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Mixed or average reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 5 out of 14

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  1. MichaelD
    Jul 30, 2005
    This album, is fantastic-i dont get why people say otherwise. Not just the brilliant beats and lyrics but what it stands for!
  2. nigsbig
    Jan 28, 2005
    damn fine up beat
  3. DanielleM
    Jul 7, 2004
    These girls have the smartest and funniest lyrics heard in a while. Northern State reminds us that hip hop in no longer about race or gender but providing a voice. So to all of the white suburban girls looking for their voice....look no further.
  4. FoundinLibrary
    Dec 18, 2003
    I liked this. I saw it in the library then threw it back down. Never heard of them. I check out a lot of the hit Rap garbage. Jay-Z, 50 cent, Nelly. What ever is a hit. It's all lame. I gave up on that crap. I finally decided to check this out having no idea. I figured it would be garbage. But since they were white, I figured what the hell. It's a change. I know what the blacks I liked this. I saw it in the library then threw it back down. Never heard of them. I check out a lot of the hit Rap garbage. Jay-Z, 50 cent, Nelly. What ever is a hit. It's all lame. I gave up on that crap. I finally decided to check this out having no idea. I figured it would be garbage. But since they were white, I figured what the hell. It's a change. I know what the blacks are gonna do. Vile, putrid, jewelry, hoes, cars, guns, drugs,partying,clowning. Tanning on the beach or by the pool in their videos. Yeah that's realistic! Lousy backing music. Tired themes. When I heard it, I was plesantly surprised. Hey hip hop and rap don't have to be exculsively done by Blacks. Why not let whites do it, without getting all over their case. This is just 3 friends from way back having a good time. If it works, fine. If it don't work, fine. I like the backing music. Not one boom-bap beat that's been done to nausiating infinity. Expand
  5. joeyp
    Aug 10, 2003
    from first listen i just loved this cd. most people i've played it for are ambivalent at best, but i think they just don't like ns because of their whiteness and their subject matter. it's their loss!
  6. ReggieE.
    Jul 30, 2003
    Given the undue hype that that overrated, mumble-mouthed thug known as 50 Cent has received all-year I'm kinda glad to hear something like this get some buzz. If cats with real skills like Talib Kweli and J-Live can't get any buzz then why not give some love to these three Long Island gals who remember a time when hip-hop used to be fun and witty. And unlike Lil Kim, Foxy and Da Given the undue hype that that overrated, mumble-mouthed thug known as 50 Cent has received all-year I'm kinda glad to hear something like this get some buzz. If cats with real skills like Talib Kweli and J-Live can't get any buzz then why not give some love to these three Long Island gals who remember a time when hip-hop used to be fun and witty. And unlike Lil Kim, Foxy and Da Brat these ladies aren't so quick to sell themselves as nymphomaniacs. It's all about partying, it's all about rhyming and it's all good. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Mojo
    Sounds like an all-girl early Beastie Boys.... The politics, though, are somewhat sounder. [May 2003, p.99]
  2. With their brattish Long Island manners, spiky wit and (middle-class) B-Girl 'tood, it mightn't be all that lazy to re-baptise them The Beastie Girls.
  3. It's like taking hip-hop of the early '80s and jettisoning it into the now: update the metaphors, the references, and the technology but not the beats, the flows, or the vocal stylings.