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Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 42
  2. Negative: 4 out of 42
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  1. Mar 17, 2021
    There is never a dull moment on Demidevil. Her lyrics are racy and pack a punch to your balls while the production is experimental with a touch of early 2000s influences, making it fell like a hybrid of something new. Every song is a must listen. Not just for its shock value, but because Ashnikko is a fierce, unapologetically original voice in modern pop music.
  2. Jan 17, 2021
    The now! The legendary! The line! Such a raw and uncensored majesty! Highly recommended for those that want a little spice into their usual music loop library. Be your own judge but her attitude and creativity is very refreshing.
  3. Jan 16, 2021
    Te hace sentir empoderade, y mientras perreas y te sientes con el poder de hacer todo y que ellos son el problema, es increíble, lo amo
  4. Jan 15, 2021
    AMAZING! Such a huge artistic development. Experimental but it hits. Really proud of this body of work.
  5. Jan 15, 2021
    cool coool coooool coool coooool coool cool coool cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  6. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  7. Jan 15, 2021
    You're definitely back and better girl. I love it and passed my whole day listening this album, awsome.
  8. Jan 26, 2021
    Ashnikko's transition into the "DEMIDEVIL" is seen immediately from the start of her newest project. This is her debut mixtape, in which she starts to part ways with the dark horrorcore/trap sounds of her EP and single releases she came up on in the hip hop community, for a more refined "trap-pop" sound. It efficiently balances a sound somewhere between the catchy hip hop/pop melodies ofAshnikko's transition into the "DEMIDEVIL" is seen immediately from the start of her newest project. This is her debut mixtape, in which she starts to part ways with the dark horrorcore/trap sounds of her EP and single releases she came up on in the hip hop community, for a more refined "trap-pop" sound. It efficiently balances a sound somewhere between the catchy hip hop/pop melodies of Rhianna and the rough electronic trap influence of her contemporary rapper/friend Danny Brown, whom she opened for on his Atrocity Exhibition tour. This is as clear as day with the flawless track run of the first three songs, in which “Toxic'' is my personal favorite. “Daisy” is the album’s opener and Ash’s best big hit so far. Encapsulating some of the main themes of the album, it is a trap anthem for shy girls that are afraid to show their worth. Here, Ash shows us that she was one of these women, but now she isn’t afraid to scream who she is at the top of her lungs over some of the hardest production of the year, as well as 2020. She also sets you up for her not so shy lyrics, peppering her “freaky” bars throughout to really give you a glimpse of how crazy she is. It truly feels as if she is transforming into this “DEMIDEVIL” right in front of you.

    If “Daisy” is the transformation, then “Toxic” is the answer to why Ash has seemingly become this “DEMIDEVIL.” It cackles at the normality of being toxic in a relationship,but in a more general sense just being a hater to anyone that is doing better than you. This track immediately stuck with me personally as I believe her word diction and lingo, “Begging for a dime, I’mma throw you a fiver,” really shines and is utilized to its fullest potential on a song that could keep going for a couple more minutes and I wouldn’t get sick of it. Ashnikko switches with ease between rapping with charisma constantly adapting a new kilter but off kilter flow, singing attention grabbing smooth as butter melodies and slowly rolling out a song structure that gets more complex with every second of run time on the track. “Toxic” production wise sounds like something G.O.O.D Music would have created with Rhianna back during the Cruel Summer days. There is a sweet but demonic vibe that is coated with xany samples embedded throughout it’s length. This will very soon be an apparent sonic choice for Ash on the project.

    The idea is fully realized on “Deal With It ft. Kelis” in which Ash details a toxic relationship that she is finally done with, and being satisfied to finally have made it out on the other side. Meanwhile, her ex is still trotting in what was and holding on for dear life because he can’t grow up and see how bad it actually was. This internal rage that wants to break loose from Ash’s psyche is perfectly presented with the Kelis sample that leads into every chorus and break. “I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!” The production on this track is a monster, with such bizarre sounds and vocals mixed throughout like the oh-oh-oh-ohoh that is ran through a vocoder with an elephant blowing its trunk directly after. Then Ash brilliantly riffs over a trap section with some hard hitting brass samples behind it. It just all comes together geniusly. Albeit, it clearly can be construed as the labels answer to a stereotypical radio song. But to that I would say Ash puts all of her personality and weirdness into it to create something that can stand on its own while emulating billboard qualities.

    At this point, if you aren't on board with the vibe Ash is going for, then the next two tracks to follow will surely do nothing but stray you even further away. Although, I say to stick it out if you can, because it dives into some of the most unique sounds on the project...

    (Full review available @BuckGotThoughts on Twitter)

    Ashnikko is something to behold. On the outside she is very much someone who does not bear the appearance in the world she is visiting, but on the inside just as crazy and sweet as we all can be. Coated throughout this thing is a gloomy demonic sweet tooth candy coated vibe just as Ashnikko is herself. In many ways, she reminds me a lot of when I first heard Chance the Rapper on Acid Rap. From the moment the project starts you are enveloped in this character’s world, the highs and the lows, the zaniness, crazy assortment of flows, the colorful production and vocals, and this grand feeling of something that is very minimalistic in nature. Of course Chance and Ashnikko are completely different artists externally as well as sonically, but there is a feeling they both give me on the inside. That there is an exceptional artist here waiting to manifest even more so than they already have, and that we are merely beginning the journey. This is a trip that I am strapped in for on the Demidevil’s back, and I’m sure that this isn’t even her final form.

    Rating: Light 9/10
  9. Aug 1, 2023
    I really loved this pop, rap record. There are some real good tracks on here. The only one I was not huge on was **** the musical lol.
  10. Mar 5, 2021
    Love the new face of pop! She should make big waves in the future. Hope she works with Miley Cyrus or Rina Sawayama, too.
  11. Sep 24, 2021
    Amazing mixtape. Ashnikko is a force, a songwriting talent with a derp attitude, she was made to shock. My main issue with this mixtape is the last song that feels out of place & the fact that she released a single & a remix that could have fit perfectly into this project to make it less short.
  12. Jan 11, 2022
    Fire mixtape ! Ashnikko oozes of introspective self-confidence for twenty five minutes straight, unleashing her complexes, reflections, issues and intolerances with an amazing flow on tasteful instrumental productions. I deeply enjoyed Princess Nokia's presence, I think she totally deserves it. 'Cry (with Grimes)' also is terrific, energetic, engaging and refreshing. 'Good While It Lasted'Fire mixtape ! Ashnikko oozes of introspective self-confidence for twenty five minutes straight, unleashing her complexes, reflections, issues and intolerances with an amazing flow on tasteful instrumental productions. I deeply enjoyed Princess Nokia's presence, I think she totally deserves it. 'Cry (with Grimes)' also is terrific, energetic, engaging and refreshing. 'Good While It Lasted' is amazing. In opposite to what Ashnikko herself said, I think she could have finished her mixtape on it, even if the last track also is a little treasure in its own particular way.

    'L8ter boi' remains quite disappointing to me : I'm not that of a fan of Avril Lavigne but here Ashnikko's influences are way too clear and feel like overly simple copy and paste. In general what I disliked is the constant sexual approach. Can't deny Ashikko did warn me about it on 'Drunk with My Friends': **** my religion'... Quite explicit, as the rest of the record.

    Great lyrics, intense reflections, terrific performance and presentation, impressive voice modulations, interesting balance between bangers and introspective tracks. I want so much more.
  13. Feb 3, 2022
    Demidevil by Ashnikko has some truly great songs about not needing a man through anger, while featuring a very bassy feel. It does sometimes feel overkill with a couple of the songs, but her lyrics are very self-aware so it makes sense. She experiments with vulgarity and different beats which makes her one of the most unique artists of the Gen Z era
  14. Feb 6, 2021
    This album is a fresh juice from an orange on a blender. I can't stop listening to Daisy, Deal With It, and L8r Boi. The mix of pop and and hip-hop on this album was so good. I also love the humor and conviction of the album. The production was so satisfying, an ear popper.
  15. Jun 1, 2023
    Good album.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
  16. Jul 4, 2021
    a good mixtape
  17. Jan 18, 2021
    Talkin only bout lyrics, it s the worst album. But talkin bout vibe, i think i can vibe on it at least on a few songs.
  18. Jul 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. reviewing ashnikko debut mixtape
    daisy - 9 / 10
    toxic - 10 / 10
    deal with it ft kelis - 8.5 / 10
    slumber party ft princess nokia - 9 / 10
    drunk with my friends - 8 / 10
    little boy - 9 / 10
    cry ft grimes - 8 / 10
    l8r boy - 8.5 / 10
    good while it lasted - 8 / 10
    **** the musical - 8.5 / 10
    overall - it was an okay mixtape. favorite track: toxic / least favorite track: drunk with my friends. **** the musical only got a 8.5 bc it was funny.
  19. Jan 17, 2021
    Está bueno el álbum. Me gusta como se escucha y el potencial que tiene esta joven artista. Espero que pronto saque nuevas canciones para poder ir al baño
  20. Jan 20, 2021
    Wow, I really thought that this was gonna be a fun album- judging by the cover this looks like a fun pop electro hip hop venture... but it’s not. It’s bogged down by boring and mind numbing trap production (which is not original at all) that makes almost all the songs sound the same. And wow did she do Kelis dirty here, regaled only to a sample and not an actual feature :/ Also, the lyricsWow, I really thought that this was gonna be a fun album- judging by the cover this looks like a fun pop electro hip hop venture... but it’s not. It’s bogged down by boring and mind numbing trap production (which is not original at all) that makes almost all the songs sound the same. And wow did she do Kelis dirty here, regaled only to a sample and not an actual feature :/ Also, the lyrics are super cringe, I hate using that word but this is a perfect example of it, not trying to break any new ground Ashnikko comes across as someone who writes whatever that sounds the dirtiest without any actual fun or meaning behind it- check out Cupcakke and Babymutha if you want really great raunchy lyrics that are interesting and so much better Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Feb 3, 2021
    While several tracks are less than essential, the mixtape's best songs are powerful enough to make Demidevil the strongest showing of Ashnikko's formidable skills and uncompromising energy to date.
  2. Jan 25, 2021
    It feels like the audio version of Madonna releasing a coffee table art book of her sexual exploits, and I’m not in any way judging you if you get off on that, but it’s just not my thing.
  3. Jan 25, 2021
    Her anger is buoyed up by a sample from Kelis’s Caught Out There, a throwback trick she tries again less successfully on the bratty, Avril-referencing L8r Boi. It feels like a cheap gimmick on an album that manages to avoid novelty even when its tongue is placed firmly in its cheek.