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Generally favorable reviews- based on 300 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 300
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  1. Apr 13, 2019
    Death of a Bachelor feels more like a compilation than an album. None of the songs really fit together very well, which really ruins the overall experience for me. There are a few songs that stand out to me (like Emperor's New Clothes) which I really enjoy, but for me the whole project is very forgettable.
  2. Feb 21, 2017
    O álbum mais pop da banda, onde se nota o impacto da ausência de seus ex integrantes. Ainda assim, um bom álbum, de fácil audição e que conta com uma das melhores canções do Panic! até hoje: "Death of a Bachelor".

    Victorious: 5 Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time: 7 Hallelujah: 9 Emperor's New Clothes: 7 Death of a Bachelor: 10 Crazy=Genius: 6 LA Devotee: 5 Golden Days: 7 The
    O álbum mais pop da banda, onde se nota o impacto da ausência de seus ex integrantes. Ainda assim, um bom álbum, de fácil audição e que conta com uma das melhores canções do Panic! até hoje: "Death of a Bachelor".

    Victorious: 5
    Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time: 7
    Hallelujah: 9
    Emperor's New Clothes: 7
    Death of a Bachelor: 10
    Crazy=Genius: 6
    LA Devotee: 5
    Golden Days: 7
    The Good, the Bad and the Dirty: 5
    House of Memories: 5
    Impossible Year: 8

    Total: 6,7
  3. Mar 24, 2016
    I've always felt Panic! lacked a full sound after Pretty. Odd. , when almost all the members left. With Brendan Urie being the only member left, the sound fully manifested into a straight pop album. The emotional depth and lyrical brilliance has faded away. I will say, however, that Crazy=Genius, the title track, and Impossible Year were welcome jazz editions. Had Urie focused more on hisI've always felt Panic! lacked a full sound after Pretty. Odd. , when almost all the members left. With Brendan Urie being the only member left, the sound fully manifested into a straight pop album. The emotional depth and lyrical brilliance has faded away. I will say, however, that Crazy=Genius, the title track, and Impossible Year were welcome jazz editions. Had Urie focused more on his Sinatra influence, this album would have become less boring and to be honest annoying (at times i.e. Victorious). He put in good effort, but it lacked the depth and interesting sound I look for in a Panic album. Expand
  4. Mar 6, 2016
    On Panic!'s last album (Too Weird To Live Too Rare To Die!) Brendon wanted to originally write Girl That You Love entirely in French and someone either in the band or producing the record it was like "Uh, Brendon no you can't do that" and on this record it definitely feels like there was nobody there to tell Brendon not to do anything. It feels off the rails, chaotic, and has no realOn Panic!'s last album (Too Weird To Live Too Rare To Die!) Brendon wanted to originally write Girl That You Love entirely in French and someone either in the band or producing the record it was like "Uh, Brendon no you can't do that" and on this record it definitely feels like there was nobody there to tell Brendon not to do anything. It feels off the rails, chaotic, and has no real direction. Seriously! Compare Emperor's New Clothes to the eponymous track that is placed right after it and they could very well be from two completely different albums. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time, while a fun tune has some of the laziest lyrics ever to come from Panic! and it just really feels like a step down from TWTLTRTD, which was amazing, concise, and feels like it hit its stride on every track. There are some standout tracks on Death Of A Bachelor, such as Golden Days and LA Devotee but for the most part the record is just a bit...forgettable. And the way that it starts off with something as pumped up as Victorious but ends with such a whimper like Impossible Year is just...bleh. Also this might just be me but the album is REALLY loud, like not in a good way. Victorious could probably make my ears bleed if I played it at 100% volume . Anyways honestly the record isn't the worst thing to ever grace my ears and it's fun but there's definitely improvements that could've been made to elevate it to another level. If you like P!ATD you'll probably enjoy this record. Expand
  5. Jan 20, 2016
    Panic! at the Disco is now a solo act for lead vocalist Brendon Urie, and he's doing all the vocals, all guitar, all bass, most keyboard parts, most drum parts, and most backing vocals. The only thing completely left to session musicians here is the brass. However, this album doesn't totally succeed. Despite the dynamic instrumentation, Urie's awesome vocal range, and the cool jazz,Panic! at the Disco is now a solo act for lead vocalist Brendon Urie, and he's doing all the vocals, all guitar, all bass, most keyboard parts, most drum parts, and most backing vocals. The only thing completely left to session musicians here is the brass. However, this album doesn't totally succeed. Despite the dynamic instrumentation, Urie's awesome vocal range, and the cool jazz, hip-hop, EDM, and classic rock influences, this record feels a little empty. There are too many different styles going on here, and even though that's really commendable the album feels a little in-cohesive. Urie also tends to find himself going too safe on
    the production here as well, with a lack of grit or adventure being present. The lyrics are occasionally interesting or very well done, but overall Brendon just never gained the best footing lyrically (and it really shows often on this record). That being said, many of the songs on the record are fun and show off Brendon's diverse influences quite well.

    Favorite Tracks:
    -Golden Days
    -The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty

    Least Favorite Tracks:
    -Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time
    -House of Memories
  6. Jan 17, 2016
    Anyone giving this a 10 knows nothing about reviewing an album. First of all yes the albums good its not amazing and that's what a 10 is. The album has good songs and some that are just plain annoying. Lets be honest nothing on this album will revive P!@TD. Its just another decent album from an aging band who is slowly losing it relevance in this overly populated industry.
  7. Jan 16, 2016
    I don't know if the problem lies on the uninspired lyrics or in the fact that I was used to the undeniable greatness of 'Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!', but 'Death of Bachelor' got me so underwhelmed. It's a short, predictable album. I kept waiting for another track to hook me up just like 'Emperor's New Clothes' did when it was released. Didn't happened. They raised my expectationsI don't know if the problem lies on the uninspired lyrics or in the fact that I was used to the undeniable greatness of 'Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!', but 'Death of Bachelor' got me so underwhelmed. It's a short, predictable album. I kept waiting for another track to hook me up just like 'Emperor's New Clothes' did when it was released. Didn't happened. They raised my expectations a little too much. 'Golden Days' is pretty good, tho. I don't hate it, but doesn't worth the money. It lacks the geniality of 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out' and the maturity of 'Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!'. Still love the band. Expand
  8. Jan 15, 2016
    I don't completely hate Panic's new record, but I assuredly do not enjoy it, either. The instrumentation is terribly bland, the songwriting sounds uninspired, and the style presented on Death of a Bachelor has been overdone to a pulp. I know quite a few people have been enjoying this new record, but it simply does nothing for me.
  9. Jan 15, 2016
    Esperaba mucho del disco y la verdad fue un poco decepcionante, es bastante lamentable si lo comparamos con su antecesor "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!" (2013) que a pesar de la poca relevancia que tuvo en su momento es toda una joya. Esto se veía venir desde que se estrenó "Hallelujah" como primer sencillo del álbum, pero aun así mis expectativas se mantenían altas gracias a losEsperaba mucho del disco y la verdad fue un poco decepcionante, es bastante lamentable si lo comparamos con su antecesor "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!" (2013) que a pesar de la poca relevancia que tuvo en su momento es toda una joya. Esto se veía venir desde que se estrenó "Hallelujah" como primer sencillo del álbum, pero aun así mis expectativas se mantenían altas gracias a los siguientes sencillos; "Emperor's New Clothes" y "Death of a Bachelor" . Claramente es el peor disco de la banda hasta el momento, se nota la ausencia de varios integrantes Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jan 27, 2016
    On balance Death of a Bachelor is a commendable success.
  2. Jan 27, 2016
    Ultimately, Death of a Bachelor marks the final transformation of Panic! At the Disco from egalitarian emo band to collaborative pop band headed with singular charisma by Urie the uncontested chairman.
  3. Simply put, Death of a Bachelor is exactly the hot mess it wants to be. It’s been a while since I’ve heard an album that’s so divisive in its quality, so manic on one end and so lazy on the other.