• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: May 10, 2019
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 130
  2. Negative: 66 out of 130
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt ruim, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Aug 25, 2022
    the entirety of the album, the main focus of Logic was to talk about the haters, how he gets high and that he is the best alive
  3. Jun 9, 2020
    Damn this album sucks. Logic's lyrics are cringeworthy in every way. When he's rapping fast he's just blurting out nonsense, and when he's not, he's making some corny joke about his biracialness. No one cares at this point, you've already talked about it too many times to count. It's sad to see the downfall of Logic like this. Only enjoyable tracks on the album are Homicide and the titleDamn this album sucks. Logic's lyrics are cringeworthy in every way. When he's rapping fast he's just blurting out nonsense, and when he's not, he's making some corny joke about his biracialness. No one cares at this point, you've already talked about it too many times to count. It's sad to see the downfall of Logic like this. Only enjoyable tracks on the album are Homicide and the title track. Homicide is only good for the flows and Em's feature, Logic doesn't really do anything to the track. Expand
  4. May 6, 2020
    Probably Logics worst project to date. COADM is a mess thats only redeeming quality is the production. With a combination of weak lyrics and a missing message, the only confessions that his dangerous mind is releasing is how badly he has fallen from grace. The title track to the album is the small sliver of quality music that logic still has.
  5. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Terrible rapping with lines such as "All my haters can suck my penis", though the production is decent at times and saves it from being a 0. Expand
  6. Jan 23, 2020
    While the high points on this album are high, this album is laced with filler and bland flexing that feel like Logic is not even trying to deliver something of substance
  7. Oct 20, 2019
    Bobby biracial releases another trash. Hoping that he takes a long hiatus from music.
  8. Aug 15, 2019
    Logic current project is an attempt to deal with his haters, even though he should be more focused on his fans that are listening to his music. The only tracks that I like are either Keanu Reeves or Homicide, but there aren't any others to really curate a tone, mood or atmosphere like on albums by other artists such as DAMN. or American Idiot.

    Overall, Logic's worst project so far and
    Logic current project is an attempt to deal with his haters, even though he should be more focused on his fans that are listening to his music. The only tracks that I like are either Keanu Reeves or Homicide, but there aren't any others to really curate a tone, mood or atmosphere like on albums by other artists such as DAMN. or American Idiot.

    Overall, Logic's worst project so far and this is after listening to Supermarket.
  9. Aug 1, 2019
    Trash beats, trash lyrics, no substance. One of the worst albums I have heard in a long time. Complains about “mumble rappers” although raps fast to hide his lack of substance. Trash.
  10. Aug 1, 2019
    This years most painful album to sit through so far. awful lyrics, boring instrumentals and out of place features make this Logic's worst project to date.
  11. Jul 28, 2019
    During the entirety of the album, the main focus of Logic was to talk about the haters, how he gets high and that he is the best alive. Tracks like "Wannabe", "clickbait", "Don't Be Afraid To Be Different" and "Cocaine" are bland lyrically as production-wise. The only part that it could be salvaged from this album is "Mama/Show Love" but strictly to the Mama part. YBN Cordae's verses areDuring the entirety of the album, the main focus of Logic was to talk about the haters, how he gets high and that he is the best alive. Tracks like "Wannabe", "clickbait", "Don't Be Afraid To Be Different" and "Cocaine" are bland lyrically as production-wise. The only part that it could be salvaged from this album is "Mama/Show Love" but strictly to the Mama part. YBN Cordae's verses are refreshing.
    Even tracks like "Homicide" or "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" are completely overwhelmed by Logic's mania of talking about he struggles with haters and that he is the greatest alive. The crude reality is that if he wants to appropriately wants to call himself the Greatest Alive, first, he needs to get his head out of the gutter and give us new material with good quality lyrics and diverse production.
  12. Jul 28, 2019
    This album is an absolute travesty. Absolutely terrible. I don't know if cussing gets a review deleted but I feel like saying a bunch of cuss words to release my anger having to remember this terrible album. It's cringe, insufferable, boring, stupid and lame. I give it a Light 2 because it has a couple averages tracks on it. Other than that, I wish I could forget listening to this.
  13. Jun 8, 2019
    Logic's latest release, "Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind", could very well make anybody who listened to the somewhat artful one-two punch of 2014's "Under Pressure" and 2015's "The Incredible True Story" wonder what the hell happened to Logic. Although the title track is the best song on the album, it isn't even that good.

    "Homicide" sees Logic trying too hard, and it may be because
    Logic's latest release, "Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind", could very well make anybody who listened to the somewhat artful one-two punch of 2014's "Under Pressure" and 2015's "The Incredible True Story" wonder what the hell happened to Logic. Although the title track is the best song on the album, it isn't even that good.

    "Homicide" sees Logic trying too hard, and it may be because Eminem arrived into the studio. "Wannabe" and "clickbait" are companion tracks, but they are distasteful. "Icy" is the terrible kind of catchy, with the lame "Cocaine" following. "Don't Be Afraid To Be Different" is perhaps the second best song on the record, but again, it is still not that great.

    "Confessions..." is true evidence that Logic has truly embraced the "quantity over quality" mentality. It matters more to Logic to release two albums a year than to spend time crafting something that is artful in some shape or form.
  14. Jun 6, 2019
    Well yeah this is horrible. Not as bad as supermarket but that doesn’t say much.....
  15. May 31, 2019
    Did logic make a bot account to give himself a 10? Alpha Jack is pretty sus. If its logics worst album and logic is complete trash I can't give this anything more than a 0/10.
  16. May 27, 2019
    If not the wackest, he is truly among top three most wackest rappers out there. he occasionally appears and drop some bland crap that nobody ever needs it.
  17. May 24, 2019
    The Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is one of the worst albums that Logic has made in his career. It could have been a concept album instead of it just the same repeated beats over and over again, at least the first five tracts are fine, but after those tracks, the rest of the album gets boring really fast. I'm even surprised that the features didn't do anything to help this projectThe Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is one of the worst albums that Logic has made in his career. It could have been a concept album instead of it just the same repeated beats over and over again, at least the first five tracts are fine, but after those tracks, the rest of the album gets boring really fast. I'm even surprised that the features didn't do anything to help this project either, the only rappers that step their game up are Eminem and YBN Cordae. The rest is above average or mediocre at best. You got Wiz Khalifa appearance which is ok it's not anything great, Gucci Mane is well being Gucci Mane, Will Smith is doing the same bubble gum hip hop from his younger days, and then G-Eazy clams that he is comparing himself to Logic, that has to be the dumbest punchlines I have ever heard in my life. I mean if NF appeared on this track and he said that he's comparing himself to Logic, that would totally make sense because they can both rap there *** off. G-Eazy's verse is pretty dumb and generic at best. Some of the beats produced by 6ix are generic too on this album he makes the same beat over and over again, although there are some decent beats from 6ix. And the three songs, that are not produced by 6ix are pretty good. Logic Bars and flow are the same from his last project, except his rapping skills in this album do not make a lot of sense. In the End, I wish logic can take a break from rapping two years and has to figure something out on what he's doing wrong and fixes those problems he's been dealing with. 3/10 Expand
  18. Hxa
    May 23, 2019
    Plentiful of nothing good at all, lots of boring hooks...lots of lesser content than previous logic hiphop albums and even fewer lyrics or any good bars and plentiful of repetitive lyrics and even worst bars. There is no logic to this album, in fact theres no logic in this album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. May 22, 2019
    The album’s overall production by his longtime main man 6ix sparkles like never before, and lends itself to the loosely thread, sharply needled conceptual-ism handsomely.
  2. May 22, 2019
    His talents as a rapper and lyricist are still stunning, and much of the production is solid, but the album ultimately feels like a one-sided conversation with an insecure friend. You love them, but kinda wish they'd just go to therapy and get back to you once they've worked some of those issues out.
  3. May 22, 2019
    Fun and compelling as such high points can be, nothing on this album reaches the strata of the title track.