• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 31, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 346 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 48 out of 346

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  1. Nov 18, 2017
    For Oasis, the 10 years after the release of What's the Story Morning Glory were made up of 3 average albums that had the occasional good song on them but the blunt songwriting and bloated production definitely outweighed the best moments. I feel "Don't Believe the Truth" was the antithesis of this. In 2005 Oasis returned to 1965 with an acoustic rock sound ala Ray Davies and The KinksFor Oasis, the 10 years after the release of What's the Story Morning Glory were made up of 3 average albums that had the occasional good song on them but the blunt songwriting and bloated production definitely outweighed the best moments. I feel "Don't Believe the Truth" was the antithesis of this. In 2005 Oasis returned to 1965 with an acoustic rock sound ala Ray Davies and The Kinks with a nod to "Rubber Soul" as well. As usual for an Oasis record, its full of 60's influences and copy and paste jobs but they do a really excellet job of it on "Don't Believe the Truth". This is also the only Oasis album where Andy Bell and Gem Archer make worthwhile contributions ("Turn Up the Sun" and "A Bell Will Ring" are as all out rock as Oasis have ever gotten) and Liam's contributions are the best work he'd done with the band up to this point. For once, the spirit of democracy paid off within the band. Liam's vocals are also excellent throughout the album. Noel's songs are still the highlight of the record but it is the one and only time that an Oasis album doesn't completely depend on him for high points. It's not quite on the level of their first two records but it's their next best by country miles in my humble opinion. Not a bad track on there. Expand
  2. Jul 22, 2014
    Noel wrote 4 tunes in this album, and this tunes are the highlights of it. Unfortunately, Liam, Gem and Andy can't match his level. But it was amazing to see Oasis back into the mainstream.
  3. Apr 30, 2014
    an good album but not the best album, oasis come back to the great band of the world, since the great comeback of sells of heathen chemistry, an good album with 3 songs like Lyla, The importance of being idle (too much, the best song of the album) and let there be love, oasis comeback to the good times
  4. Sep 8, 2012
    Is not the best Oasis album, but overall is enjoyable. The melodies and guitar riffs sound very 60's. Mucky Fingers has an obvious influenced from velvet underground's waiting for my man. Let There Be Love has a John Lennon feel to it. Their image never looked more beatlesque than ever at this time. If they at least they didn't try too hard, but other than the way too obvious influences, IIs not the best Oasis album, but overall is enjoyable. The melodies and guitar riffs sound very 60's. Mucky Fingers has an obvious influenced from velvet underground's waiting for my man. Let There Be Love has a John Lennon feel to it. Their image never looked more beatlesque than ever at this time. If they at least they didn't try too hard, but other than the way too obvious influences, I can feel so much energy in their songs like Lyla, The Importance Of Being Idle, Meaning Of Soul, Turn Up The sun, and of course you got ballads like Guess God Thinks I'm Able. This acoustic composition is one of the best songs in the album, and Let There Be Loved, which was already mentioned is as well a nice love tune. Expand
  5. Jan 17, 2012
    Great album by the best loved British band! Surely takes Oasis back to business. I hoped a lot from the album and in return I got a lot from as per what I had expected. It's one of the most defining album of the 2000s for sure.
  6. Sep 8, 2011
    Having White, Guigsy, Bonehead removed from the band seems like the factors behind Oasis' demise in the 2000s. Don't believe the truth about how this album rocks because it certainly does NOT!! It's nothing like what made Oasis great in th 90s' and the album is very old-fashion rock and roll. Last time I checked, this isn't the 1960s' but when you put this album on, it certainly makes theHaving White, Guigsy, Bonehead removed from the band seems like the factors behind Oasis' demise in the 2000s. Don't believe the truth about how this album rocks because it certainly does NOT!! It's nothing like what made Oasis great in th 90s' and the album is very old-fashion rock and roll. Last time I checked, this isn't the 1960s' but when you put this album on, it certainly makes the room feel like it. And it's stuff like this that makes me embarrassed to say to my friends that I listen to Oasis. None of the tracks sound anything suitable for the 21st century. none of them!! If you hear anyone saying Oasis are back, well yeah, back in the 60s'. Expand
  7. Apr 4, 2011
    Easily the their third best record, and the singles released from DBTT are probably the strongest collection of singles released from any Oasis album.
  8. JackieK
    Oct 19, 2009
    My favourite Oasis album is Don't Believe The Truth and Definitely Maybe. This album is sensitive and powerful. first two album was singin' about the Youth, but this album is about the Grown-Up people's story(that people are all members of Oasis) more wise, more calm but still powerful and strong.
  9. SamM.
    Jun 13, 2009
    Back to the great songwriting without the over top distortion and that. Great album to listen too.
  10. CamiloH.
    Feb 18, 2009
    Is a little monotone, but it is still a good album.
  11. DimasM.
    Jul 24, 2008
  12. NickM.
    Jun 17, 2008
    As boring as you'd expect. Most overrated band ever.
  13. NigelM.
    Jun 13, 2008
    Oasis have always been massively overrated and finally even their most misguided fans are beginning to see that. Never being capable of originality, they at least managed a catchy tune or two in the past, even if they were stolen. This must the final nail in the rotten coffin of 'Britpop', an equally overrated scene of chancers and failures. Hopefully the knock-on effect will be Oasis have always been massively overrated and finally even their most misguided fans are beginning to see that. Never being capable of originality, they at least managed a catchy tune or two in the past, even if they were stolen. This must the final nail in the rotten coffin of 'Britpop', an equally overrated scene of chancers and failures. Hopefully the knock-on effect will be the death of all the boring bands that followed in their wake too. Expand
  14. RyanB
    Jun 11, 2008
    Solid oasis album. highlights: importance of being idle, keep the dream alive, part of the queue.
  15. RTA
    Dec 27, 2007
    Okay, it isn't as good as the first two - but nothing ever could be. I find it astonishing that some critics have called this album rubbish, simply because it doesn't have a Wonderwall or a Live Forever. Anyway, as a whole the album is no classic - but it does stand up much stronger than the two previous Oasis albums. There are some great songs: 'The Importance Of Being Okay, it isn't as good as the first two - but nothing ever could be. I find it astonishing that some critics have called this album rubbish, simply because it doesn't have a Wonderwall or a Live Forever. Anyway, as a whole the album is no classic - but it does stand up much stronger than the two previous Oasis albums. There are some great songs: 'The Importance Of Being Idle' , 'Let There Be Love' . 'Turn Up The Sun' and some good songs 'Guess God Thinks I'm Abel' , 'A Bell Will Ring' and 'Part Of The Queue'. It's a good album, everyone knows that deep down - but everything Oasis put out after Morning Glory was always going to be panned by some people. Expand
  16. NoelG.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Absolutely Pathetic. This is how you de-rail a career, and yes I think other people out their could write better songs - and they're probably not being obnoxious, they're just being honest. Maybe you should listen to people who play instruments, and not rich rock stars who's day has come and gone long ago. Altogether, if you haven't heard this album, I'm being Absolutely Pathetic. This is how you de-rail a career, and yes I think other people out their could write better songs - and they're probably not being obnoxious, they're just being honest. Maybe you should listen to people who play instruments, and not rich rock stars who's day has come and gone long ago. Altogether, if you haven't heard this album, I'm being dead truthful here - your dead lucky - cause its pathetic. If I could turn back time, I would off happily have had the band call it quits after "Heathen Chemistry", the fact that it took the band so long to write and record this, and scrap so many sessions is just ridiculous and laughable. After all Oasis is about honesty, and I swear to god, their is no honesty in this music anywhere Expand
  17. DanB.
    Sep 20, 2007
    I don't know what's worse, that this album is mediocre, or that so many people seemed to actually like it. The album's got a few not-bad songs, but mostly it's just taking the derivative thing to extremes... like, "Mucky Fingers"? That's like a high schooler's attempt to ape Lou Reed. "Turn Up the Sun" isn't much fun. "Let There Be Love" has a *great* I don't know what's worse, that this album is mediocre, or that so many people seemed to actually like it. The album's got a few not-bad songs, but mostly it's just taking the derivative thing to extremes... like, "Mucky Fingers"? That's like a high schooler's attempt to ape Lou Reed. "Turn Up the Sun" isn't much fun. "Let There Be Love" has a *great* melody but needs a trim..... I dunno. There's no song here as good as "She's Electric" or "Some Might Say". I think their first two albums are best, their 3rd is overblown but good if taken in pieces, their 4th is actually a really good album tho people seem to hate on it, and after that, they've just been intermittently good.... if I didn't like Noel Gallagher so much in general I wouldn't even bother. Expand
  18. Paul
    Aug 17, 2007
    True, Oasis will never top their earlier success, but how many bands do? After having an enormously successful album, only a very few bands can top it and they certainly can never live up to the hype and expectations. It was a lot different 30 years ago when there was an abundance a great talent and artistic freedom, however in todays world of mostly crappy music I applaud that their can True, Oasis will never top their earlier success, but how many bands do? After having an enormously successful album, only a very few bands can top it and they certainly can never live up to the hype and expectations. It was a lot different 30 years ago when there was an abundance a great talent and artistic freedom, however in todays world of mostly crappy music I applaud that their can even be a band as good as Oasis. I think this is a great effort from Oasis but it is no Definitely Maybe and never will be, and they know it to. Expand
  19. EricC.
    Aug 14, 2007
    Oasis was never alive, dude.
  20. kazuhirok.
    Jul 12, 2007
    oasis is dead.
  21. mattv
    Jul 2, 2007
    I think this record is far better than the first two albums, by far. The album is full of color, creativity and new poppy-ish sounds. All the songs are great, but if it were to come down to suggesting to someone, but asked what would be the highlights, it would have to be 'Let there be love', 'Importance of being idle' and 'Part of the queue'
  22. carl
    May 25, 2007
    The entire album is really boring , the only song in the entire album that isn't terrible is the importance of being idle.
  23. GeorgeS.
    May 25, 2007
    great album one of there best , the best tracks are Lyla , The importance of being Idle , Keep The Drean alive and Let There Be Love
  24. ShogoL
    Mar 26, 2007
    In my opinion Oasis probably will never be able to top it's first two albums Definetly Maybe and Morning Glory, but while this CD is semi-mediocre it does still have some good stuff in it. Recommended tracks are the importance of being idle, meaning of soul, let there be love, and lyla. Quite a few of the songs seems to have quite a different sound from past oasis music, but maybe In my opinion Oasis probably will never be able to top it's first two albums Definetly Maybe and Morning Glory, but while this CD is semi-mediocre it does still have some good stuff in it. Recommended tracks are the importance of being idle, meaning of soul, let there be love, and lyla. Quite a few of the songs seems to have quite a different sound from past oasis music, but maybe that's a good thing. Here's hoping that they can come back and surprise us with a rsweet album next year. Expand
  25. CarlE
    Feb 2, 2007
    As I seem to be the only one on the planet who likes BE HERE NOW, I think this is a far departure from that but still I see the genius in the smoke! I would never be so obnoctious a twat as to say I could write a better song or wouldn't try to get a record deal if this was the best I could do, only innorant people speak such rubbish. Dont believe the truth is the next chapter in a As I seem to be the only one on the planet who likes BE HERE NOW, I think this is a far departure from that but still I see the genius in the smoke! I would never be so obnoctious a twat as to say I could write a better song or wouldn't try to get a record deal if this was the best I could do, only innorant people speak such rubbish. Dont believe the truth is the next chapter in a great collection of music through out the years, how sad if every album sounded like the great Definitely Maybe, it would tire and bore most people, Cheers mates, well done! Expand
  26. pierreb
    Jan 28, 2007
    hij is gewoon best wel goed!
  27. JonathanH
    Dec 9, 2006
    I don't know about you but this should go down as the worst rock album of all time. I've been messing around with a guitar for nearly 3 years and I could come up with a better songs than these. In fact, if this was the best I could do, I would'nt even bother trying to get a record deal or even writing these songs. Are these guys just joking , or can they actually write I don't know about you but this should go down as the worst rock album of all time. I've been messing around with a guitar for nearly 3 years and I could come up with a better songs than these. In fact, if this was the best I could do, I would'nt even bother trying to get a record deal or even writing these songs. Are these guys just joking , or can they actually write melody on the guitar with more than three or two chords - Liam Gallaghar? Thats a pretty shocking comment considering alot of the songs from "heathen Chemistry" were the best since "Morning Glory", however Liams Gems and Andys poor songs made it a patchy album. Oasis were best when Noel wrote all the songs (even his lesser great ones are way better than the other three that are in the band) and played lead guitar. And of course having a good producer helps - unlike Dave Sardy who produces Generic rock albums - Marilyn Manson, System of a down and de railed Bush's career with their own generic disastor that was "Goldenstate" subsequently the band split up and may now be done. "Heathen Chemistry" was self produced by the band (or Noel) so thats why is turned out crap because it ended up sounding like a sad 1960s tibute. Lets not forget its the 2000s now. But the first 4 were great records simply because Owen Morris made them sound nice and loud on their frst three and Spike Stent did the introspective and slower paced but brilliant "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants" Just like Bush, this might as well be the undoing of one of the greatest bands on the planet. Expand
  28. RicoR
    Nov 28, 2006
    Great album, songs like The Importance of Being Idle are undeniable classics and work of the aging genius of Noel Gallagher.
  29. EveG
    Oct 10, 2006
    This band is fantastic...i love it...i cant live without this songs
  30. BryanR
    Aug 22, 2006
    A good solid alum that almost atones for Heathem chemistry and Standing on the shoulders which is more than a compliment. Evidently strong songs from start to finish. Diversity does not go a miss here. Forget the hype and accept the blatant fact that Oasis do not care about producing tunes to re-capture the brit-pop era but simply aim to make good music.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 28
  2. Negative: 5 out of 28
  1. Yes, the rumors are true: Oasis has--for the first time in a decade--made an album worth hearing.
  2. Mediocre melodies ride atop formulaic songwriting.
  3. In the end, it's Oasis's attempts to capture former pinnacles, from trying to re-create the simple sunny-side-up pleasures of "Live Forever" to trying for another album-ending mountain like "Champagne Supernova," that keep their latter-day output so entirely forgettable.