• Record Label: Top Dawg
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 68
  2. Negative: 5 out of 68

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  1. Nov 4, 2020
    Can't get enough of this album✨✨
  2. Nov 22, 2021
    This is a seriously insane album. The concept implies that he has joined the Darkside but the truth is that ab soul is cleverly mocking the false idol followers walking blindly in to hell with a phone in there hands. This is a classic album and I cant wait to hear what is next
  3. Aug 12, 2018
    This is the first album which got me turned onto Ab-soul and for me, is an amazing piece of work. For what I've read, the main concerns with the album is that they are unable to find an overall purpose for the theories, analogies and metaphors he is constantly throwing out. For me though its a positive. When it took the time to digest what he said in each song, for me he didn't plan toThis is the first album which got me turned onto Ab-soul and for me, is an amazing piece of work. For what I've read, the main concerns with the album is that they are unable to find an overall purpose for the theories, analogies and metaphors he is constantly throwing out. For me though its a positive. When it took the time to digest what he said in each song, for me he didn't plan to have an overarching theme. Rather leave it to you for interpretation. There is obvious themes such as love for women, women appreciation and the only law being love (hence the title do what thou wilt).

    For me this album is a really good change of pace from other artists. For me Ab-soul seems like he decided to rap as soon as he got out of biology and philosophy class and decided to use his learning content in his raps with constant references to the bible and religion it makes for a very interesting listening experience. And as a uni student, i love it.

    First we can start with his lyrics. He is very creative to me with how he decides to use his words. The obvious stand out lyric is on a favourite track of mine 'beat the case' saying 'A criminal's best asset is his (lie)abilities. This has an obvious two meanings, but it feels so smart for how simple it is. There is many cases of this on the album which he will bring together these funny, creative and mind expanding word plays which make you think and challenge your thinking. Examples of this are "Just to be precise, who knew that genesis really meant the genealogy of ISIS?"
    "Hit me up with your 3rd eye phone"

    Next his rapping ability. For many people will say this isn't a casual listen as he is way too lyrical. But I would disagree. This album displays enormous amounts of technical ability. Starting with the trio of 'Raw', 'Braille' and 'Huey Knew Then'. His rapping on these tracks is impeccable with his flow and how well he rides these dark beats. Also his actual hooks on songs such as 'Huey knew then' 'D.R.U.G.S', 'Raw', 'Womenogamous' and 'The Law' are so extremely catchy. Its a bop. I'm especially impressed and in love with the track D.R.U.G.S. Schoolboy Q for me is my second favourite artist and this song reminds me a lot of my favourite song of his, prescription / oxymoron. It shows also that absoul can make an extremely catchy and hit song. Its obviously one of the greatest on the album.

    Next the production overall is just phenomenal. Not at one point was i disappointing with the dark minimal production and how well Ab-soul rides over it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 7, 2017
    It’s an album that embodies the idea of potential that isn’t fully realized.
  2. Jan 24, 2017
    For those who like a swell show of technical strength, a spin of this album will occupy your listen to and from the workplace quite well. For those seeking something more meaningful to go along with their skill showcase, however, don't feel bad about taking a pass on this one.
  3. Dec 22, 2016
    These many mismatching, criss-crossing threads create an incredibly convoluted 77-minute slog that is as tough to listen to as it is to digest.