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Universal acclaim- based on 161 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 12 out of 161

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  1. Nov 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. best brand new album so far. sounfd familiar yet unique. you can truly feel jesse’s pain Expand
  2. Aug 29, 2019
    A vast step-up from their mediocre debut, Brand New finds their footing and kickstarts their career.
    The sound has been improved upon, definitely, but they still needed a bit more maturing. The album sounds like a product of its time, not to say that it hasn't aged well, but there could be some improvements, and it can sound similar to some other albums of its time (although that would
    A vast step-up from their mediocre debut, Brand New finds their footing and kickstarts their career.
    The sound has been improved upon, definitely, but they still needed a bit more maturing. The album sounds like a product of its time, not to say that it hasn't aged well, but there could be some improvements, and it can sound similar to some other albums of its time (although that would explain the title). I'm not complaining, though, because the album still rocks.
    The guitars are raging and angry, like the chorus of "Jaws Theme Swimming", but the band does utilise acoustic guitars, which is used to great effect on "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot". Lacey's vocals have gotten a lot better too, and he shines especially on the slower tracks.
    The lyrics have improved drastically too. While a bit melodramatic, and no match for the album's follow-up, the band's takes on more mature topics, and some of the band's best lines come from this album.
    Overall, this is a remarkable album that, while sounding the tiniest bit dated, is incredibly consistent and a step in the right direction for the band. And it was only uphill from here.
    Favourites: The Quiet Things That No-One Knows, Jaws Theme Swimming, Guernica
    Least Favourites: Tatou, Play Crack the Sky
  3. Jul 21, 2018
    The perfect Post-hardcore / Punk Rock album. Everything works perfectly on this album.
  4. Feb 13, 2016
    Jesse Lacey appears to be a very intelligent and thoughtful young man with a more focus on a french poetic sort of song writing mode. Through this Lacey seems to be able to paint pictures on a canvas using his words and does a beautiful job on it, if I may say so. My issue comes as far as this: I've heard the album too much. I fell in love with the album, the simple yet positive beatsJesse Lacey appears to be a very intelligent and thoughtful young man with a more focus on a french poetic sort of song writing mode. Through this Lacey seems to be able to paint pictures on a canvas using his words and does a beautiful job on it, if I may say so. My issue comes as far as this: I've heard the album too much. I fell in love with the album, the simple yet positive beats drawing me into the songs, the lyrics spoken more beautifully than anything I've ever seen, and yet it all turns sour after a while. I tried to learn the songs on guitar hoping to draw away from this fact but that just made me realize how simple and repetitive the song style of Brand New truly was. I saw through the facade that the style seemed to cast and soon realized it was simply the same idea. 1) Figure out a catchy, simple to play hook (preferably guitar) 2) Vary that hook slightly in repetition 3) repeat 1-2 about 2-4 times and the rest is really just simple chords. So overall I really enjoyed the music, and I don't hate it at all but I am, however, slightly let down by how simple the style really is. Expand
  5. Sep 17, 2013
    My favorite album of all time, bar none. It came out when I was 9, and my sister was and is a Brand New fangirl, so I grew up with this song playing in the background and it didn't take long until it had an undying impact and influence on me. It's truly underrated and genre-defining.
  6. Apr 26, 2012
    This is one of my favorite albums. One of the reasons is because it got me through a breakup, as pathetic as that sounds. The songs manage to blend together very nicely. Between emo, alternative, and acoustic, it works beautifully. I would totally give this album a 15 if I could. Lacey spreads all his feelings on the table for us, and it is something that we can feel sorrow for, but yetThis is one of my favorite albums. One of the reasons is because it got me through a breakup, as pathetic as that sounds. The songs manage to blend together very nicely. Between emo, alternative, and acoustic, it works beautifully. I would totally give this album a 15 if I could. Lacey spreads all his feelings on the table for us, and it is something that we can feel sorrow for, but yet appreciate greatly. Love it. Expand
  7. Aug 6, 2011
    Lyrically, it's a powerhouse. I'm not one to listen to this kind of music, but I'll be damned if Brand New can't write a song/album. They've continued to impress me in a genre that holds no interest with me. Every song here is brilliant.
  8. SarahH.
    May 17, 2008
    If this album doesn't move you by first listen, go back and listen to the lyrics. Then get ready to sell your soul to Jesse Lacey's pen.
  9. ajr
    May 8, 2008
    This album is straight up genius! Each and every song is brilliant and the lyrics are amazingly deep. On disc they sound terrific, and seeing them live is even better. This album has it all. I will always love this cd and I try to listen to at least a few songs each day. Thats how great it is.
  10. sisic
    Feb 20, 2007
    This band is by far the most genius band ive ever listened to!! they're lyrics are un-real!! I LOVE BRAND NEW!! and if u dont have the album, go cop that
  11. AshG
    Feb 3, 2007
    Without doubt the best album I've ever listened to
  12. ChrisH
    Jan 12, 2007
    This is emo's "Pet Sounds."
  13. BenW
    Jan 11, 2007
    Brilliant. It is only eclipsed by The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me. Also, not "emo." All the critics are ridiculous to give it ratings under 90.
  14. RodY
    Nov 19, 2006
    too good
  15. anna
    Oct 21, 2006
    hate or love emo, the album is an accomplishment. lacey emulates his hero, morrisey, in more ways than one.
  16. JennaP
    May 26, 2006
    I buy two CD's a week so I own hundreds (everything from Michael Jackson to M.I.A. to Thursday) but Deja Entendu remains one of my all-time favorites. I'm sort of dissapointed by its low rating but that shouldn't deter anyone from buying this record. The depth of Jesse Lacey's lyrics are reason enough to buy it. Not every band can sell over 500,000 records on an indie I buy two CD's a week so I own hundreds (everything from Michael Jackson to M.I.A. to Thursday) but Deja Entendu remains one of my all-time favorites. I'm sort of dissapointed by its low rating but that shouldn't deter anyone from buying this record. The depth of Jesse Lacey's lyrics are reason enough to buy it. Not every band can sell over 500,000 records on an indie label and have a third release so eagerly awaited that it ranked as AP's most anticipated release in 2005, a year and a half ago! This is amazing work. Expand
  17. Jon
    Apr 4, 2006
    Amazing cd
  18. DaveyB
    Mar 31, 2006
    Right I hate emo.... But I love this album, its delicate yet hard, funny yet sad and cheesey yet original. This is one of the best albums I have heard EVER! Buy it.
  19. KennyM
    Mar 2, 2006
    amazing and poetic
  20. Alexis
    Feb 4, 2006
    I really like this cd.
  21. Rudiger
    Jan 31, 2006
    The second album by the only strictly emo band who are willing to think out of the box is although lyrically amazing feels slightly empty. It doesn't leave you wanting more which i imagine was what was wanted by the band but needing more.
  22. Adam
    Sep 28, 2005
    Honestly one of the best cds I have bought, Probably the BEST. The lyrics on this cd are very powerful. Every song on this cd is incredible. My personal favorits are "Okay I believe you, but my tommy gun don't" and "Play Crack The Sky".
  23. AndyF
    Sep 21, 2005
    This has to be one of the best albums i've heard. Both musically and lyrically is fantastic.
  24. KifL
    Sep 15, 2005
    the most poetic album of the last 10 years
  25. GlennM
    Aug 28, 2005
    more power to this cd because fav. weapon was a cheesy peice crap. i feel these guys are way better than the stupid bands thier compared to (tbs)(dashboard confessional)
  26. GregB
    Feb 7, 2005
    This album changed my life.
  27. RachelB
    Jan 30, 2005
    They are the kewlest!!!
  28. RachelM
    Jan 30, 2005
    This is the best C.D. ever! any body who does not like this C.D. has the worst taste in music ever! Their song are the kewlest! its like they know excatly how I feel about every thing and made song about it! I love Brand New!!!
  29. ZachO
    Jan 30, 2005
    The sophomore effort from Brand New is their best yet, and will be a hard act to follow for the rest of their carrer. Listen to "Jaws Theme Swimming" or "Okay, I Believe you, but my tommy gun don't" if you want indistpuable proof.
  30. RachelG
    Jan 30, 2005
    This is the best C.D. ever made! I love Brand New and all of there song! they are the kewlest band yet!
  31. jasonw
    Jan 23, 2005
    wow this was way better than their first......can't wait for the third album
  32. Cuinn
    Nov 4, 2004
    Deffinitly a 10, these guys are so awesome. I got their cd almost a year ago from now and been listening to these song since. It's like you cant get sick of these guys, cause their just so great. "I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light" is a FANTASTIC song. One of my favorites, even though all of the songs are my favorite.. haha. I love the lyrics to each of Brand New's Deffinitly a 10, these guys are so awesome. I got their cd almost a year ago from now and been listening to these song since. It's like you cant get sick of these guys, cause their just so great. "I Will Play My Game Beneath the Spin Light" is a FANTASTIC song. One of my favorites, even though all of the songs are my favorite.. haha. I love the lyrics to each of Brand New's song, cause they're not like any others. I got hook on the phrase in the song "Okay I Believe You, but my Tommy Gun Don't", (Oh my tongue's the only muscle on my body that works harder than my heart). I also love the chorus to that song cause they just slide on into the chorus. and it sounds great. I only hope that this band keeps making many more cds. I will buy every single last one. You guys are so talented keep on producing such great music. You guy are my favorite band forever! Expand
  33. John
    Aug 18, 2004
    I've listened to this cd SO many times and these guys are just kool kats, their lyrics are clever, they sound different in every one of their songs, and they have just wonderful style. Although it's hard to choose one fav song from a brilliant album like this, I think I'd say mine is #10 "Good to know that if I ever need attention all I have to do is die" haha even their I've listened to this cd SO many times and these guys are just kool kats, their lyrics are clever, they sound different in every one of their songs, and they have just wonderful style. Although it's hard to choose one fav song from a brilliant album like this, I think I'd say mine is #10 "Good to know that if I ever need attention all I have to do is die" haha even their song titles rule Expand
  34. BrandonL
    Aug 6, 2004
    Pure genius! A remarkable addition to the the brand new scrapbook. can you rate this disc anything less than a 10? The answer is no. It's impossible.
  35. joshc
    Jul 26, 2004
    deffinitly a 10 nothing less becauses of there creative emotion filled lyrics the rock live!
  36. SamG
    Jul 19, 2004
    Ultimately my favourite CD of all time because it is so full of emotion and meaning and creativity...
  37. charlesw
    Jun 9, 2004
    Brand New poduces albums, not songs. They don't have singles because every song on there new and old cd have something new to offer. Seventy times seven one of my favorites.
  38. karlyl
    Jun 2, 2004
    Brand new is the best band I have ever listened to. When it comes to how much I love them it almost makes me cry. literally. omg. they are just so great. The boy who blocked his own shot. Whoa...that song just literally blew me away. Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades is unbelievable. hell, all their music is unbelievable.
  39. justinh
    May 4, 2004
    This rox!!!!!!
  40. KeithE
    Apr 30, 2004
    This is a fantastic album. They mix hard hitting hit songs such as Sic Transit Gloria with slower but still meaningful songs. I love this album, and I will be watching for future releases from BRAND NEW!
  41. rach
    Apr 28, 2004
    best band ever. love. guernica is a good song, what's your deal with it? jesse loves his grandpa.. get the hell over it. deja entendu is awesome. yfw is awesome. brand new is AWESOME!
  42. hollypops
    Apr 19, 2004
    brand new isn't even emo. i'm from their hometown and my best friend lives across the street from them. i go to school with his little brothers and sister. they're def the best band i've ever listened to. they're not too hardcore ..they're just right. i love them so much and i hope they keep playing music for a really long time =)
  43. mollyb
    Feb 16, 2004
    ...fresh and emotional, deep but catchy
  44. Sam
    Feb 8, 2004
    The underlying brilliance on this CD is that Brand New has fused the mall-emo cute-boy-breakup formula of Saves the Day, The Get Up Kids, Midtown, et al. with the poetically damaged edge of Thursday, Jawbreaker, and virtually the whole Saddle Creek roster. It's formulaic on some levels, it's poppy; but so were the Beatles, Nirvana, the Sex Pistols, and virtually every other act The underlying brilliance on this CD is that Brand New has fused the mall-emo cute-boy-breakup formula of Saves the Day, The Get Up Kids, Midtown, et al. with the poetically damaged edge of Thursday, Jawbreaker, and virtually the whole Saddle Creek roster. It's formulaic on some levels, it's poppy; but so were the Beatles, Nirvana, the Sex Pistols, and virtually every other act of artistic signifigance. If "Deja" had come out on a major label with the promo push of say, Avril Lavigne, it would have been hailed as an instant classic/masterpiece on a par with "Nevermind". The other side of the signifigance of this record is the lyrical subject matter. Cursive's "The Ugly Organ" showed us the perils of self-refferential songwriting as it pertains to indie "celebrity". However, where Tim Kasher created a pageant of his neurosis, Jesse Lacey creates a cage match. The raw, self-examining edge is still huge; but it hangs together much more conveniently. The substance is still there, but its far more relient on subtext and subtlety than on magnification and bombastic scenery. Overall, Deja is a seminal CD; on the same par as SDRE's "Diary" and ATDI's "Relationship of Command" in terms of signifigance to what the next wave of bands will sound like and explore, at least in the mall-emo/pop-punk realm. Provided they're up for it, and everything I've seen in interviews indicates they are, I could see these guys bringing subtance back to the realm of multiplatinum records. Expand
  45. EnricaR
    Jan 30, 2004
    I luv sic transit gloria...just love the spin on the guy wantin somethin more than sex for once ;)
  46. chelsea
    Jan 5, 2004
    its awesum!!!!!!!!!!! i luv them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  47. marilynm
    Dec 26, 2003
    7.5 out of 10. Great CD, well crafted songs, poetic lyrics. If you don't know, deja entendu means already heard. that is true, this isn't anything new. however, they do things better and more refreshing than 90% of their peers. my one gripe is it feels like they are still trying to establish their identity. they toy with a lot of slow songs, kick the tempo up at times but i 7.5 out of 10. Great CD, well crafted songs, poetic lyrics. If you don't know, deja entendu means already heard. that is true, this isn't anything new. however, they do things better and more refreshing than 90% of their peers. my one gripe is it feels like they are still trying to establish their identity. they toy with a lot of slow songs, kick the tempo up at times but i don't really get the impression of a specific sound as a band. Their two singles track #2 and #5 demontrate they do rock well, but then they venture into different soundscapes. once they put out a more close knit, collective sounding CD they will be one of the best bands around. period. Expand
  48. brants
    Nov 23, 2003
    brand new is too good for you. I doubt any of you guys really appreciate them. Don't try to compare them to anyone else and don't try to classify or put a label on them. Nooch
  49. DemarrcusW
    Oct 25, 2003
    Freaking awesome.
  50. GinaC
    Oct 15, 2003
    geez, if i could rate it better i would. this album is just so freaking amazing. i love it!
  51. BriannaT
    Sep 21, 2003
    I can't seem to stop playing it. Best album of the year!
  52. AnthonyH
    Sep 20, 2003
    This cd has to be one of the greatest cd's EVER. I can't believe how good it is. I've barely listened to anything else since I got the cd, which was about a month ago. The lyrical notation is amazing and so are the lyrics. But the music is what really blows me away. If you don't have this cd, get it!
  53. AlexB
    Aug 26, 2003
    I don't see how any band could make an album better than this. Brand New's "Deja Entendu" reaches out to it's listeners by more than your typical catchy lyrics with no meaning. These catchy lyrics make you think and appreciate the talent of Brand New. These Brand New lyrics sum up their band. "Yes we admit to the truth, we are the best at what we do. And these are the words I don't see how any band could make an album better than this. Brand New's "Deja Entendu" reaches out to it's listeners by more than your typical catchy lyrics with no meaning. These catchy lyrics make you think and appreciate the talent of Brand New. These Brand New lyrics sum up their band. "Yes we admit to the truth, we are the best at what we do. And these are the words you wish you wrote down. This is the way you wish your voice sounds. Handsome and smart." Expand
  54. BMacLean
    Aug 21, 2003
    Still as powerful and angsty as 'your favorite weapon', but far more clever and unique in sound: sic transit gloria glory fades is a perfect example of this. vocals jumping from speaker to speaker, and a well matched instrumentals which compliment the vocals rather than fill in the empty space for when they are absent. the new sound is far better and unlike 'your favorite Still as powerful and angsty as 'your favorite weapon', but far more clever and unique in sound: sic transit gloria glory fades is a perfect example of this. vocals jumping from speaker to speaker, and a well matched instrumentals which compliment the vocals rather than fill in the empty space for when they are absent. the new sound is far better and unlike 'your favorite weapon' i find it much different then the works of taking back sunday. i liked their old sound, but the new unique sound fits their name far better. this cd's beats their debut hands down. Expand
  55. MarissaT
    Aug 17, 2003
    This album is amazing.
  56. AC
    Aug 5, 2003
    "i think its awesome, but guernica is its only weak point. cant get why everyone likes that one" You should listen to the lyrics. The answer lies there. I haven't heard BN's first album in it's entirety, but I can tell they have broken out of that cliched shell they were in on YFW and present something new and refreshing. I hope they keep it up. They can go far if they do.
  57. JennyS
    Aug 3, 2003
    This cd is great! I love it! Not one song on this cd I don't like! FaNtabULouS song makin!
  58. ToriS
    Aug 1, 2003
    pure talent.
  59. JessieE
    Aug 1, 2003
    Amazing fallow up to Your Favorite Weapon. Way over my expectations! Brand New will remain my Fav. Band, no doubt
  60. LiSeE
    Jul 31, 2003
    brand new is one of the best bands ive heard theyr theyr new cd is awsome and i am im love with theyr lyrics i always look at them and ive like memorized every song i cant get enough of it i rly am hoping that brand new will make it big so that more people can listen to theyr great music
  61. RachelM.
    Jul 31, 2003
    the combonation of poetic soothing lyrics and sound with enerjetic punk makes this definitly my number one this year. "ok i forgive you.." is the best
  62. FaintStk
    Jul 8, 2003
    One of the best punk albums to come in a long time, Guernica is a complete masterpiece

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Q Magazine
    Musically it's formulaic, with plodding college rock verses morphing into bellowing, nu-metal choruses. [Dec 2003, p.121]
  2. Deja Entendu has more than its share of irresistible singalongs, but Brand New are more poetic and musically adventurous than their emo peers.
  3. Deja Entendu, while a football field short of groundbreaking, has an air of substance and maturity.