• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Nov 11, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 333 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 55 out of 333

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  1. NurulA.
    Nov 19, 2008
    David Archuleta has a great voice and talent.. He hits the notes in every song. Can't stop listening to his CD ever since I bought it.
  2. MaryD.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I think This is a great album! It has a good mix of styles and tempos. David has the voice and technique to carry it off. I own the CD and listen tol it constantly.
  3. NancyC.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I love David's voice and this album exceeds even my high expectations for it. There is something for everyone on it, and for the first time ever on an album, there isn't ONE SONG that I don't love. The bonus tracks are all phenomenal, too, and may be even more reflective of where David will go musically in the future. He is only 17 and still experimenting. I really I love David's voice and this album exceeds even my high expectations for it. There is something for everyone on it, and for the first time ever on an album, there isn't ONE SONG that I don't love. The bonus tracks are all phenomenal, too, and may be even more reflective of where David will go musically in the future. He is only 17 and still experimenting. I really don't understand how anyone can call this album bland. The vocals are extremely complicated, and David's unique sound comes through on every song, whether it be the more edgy Desperate or Let Me Go, or the beautiful ballads like To Be With You, You Can and Barriers. I love it! Expand
  4. TomS.
    Nov 19, 2008
    While I had hoped for more depth from Archie, i find myself completely sated with this release and i am convinced that a deeper Archie now would have been too soon in his career and therefore this is perfect.
  5. NancyN.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Best album of the year. A little something for everyone. We love David Archuleta!!!!!
  6. MichelleB.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Best album I've ever came across. Very well done and just amazing for David's first album..great job.
  7. TaraH.
    Nov 19, 2008
    This album is absolutely amazing! David Archuleta has such strong, smooth vocals on this album! He is an unbelievable singer and his songs are so much fun. He really connects emotionally to all his songs and you can really feel that. Awesome!!
  8. MollyK.
    Nov 19, 2008
    David's first CD delivers a lovely blend of top 40 pop along with more intimate and sometimes quirky ballads. The singing is flawless and expressive. Surprisingly, the most moving and memorable pieces--those that best represent Archuleta the artist--are the bonus tracks available only from ITunes, along with one delightful R & B number on the Walmart Delux CD. These are also songs David's first CD delivers a lovely blend of top 40 pop along with more intimate and sometimes quirky ballads. The singing is flawless and expressive. Surprisingly, the most moving and memorable pieces--those that best represent Archuleta the artist--are the bonus tracks available only from ITunes, along with one delightful R & B number on the Walmart Delux CD. These are also songs that Archuleta either wrote himself or co-authored, namely, "Falling" (the most evocative song of the bunch and one penned entirely by Archuleta), "Somebody Out There" (touchingly intimate with a wonderfully simple yet jaunty guitar intro), "Works for Me," and the vocally soaring "A Little Too Not Over You" (with the most clever lyrics of all and fun metric play between duple and triple time). "A Little Too Not Over You" is one of the 12 standard tracks available on all versions of the album. Jive set out to display David's vocal versatility, and they succeeded ten fold. And to think the entire 17+ tracks were composed and recorded in only a few months (on days off during the American Idol tour and slightly after) leaves me breathless and amazed. David Archuleta the album is not only fun and catchy, the stuff of top-of-the pops, but in its best moments, extremely touching. Regardless of how critics and pseudo-critics love to pan anything American Idol, one cannot deny that this is a well-crafted and beautifully delivered first CD. Buy it! Expand
  9. ReginaR.
    Nov 19, 2008
    This CD by David Archuleta is beautiful and smooth music that will amaze and enlighten listeners. It's a great pop album that includes some R&B and Soul sounds also. You should check it out!
  10. ArleneJ.
    Nov 19, 2008
    David Archuleta's album rocks! I love the variety of different styles of music, and his voice is one of the best I've EVER heard!
  11. AnneW.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Very good music and vocals from a 17 year old. Also the lyrics are well composed! Love each song Love "Works for me" the best
  12. MaryO.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Fantastic! Especially love the bonus track "Falling," written by David at age 14. Can't wait to see what this immensely gifted young singer does next.
  13. SharleeD.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I LOVE this entire album. I actually like the bonus tracks (available on iTunes) the best. What an amazing singer!
  14. AldyC.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Great pop album and really great vocals! Love all the songs including the bonus tracks!
  15. NancyR.
    Nov 19, 2008
    This is the best album I have owned in 45 years. I love every track and can't get enough of it. Awesome debut album with a great variety.
  16. RebeccaB.
    Nov 19, 2008
    David Archuleta at his finest. His musicality shines though each and every song. Listen and feel the raw emotion he is able to bring with each note. You will be drawn in to the songs.
  17. BiancaN.
    Nov 19, 2008
    A super debut by a charming young vocalist, this album contains mostly poppy songs with great hooks. However if you look deeper you find that the 17-year-old artist has begun to co-write his own material. Plus the lyrics are very thoughtful and the styles are diverse. A very listenable album!
  18. TarynP.
    Nov 19, 2008
    I love this CD, including all the bonus tracks. Of course Crush is great, but I'm also really enjoying Your Eyes Don't Lie and To Be With You a lot. The songs all get stuck in my head and I find myself humming them without realizing it.
  19. ClaraS.
    Nov 19, 2008
    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, best album I've ever owned! BEST voice I heard in a long time WOW
  20. PhilipD.
    Nov 19, 2008
    Great debut for an amazing young man!
  21. DoreenN.
    Nov 19, 2008
    He is an amazingly talented singer and to think he's only 17! The CD is awesome and he only had 6 months to work on it while performing on the AI tour. I'm a fan of David's for life.
  22. Karlv
    Nov 25, 2008
    Very disappointed with this album. The singer has a good voice but that doesn't stand out and doesn't have any passion. Sings everything song the same way. Most of the songs are very immature and sound almost the same, ordinary disney pop. It's like a mix CD but where the singer is the same. Lacks quality.
  23. JaneH
    Nov 25, 2008
    I loved Archie on Idol and I love Crush. The rest of the album is only so-so for me. He has a great talent and I know his next effort will better play to his strengths.
  24. RoseS.
    Nov 25, 2008
    David Archuleta does decently with his self-titled debut. It was one I enjoyed, but wish I could have felt more attached to in some measures. Songs like "Crush", "You Can", "Desperate", "Running", and his rendition of Robbie Williams' "Angels" are stellar offerings, some are lighthearted and sweet with his vocals, while others choose to push his genre boundaries while remaining David Archuleta does decently with his self-titled debut. It was one I enjoyed, but wish I could have felt more attached to in some measures. Songs like "Crush", "You Can", "Desperate", "Running", and his rendition of Robbie Williams' "Angels" are stellar offerings, some are lighthearted and sweet with his vocals, while others choose to push his genre boundaries while remaining meaningful. The problem I had with David's debut was that there were just as many songs that didn't bring out the best in his vocals from a conviction standpoint. They're nice from a pop-listening standpoint, but I found it hard to feel invested in the emotions exuded by the songs on many levels, and his vocals weren't made to be as indicative of his potential as they could have been. In the end, I liked the album, but felt like it could have brought more to the table. Expand
  25. SteveL
    Nov 25, 2008
    Sorry, I am not fond of this album at all. May not be my kind of music, but I found I couldn't listen to this all the way through. I think the term is "over-producd".
  26. TerryR.
    Nov 25, 2008
    It pains me to say that I am disappointed. I really liked DA on the show and tour and think he is a really nice kid with a super voice. Loved Angels and Stand By Me and the Groban song on the tour. I wish this album were more like those songs, where that beautiful voice could shine. Unfortunately, this album is tweeny cookie cutter over-produced pop, full of gimmicks and sub-par material. It pains me to say that I am disappointed. I really liked DA on the show and tour and think he is a really nice kid with a super voice. Loved Angels and Stand By Me and the Groban song on the tour. I wish this album were more like those songs, where that beautiful voice could shine. Unfortunately, this album is tweeny cookie cutter over-produced pop, full of gimmicks and sub-par material. I hope as DA matures he will have the opportunity to make an album that will truly showcase his considerable talent. Until then... I will have to pass. Expand
  27. JulieG.
    Nov 25, 2008
    I expected more from this young man. He sounds like he wants to sound like everyone else out there. He has too big of a gift in his voice to have been wasted on this over produced effort.
  28. SteveG
    Nov 25, 2008
    Pretty awful. I mean, Archie's got a great voice, and this doesn't do him justice. This could be any pop star out of the pop star factory. I know going the Josh Grobin route wouldn't sell as much, but I think it would make for much better music.
  29. ScottD
    Nov 25, 2008
    Sorry, but this is bad. This is empty pop drivel with no depth or artistry. It will appeal to teenage girls, but not much else. Stay away if you hate bubble gum ballads and Nickelodeon.
  30. Juand
    Nov 25, 2008
    I really do not like this type of album. There is no appeal whatsoever and the young kid has no character in his voice whatsoever.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. So, it delivers exactly what Archuleta promised on the show: something sweet and safe, utterly old-fashioned and forgettable.
  2. A silky tenor with a natural melancholy that makes him a heartbreaker by default. His charming debut exploits that very quality with some strokes of pop genius.
  3. Happily, in a genre where the urge is to err on the side of overwrought, someone smart decided to stick with tasteful, understated production. Archuleta's delivery is likewise low-key and attractive, if predictably generic.