• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 15, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 94 out of 123
  2. Negative: 7 out of 123
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  1. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  2. Mar 28, 2020
    If I could write garbage 75 times I would for my review. Hated it, such a boring record. Garbage, trash, poop, fart, sewer album. Yuke, boo, stink.
  3. Dec 18, 2019
    The Foo Fighters influences bear the mark of a fake, second class, cut rate punk band. The Foo Fighters come a cross as god awful and boring. What the Foo Fighters thought to be good was conventionally bad for Rock and Roll, and Punk Rock. The journey of the Foo Fighters was full of fake, or phony moments. The foo Fighters are disciples of fake rock music, not real. The foo fighters areThe Foo Fighters influences bear the mark of a fake, second class, cut rate punk band. The Foo Fighters come a cross as god awful and boring. What the Foo Fighters thought to be good was conventionally bad for Rock and Roll, and Punk Rock. The journey of the Foo Fighters was full of fake, or phony moments. The foo Fighters are disciples of fake rock music, not real. The foo fighters are not real trailblazers, and are just copycats. Expand
  4. Nov 25, 2018
    Concrete and Gold is a good album, but the problem is precisely that, it is just good, it does not transcend in any way, this album brings Foo Fighters another identity, brings to the band a much ore pop vibe and although that might be something good for some, i think is something that affects the position of FF as one of the greatest rock bands that are still active in the 2010s, it stillConcrete and Gold is a good album, but the problem is precisely that, it is just good, it does not transcend in any way, this album brings Foo Fighters another identity, brings to the band a much ore pop vibe and although that might be something good for some, i think is something that affects the position of FF as one of the greatest rock bands that are still active in the 2010s, it still has some great songs such as "The sky is a neighborhood", "Run" and "Make it right", but just as Sonic Highways, people will forget everything about this album in a couple years. This album is the perfect description of mñeh. Expand
  5. Oct 26, 2017
    I could basically review the first single, Run, and it'd be the same review as my review of this album. It came out, I was hyped, and I went from thinking it was average to thinking it was the amazing and everything in between. Yeah so this album didn't exactly land in the amazing category, but not far off. Stylistically the album has a lot of influences from different rock genres likeI could basically review the first single, Run, and it'd be the same review as my review of this album. It came out, I was hyped, and I went from thinking it was average to thinking it was the amazing and everything in between. Yeah so this album didn't exactly land in the amazing category, but not far off. Stylistically the album has a lot of influences from different rock genres like blues, progressive and stoner rock.

    The album begins with T-Shirt, one of my favorite songs (though only 1 min 22 seconds) which is pretty much an intro to the aforementioned Run. Run doesn't really live up to the hype T-Shirt built up for it, with the production (seemingly everyone's main gripe with the album) draining some of the power from the screaming Dave Grohl and the extremely hard guitars. The song drags on a little too long, but I'd say it's enjoyable.

    Also now that I brought up the production I have to say: I didn't find it too bad. Overall it didn't take too much away from songs, and it actually worked with some of the songs.

    After Run comes Make It Right which isn't exacly my favorite song on the album. The main riff isn't very good and it just gets played over and over on top of what is probably the worst case of overproduction on the record. It's a little boring, but I wouldn't say it's bad per se.

    Then comes the second single, The Sky Is a Neighbourhood. Definitely one of my favorite songs. It's a very bluesy alternative rock song with a really nice chorus.

    La Dee Da is pretty much a better Make It Right. It's a little rougher and has a quality bassline. The political message (not the first or last time on the album there is one) is good and it's just a good song.

    Dirty Water's probably not many people's favorite song. I think it's rather good. It has a nice kind of sleazy bedroom-made feel along with a good production and nice backing vocals. I really like the track.

    Arrows is another good track. It's a pretty classic Foo Fighters song, but it's clearly from Concrete and Gold. It's in a weird middle-ground. I like the walking verses mixed with the buildup to the loud chorus. Production is done especially well here.

    Yeah not a massive fan of Happy Ever After (Zero Hour). It has a nice folky feel and good lyrics, but the song feels a little too stagnant. It's not all that exciting.

    Sunday Rain is another track I'm a little mixed on. I want to like it more than I do. The chorus good and production is nice. However I kinda feel the same as I do with the track before it. Still pretty enjoyable.

    The Line is really boring and overproduced. I really don't like it. It was released as a promo single before the album's release and I listened to it like three times. I've never really been a huge fan of the song. Maybe it will still grow on me.

    Oh boy I love Concrete and Gold. The song just chugs along in a magnificent way, and although the production isn't at its best here I don't care. I love this song. BTW **** you Darrell.

    Overall while the album tends to be slightly overproduced and slow at times (mostly towards the end), there's more songs that are enjoyable than otherwise. I'd give this album a strong 7.

    Track ratings:
    T-Shirt decent to strong 9
    Run strong 7 to light 8
    Make It Right decent 5
    The Sky Is a Neighbourhood light 9
    La Dee Da strong 7
    Dirty Water light to decent 8
    Arrows decent 8
    Happy Ever After (Zero Hour) strong 6
    Sunday Rain light 7
    The Line strong 4 to light 5
    Concrete and Gold decent 9

    (these ratings might have changed from the original ones)
  6. Oct 14, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excellent album, with explosive moments and moved (but very melodic despite the distortion of these) and calm with some mellow (mostly in "Happy Ever After (Zero Hour)"), with impressive riffs (well, in "Run" is only two notes hahahahha) and entertained consistently, and even with the voice of Taylor in one of them, one of the best of the entire album but that pitifully lengthens (and much), may not be the best album of his career , but one of the best, being the only (and great) mistakes in their production and in their own songs, the increase of expectation with respect to the news that there would be great guests of the present music like collaboration (Justin Timberlake and Paul **** McCartney more than anything), this collaboration being virtually indistinguishable at the time of its listening, since anyone can say that the chants of "Make It Right" (excellent song) are made by any female voices, or that the beat in "Sunday Rain" is any or even the same Grohl, and that when listening to the songs, it can become something repetitive, that is, sometimes the riffs are repeated a lot, and at the time of the choruses is not that there is a lot of change (this being the reason why "The Sky is a Neighborhood" is the best of the album according to many). But in conclusion, a very good album, with good guitar riffs, and even a song with the very same Taylor Hawkins main voice, with guest artists practically null. I look forward to the bonus track Expand
  7. Oct 13, 2017
    Well this album is really concrete and gold. In the "gold" side of the record, the band mixes some of past influences, like blues, stone rock, classical rock and countryroots and in the "concrete" counterpart is the Foo Fighters sound we are used to listen, some tracks are awesome but not all of them. I think the gold part need a little more adventure, more presence.

    Highlights: Run
    Well this album is really concrete and gold. In the "gold" side of the record, the band mixes some of past influences, like blues, stone rock, classical rock and countryroots and in the "concrete" counterpart is the Foo Fighters sound we are used to listen, some tracks are awesome but not all of them. I think the gold part need a little more adventure, more presence.

    Highlights: Run (Perfect Song!), Sky is a Neighborhood, Arrows, The Line, Make it Right.

    A good album, 8. 5 out of 10 (rounded to a 9), but I would rather listen "concrete" and "gold" separated else than togheter. A "gold" album with all Foo Fighters influences would be not bad.
  8. Oct 10, 2017
    In simply relying on fundamentals, Foo Fighters don’t overthink and succeed in creating a work that shows the spirit of gritty human emotion through engaging and smart musical tactics, namely their harmony, and although there were some whiffs in adding strong musical ideas to their foundation, the result was still nice raw, humanistic emotion that stands out today in its ability toIn simply relying on fundamentals, Foo Fighters don’t overthink and succeed in creating a work that shows the spirit of gritty human emotion through engaging and smart musical tactics, namely their harmony, and although there were some whiffs in adding strong musical ideas to their foundation, the result was still nice raw, humanistic emotion that stands out today in its ability to captivate. My Score: 139/180 (Solid) = 7.7/10 Expand
  9. Sep 22, 2017
    Foo Fighters are a singles band more than an albums band. It's not hard to see that. I mean okay, to be fair, the band does have great records under their belt, like the Colour and the Shape and Wasting Lights, but they do put out better singles than they do with albums. And this album is no exception, although this is still a little dissapointing. Unlike their last album, Sonic Highways,Foo Fighters are a singles band more than an albums band. It's not hard to see that. I mean okay, to be fair, the band does have great records under their belt, like the Colour and the Shape and Wasting Lights, but they do put out better singles than they do with albums. And this album is no exception, although this is still a little dissapointing. Unlike their last album, Sonic Highways, which promised more with it's concept of recording in different studios and taking different styles into their sound only to put out another Foo Fighters album but without the excitement, Concrete and Gold is different. They do go for different sounds and styles, however it cannot help but feel like the band is playing it safe yet failing when they take risks. Greg Kurstin was the wrong choice to produce this album! He's most known for working with pop artists like Adele, Sia, and Kelly Clarkson, and you can tell he has no idea what he's doing with the Foos! Hell the closest he has to "rock" are Foster the People and producing the last two Tegan and Sara albums (a.k.a. the ones where the duo went from a catchy indie pop duo to making sterile 80s pop leftovers). The rocks songs are way too fuzzed out to be exciting, with the exception of Run, and the different styles feel so polished and passe. Not to mention artists like Justin Timberlake, Paul McCartney, and Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men fame, who contribute to songs, are super underutilized! I get the band changing their sound, Dave Grohl can do that at this point, but unfortunately not all the experiments work (although these experiments feel as daring as switching a brand of toothpaste) and instead of sounding exciting they just sound like they're grasping for relevance. It's not all bad as the band puts in effort to make this album works, but it's not among their best and there isn't a song as good as Run on here either. Expand
  10. Sep 21, 2017
    I really haven't been enjoying the last few Foo Fighters albums, but Concrete and Gold has really put them back to the top. My favourite track is 'The Sky Is A Neighbourhood', just proof that Dave Grohl has still got it.
  11. Sep 20, 2017
    The album as a whole delivers many great tracks with some falling slightly flat but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. It's actually a pretty good record but like any good albums, it has its flaws and personally, i think that's what makes it interesting and different from the other records that they have made over the last 20 years. It's not as good as Wasting Light but it stillThe album as a whole delivers many great tracks with some falling slightly flat but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad. It's actually a pretty good record but like any good albums, it has its flaws and personally, i think that's what makes it interesting and different from the other records that they have made over the last 20 years. It's not as good as Wasting Light but it still stands out on its own. Good job foos! Expand
  12. Sep 20, 2017
    Concrete and Gold is a good album, don't get me wrong, but, concerning Foo Fighters, good is what it's come to be expected. The album in itself lacks a proper identity,unlike previous albums who presented themselves as a very tightly knitted together work.

    The album starts with unappealing hard rock songs, that sounds like everything we've heard before from Foo Fighters, before entering
    Concrete and Gold is a good album, don't get me wrong, but, concerning Foo Fighters, good is what it's come to be expected. The album in itself lacks a proper identity,unlike previous albums who presented themselves as a very tightly knitted together work.

    The album starts with unappealing hard rock songs, that sounds like everything we've heard before from Foo Fighters, before entering the second part of the Album, where we get the "weirdness" we've been promised. As much as the first songs aren't noteworthy, stacking low against the storied list of Foo Fighters Singles, the second part presents welcomed nudges to the band comfort zone, bringing unexpected styles, composition, orchestration and execution. Songs like "Sunday Rain" and "Happy Ever After (Zero Hour)" are blessings hidden in the last part of the album.

    Getting better and juicier as it goes, Concrete and Gold offers a reversion of Foo Fighters tendencies, where the Singles are the worst part of the album. You will have to be patient and wait to the end for the reward, but it's absolutely worth it, having some of the best and most innovative songs ousted by Dave Grohl and cia.
  13. Sep 19, 2017
    More of the same. Not a bad album but no experimentation or new sounds. I have been waiting for this and QOTSA cds and to my surprise, the afghan whigs gave me a better record than both with In Spades, now thats original.
  14. Sep 16, 2017
    this is probably me being dramatic, but i was very fortunate to watch the foo fighters in 2001, when the band was 7 years old. now they have more than tripled their age, and what a ride it's been... i've always thought of dave as me but with unlimited talented. we seem to have just about the same taste in music, like he's inside my head, and the foo fighters is THAT band for me -- the bandthis is probably me being dramatic, but i was very fortunate to watch the foo fighters in 2001, when the band was 7 years old. now they have more than tripled their age, and what a ride it's been... i've always thought of dave as me but with unlimited talented. we seem to have just about the same taste in music, like he's inside my head, and the foo fighters is THAT band for me -- the band i am always in the mood for. it just feels like very raw, very real music but with complete mastery underneath. the screams are always there, never too far away -- they're under the surface even in the quiet songs. it's just rock -- brutal and melodious.

    but this here is none of that. there is no edge in any of the songs. it seems like they finally got tired of giving us what we love, and decided deliberately to withhold it as some sort of device to be unpredictable.

    and just in the month where my other perennial love -- south park -- kicks off a season i'm feeling is gonna be pretty boring. so 2017 may become the year where my taste freezes, and i never enjoy anything i haven't seen before. i mean, i don't wanna stand in the way of a musician trying to change things up, but i hope this is a one-off. starwipe.com made a joke once about bob dylan: "He lost some fans in the ’60s after transitioning from folk-driven protest songs to straight blues-rock, then lost more when he later transitioned to music nobody likes." i imagine being a dylan fan in the 70s and then going, "whoa!" i hope this isn't that hapenning to me.
  15. Sep 16, 2017
    pretty much another generic album that will be forgotten in a years time . . .
  16. Sep 16, 2017
    Following the disappointment that was "Sonic Highways", it was undeniable that The Foo Fighters were in need of an elongated hiatus in order to reflect on standout issues and search for legitimate inspiration to develop their next studio album. Over the entirety of the group's decades-long history, they have always managed to find a way to come through in the clutch and deliver successFollowing the disappointment that was "Sonic Highways", it was undeniable that The Foo Fighters were in need of an elongated hiatus in order to reflect on standout issues and search for legitimate inspiration to develop their next studio album. Over the entirety of the group's decades-long history, they have always managed to find a way to come through in the clutch and deliver success when their fans need it most, and they have done just that with their newest record, "Concrete and Gold". By composing a power triad out of acoustic counterparts ("T-Shirt", "Dirty Water", "Happy Ever After"), hard rock anthems ("Run", "The Sky Is A Neighborhood", "Arrows"), and simply foo-tastic songs ("Make It Right", "La Dee Da", "Sunday Rain"), Dave Grohl and Co. have not only created what may just be their most balanced album yet, but one that brings the rock genre much needed success in an era when pop culture dominates the music industry. Expand
  17. Sep 16, 2017
    Foo Fighters' new album may not be as commercially approachable as their two previous efforts, but it's definitely a return to the alternative roots of much of their earlier work. It's also a blatant homage to classic rock legends such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and particularly, the Beatles ("Sunday Rain" sounds like it came right off "Sgt. Pepper").

    The highlights for me are "Make
    Foo Fighters' new album may not be as commercially approachable as their two previous efforts, but it's definitely a return to the alternative roots of much of their earlier work. It's also a blatant homage to classic rock legends such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and particularly, the Beatles ("Sunday Rain" sounds like it came right off "Sgt. Pepper").

    The highlights for me are "Make It Right", "LaDeeDa" and "Happy Ever After (Zero Hour)". Overall, "Concrete And Gold" is a solid effort by what is currently the world's biggest Rock & Roll band.
  18. Sep 16, 2017
    This is something different from straight Foo Fighters. Something like Foo Fighters Expanded. Wider. Deeper. Diverse.
    Definitely one of my favourites now.
  19. Sep 15, 2017
    I was very dissapointed with "Sonic Highways". But men, this record is amazing, definetly one of their bests, it stands very closer to "Wasting Light".

  20. Sep 15, 2017
    This album is WAY too polished. The band was headed in the right direction when they turned back to tape, this new direction is totally wrong. I love the Foo, I love the music, the attitude and the humanity of it all, but if we're ending up on the glitz bus, I'll get off here thanks. Guys, record the next album live, no overdubs, no fancy trickery. Get the sound right, then record oneThis album is WAY too polished. The band was headed in the right direction when they turned back to tape, this new direction is totally wrong. I love the Foo, I love the music, the attitude and the humanity of it all, but if we're ending up on the glitz bus, I'll get off here thanks. Guys, record the next album live, no overdubs, no fancy trickery. Get the sound right, then record one good take live. Print - master - wrap it in a bow. The only song you can say has real energy is Run, and it sure sounds like you wanted to add another "All My Life" to get the audiences bouncing, and I'm all for that. The clue is there, your live show, and live energy, is where it's at. Expand
  21. Sep 15, 2017
    With apologies to Dave and co. and their ambitions to make a different kind of album infused with combined concepts (Lemmy's Sgt. Pepper's and other mashed up ideas), Concrete and Gold is nothing but a Foo Fighter's album... and that's just fine. Hell, it's more than fine; it's a relief. This "album" is full of all the customary Foo Fighters' swings from melodic to grinding to playfulnessWith apologies to Dave and co. and their ambitions to make a different kind of album infused with combined concepts (Lemmy's Sgt. Pepper's and other mashed up ideas), Concrete and Gold is nothing but a Foo Fighter's album... and that's just fine. Hell, it's more than fine; it's a relief. This "album" is full of all the customary Foo Fighters' swings from melodic to grinding to playfulness to earnestness. In fact, this is just a great hard rock record; and it's exactly what we need now: A GREAT F**KIN' ROCK RECORD! So, Dave's intentions may have failed, but in their place is one kick ass Foo Fighters LP. Expand
  22. Sep 15, 2017
    Man, a new Foo Fighters album. I'm not a very loyal fan, but I respect and enjoy the band's music, so after hearing 'Run', I felt I had to listen to the album. It helped that the album cover looked simplistically epic.

    It's pretty good, in my opinion. Firstly, the tracks that I enjoyed personally were mostly the heavier tracks. 'Run', 'Arrows, and 'The Line', along with 'The Sky is a
    Man, a new Foo Fighters album. I'm not a very loyal fan, but I respect and enjoy the band's music, so after hearing 'Run', I felt I had to listen to the album. It helped that the album cover looked simplistically epic.

    It's pretty good, in my opinion. Firstly, the tracks that I enjoyed personally were mostly the heavier tracks. 'Run', 'Arrows, and 'The Line', along with 'The Sky is a Neighborhood', used heavy, distorted guitars, Grohl's great vocals, and great drumming from Taylor Hawkins, and really make the album. The use of reverb in the mixing of the vocals makes the vocals and guitar both seem less heavy rock, and more psychedelic rock, though the songs in the album continue to mostly embody heavy rock.

    What about the more quiet, controlled songs in the album? 'Sunday Rain' feels truly like a departure from earlier Fighters songs, with lighter lyrics and quieter, if not too quiet, guitars. 'Happily Ever After', however, seems almost too quiet. The acoustic guitar and vocals seem almost like a song from the Beatles, though still distinct. Some people probably like it, but I don't really, and it seems slightly out of place in this album. 'Concrete and Gold', on the other hand, plays to the band's strengths. With drifting, almost psychedelic vocals and guitars during most of the song, and heavier, more direct vocals and quiet guitar picking in the verse (or bridge, or whatever), the song sounds alluring, perhaps even a bit experimental. The song, in my opinion, was a great end to a mostly good album, with a small few 'ok' songs.

    Favorite songs? 'Run', 'Concrete and Gold', and 'The Line'.

    The Foo Fighters have showed they can create a varied, interesting, album with a great sound, even after more than two decades on the rock scene.
  23. Sep 15, 2017
    On one hand I appreciate the fact that the band is enriching its sound and exploring a new genre that integrates influences straight from the roots of American music, on the other hand I miss so much the simplicity and impact of their most known hits. I personally don't like the path this band has taken and I hardly like any of the songs of this new album. In my opinion, since SonicOn one hand I appreciate the fact that the band is enriching its sound and exploring a new genre that integrates influences straight from the roots of American music, on the other hand I miss so much the simplicity and impact of their most known hits. I personally don't like the path this band has taken and I hardly like any of the songs of this new album. In my opinion, since Sonic Highways, they are no longer making post grunge but something different. These new songs surely sound more mature and fancy, but also really uninspired and sometimes a little pretentious. Don't get me wrong, I still love the band...I just feel like they don't need to prove anything. Collapse
  24. Sep 15, 2017
    Foo did it again! Definitely a stand out album. Not a huge fan of the name but I dig the majority of the album. Stand outs; The Sky Is a Neighborhood, Dirty Water, The Line and Run.
  25. Sep 15, 2017
    Best album since Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. I absolutely love "Dirty Water", what a super song. "Arrows", "The Sky is a Neighborhood", "Run", "La Dee Da" great great songs.
  26. Sep 15, 2017
    I enjoyed all the tracks in this album aside from the title track which i thought was okay, not great. Stand outs are La Dee Da, Dirty Water, T Shirt, Make it Right, and Happy Ever After. Overall im very pleased with this Foo Fighters albuum.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    The Foo sextet has made its hardest, yet most curvaceous and warm-blooded record to date. [No. 148, p.54]
  2. Sep 26, 2017
    For the most part of Concrete and Gold, it's the same anthemic, meat 'n' potatoes arena rock we've come to expect; a little more punk or metal aggression here, a little more acoustic balladry there, but the mould is the same.
  3. Uncut
    Sep 22, 2017
    It packs plenty of the expected, full-throttle thrills, but there's more interesting, atypical action on winding, low-slung jam "The Sky Is A Neighborhood" and the six-minutes-plus of "Sunday Rain." [Nov 2017, p.26]