• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 164 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 164

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  1. Aug 4, 2023
    This album is Mayer's masterpiece. The writing and lyrics still the most mature he ever wroten, the album was produced by the master craftsmanship Steve Jordan, the instrumentals sound incredible and resounds the mellow of the post peak success from mayer, especially the song 'Gravity'. For every electric guitar student, this album is a 'must listen' on your studies, heavilly influenced byThis album is Mayer's masterpiece. The writing and lyrics still the most mature he ever wroten, the album was produced by the master craftsmanship Steve Jordan, the instrumentals sound incredible and resounds the mellow of the post peak success from mayer, especially the song 'Gravity'. For every electric guitar student, this album is a 'must listen' on your studies, heavilly influenced by blues (being complimented by the owns of Mr. BB King and Clapton) and a bit driven by Alicia Key's soul albuns. Great guitar riffs at "Belief" and "Slow Dancing" in what Mayer shows why he's not just a pop artist with a pretty face and famous girlfriends, but a guitar virtuoso, on the likes of SRV and Jimi Hendrix, which studied at Berkeley University. Expand
  2. Apr 25, 2023
    I think this album is a perfect and cohesive experience with some of the most beautiful songwriting i have ever seen. The messages he gives are personal and emotional and so are the melodies.
    I think this project is highly overhated and to me it has connected immediately. I think this is one of the best blues / soft rock albums
  3. Nov 4, 2021
    A few years back I would not have considered myself the singer-songwriter type but a man named John Mayer turned me on to this. Until recently I had not listened to any of his projects until I listened to The Search for Everything, my review of which you can check out on my profile but we're getting aside form the point. This was the second one. This alum was an emotional rollercoaster inA few years back I would not have considered myself the singer-songwriter type but a man named John Mayer turned me on to this. Until recently I had not listened to any of his projects until I listened to The Search for Everything, my review of which you can check out on my profile but we're getting aside form the point. This was the second one. This alum was an emotional rollercoaster in the best way possible. At 2 different points in the album it almost made me cry. The songs are beautifully composed, each have their own distinct identity and I find myself coming back to this album regularly to get my emotions flowing.

    Favorite Songs: Waiting on the World to Change, Gravity, The Heart of Life, Vultures, Stop this Train, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
    Least Favorite Songs: N/A
  4. Oct 17, 2021
    Great sounding album and immaculate production. One of my all time favs and definetely recommend !
  5. Apr 8, 2021
    John Mayer at his absolute best. Continuum marks Mayer has transitioning into a new phase of his career and cements his legacy as a great singer/songwriter and a master guitar player. Every track is un-skippable.

  6. Feb 8, 2020
    Mayer’s best work where the guitar leads everything in perfect balance. Blue and pop beautifully combined
  7. Aug 25, 2019
    Beautiful, high fidelity record from a master songwriter. This is probably John Mayer’s best work to date.
  8. May 14, 2016
    This is John Mayer in the zone, Where he born, Mayer makes the blues accessible. Continuum is the most honest album I've ever heard, It's an escape, a kind of break of the music industry these days, It's Mayer coming of age, There are amazing guitar players, good singers, but this is a musician being a true artist.
  9. May 28, 2015
    This is a truly great album that I know I'll be listening to in 10 years time.

    It perfectly exemplifies Mayer's ability to juggle complex, harmonically rich arrangements with beautifully crafted, mature lyrics and effective, simple melody.
  10. Feb 2, 2014
    This is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I know artists hate to be pigeon-holed, but there is nobody else making this stuff. If he doesn't, who will?! This is an amazing blend of pop and blues. Most people, for whatever reason, can't sit through a blues record. Mayer makes the blues accessible.This is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I know artists hate to be pigeon-holed, but there is nobody else making this stuff. If he doesn't, who will?! This is an amazing blend of pop and blues. Most people, for whatever reason, can't sit through a blues record. Mayer makes the blues accessible. This is an all-time Top 10 record in my opinion. Expand
  11. Aug 25, 2013
    This is surely John Mayer's masterpiece in my opinion, in which he combines every influence from the blues to the jazz, pop-rock and so on Surely he gave everything of his own punch, this is the album -talking about style- where you can say "wow, this is John Mayer One of the greatest album ever and this is a MUST LISTEN album
  12. Dec 21, 2012
    John Mayer brings a great sounding album as a matter of fact way better sounding album than his newer music.
  13. Feb 11, 2012
    One of the rare albums where I can listen right through and enjoy every single second of it. Slow dancing in a burning room, vultures, and stop this train are the highlights for me.
  14. DesmondM.
    Sep 8, 2007
    As a musician who loves every side that John Mayer has to offer (from RFS right up to Continuum)I can honestly say that John Mayer is one of the few artists that every thing he puts his finger on turns to gold.The Fact that he surrounds himself with much older amazingly talented musicians is just a small testament to how pure-bred his talent is. Name me another artist who has millions of As a musician who loves every side that John Mayer has to offer (from RFS right up to Continuum)I can honestly say that John Mayer is one of the few artists that every thing he puts his finger on turns to gold.The Fact that he surrounds himself with much older amazingly talented musicians is just a small testament to how pure-bred his talent is. Name me another artist who has millions of teenage girls screaming, not only to chart-topping pop songs, but a fifteen minute guitar solo? Turly a feat for music I'll say!!! I don't have a witty little quote to describe how multi-dimensional the artistic, and musical value of his writing is but all I know is he is a fifteen-year old guitar players hero. Thank you John. Expand
  15. MattD
    Jul 25, 2007
    I thought I would hate this. Really. Waiting on the World to Change is annoying to hear on the radio, but on the album it's the standout track. Before you listen to the album, you have to realize that the only fast songs are WOTWTC and Bold as Love. Once you realize that, the album is amazing, with plenty of heartbreaking ballads. The only songs that aren't as good are the last I thought I would hate this. Really. Waiting on the World to Change is annoying to hear on the radio, but on the album it's the standout track. Before you listen to the album, you have to realize that the only fast songs are WOTWTC and Bold as Love. Once you realize that, the album is amazing, with plenty of heartbreaking ballads. The only songs that aren't as good are the last two, but their lyrical content makes them perfectly placed at the end. Quick Picks: Waiting on the World to Change, The Heart of Life, Bold as Love 5/5 Expand
  16. NickC
    May 9, 2007
    The first album in a ling time that actuallt feels inspired by something.
  17. TroyM
    Apr 14, 2007
    This is one of the only cds that I have on windows media player with a perfect 5 star on every song, that's coming from someone that basically listens to Hip Hop and R&B, that's telling how good this one is...........
  18. Melanie
    Mar 20, 2007
    I comletely fell in love with this album. Slow Dancing, Belief, Gravity, Vulture, basically all the songs are brilliant. And his live performances are even better
  19. ebss
    Feb 14, 2007
    At first listen, I thought continuum was a disappointment. I was so wrong. In fact, it's the best and the most entertaining cd I ever bought. It does need twice and more listening to get it kick in, and once it does, you'll get addicted, especially to Vultures, I don't Trust Myself, Bold as Love
  20. jennifer
    Jan 25, 2007
    Starting with track 2 you immediately feel the down home blues influence in the music and I love it! Belief if beautiful, Gravity is nice, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room is hypnotic. This album has soul and I love the fact that his guitar is getting some real attention on this CD. Make sure you pick this one up. It is well worth it.
  21. RossW
    Jan 24, 2007
    John Mayer's crowning success so far. With Room for Squares he was a shy kid who didn't know stardom, on Heavier Things he was still a kid trying to please the people, but with Continuum, John is himself, and we hear all parts of him through his music. Mayer is the superman of this generation, and hopefully he and a supporting cast of other artists can bring musicianship back John Mayer's crowning success so far. With Room for Squares he was a shy kid who didn't know stardom, on Heavier Things he was still a kid trying to please the people, but with Continuum, John is himself, and we hear all parts of him through his music. Mayer is the superman of this generation, and hopefully he and a supporting cast of other artists can bring musicianship back into the mainstream Expand
  22. SydA
    Dec 24, 2006
    Awesome album...truly can't find a more talented artist out there. Very refreshing.
  23. Steve
    Dec 11, 2006
    Excellent album from John Mayer, possibly the defining artist of his generation.
  24. BB
    Dec 10, 2006
    An instant classic - this will prove to be a defining album for John Mayer and one of the top releases of the decade.
  25. KidB
    Nov 28, 2006
    His best and clearly most consistant effort yet. I don't live in America so don't hear that much about him, my friends from the States feel he is over hyped. I just love his groove man, and he's pushing the boundaries of rock at the moment. There hasn't been many consistant records this year, but this is. A grower as all classic albums should be!
  26. geeunit
    Nov 15, 2006
  27. Chuck
    Nov 10, 2006
    There is nothing better than driving at night with the top down listening to a little John! He is truly one of our generations best talents and should be celebrated. Bravo John, Bravo!
  28. TravisB
    Oct 30, 2006
    Yes, he
  29. SteveJ
    Oct 20, 2006
    This is a fantastic album. People seem to think because John Mayer wrote a few cheesy pop songs he is not talented. If you would have actually listened to the entire album the first three times he had a release you would understand that. Now with his fourth album some people are beginning to come around. Some still do not see the light. Some of us just shrug and say "how much more can This is a fantastic album. People seem to think because John Mayer wrote a few cheesy pop songs he is not talented. If you would have actually listened to the entire album the first three times he had a release you would understand that. Now with his fourth album some people are beginning to come around. Some still do not see the light. Some of us just shrug and say "how much more can this guy do?" In 20 years I will be saying "I told you so" when you are noticing his talent for the first time. Expand
  30. GregO
    Oct 18, 2006
    Perfection! johm Mayer gets the perfect mixture of Blues and Soul! I love this Album!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Blender
    Where his earlier music was a parade of bright primary colors, these plaintive melodies come in delicious shades of gray. [Oct 2006, p.138]
  2. While Continuum doesn’t necessarily contain a sure-thing pop hit, it’s one of the few mainstream pop/rock albums that’s satisfying from the beginning to the end.
  3. With no edge to the songwriting and with such spit-polished, tasteful production, Continuum just doesn't convince as a heady, soulful rock album or as Mayer's creative quantum leap forward.