• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2022
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 4 out of 10
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  1. Jul 23, 2023
    A major letdown, even though not necessarily an unexpected one. Timetested outfits such as Editors bringing a new member to the team - in this case Benjamin Powers - is sure to be quite a challenge, even though Tom Smith & Co already had the time spent on Violence and the years since then to work things out to form a cohesive band-idea. However, something about this mixture was deeplyA major letdown, even though not necessarily an unexpected one. Timetested outfits such as Editors bringing a new member to the team - in this case Benjamin Powers - is sure to be quite a challenge, even though Tom Smith & Co already had the time spent on Violence and the years since then to work things out to form a cohesive band-idea. However, something about this mixture was deeply muddled as EBM turned out to be a frustrating, at times abrasve, mess of an album. Even on its first rotation, it gets abundantly clear that this album has exactly one mode of operation and sticks to it to a tee. Have the as usual very reliable vocals of Tom Smith and then push them out of focus by a shoddy mix of fairly limited arrangements of snythie-beeps and trills over a stock beat and sometimes some chord-progressions on guitar - remember, Editors was once a band with a guitar-driven sound. I am not sure what this is meant to accomplish and I am not sure whether either Editors or Benjamin Powers truly find a middleground to benefit from this. Smith feels drowned out, Powers overpowering and overbearing. Smith is too smooth and sleek to offset the abrasiveness Powers. None of this gels together as one cohesive idea while the production and instrumentation are competent yet never truly attempt anything outside the firmly established wheelhouse. EBM in this way is something of a direct continuation of the arguably also quite one-trick Violence which showed more experimentation and enough restraint in the right places, but which has also soured for me over the last couple of years. Arguably for a similar reason: because it is neither interesting enough as a whole album, nor does it offer standalone tracks that rise above its fairly generic muck. Sadly, it cannot be even classified as the "new idea" of Editors so that change is on the horizon. No, this is the "new idea" of Editors since at least two albums and if this is any sort of indication, the band's audience is stuck with this sound for probably a while. However happy Editors and BP may be to have found each other, for me this sounds like a grim prospect for their future under the Editors-banner. Expand
  2. Oct 28, 2022
    On first impressions, it sounds over produced but with repeated listens and using good speakers you can hear the good record underneath the production. While they've had plenty of good momoents, Editors have struggled to produce a start to finish great album since the departure of Chris Urbanowicz in 2012. This is possibly the closest they've come. There is a strong New Order vibe thatOn first impressions, it sounds over produced but with repeated listens and using good speakers you can hear the good record underneath the production. While they've had plenty of good momoents, Editors have struggled to produce a start to finish great album since the departure of Chris Urbanowicz in 2012. This is possibly the closest they've come. There is a strong New Order vibe that works well and I reckon this album will sound great live. Ironically, the album could do with some….editing with a number of tracks going on for a few minutes longer than necessary. Apart from that, a welcome return. Expand
  3. Oct 25, 2022
    I listened to this record for 2 weeks to try to enjoy at least 2 of 3 songs... But no... This new Editors record is the weakest so far in their career!!! This band has been a disappointment since their guitar player Chris left! What a pity!!! I don't find a good song in this record!!!
  4. Oct 3, 2022
    Wasn't sure at first, but after a few more tries with a decent pair of headphones I think it's one of their best. Excited to see how these faster/heavier tracks translate live.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Sep 28, 2022
    Not all their ventures are successful, but with a final play on words it’s more Power to Editors’ elbows, for once EBM takes a firm grip on its listener it does not let them go.
  2. Mojo
    Sep 23, 2022
    Editors have hatched a perturbed and maximalist affair whose thundering algorithms target the darkest, least inhibited corners of the dancefloor. [Oct 2022, p.90]
  3. Sep 23, 2022
    EBM is a fine album and despite Smith’s predilection for dark portentous lyrics, it certainly sounds like the band had fun exploring the different possibilities the addition of Powers has afforded them.