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Universal acclaim- based on 422 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 21 out of 422
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  1. Apr 8, 2019
    Un álbum que no puede catalogarse en ningún género. Toma agua de diferentes géneros, como el flamenco, trap, pop, y samples electrónicos, para demostrar que se puede innovar en esta generación donde lo popular está enfocado en el mainstream.
    Sin dudar, una historia del 1400 contada en este siglo, para demostrar que no muchas cosas han cambiado.
    Un álbum que merece reconocimiento, y debe
    Un álbum que no puede catalogarse en ningún género. Toma agua de diferentes géneros, como el flamenco, trap, pop, y samples electrónicos, para demostrar que se puede innovar en esta generación donde lo popular está enfocado en el mainstream.
    Sin dudar, una historia del 1400 contada en este siglo, para demostrar que no muchas cosas han cambiado.
    Un álbum que merece reconocimiento, y debe ser escuchado. Uno de los mejores de 2018 y de 2019.
  2. May 29, 2020
    Excelência latina, impossível não amar esse álbum, coesão e conceito do início ao fim.
  3. Nov 16, 2018
    No other album this year is so mature, incredible and well written and produced as this one. Hands down
  4. Nov 28, 2018
    Uno de los mejores álbumes en español que he oído y mi favorito de este año
  5. Nov 19, 2018
    Complex, deep and full of references, Miss Rosalía delivered a revolutionary body of work, breaking standarts for spanish music. Album of the year
  6. Mar 20, 2022
    Yo conocí el arte de Rosalía desde que escuché “Con Altura” pero al escuchar esta maravilla me volví fan al 100%, su voz, su conocimiento musical, su experiencia con el flamenco, todo lo que sabe Rosalía lo deja a flor de piel en su trabajo. Solo puede esperar excelencia de una artista de este calibre. ¡Me encanta!
  7. Mar 17, 2022
    Uma obra de arte! Puro talento, conceito e lirismo! Merece todo sucesso que teve!
  8. Apr 11, 2022
    O magnífico álbum de Rosália me fez conhecer a artista e ficar encantado com cada detalhe. A produção, as letras teatrais e conceituais são as principais características desse álbum do ano! Melhor álbum até agora
  9. Sep 11, 2019
    ughhhhhh what a masterpiece. legendary behavior that this **** exhibited. periodt
  10. Dec 9, 2018
    Incredible album. I'm not surprised that she hasn't gotten big in the US yet but very disappointed. If you're afraid of listening to it because of the language, you don't know what you're missing.
  11. Jan 15, 2020
    El Mal Querer is a masterpiece. Definitely, it took latin music to another level. Creative, well produced and energetic, when you heard it for the first time, you wish you'd travel to Spain or even start dancing clapping hands throught the Flamenco sounds. There's emotion, powerful voice and much quality in this body of work, that we may call it ART.
  12. Nov 21, 2018
    El Mal Querer is more than a new fusion-pop and flamenco made in Spain. Good production, good composition and extreme good interpretation. She is Rosalia in all the songs. The pop music world don´t have anybody like Rosalia with this merge (like for instance M.I.A. with hindu music) and this is extremely important in this 21st century music full of clones of Madonna, Prince, MichaelEl Mal Querer is more than a new fusion-pop and flamenco made in Spain. Good production, good composition and extreme good interpretation. She is Rosalia in all the songs. The pop music world don´t have anybody like Rosalia with this merge (like for instance M.I.A. with hindu music) and this is extremely important in this 21st century music full of clones of Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, etc... Expand
  13. Nov 24, 2018
    What a gorgeous album. The concept was everything. One of the best albums released this year.
  14. Jan 11, 2019
    Simply one of the best albums of 2018, an instant classic that changed the whole music industry.
  15. Aug 30, 2019
    Bien dicen la que puede que convierta su tesis en una majestuosa joya musical en español, la que no, NO. Y es verdad, sin duda alguna, nos encontramos ante el trabajo más estable y reacio de lo que fue el 2018, gracias Rosalía por bendecir nuestros oídos.
  16. Jun 22, 2019
    Fresco y agradable a cualquier oído, uno de los mejores discos que he podido escuchar en toda mi vida. Rosalia nos demuestra que la música en español tiene un gran futuro.
  17. Jul 27, 2019
    Hermoso trabajo, merece toda la aclamación, éxito y amor que tiene, y más, grande eres Rosalía
  18. Jun 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es que este trabajo es una de las cosas mas completas que he escuchado, probar nuevos sabores, nuevos sonidos, todo perfeccionado en algo puro y profundo, no todos los dias viene una artista con este tipo de trabajo y te hace sentir emociones que aprietan el alma, Rosalía y las personas que trabajaron con ella son unos genios, como juega con el sonido de LAS PALMAS, es tan estimulante, amo este trabajo con todas las fuerzas de mi alma. Expand
  19. Jul 18, 2019
    This is the best album in the world!!! Diosalia is the queen of this world i love the album and M/V , pls stream and buy El mal querer
  20. Jul 31, 2019
    Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop. Obra perfeita! Rosalía rainha do pop.
  21. Aug 30, 2019
    Um dos melhores álbuns em língua espanhola! Possui um ritmo cativante que encanta logo na primeira audição. Rosalía veio para ficar
  22. Sep 2, 2019
    So much flavour, so much substance and meaning. A well thought album that has a beautiful history and interesting inspirations and executions
  23. Jan 17, 2020
    Rosalía is definitely the musical phenomenon the world needed, a hope for new-coming artists and a salvation for Spain. Barcelona-based flamenco fusion artist Rosalía is more than just a vulgar singer. She is an artist. Rosalía writes and produces her own songs and performs them in the most passionate way I have ever seen. Crossing language borders is hard as hell and she has been able toRosalía is definitely the musical phenomenon the world needed, a hope for new-coming artists and a salvation for Spain. Barcelona-based flamenco fusion artist Rosalía is more than just a vulgar singer. She is an artist. Rosalía writes and produces her own songs and performs them in the most passionate way I have ever seen. Crossing language borders is hard as hell and she has been able to do it with honor.
    Spain's economic and socio-political decadence is notable. The absence of strong governments and solid figures has made the country reach a point of failure. Rosalía's apperance in the music industry, however, has made the country believe in its art and strength once again. Rosalía feels like a salvation if she officially isn't yet.
    The 2010s decade, musically talking, has been one where very interesting artists have rose out of nothing but Rosalía's ascence to the international music scene has been cosmic thanks to this excellent produced and passionately sung work of art done in a little apartment 40km away of the well-known city of Barcelona with only a microphone, a sound table and lots of passion for this work, music and art. Combining the rawest musical art, flamenco, with the most common pop sound, the singer has been able to capture the essence of both ways of expression mixing them in a perfect and mature way. The songs are catchy but at the same time ground-breaking. This album is inspired in a 13-century Occitan romance and it is incredible to see how topics like gender violence and jalousie remain being daily topics after more than 600 years.
    It has been very emotional to see in Donald Trump's America a Spanish artist rise and shine so bright with this amazing work of art that will for sure be remembered as one of the best and most interesting albums in music history. Thank you Rosalía.
  24. Sep 16, 2019
    “El mal querer” usa decenas de estilos musicales, desde flamenco, pasando por pop hasta cantos gregorianos. Juega con el sonido y los ritmos flamencos de una forma nunca hecha antes. Ofrece algo distinto a cualquier otra premisa, canciones pegadizas y “catchy” sin caer en el género pop convencional.
  25. Nov 11, 2019
    For me El Mal Querer is a master piece.

    From here on she can do anything and won’t change the punch that EMQ gives. Every song is different, different sound, different feeling, different production... Her voice goes from angelical to a powerful scream of pain and violence. Familiar sounds of pure guitar to distorted autotune and engines. Risk taker and comforting. This is my 1st vinyl
    For me El Mal Querer is a master piece.

    From here on she can do anything and won’t change the punch that EMQ gives.

    Every song is different, different sound, different feeling, different production...
    Her voice goes from angelical to a powerful scream of pain and violence.

    Familiar sounds of pure guitar to distorted autotune and engines.

    Risk taker and comforting.

    This is my 1st vinyl since 1997.
  26. Dec 26, 2019
    Uno de los mejores albumes latinos de la ultima década
  27. Jan 11, 2020
    Estoy ansioso por saber qué va a hacer Rosalía para superar la obra de arte que es El Mal Querer.
  28. Mar 16, 2022
    Los vocales, la producción y el concepto son perfectos. ICON. De los mejores álbumes de ese año, tqm Cap. 1, Cap. 7, Cap 10 y Cap. 11
  29. Mar 30, 2020
    Great album, a true artist. Genre blending and vocal prowess quite impressive
  30. Feb 9, 2020
    olha... PERFEITO! nada além de um coeso e bem trabalhado álbum! merece todo o sucesso e reconhecimento do mundo, com certeza! madre mía Rosalía, bájale!
  31. Jul 4, 2020
    Es un álbum increíble, de pies a cabeza, cada canción tiene un toque único, sus letras hacen que el álbum sea arte total
  32. Apr 19, 2020
    Es como leer la biblia, cada canción es un versículo y claramente Rosalia es nuestra DIOSA
  33. Apr 29, 2020
    Conceitual, inovador, inspirado em culturas do passado com perspectivas do novo ainda não proposto. Implanta uma nova possibilidade de cultura.
  34. Mar 19, 2022
    Precioso álbum donde se experimenta con el flamenco y la fusión con algunos géneros, merece mucho la pena escucharlo
  35. Jun 21, 2020
    Um álbum extremamente perfeito
    Amo a forma que Rosalía se expressa através de suas músicas. Amei a idéia de fazer os clipes conceituais em forma de capítulos
  36. Jun 23, 2020
    Simplesmente perfeito.A voz, a letra, os clipes, o conceito dos clipes em capítulos contando uma história. Estou apaixonado por este álbum.
  37. Aug 16, 2020
    i think that rosalia with this album reinvented a whole genre of music by combining traditional latino music and pop
  38. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album, this is incredible, my favorite album of 2020, wow wow! Love it Expand
  39. Aug 30, 2020
    ¡Un álbum fantástico! / A great album!
  40. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La forma en la que mezcla los diferentes ritmos, las letras, el estilo minimalístico, el diseño de empaque y la historia son increíbles, un excelente trabajo, va por mucho La Rosalía Expand
  41. Oct 1, 2020
    Magnifica historia que cuenta Rosalía con este álbum me encanta pienso en tu mira
  42. Oct 7, 2020
    De l@s mejores y unic@s artistas latin@s que valen la pena es un disco increible que trae elementos del flamenco al siglo XXI
  43. Oct 9, 2020
    Demasiado bueno, Rosalía trajo un género que si bien no es nuevo, pero para el exterior si, con algo más actual
  44. Nov 27, 2020
    Un álbum conceptual perfeccionado al máximo. Sin duda orgulloso de que sea de una artista española, tiene mucho que dar Rosalía.
  45. Apr 3, 2021
    I can’t even begin to explain how incredible this album is, both sonically and conceptually. Before discovering Rosalía, I rarely listened to Spanish music but the visuals and rave reviews of this album drew me in. As a non-Spanish speaker, I think this album gets even better over time, as you gradually come to fully comprehend the intense storyline of the toxic relationship that RosalíaI can’t even begin to explain how incredible this album is, both sonically and conceptually. Before discovering Rosalía, I rarely listened to Spanish music but the visuals and rave reviews of this album drew me in. As a non-Spanish speaker, I think this album gets even better over time, as you gradually come to fully comprehend the intense storyline of the toxic relationship that Rosalía is performing, and you realise just how experimental El Guincho and Rosí have been in fusing flamenco with trap, pop & R&B. The visuals for this project are just as exquisite as the music, and each music video released is truly a masterpiece as well. Rosalía is a true artist in every sense of the word, and her and El Guincho together are a dream team. This is a bold statement, but I really don’t think I’ve heard an album as stunning and powerful as El Mal Querer since.

    Highlights: Pienso En Tu Mirá, Maldición, Nana, A Ningún Hombre, De Aquí No Sales (this one really grows on you, it’s very aggressive & experimental), Malamente, Di Mi Nombre
  46. Apr 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Una verdadera joya, te transporta a la historia con solo oír cada canción Expand
  47. May 15, 2021
    A flamenco inspired masterpiece. Accompanied by flawless animated artwork, El Mal Querer accomplishes to portray the phases of a toxic relationship. Inspired by a 13th century spanish novel, EMQ manages to portray perfectly the aggressiveness and manipulated forgiveness in abusive relationships.
  48. May 22, 2021
    Masterpiece from start to end. The whole album is an amazing experience, so excited for her next project to be released.
  49. Jul 8, 2021
    Spectacular album celebrating cultural identity and uniqueness. 10/10 without any doubt
  50. Aug 31, 2021
    En mi opinión es el mejor disco hecho en la historia, todo el disco tiene una continuidad, te cuenta una historia basada en un libro del siglo XIII, mezcla todo tipo de música, en definitiva una obra maestra.
  51. Jan 7, 2022
    Un álbum conceptual completo que cuenta una historia de principio a fin, no tiene ninguna canción mala.
  52. Jan 13, 2022
    una obra de arte punto final. (relleno) aaaaaaaaaaaaaakaksksksakalakakaksww
  53. Mar 18, 2022
    An album where Flamenco it’s present in every song and with high academic antecedents. Very well done! The concept of the album makes the album unique and it really shows a linear cohesion between music and intended concept
  54. Mar 19, 2022
    One of the best albums of the decade. Incredible vision. Deserved a grammy...
  55. Mar 19, 2022
    El Mal Querer representa la historia de España y a Rosalía reflejada en ella con un aura elevador.
  56. Mar 19, 2022
    El mundo no había conocido algo así y Rosalía vino para quedarse. Excelente fusión de lo tradicional con lo actual, merecemos mas de esto
  57. Mar 19, 2022
    I loooooooove this album, the best of Rosalia, her best album, the best album all the time.
  58. Dec 12, 2022
    Amazing concept album from Rosalía. The fusion between flamenco and pop is pure art.
  59. Mar 20, 2022
    This album is a very unique, modern and beautifull mix of flamenco y alternative music, i fell in love since the very first track.
  60. Jun 5, 2022
    With 'El mal querer', Rosalía broke through the music industry bringing a burst of fresh air. The album is an intelligent work of art and has become a role model for other artists. Her ability to mix flamenco with modern elements and the way she integrates references from different scopes leads to a blatantly astonishing project.
  61. Jun 9, 2022
    Much more than an album. El Mal Querer is art in its purest form, in a way that practically every other contemporary production becomes tiny beside of it. The story behind it, the vocals, the visual production, everything is absolutely mindblowing. Rosalia is great!
  62. Aug 24, 2022
    Masterpiece, unique sound, barrier breaker, Rosalía sophomore album el mal querer it's a piece of art completely
  63. Sep 3, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es buen álbum, tiene buena lírica, ritmo y es magnífico el trabajo de rosalia, se valorará siempre Expand
  64. Sep 24, 2022
    Cinematic experience welcomed here... all the feelings in this record makes me feel sad.
  65. Oct 9, 2022
    this album mixes the flamenco genre with electronics that is incredible as the details his voice his presence is simply incredible
  66. Oct 22, 2022
    Obra maestra cada uno de sus canciones, hace una mezcla de flamenco con otros estilos además de usar como influencia un libro con un contexto que sin problema encaja en casi cualquier persona con una mala relación
  67. Nov 17, 2022
    Un álbum donde nos enseña de forma artística sus raíces, su cultura. Relatando una historia extremadamente bien contada.
  68. Nov 29, 2022
    The first time I listened to this album I just couldn't believe such beauty could exist. So many layers, so much emotion, I sincerely haven't heard a most perfect album since then.
  69. Jul 3, 2019
    An amazing body of work. Short, unique and fresh. Rosalia did a phenomenal job!
  70. Nov 17, 2018
    ROSALÍA, tan joven y tan talentosa. Este álbum me cautivo con su concepto original, es un que relaciona a la religión con el mal querer de la mujer. Me dejo boquiabierto.
  71. Nov 22, 2018
    Linda a chiquitita hipster., canta, dança, atua e representa. Thalia sonhou.
  72. May 20, 2019
    HjRosalía’s new album, El Mal Querer, is less rigorous than its predecessor, though even easier to like. ... It’s also extremely effective."
  73. Feb 12, 2019
    One of the best albums of 2018. The mix of Spanish flamenco with other styles such as r&b and the presence of subtle electronic references offers a twist to the classic sound. Rosalia's vocals and her brief but effective lyrical content are enough to tell a passionate story along 30 minutes. Spanish and non-spanish speakers can enjoy this album. Highlights include Malamente, Pienso en TuOne of the best albums of 2018. The mix of Spanish flamenco with other styles such as r&b and the presence of subtle electronic references offers a twist to the classic sound. Rosalia's vocals and her brief but effective lyrical content are enough to tell a passionate story along 30 minutes. Spanish and non-spanish speakers can enjoy this album. Highlights include Malamente, Pienso en Tu Mirá, Reniego and Bagdad. Expand
  74. Dec 14, 2019
    Non amo molto il pop latino o in lingua spagnola, ma quest'album è stato una scoperta. Definirlo semplicemente pop sarebbe una bestemmia; la cantante ci porta con la sua voce ed i suoi "lamenti" in Spagna. Potrebbe essere definito una perfetta fusione fra pop, flamenco e altri sound che riesce magistralmente ad unire insieme creando qualcosa di così complesso ed unico.
  75. Aug 3, 2020
    A Rosalía é uma baita artista, e nesse álbum ela serviu muito! Baita conceito!
  76. Jun 10, 2022
    Rosalía nos da un aire fresco dentro de la música con fusión de flamenco y géneros urbanos y los combina a la perfección en un álbum basado en una novela española.
  77. Dec 16, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nesse álbum Rosalía se inspira na cultura flamenca e no romance anônimo do século XIV intitulado "Flamenca". El Mal Querer conta a história de uma mulher que vive presa a situações, agressões e todo o tipo de humilhação de seu marido. Com o tempo ela amadurece e consegue perceber que aquilo não é justo e que é digna do melhor, passando por uma jornada de empoderamento. A cada faixa ela se torna mais forte e compreensiva, chegando ao final do álbum forte e certa do seu valor como ser humano. Eu amei o álbum, o seu conceito, a voz de Rosália, a capa e o seu encarte. Minhas faixas preferidas foram Nana, Reniego e Bagdad. Rosalía me surpreendeu com o El Mal Querer, ela compôs todas as músicas e participou da produção do álbum tocando alguns instrumentos e de toda a parte visual. Rosalía mostrou-se uma ótima artista e cantora da atualidade. Expand
  78. Dec 13, 2022
    Que no salga la luna is AN EXPERIENCE, that song is flawless from start to finish
    Malamente is also a stand out
    This album as a whole - very cohesive and it’s just beautiful the way she makes flamenco into pop.
  79. Feb 7, 2023
    Beautiful songwriting masterpiece. Not only that, the instrumentals are so good and the fact that the album is a tesis says it all.
  80. Nov 17, 2018
    Es un buen álbum, pero tiene algunas cosas que dejan a desear. Él tiene un brillo propio, pero no tanto cuando Los Ángeles.
  81. Jan 22, 2021
    Music so fun,idiosyncratic and memorable that it can reach across linguistic boundaries. Understanding it and enjoying it aren't mutually exclusive. The concept makes this record a must hear:about a woman in an abusive marriage trying to find herself. That darkens the otherwise "light' sounding record. Her songwriting is superb and mix of diffrent Spanish dialects so fluidly. The revivalMusic so fun,idiosyncratic and memorable that it can reach across linguistic boundaries. Understanding it and enjoying it aren't mutually exclusive. The concept makes this record a must hear:about a woman in an abusive marriage trying to find herself. That darkens the otherwise "light' sounding record. Her songwriting is superb and mix of diffrent Spanish dialects so fluidly. The revival of the flamenco genre . Favourites:malemente,marcidona Expand
  82. Apr 16, 2019
    Rosalia intenta encontrar su estilo refugiandose en los sonidos urbanos y en musica más para bailar. Con sus raices españolas intenta hacer fusiones con el flamenco y le sale bien. Aún le hace falta pulir el estilo pero es un buen intento.
  83. Apr 5, 2021
    Es un buen álbum, tiene canciones realmente memorables y con un estilo muy especial.

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Q Magazine
    Nov 20, 2018
    A bastion of control and quaking vulnerability that strikes a match against its sombre surrounds. [Jan 2019, p.113]
  2. Nov 15, 2018
    This is music potent and adventurous enough to grip you without you understanding a word of what she’s actually singing.
  3. Nov 15, 2018
    Despite--or perhaps because of--its brevity (just over 30 minutes), El Mal Querer is arresting in its tension, passion, and creative ingenuity.