• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Mar 21, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 63
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 63
  3. Negative: 6 out of 63

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  1. T1
    Mar 29, 2006
    One of my nominations for album of the year. F*** what Filter has to say.
  2. TimB
    Apr 3, 2006
    Not only is this the best Liars album ever made, but it will probably be one of the best offerings for 2006. A work like Drum's Not Dead is a rare piece these days. It is an entire chunk of radness, rather than just a collection of rad songs. The DVD and liner notes make this album an essential buy.
  3. jeremy
    Apr 8, 2006
    incredible. the transformation of this band from their first release to now is amazing.
  4. KurtCobain
    Mar 21, 2006
    The idiot critics giving this album a low score would have called Sonic Youth crap back in the 80s. Of course they don't have the balls to do that now. Seriously, they just don't appreciate good music. The drumming is fantastic, the atmospheric guitar work is fantastic, it's all fantastic. Sure there's "droning", but it's not offputting noise. If anything The idiot critics giving this album a low score would have called Sonic Youth crap back in the 80s. Of course they don't have the balls to do that now. Seriously, they just don't appreciate good music. The drumming is fantastic, the atmospheric guitar work is fantastic, it's all fantastic. Sure there's "droning", but it's not offputting noise. If anything it's rather soothing. Expand
  5. Nick
    Mar 22, 2006
    I love the Liars and this is the most wonderful disc so far in 06. I have known Liars were incredible for some time but this release knocked me right on caboose. Bravo!
  6. ondral
    Mar 23, 2006
    this is the best album of 2006....i love it
  7. JosephM
    Mar 28, 2006
    I had a lot of anticipation for this one and it has more than lived up to expectations. Such a range of dark mayhem and mystical beauty. And those drums!
  8. DanH
    Apr 9, 2006
    If this came with a Cd alone, I would give it a 9. But including the DVD of some pretty far-out movies to some pretty far-out songs pushes this to just past food on essential things to buy.
  9. AaronP
    May 4, 2006
    I'm a douchebag that doesn't like art rock.
  10. DannyB
    Aug 4, 2006
    I have got to agree with Matthew S on this one. A truly great album, it is beautiful, menacing, ominous, heartfelt, and timeless. My seeing them perform at the Pitchfork Music Festival only served to more clearly amplify the drastic step they are above every other band out there right now. A true and worthy successor to Kid A and possibly the best album of the new millenium.
  11. MihaiV
    Sep 16, 2006
    Best album of 2006. Dark, twisted, angry. A concept album stands alongside Kid A.
  12. BobR
    Oct 16, 2007
    Having the urge to listen to something different yet excellent? Here it is.
  13. SeamusS
    Oct 18, 2006
    I went most of the year thinking that it was a time for the older artist to come back into the true spotlight. Johnny Cash produced what may arguably be his best (at least most human) album ever, American V. Morrissey pulled out a surprisingly well kind of punch with his Tony Visconti produced Ringleader Of The Tourmenters and I had seen nothing in the ways of youth and good music. Beyond I went most of the year thinking that it was a time for the older artist to come back into the true spotlight. Johnny Cash produced what may arguably be his best (at least most human) album ever, American V. Morrissey pulled out a surprisingly well kind of punch with his Tony Visconti produced Ringleader Of The Tourmenters and I had seen nothing in the ways of youth and good music. Beyond Islands I had heard nothing of a younger artist that was worth taking notice until this. Liars "Drums Not Dead" is a primal and great kind of totally ambitious album that doesnt appear much these days. As punishing as it is gorgeous, it's a delicate decent into a darker art rock that hasnt been heard since David Bowie. A Truely beautiful and effecting album. Expand
  14. KyleB
    Mar 20, 2006
    Absolutely phenomenal.
  15. NickQ.W
    Mar 22, 2006
    I would have originally given it a 9 for one or two songs I just never really listen to, but after hearing it all in 5.1 I've decided that even those songs are sweet as hell. Damn near perfect. Buy buy buy buy buy.
  16. JamesA
    Mar 25, 2006
    Nothing short of a beautiful record here. If you're buying records based on Filter's reviews, well, yeah, I guess you might not like this... Soundaesthetic to the limits of mastery compliment a grand design in this record; back to front, an amazing piece of art. All the more surprising from what we've heard before from these guys. Arresting. Best of 2006 thus far.
  17. StephenJ
    May 20, 2006
    And the films are fantastic too.
  18. JaysonN
    May 3, 2006
    Certainly not a "perfect" album by any means, although I feel the need to give it a 10 on here to somehow offset the numerous automatons who are under the impression Drum's Not Dead is "pretentious art crap". Lightning Bolt, now the Liars. Let's keep it going.
  19. joshb
    Jul 24, 2006
    it's remarkable how one extemely negative comment from such an uninteresting, outdated, bullsh*t hype magazine, can drag down one of the more important records of 2006.
  20. DevinB
    Mar 21, 2006
    Stunningly beautiful and menacing...Liars have finally come into their own as one of the greatest experimental projects of the early 21st century. An important and captivating album...what a shame for Filter magazine and others who, for whatever reason...still just don't get it.
  21. johnk
    Mar 21, 2006
    filter magazine knows oh so much about music. what a joke, those bastards ruined their score. best album thus far in the 06. i think you have to live near heavily wooded areas to really let it sink in. it sounds like a david lynch movie
  22. MatthewS
    Mar 22, 2006
    I agree with all my fellow music-philiacs on this one. This is the biggest score of 2006, absurdly magical and fluttering around like a butterfly lit on fire. You put your hands to it and the creature moves again in its strange geometry in the air. This is the heir apparent to Radiohead's illustrious and dangerous Kid A. This is a finely-wrought album where all of the IDM brilliance I agree with all my fellow music-philiacs on this one. This is the biggest score of 2006, absurdly magical and fluttering around like a butterfly lit on fire. You put your hands to it and the creature moves again in its strange geometry in the air. This is the heir apparent to Radiohead's illustrious and dangerous Kid A. This is a finely-wrought album where all of the IDM brilliance gets washed out by looped drums. This must have been the music that the Vulcans listened to before shooting down Captain Kirk's Enterprise in Star Trek. Is it as good as Bloody Valentine's Loveless? As good as Wilco's Yankee Foxtrot Hotel or Flaming Lips' Soft Bulletein? Hell yes. Expand
  23. adam
    Mar 23, 2006
    Yeah!!! for bands who do what they want. Enjoy
  24. PaulH.
    May 12, 2006
    Grow a backbone, stop eating up every lame-brained Spoon/Pavement rip-off, and open your mind a bit. Music like Drum's Not Dead is more along the lines of what indie rock was about than every Clap Your Hands Say Tapes 'N' Tapes out there.
  25. [Anonymous]
    Jul 21, 2006
    I'm not usually a big fan of art rock, and wouldn't have normally even picked up this album. But after reading the good reviews, I tried it. And I'm glad that I did, because this album is amazing. If you're even halfway thinking about buying the album, do it. You won't regret it.
  26. Sep 2, 2021
    GODLY MUSIC. Trustith in me when I say the beats drive this primordial masterpiece. This is what our ANCESTORS wanted and needed.
  27. xavir
    Aug 18, 2006
    More personal than the 1st (too much of Gang of Four) and more cohesive than the second (too much of Sonic Youth). Ambitious and audacious, excessive but brilliant. Kind of contemporary music with primitive drums. One of those "you-love-it-or-hate-it". I love it. Liars are definetely one of the most exciting bands I've heard in the last decade.
  28. AViewAM
    Nov 2, 2006
    Does anyone even read Filter? God knows I never have. Not as immediately abrasive as They Were Wrong, so not as good *L* but still a triumph on many levels.
  29. JustinC
    Mar 20, 2006
    This deserves much higher than the critics are giving it! This is as of yet the best album of 2006. The droning drumming and tribal sounds make it so great. What an amazing album to get immersed in.
  30. Simon
    Mar 30, 2006
    Although it's hard to compare their previous albums (due to the diveristy each album holds), I must say that the Liars have produced their gem with "Drum's Not Dead". Their previous two albums lacked solidarity, resulting in some filler. This dosen't. It's a beautifully scaped album that has plenty of great noise through it. The last track especially is beautiful.
  31. BenT
    May 5, 2006
    generally underrated art-rock group, proving to be very rewarding band to get into.
  32. RG
    Jan 14, 2007
    the world created by this album begs a listen from anyone interested in the concept of an album. with just the drums a minimal riff and that dudes voice, a world of mountains vs drums is brought to life. through the course there are abstract pictures of varied themes that echo themselves. one of the best in 2006, great live act as well
  33. EricC.
    Aug 31, 2008
    An incredible album that many will miss out on due to the mislabeling of this album as difficult and challenging many websites and mags. Stunning post-punk with a serious experimental edge now common in the Brooklyn crowd (though they're in Berlin now). And I give them credit for not backing down when their previous album was attacked for being too bizarre (I still don't get how An incredible album that many will miss out on due to the mislabeling of this album as difficult and challenging many websites and mags. Stunning post-punk with a serious experimental edge now common in the Brooklyn crowd (though they're in Berlin now). And I give them credit for not backing down when their previous album was attacked for being too bizarre (I still don't get how it was so abrasive for some people, though). They could have gone back to what earned them all that hype on their debut, but instead came out with another wild concept album.. Speeking of which, don't try to study the album based on it's concept. Come for the music and let everything else be cool little surprises. And while I won't take cheap shots at people giving this album low scores, please have a valid argument instead of just that "worst album ever" crap. You're not the f*cking Comic Book Guy. Expand
  34. Cables
    Mar 22, 2006
    Oh Filter. You've ruined their score. If your a fan of "out of the box" music, then you'll absolutely love this epic, haunting album.
  35. RH
    Mar 22, 2006
    One of the best of the year so far..........for the first time in my life, drums have made me speechless. Oh, and extra props to the band for putting out the album with all of those music videos as they're right in saying that nobody wants to buy a standard CD anymore.
  36. JasonL
    Mar 23, 2006
    filter are out of their minds. how can they rate the animal collective albums so generously and essentially call this album worthless? they need to get their priorities straight.
  37. Marc
    May 31, 2006
    I know this is unlistenable noise.....so why do I keep having this urge to listen to it?
  38. kd
    Jun 7, 2006
    I guess i just don't get it and have given up trying.
  39. AaronS
    Apr 20, 2006
    Ugh. More pretentious art rock crap from one of the goofiest bands in existence. You say it's a difficult listen, I say it's a laughable put on.
  40. AaronQ
    May 1, 2006
    What is this awful noise? Oh, it's three dudes who don't know how to play their instruments trying to make pretentious art pop crap. How this passes for commendable indie rock is beyond me.
  41. AlexA
    Sep 19, 2006
    Probably worst album ever. This year's definately.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    There's a subtle beauty amid the madness. [24 Mar 2006, p.70]
  2. Perhaps it took a grueling creative journey and a battle with self-doubt to get there, but the end result is a band that has retained its brash experimental flare while discovering its heart.
  3. It is clear that Liars are, just now, coming into their own musically, making music that ebbs and flows and might actually invite emotion as much as it does analysis.