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Generally favorable reviews- based on 300 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 300
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  1. Jan 15, 2016
    It is definitely one of my favourite Panic! At The Disco albums, it's the first one that has no bad songs, in my opinion of course. I fell in love with every single song as they came out and when the full album came out today I listened non-stop. Golden Days, Emperor's New Clothes, Don't Threaten Me With A good Time and House Of Memories are my personal favourites, but they are all incredible.
  2. Feb 18, 2016
    Urie is close. Really close. Tracks like Emporer's New Clothes and yes, even Death of a Bachelor show Urie's range and talent without sounding too much like Fall Out Boy which, I'm afraid, has always been Panic!'s thorn in its side. His musical genius is obvious, its just finding something that will appeal to more of the mainstream crowd that will ultimately determine if Urie truly isUrie is close. Really close. Tracks like Emporer's New Clothes and yes, even Death of a Bachelor show Urie's range and talent without sounding too much like Fall Out Boy which, I'm afraid, has always been Panic!'s thorn in its side. His musical genius is obvious, its just finding something that will appeal to more of the mainstream crowd that will ultimately determine if Urie truly is destined to be of caliber to the next Sinatra since, lets face it, Urie is no Michael Buble (which could be a good thing). Some of his tracks are still too emo-sounding or Fall Out Boy-sounding, which is when Urie is at his worse. It's tough when your voice sounds exactly the same as another pop band's leader. But, like I said, this effort is probably the closest Urie has gotten to developing his own, mainstream niche. Expand
  3. Jan 15, 2016
    Even though we see another instance of a band, seemingly being afraid to be true-rock (for whatever reason), as compositions, all tracks here are solid. They are infectious, powerful, energetic and atmospheric. The album absolutely resonates with the accurate sound of the era, while bringing lots of fresh ideas and nuances to the mix. Even though the lyrics are lackluster at best, theyEven though we see another instance of a band, seemingly being afraid to be true-rock (for whatever reason), as compositions, all tracks here are solid. They are infectious, powerful, energetic and atmospheric. The album absolutely resonates with the accurate sound of the era, while bringing lots of fresh ideas and nuances to the mix. Even though the lyrics are lackluster at best, they cling to the proper language that suits the chosen styles. The ammount of hits in this pack is astounding. "Death of a Bachelor" is one of PATD's strongest releases. It's filled with interesting ideas, that end up sticking on your mind. The entire pop-wraper of the post-productions leaves a bitter-sweet taste in the mouth, as when hearing the band playing live, it's not exactly the same. Even at that, the music here is a very succesfull mix of neo-jazz and rock (sprinkled with needless pop elements), which will certainly appeal to most people, who don't mindlessly hate, but actually listen to the music at hand. Panic! At The Disco have raised the bar for themselves once again, proving that they are very tallented musicians, but ultimately the want to please everyone brings their work down. Expand
  4. Jan 16, 2016
    Honestly, it's not not perfect, but compared to other Panic! At The Disco albums I wholeheartedly enjoyed the songs and the throwback to swing and older music such as Franz Ferdinand, but it doesn't have a theme or genera in which to fit into. It feels more like a collage or collection of songs than a themed album, but over all I loved it and it will take up many hours of my time justHonestly, it's not not perfect, but compared to other Panic! At The Disco albums I wholeheartedly enjoyed the songs and the throwback to swing and older music such as Franz Ferdinand, but it doesn't have a theme or genera in which to fit into. It feels more like a collage or collection of songs than a themed album, but over all I loved it and it will take up many hours of my time just sitting there and enjoying it.

    A Bored 14 year old.
  5. Jan 16, 2016
    Passionate and beautifully evolved, "Panic At The Disco" (Brendon Urie) created an album full of emotion, powerful rhythms and excellent vocals, that in the end is one of their very best.
  6. Jan 15, 2016
    Realmente uma obra-prima, e quem poderia dizer que, depois de 10 anos de banda, a estrela principal ainda seria Brendon Urie em si. Melhores: Death Of a Bahcelor, Impossible Year, Golden Days
  7. Jan 15, 2016
    One of their best! Brendon Urie only get better and better as musician. Golden Days is a masterpiece. This album has no bad songs, they all amazing!!!
  8. Jan 15, 2016
    Um dos melhores álbuns deles sim, principalmente considerando que agora Brendon Urie é o único integrante oficial da banda. Boa produção, composições e melodias. NEM SÓ DE METACRITIC VIVERÁ O HOMEM!
  9. Jan 15, 2016
    It is hectic , and different kind of innovative. Mr. Urie does not make a better album than its predecessor , but is able to maintain the same quality.
  10. Jan 20, 2016
    Who: The Brendon Urie Band
    What: Brendon Urie writing songs that would be incredible if performed by Disney villains
    Where: Fall Out Boy's shadow
    When (can I listen again): Whenever you want vindication for Ryan Ross being kicked out of the band
    Why: It's simply 11 really solid pop hits with no depth, and hey, sometimes that's all we need to hear
  11. Jan 15, 2016
    Certainly one of the catchiest and most fun albums released in quite some time, it is, admittedly, quite short however. Seeing as 6 of the 11 songs were pre-released as singles or promotional stunts ahead of time, the release of the album itself was less exciting than it could have been. All in all, still a great release from Panic! At the Disco. I can definitely see myself enjoying thisCertainly one of the catchiest and most fun albums released in quite some time, it is, admittedly, quite short however. Seeing as 6 of the 11 songs were pre-released as singles or promotional stunts ahead of time, the release of the album itself was less exciting than it could have been. All in all, still a great release from Panic! At the Disco. I can definitely see myself enjoying this album for months to come! Expand
  12. Jan 15, 2016
    This is a pretty decent album. No really terrible songs. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time is probably the best of the bunch on this one. I rate 9/10
  13. Jan 16, 2016
    This album is as good as A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Brendon's vocals are great in this record. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time, Emperor's New Clothes and Crazy=Genius are the best songs of the album
  14. Jan 21, 2016
    The album is a spectacular journey that portrays Urie as a self destructive man that seems to not want to be fixed until the final half, in which he recognizes the mistakes he has made. Thoroughly enjoyable. My personal favorite is Golden Days.
  15. Oct 30, 2017
  16. Apr 15, 2020
    My favorite álbum, a masterpiece, this is an álbum that screams every where Brendon Urie and i like that
  17. Apr 27, 2017
    It's been over a year since this album came out and I'm still obsessed. There is not a track I don't like. My top 3 would be: LA Devotee, Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time, and The Good, the Bad and the Dirty. Check it out if you're a fan.
  18. Jan 19, 2016
    It's nice to see how Urie managed to sustain P!ATD creative power while the group was falling apart. Death of a Bachelor contains some of the theatrical elements that earned fans at the band's apex 10 years ago, but doesn't bring anything really new or innovative. This album is no masterpiece, but it overcompensates with fun.
  19. Feb 4, 2016
    Now that Brendon Urie is the only remaining member of Panic! at the Disco, he has created an album that can be personal while still being true to the band's unique style. Every song has meaning while still being fun enough to listen to multiple times.
  20. Feb 5, 2016
    Eu acho o melhor álbum deles, um dos melhores lançamentos do ano (sei que está "meio" cedo para dizer isso, mas, não tenho sombra de dúvidas que o álbum não deixará de ser um dos melhores lançamentos de 2016), "Death Of A Bachelor" a faixa-título do CD é a minha favorita e a melhor, merece mais reconhecimento, apesar de estrear em #1 na Billboard 200.
  21. Feb 3, 2016
    If you've ever enjoyed Panic! At The Disco then this album surely wont disappoint. Musically there are familiar fun and up tempo thrills but Brendon Urie also touches on a few hints of a more classic jazz and swing sound. Its certainly more mature than some previous efforts, but lyrically there are still pitfalls and a comparison to Brian Wilson which albeit brash, is still utterlyIf you've ever enjoyed Panic! At The Disco then this album surely wont disappoint. Musically there are familiar fun and up tempo thrills but Brendon Urie also touches on a few hints of a more classic jazz and swing sound. Its certainly more mature than some previous efforts, but lyrically there are still pitfalls and a comparison to Brian Wilson which albeit brash, is still utterly delusional... Still, unlike the the end of bachelorhood, there will be no regrets here.
    My Top Tracks: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time, Death of a Bachelor, Golden Days
  22. Feb 7, 2016
    Panic! at the Disco's new album "Death of a Bachelor" is something that we as fans haven't heard in their sound since their beginning. I think the new sound on "Hallelujah" and "Victorious" are fantastic. They continue to be lyrical and Brenden Urie's voice gives a new life to the music.
  23. Feb 18, 2016
    This is what Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby soundtrack would sound like if done by Panic! Main gripe is it feels like a collection of songs, not a unified project.

    Favorite Tracks: Victorious, Hallelujah, Emperor's New Clothes, Death Of A Bachelor, Crazy=Genius, Golden Days, House of Memories, and Impossible Year.
  24. Mar 7, 2016
    This is amazing, the music, lead singer's voice and atmosphere it is all purely amazing.
    I really enjoyed this album especially lead singer's voice, holy bananas , it is just phenomenal.
    I would also recommend you watching the music video for the song "Emperor's New Clothes" it needs Jesus but it is really good.
  25. Feb 29, 2016
    This is Panic! At The Disco's second best album, coming close behind A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. This is a collection of songs that are both fun to listen to and sing along with.
  26. Sep 16, 2018
    This may be one of the most vibrant albums I've ever heard. The songs are catchy, energetic and great fun. In Brendon's first solo project, he is confident enough to showcase his stronger-than-ever vibrant presence.
  27. Nov 5, 2016
    Clever blend of new and old styles of music and never has a dull moment. The ranges covered are fantastic and the songs are extremely catchy. Not the most positive of lyrics at times but overall a great album.
  28. May 3, 2017
    One of my favorite albums of 2016. Takes elements from the debut classic A Fever You Can't Sweat Out but more pop and jazz influences. Urie's best vocal performance to date.
  29. Jun 19, 2018
    Tentando entender ainda essa nota pela crítica. Esse é o album que marca a nova era do Panic e principalmente com a personalidade do Brendon mais evidente. Com um pouco de Jazz (Brendon sempre falou ser fã de Sinatra) e guitarras fortes (Victorious). Com certeza meu favorito.
  30. Aug 18, 2017
    Death of A Bachelor is an enjoyable album throughout, even pretty at moments.

    It isn't lyrically incredible, but the music is energetic and it doesn't get full of itself in length (the album is only 11 tracks long). If you like Panic! At the Disco already, yeah, you'll enjoy it. If you like the alternative rock archetype without much of a story, you'll enjoy it. If not, there isn't
    Death of A Bachelor is an enjoyable album throughout, even pretty at moments.

    It isn't lyrically incredible, but the music is energetic and it doesn't get full of itself in length (the album is only 11 tracks long).

    If you like Panic! At the Disco already, yeah, you'll enjoy it. If you like the alternative rock archetype without much of a story, you'll enjoy it. If not, there isn't much else to convince you that this genre is that good.

    Personal favorites: Impossible Year, Death Of A Bachelor, and Emperor's New Clothes.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jan 27, 2016
    On balance Death of a Bachelor is a commendable success.
  2. Jan 27, 2016
    Ultimately, Death of a Bachelor marks the final transformation of Panic! At the Disco from egalitarian emo band to collaborative pop band headed with singular charisma by Urie the uncontested chairman.
  3. Simply put, Death of a Bachelor is exactly the hot mess it wants to be. It’s been a while since I’ve heard an album that’s so divisive in its quality, so manic on one end and so lazy on the other.