excelente álbum que muestra la capacidad de Jack y su crecimiento como artista.
  8. Aug 21, 2022
    Respectfully, what the **** it is going on?
    Jack Harlow, if you need help, tell us, now!
  9. Aug 9, 2022
    Jack Harlow's new album is genuinely depressing and boring.Trust me , I am(was) hard core fan who got hooked due to the Thats what they all say album on repeat several times.I was in his 0.05% top listeners.His new album however shows that he only cares about breaking charts and has tried so hard to change his identity into some womanizer.Only few songs in this album like Dua Lipa(I onlyJack Harlow's new album is genuinely depressing and boring.Trust me , I am(was) hard core fan who got hooked due to the Thats what they all say album on repeat several times.I was in his 0.05% top listeners.His new album however shows that he only cares about breaking charts and has tried so hard to change his identity into some womanizer.Only few songs in this album like Dua Lipa(I only like the song due to the melody) and first class(Also due to the melody).I dont get why everyone says the only reason he's getting. bad reviews is due to his ethnicity which has litreally nothing to do with this.

    So this is a 4 or a low 5
  10. Aug 6, 2022
    Proof that Jack Harlow is living clickbait. He's got the swagger,personality and budget but that all mean nothing when you have no talent or especially in this case nothing to say. The album title is misleading as this is no homecoming, nothing remotely personal happens here or at least for a long enough time for it to be interesting. It feels like a less interesting version of "certifiedProof that Jack Harlow is living clickbait. He's got the swagger,personality and budget but that all mean nothing when you have no talent or especially in this case nothing to say. The album title is misleading as this is no homecoming, nothing remotely personal happens here or at least for a long enough time for it to be interesting. It feels like a less interesting version of "certified lover boy " which means alot given how tragically bland that also was. Churchill Downs ,the opener and the viral section of first class are the few moments where a pulse can be felt . He had the world's ear and rather than reward the attention he sent it to bed without dinner. Expand
  11. Jul 17, 2022
    This album is a strong contender for the worst album of the, scratch that - worst album of the CENTURY.
  12. Jun 27, 2022
    Definitely an over hated album. But my biggest dispute with this album is the final stretch, notably after Churchill Downs. It went from banger after banger to a stretch of repetitive, overly long songs. Nail Tech and Churchill Downs are easily the best songs on the album. If the songs with JT and Lil Wayne were shorter, I feel this would be a 10.
  13. Jun 3, 2022
    Extremely boring. That's it. Jack really needs to learn how not to only make good singles and drop a trash album.
  14. May 25, 2022
    Embarrassing album!!! This is just so bad omg yuck pls hack jarlow payola industry plant
  15. May 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It was a waste of time, please listen to white noise cause it will give you more peace Expand
  16. May 18, 2022
    it's the worst album i have ever heard, i can't believe i waste so much time on this.
  17. May 17, 2022
    [ ad-mer-uh-buhl ]

    worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
  18. May 17, 2022
    it's the most mid album i have ever heard in my whole life
  19. May 16, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album hits different on mute! L + ratio + YoungBoy better + Jack Harlow is ass. Expand
  20. May 16, 2022
    i hate this, I don't like anything. not in vocals, rhythm, melody, nothing. this man is certainly one of the most overrated in recent times. the meaning of white privilege.
  21. May 15, 2022
    While listening to this album driving, I fell asleep on the highway and woke up in a ditch. It should be illegal to make music this boring.
  22. May 14, 2022
    Considero ele um artista com muito potencial, mas é nitido que nesse álbum ele está completamente ofuscado, espero que venham trabalhos melhores que esse.
  23. May 13, 2022
    El mejor álbum del mundo mundial, escuchen dua lipa y Firts classs, lo mejor del mundo
  24. May 13, 2022
    this album is a definition of mediocre,the drake feature is better than the hole thing
  25. May 13, 2022
    I've listened to Jack Harlow since What's Poppin, but I also listened to all his older albums, which are among his best. I was excited for this album based on his past work, but it was just really disappointing. It had extremely boring rap performances despite often decent production. First Class is also his worst song of all time in my opinion. Really a shame because he was one of myI've listened to Jack Harlow since What's Poppin, but I also listened to all his older albums, which are among his best. I was excited for this album based on his past work, but it was just really disappointing. It had extremely boring rap performances despite often decent production. First Class is also his worst song of all time in my opinion. Really a shame because he was one of my favorite rappers prior to dropping this album. Expand
  26. May 12, 2022
    Jack was everybody's favourite underground rapper, and now the new Drake.
    The problem is, he is not 2012 Drake, Jack went with 2022 Drake. He was never known as a womanizer, but now he is trying so hard to be. As a brand, it's working. But as an artist, more than half his album is endlessly flirting with the listener, I got grossed out halfway. Most of Drake's new offerings that also
    Jack was everybody's favourite underground rapper, and now the new Drake.
    The problem is, he is not 2012 Drake, Jack went with 2022 Drake. He was never known as a womanizer, but now he is trying so hard to be. As a brand, it's working. But as an artist, more than half his album is endlessly flirting with the listener, I got grossed out halfway. Most of Drake's new offerings that also endlessly talk to women is far more tolerable than this, because Drake eased people into his personas. Jack went all-in and it's jarring. And it's all just "first date" flirting. Fuccboi stuff.

    In "I got a shot", it's so clearly made for Young Thug, it might as well been a demo tape for Thugger to sing over.

    Jack mentioned in a recent interview that he made sure to lead the over production style, which is consistent. The album SOUNDS like a cohesive piece of work. The subject matter, not so much.
    The production may be consistent, but most of it is not anything new or inspiring. We already heard Nail Tech and First Class. Really gotta bring his main producer 2forwOyNE back, and make a RAP album.

    I saved Dua Lipa, Sidepiece, Churchill Downs, State Fair, so I enjoyed some of the album. Maybe I am being a little too critical because I enjoyed him so much as an underground artist and I do like him as a person.

    Bring 2forwOyNE and all your day-one producers back! And the glasses. Album name and cover made it sound like he was going to his roots to make a serious rap album, which I was sus about, and now I'm pretty disappointed. Stop flirting Jack, start rapping again.
  27. May 12, 2022
    Incredibly disappointing, overwhelmingly bland. Not a single stand out track. Doesn't even work well as background music. Nail Tech is the closest to a standout track and even then his music peaked way before this album was released.
  28. May 12, 2022
    There's music that inspires you, that has a meaning, a purpose, a reason to exist. Come Home the Kids Miss You has none of that. Nothing that Jack Harlow raps about is interesting enough for you to listen this album a second time, this because he probably has realy nothing to say. Not even the descent production makes the listen worth it.
  29. May 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfect and unique album, I really loved listening to each song, dua lipa is without a doubt my favorite Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Aug 2, 2022
    Jack Harlow’s attempts at grandiose appeal ultimately fall short on “Come Home The Kids Miss You”. The young rapper fails to inspire or interest and his attempts at grand standing charm are without merit.
  2. May 23, 2022
    The sound of Come Home the Kids Miss You is polished and ready for the massive level of worldwide commercial success Harlow has been building up to, but it's difficult to find much substance beneath the expensive sheen.
  3. May 12, 2022
    There are good moments here and there, and the only sin Harlow truly commits is that much of the LP is boring and forgettable, not even bad enough to be entertaining besides a few head-shaking lines.