• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Aug 21, 2012
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  1. Oct 18, 2012
    Just as Bruce Springsteen's Wrecking Ball is a tribute to the 99%. the same can be said for Ry Cooder's Election Special with songs such as Mutt Romney Blues, The Wall Street Part of Town, Going to Tampa, Kool-Aid, and The 90 and the 9.
  2. Sep 7, 2012
    Ry Cooder goes on the offensive against the Republican Party in a protest album that provides a powerful combination of vehement anti-right lyrics to his typically excellent blues musicianship. Like Neil Young with 'Living with War' it appears that the best protest albums are being made by rock's older generation. More immediate than its esteemed predecessor I would heartily recommend thisRy Cooder goes on the offensive against the Republican Party in a protest album that provides a powerful combination of vehement anti-right lyrics to his typically excellent blues musicianship. Like Neil Young with 'Living with War' it appears that the best protest albums are being made by rock's older generation. More immediate than its esteemed predecessor I would heartily recommend this album to anyone with a love of bluesy R&B and a sneaking suspicion that the USA are once again on the verge of voting in another knucklehead like GWB!

    Being a long-term fan of Ry Cooder I find it interesting that he has found such a powerful lyrical voice so late in his career rather than being an exemplary coverer of other people's tunes. It has certainly been worth the wait.
  3. Aug 23, 2012
    The man is blinded by party label. He may be right he may be wrong, but he's a man talking with no grounds for believability. He has no idea what the constitution or bill of rights is or what their about save what he's been told second hand. It's a shame, because the pretense of understanding or respecting those documents coupled with his total economic ignorance is just as destructiveThe man is blinded by party label. He may be right he may be wrong, but he's a man talking with no grounds for believability. He has no idea what the constitution or bill of rights is or what their about save what he's been told second hand. It's a shame, because the pretense of understanding or respecting those documents coupled with his total economic ignorance is just as destructive as the politicians he good heartedly seeks to deride. Critics love it because they're poor or hate their lives and love the idea of government handouts. Kudos to Slant Magazine for calling it. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. 80
    [On Election Special] the first world is in dire straits and it's all the fault of Republicans – architects of Guantánamo and unfeeling people who tie their dogs to the roofs of their cars then drive off (Mutt Romney's Blues).
  2. Aug 27, 2012
    The album is full of great music, the sort of bluesy, R&B material master guitarist Cooder does so very well.
  3. Aug 22, 2012
    In a recording career that stretches back more than four decades, Ry Cooder has never before made an album as immediate as Election Special.