
Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mar 9, 2017
    Mostly though, the record is pure, creepy uneasy listening, a well-thought-out and executed deconstruction of their sound.
  2. 80
    The expansively visceral Condition does arguably need to be swallowed whole to make sense of its engrossing immersive scope, although a half-time breather is perhaps advisable for those with more delicate dispositions.
  3. Mar 9, 2017
    Condition should come with a label on the front advising "Approach With Caution". However, its creators' intransigent desire to confound and confront should be applauded. Spectres: simply one of a kind.
  4. Mojo
    Mar 6, 2017
    The uncompromising Condition is extremely attractive. [Apr 2017, p.93]
  5. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    It's not a record for anyone who likes subtle character development, but it hits the visceral spot. [May 2017, p.112]
  6. 70
    Condition often has a slight avant-garde feel to it, but it's ultimately an album full of songs that sound like they've been raised with the sole intent of wanting to jump out of the speakers.
  7. Uncut
    Mar 6, 2017
    Condition sits somewhere between the two [previous albums Dying and Dead], obscuring lovely melodies with disjointed electronica on deliberately self-destructive tracks like "Dissolve," the willowy "Colour Me Out" and "Coping Mechanism." [Apr 2017, p.39]

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