• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Aug 20, 2013
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 249 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 249
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  1. May 2, 2022
    Snooze-worthy production, Monotone delivery. Just a generally boring project. I was waiting for the album to be over the entire time. The reason I have given this album a 4 is because it contributes to my enjoyment of both Earl's and Tyler's later projects just to see how much they have both grown as a rapper and a producer respectively. A stepping stone to be sure, in a similar vein to Goblin.
  2. Apr 2, 2020
    I Found Myself Bored Throughout This Project, Because Of The Lyrics. But The Production Was Great, Which Redeems The Album A Bit. My Favourite tracks in the album would be Sunday, Chum, and Knight
  3. Oct 29, 2013
    Would be a lot more interesting with some variation in the production and, more importantly, if Earl actually sounded awake. Few rappers manage to sound as disinterested as Earl Sweatshirt. Does he even like rapping?
  4. Aug 20, 2013
    Overall, this is definitely one of the most boring albums I've listened to in a while. Earl dropped the ball hard. Throughout, he sounded like he was bored or just woke up when he recorded the songs and he regularly got outperformed on songs by features. The production, however, is pretty good.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Nov 26, 2013
    Doris may not get the party started, but it's still an inspiring album.
  2. Mojo
    Oct 11, 2013
    There are perhaps too many guests, but this unassuming talisman clearly prefers sharing his space. [Nov 2013, p.84]
  3. Uncut
    Oct 10, 2013
    A joy to listen to. [Nov 2013, p.69]