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Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 1 out of 6
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  1. Jun 14, 2023
    Billie Marten's 4th studio album is not what her fans expected, but for me, it's exactly what I wanted to hear from her. The roots of Billie's music isn't what has changed here, rather the way in which it presents itself. Her first three LPs documented a steady increase in the quality of not only her beguiling songwriting skills, but also the production of her music overall. Her first twoBillie Marten's 4th studio album is not what her fans expected, but for me, it's exactly what I wanted to hear from her. The roots of Billie's music isn't what has changed here, rather the way in which it presents itself. Her first three LPs documented a steady increase in the quality of not only her beguiling songwriting skills, but also the production of her music overall. Her first two efforts, however, saw Billie stuck in a record agreement with Sony Music, one which she has publicly stated she did not wish to be apart of. Once out of that, she found herself free to explore whatever themes and techniques she wanted to try. More importantly, however, she was able to do so with no time constraints on when her next project needed to be released. That's when Billie made "Flora Fauna", a bold and rich record fueld by her new found growth.

    But now, she gives us "Drop Cherries", which takes everything back down into 13 tracks filled with resonant and airy indie-folk tunes. Her voice sits on top of every track so enchantingly, and it's always being complimented perfectly by the instrumentals. Most songs don't even need to bring in drums to satiate the listener fully. Lyrically, Billie not only explores much of her original themes to do with love and learning, but she expands these themes and reaches new introspective heights with them.

    Although I was originally drawn back upon my first listen due to the instrumental differences from the singles to the deep cuts of this record, after spending much needed time with each track, I've found that it's the type of work that needs to be appreciated as a whole, and not judged simply on those differences.

    I am constantly finding new things to love about this record. It moves slowly, sometimes quietly... sometimes it makes you feel like everything is beautiful, like there are no problems in the world. One thing i particularly adore about it are the creative new melodies Billie has managed to write despite having writen so many unique tunes before. That's what I love about her, she's always improving, always learning, always making everything seem so special. Even her aesthetics are so rooted in nature and healing. It really is hard to find something I don't like about this album, so, I give it a 9! Billie, you are simply the best.
  2. May 5, 2023
    A fantastic effort by the young singer-songwriter with lots of variation, instrumentation and great production.
  3. Apr 12, 2023
    An airy, introspective masterpiece. A thorough suite of drifting folk, and occasional whirlwinds of hushed jazz or rock, it often feels as the plucked or strummed guitars are carefully played as one would a harp; there is never a moment where a song’s ruminations are revealed in anything less than reverence. It’s pale shades of reflection tumble at their own pace to its finale, and by theAn airy, introspective masterpiece. A thorough suite of drifting folk, and occasional whirlwinds of hushed jazz or rock, it often feels as the plucked or strummed guitars are carefully played as one would a harp; there is never a moment where a song’s ruminations are revealed in anything less than reverence. It’s pale shades of reflection tumble at their own pace to its finale, and by the Drop Cherries’ end, it feels quite the accomplished finished. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Uncut
    Apr 13, 2023
    Lyrically, relationships dominate, if unconventionally. ... Her effervescent voice like muted Liz Fraser. [Jun 2023, p.32]
  2. 70
    Taking place in a world that requires you to understand the minutiae and dichotomy of love – where heroes and villains coexist – without this prerequisite knowledge, by the end of the flickering film, it may feel like a one-trick pony. However, if you've felt the cold light of day on you after your own divine tussle with Cupid, then this album will gently offer aid.
  3. 60
    A confident, interesting and accomplished album. But Marten is operating in a crowded field. Weyes Blood, Nina Nastasia, Lana Del Rey and Marling all plough similar furrows.