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Generally favorable reviews- based on 107 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 107
  2. Negative: 18 out of 107

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  1. KieranS
    Jan 21, 2010
    How this album got so many bad reviews is beyond me. Apart from Pentonville and possibly La Belle et las Bete, every track on this album is brilliant. It stands to wonder why NME gave it 7/10 on first review, but then put it in there top 100 albums of the decade list; I guess, like so many other reviewers, they listened to it once and then reviewed it on face value.
  2. ChrisS
    Feb 7, 2009
    This album is so much better than Shotter's Nation. And yet, it achieves fourteen points fewer than the follow-up album, whose only saving grace is the lost art of murder. Yes, during the first few listens, it sounds awful. But, as with all great albums, you can't just listen once through and make a judgement. It seems, though, that the critics' expectations of this album This album is so much better than Shotter's Nation. And yet, it achieves fourteen points fewer than the follow-up album, whose only saving grace is the lost art of murder. Yes, during the first few listens, it sounds awful. But, as with all great albums, you can't just listen once through and make a judgement. It seems, though, that the critics' expectations of this album were so low that they heard it once and wrote quick, rushed, and, to be honest, entirely unhelpful reviews; it makes you wonder why people are payed so much to write such rubbish. After the first few listens, the negative sides of the raw sound disappear, leaving only the lyrical brilliance and the pure music - the latter is not brilliant, and definitely not genius, but very good. It's very hard to find any other relatively mainstream (and yes, Babyshambles are mainstream, by the proper definition) albums of the past decade that are on this level, and, in a few years, when popular opinion, and therefore critical opinion, is no longer so much against Doherty, then this album will receive the recognition it deserves. Expand
  3. MikeC
    Jun 8, 2008
    While yea its messy, if you can get past that, you'll realize its a great album.
  4. Dabbadoo
    Dec 2, 2007
    10 forever is a great song, but some moments the cd gets tired, but still a great cd that every person should listen to a few times so it will grow on them
  5. Jeffbaker
    Dec 2, 2007
    I am from the U.S. So if not a Doherty fan would not be aware of his tabloid exploits. I love this album in all its gritty uncomprimicing glory. I believe too many criticts based their review on their personal opinion of pete's behavior. Makes me wish I were British.
  6. PalfsC.
    Sep 11, 2007
    Quality to be honest. Messy and lazy and brilliant.
  7. nevermind
    Feb 22, 2007
  8. dylanc
    Nov 6, 2006
    Raw, uncompomising... Genius has never sounded so good!
  9. smealmonkey
    Aug 30, 2006
    This album is almost as good as up the bracket and is better than The libertines second album and is a perfect mix of music
  10. nevermind
    Aug 8, 2006
  11. tslice
    Jul 28, 2006
    the reason this album is so good is that it sounds like im in the studio while it's being recorded and that is a grand feeling, in my opinion. not to mention pete doherty's beautiful words. i'm ready for more.
  12. JoeD
    Jul 6, 2006
    One of the best albums of the year for sure. but its not for those panic at the disco-loving ladies. Its for people who know good music.
  13. kateg
    Jun 5, 2006
    the best album ever. Pete, you're amazing!
  14. fredriks
    May 31, 2006
  15. CharlieBoy
    Apr 25, 2006
    It seems quite clear that the production values are not the highest priority for the band here. So clear, that it needs a good deal of stupidity and naiveity to bring it to light as a criticism. Things should be criticised in context. It seems that this record is mainly takeb out of context by people who would prefer everything to be crystal clearand have sparkling production values. A It seems quite clear that the production values are not the highest priority for the band here. So clear, that it needs a good deal of stupidity and naiveity to bring it to light as a criticism. Things should be criticised in context. It seems that this record is mainly takeb out of context by people who would prefer everything to be crystal clearand have sparkling production values. A note to the usually none tech savvie critics: Nowadays it is usually harder to make something that sounds sloppy but actually works than it is to create something perfect. So hats of to Babyshambles for A) having balls in a world where they are mostly missing. B) creating a truthful record that is the perfect testiment to the world we live in, and the problems and tribulations people have to go through. C) Getting up each day and carrying on in a world dominated by the media and increasingly homogenised and lacking in originality. Expand
  16. MrSkint
    Apr 14, 2006
    This album is amazing, the production may be sub par, but its the sound of a real rock n roll band. Raw, honest and intense, a quite refreshing break from all the other usual phony tripe. Its a shame that the reviewers have been influenced so much by the media, when hes dead, he will be looked upon as an idol.
  17. KM
    Apr 10, 2006
    It is a perfect reflection of the man: confusion, a lack of focus and structure, some of what is here has no place, and yet there is an undeniable brilliance underlying the album. Pipedown fires me up like nothing I've heard since Debaser (Pixies), and that is a huge compliment.
  18. SammyH
    Mar 29, 2006
    So the production was sloppy at best, and there were songs that never should have seen the light of day - but nobody can deny that there are great moments on this album. The opener is beautiful, if a little long. Fuck Forever, Killamangiro, Loyalty Song, Pipedown, are all fantastic songs. 32nd of December is also a worthy effort. I think this album just needs to be re-recorded with our So the production was sloppy at best, and there were songs that never should have seen the light of day - but nobody can deny that there are great moments on this album. The opener is beautiful, if a little long. Fuck Forever, Killamangiro, Loyalty Song, Pipedown, are all fantastic songs. 32nd of December is also a worthy effort. I think this album just needs to be re-recorded with our dear Petey D a touch less wasted. Expand
  19. TeenageSodomy
    Mar 20, 2006
    Oh Pete, why take the piss like this? I'm a fan and loved "Up the Bracket" and really wanted to like this one. It's starts out confusing, the 1st song goes on a bit too long and even when you're used to it, its not that good, barely a hook at all. Then comes the brilliance. "Fuck Forever", "Au Rebours" are fantastic, so is "Pipe Down". "Killamgiro" is great as well, though Oh Pete, why take the piss like this? I'm a fan and loved "Up the Bracket" and really wanted to like this one. It's starts out confusing, the 1st song goes on a bit too long and even when you're used to it, its not that good, barely a hook at all. Then comes the brilliance. "Fuck Forever", "Au Rebours" are fantastic, so is "Pipe Down". "Killamgiro" is great as well, though the single is infinitely catchier and I wished they went more in that direction than what's on offer here. Some of these tunes could have been pop song classic, but the loose, open production and the sloppiness really robs the songs of their worth. Oh Pete, we know you're a user and maybe a waster, you didn't have to prove it to us. I mean, who really wants to listen to junkie-style music. The songs are there, just play them like you were sober or with energy. Some tunes are pure rubbish, "Pentonville" being the obvious one (it's horrid, seriously a one take bad Jah rasta toasting with Pete barely audible in the back singing to acoustic guitar...i mean, people paid for this CD, you could have really given a shit). There are some others near the end which make the skin crawl, really sad, this record wasn't ready, obviously rushed or Pete just didnt care enough to work on them anymore. The great thing about the Libertines as many have said was the dualism between Pete and Carl. It worked, and the crap got canned (though the Libertines could have been better). WIth Babyshambles, Pete's the dictator and he's not good doing it alone. No wonder the guitarist left, must have been hell being in that bad. With it now being down to a trio and Pete back on guitar (which is a good thing) i dont really much of a point calling it a band, more like Pete solo. Though the group is over, this record was the nail in the coffin. Expand
  20. B
    Mar 20, 2006
    It didn't catch me at first, but then I found parts of songs going on in my head. It got better with each listen and now I LOVE it! It is a bit sloppy but it fits what they're about :) Pete Doherty is such a good lyricist and songwriter with the potential to do even better.
  21. infinity
    Mar 15, 2006
    it's loose and rough and sloppy, yeah, but it's charm grows with listens. it's not the libertines, but it's got some great songs endearingly mumbled out.
  22. mickismcna
    Feb 16, 2006
    pete doherty is the best song writer at the moment in popular music and fuck it this album has some dodgy moments its captures a fucking ideal and puts out a message, with anyluck the next album might hold together a bit better but for now this is a hell of a lot better then a lot of the badly written shite out by mainstream indie bands
  23. Mart
    Feb 11, 2006
    Top-notch album.Pete is so important to music.Production is poor to be honest and it does become tedious towards the end but there's enough brilliance here to keep you happy.Still not better than Up The Bracket though.
  24. Constant
    Jan 30, 2006
    Sure, this won't fit into FM standards, this is self-indulgent, this is sheer laziness, but then, how come any of those arguments be of any relevance? I just can't understand why "the record is a mess" would be a bad thing. Doherty's life is a mess, these are boys living in chaos, what do you expect? Coherent stuff to please the crowds? Just picture yourself reading the Sure, this won't fit into FM standards, this is self-indulgent, this is sheer laziness, but then, how come any of those arguments be of any relevance? I just can't understand why "the record is a mess" would be a bad thing. Doherty's life is a mess, these are boys living in chaos, what do you expect? Coherent stuff to please the crowds? Just picture yourself reading the book columns, like "Kurt Cobain's diary is too sloppy and not as pacy as the last Harry Potter" What does that mean, come on? (note I haven't looked into Cobain's stuff, it may be shite, I don't say) To be honest, I stepped into the record store without any idea of what I would buy, I gave an ear to this CD, and it felt so honest, so moving, that I bought it straight away. Of course I knew that all the tracks would not turn out musically as good as Fuck Forever, so what? The lyrics include real moments of heartbreaking poetry, sometimes reminiscent of Rimbaud's as the character of the doomed poet emerges, without the cliché edge that could have been. This is a quite disturbing, uneasy record on the whole, because it plays with the overwhelming idea of death in its very core. And people too uptight to listen to raw, unpolished guitar sounds should consider themselves lucky that Mick Jones saved the day with his uplifting production. Expand
  25. giulia
    Jan 20, 2006
    yeah, it gets better. and its of course not perfect, and it could have been even better, but there are some very good songs on it
  26. GZoST
    Jan 20, 2006
    I honestly don't know what all the complaints about production are about. Sure, it's kind of low-fi, and he could have worked on some songs a bit more. But at the same time, it all makes perfect sense as it is - the brilliance of the songwriting outshines everything. Leagues better than, say, the new Strokes - which gets better reviews for some reason.
  27. michaele
    Jan 19, 2006
  28. carlb
    Jan 16, 2006
    basicly its an amazing album from bilo, hes put together some catchy stuff. i heard the demo which was even better, like the origial sticks and stones is much better than the album version, but give it a few listens and youll love it.
  29. JamesF
    Jan 12, 2006
    First couple of listens and this album sounds alright, enough to pick out a couple of highlights in arebours and back from the dead. Listen to it a few more times and suddenly every song becomes a highlight. Listen to it constantly for 3 weeks including while you sleep and it begins to dawn on you that this could just well be the best album you've ever heard. Genius.
  30. ElvarF
    Jan 8, 2006
    Of course you give li'l Pete and his babyshambles the ten, waht else can you do. Yeah It's messy, sometimes so messy that you start to wonde rid some of these tunes were writen on the spot (dig the end of la belle et las bete) bur stills it grips you and pulls you down with it. Still they could have dithced Pentoville, but hey no ones perfect. Great fucking album!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. A frustratingly half-assed album, full of great ideas executed in the poorest way possible.
  2. Mostly, this record is yet another reason to wish that people with real talent would stop throwing it away.
  3. Filter
    This is a brutal disappointment. [#19, p.97]